Hosea 4:14
Hosea 4:14
"I will not punish your daughters when they turn to prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because the men themselves consort with harlots and sacrifice with shrine prostitutes-- a people without understanding will come to ruin!

But why should I punish them for their prostitution and adultery? For your men are doing the same thing, sinning with whores and shrine prostitutes. O foolish people! You refuse to understand, so you will be destroyed.

I will not punish your daughters when they play the whore, nor your brides when they commit adultery; for the men themselves go aside with prostitutes and sacrifice with cult prostitutes, and a people without understanding shall come to ruin.

I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot Or your brides when they commit adultery, For the men themselves go apart with harlots And offer sacrifices with temple prostitutes; So the people without understanding are ruined.

I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall.

I will not punish your daughters when they act promiscuously or your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, for the men themselves go off with prostitutes and make sacrifices with cult prostitutes. People without discernment are doomed.

However, I'm not going to punish your daughters when they commit prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because their men are themselves immoral— they offer sacrifices with prostitutes. These people who aren't discerning will stumble.

I will not punish your daughters when they commit prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery. For the men consort with harlots, they sacrifice with temple prostitutes. It is true: "A people that lacks understanding will come to ruin!"

Yet, I will not punish your daughters when they become prostitutes or your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery. The men go to prostitutes and offer sacrifices with temple prostitutes. These foolish people will be trampled.

I will not visit upon your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor upon your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery: for they offer with whores, and they sacrifice with cult prostitutes; therefore the people without understanding shall fall.

I will not punish your daughters when they commit harlotry, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for the men themselves are gone apart with harlots, and they sacrifice with prostitutes: therefore the people that do not understand shall fall.

I will not punish your daughters when they commit prostitution, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that does not understand shall fall.

I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot, nor your brides when they commit adultery; for the men themselves go apart with harlots, and they sacrifice with the prostitutes; and the people that doth not understand shall be overthrown.

I will not visit upon your daughters when they shell commit fornication, and upon your spouses when they shall commit adultery: because themselves conversed with harlots, and offered sacrifice with the effeminate, and the people that doth not understand shall be beaten.

I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot, nor your daughters-in-law for their committing adultery; for they themselves go aside with harlots, and they sacrifice with prostitutes: and the people that doth not understand shall come to ruin.

I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your brides when they commit adultery; for they themselves go apart with whores, and they sacrifice with the harlots: and the people that doth not understand shall be overthrown.

I will not punish your daughters when they are guilty of lewdness, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for they themselves are separated with prostitutes, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall.

I will not punish your daughters when they play the prostitute, nor your brides when they commit adultery; because the men consort with prostitutes, and they sacrifice with the shrine prostitutes; so the people without understanding will come to ruin.

Therefore commit whoredom do your daughters, And your spouses commit adultery, I do not see after your daughters when they commit whoredom, And after your spouses when they commit adultery, For they with the harlots are separated, And with the whores they do sacrifice, A people that doth not understand kicketh.

Osea 4:14
Nuk do t'i dënoj bijat tuaja në se kurvërohen, as nuset e bijve tuaj në se shkelin kurorën, sepse ata vetë veçohen me prostitutat dhe ofrojnë flijime bashkë me prostitutat e tempujve; prandaj njerëzia që nuk ka mend do të vdesë.

ﻫﻮﺷﻊ 4:14
لا اعاقب بناتكم لانهنّ يزنين ولا كنّاتكم لانهنّ يفسقن. لانهم يعتزلون مع الزانيات ويذبحون مع الناذرات الزنى. وشعب لا يعقل يصرع

Dyr Hosen 4:14
Aber nit enkerne Töchter straaf i dyrfür, däß s Huern werdnd, older enkerne Schnurn, däß s unkeuschnd, denn de Priester selber habnd ja was mit de Huern und opfernd mit de Templschnallnen. Und s Volk ist so bloed und laasst si verlaittn; dös +mueß ja schiefgeen!

Осия 4:14
Няма [особено] да накажа дъщерите ви, когато блудствуват, Или снахите ви, когато прелюбодействуват; Защото самите [бащи] отиват насаме с блудниците И жертвуват с безчестните жени; Затова неразумните люде ще бъдат съборени.

何 西 阿 書 4:14
你 們 的 女 兒 淫 亂 , 你 們 的 新 婦 行 淫 , 我 卻 不 懲 罰 他 們 ; 因 為 你 們 自 己 離 群 與 娼 妓 同 居 , 與 妓 女 一 同 獻 祭 。 這 無 知 的 民 必 致 傾 倒 。

你 们 的 女 儿 淫 乱 , 你 们 的 新 妇 行 淫 , 我 却 不 惩 罚 他 们 ; 因 为 你 们 自 己 离 群 与 娼 妓 同 居 , 与 妓 女 一 同 献 祭 。 这 无 知 的 民 必 致 倾 倒 。



Hosea 4:14
neću vam kazniti kćeri što bludniče niti nevjeste vaše što preljub čine; jer oni sami idu nasamo s bludnicama i žrtvuju s milosnicama hramskim. Tako, bez razuma narod u propast srlja!

Ozeáše 4:14
Nevyhledával-liž bych na dcerách vašich, že smilní, a na nevěstách vašich, že cizoloží, že tito s nevěstkami se oddělují, a s ženkami obětují? Anobrž lid, kterýž sobě nesrozumívá, padne.

Hoseas 4:14
jeg straffer ej Døtrenes Hor, ej Kvinderne for deres Bolen; thi selv gaar de bort med Horer, ofrer sammen med Skøger; og det uvise Folk drages ned.

Hosea 4:14
Ik zal over uw dochteren geen bezoeking doen, omdat zij hoereren, en over uw bruiden, omdat zij overspel doen; want zij zelven scheiden zich af met de hoeren, en offeren met de snoodste hoeren; het volk dan, dat geen verstand heeft zal omgekeerd worden.

הושע 4:14
לֹֽא־אֶפְקֹ֨וד עַל־בְּנֹותֵיכֶ֜ם כִּ֣י תִזְנֶ֗ינָה וְעַל־כַּלֹּֽותֵיכֶם֙ כִּ֣י תְנָאַ֔פְנָה כִּי־הֵם֙ עִם־הַזֹּנֹ֣ות יְפָרֵ֔דוּ וְעִם־הַקְּדֵשֹׁ֖ות יְזַבֵּ֑חוּ וְעָ֥ם לֹֽא־יָבִ֖ין יִלָּבֵֽט׃

יד לא אפקוד על בנותיכם כי תזנינה ועל כלותיכם כי תנאפנה--כי הם עם הזנות יפרדו ועם הקדשות יזבחו ועם לא יבין ילבט

לא־אפקוד על־בנותיכם כי תזנינה ועל־כלותיכם כי תנאפנה כי־הם עם־הזנות יפרדו ועם־הקדשות יזבחו ועם לא־יבין ילבט׃

Hóseás 4:14
Nem büntetem meg leányaitokat, hogy paráználkodnak, menyeiteket sem, hogy házasságtörõk, mert õk magok is félremennek a paráznákkal és áldoznak a kurvákkal. De az értelmetlen nép elbukik.

Hoŝea 4:14
CXu Mi povas ne puni viajn filinojn, se ili malcxastas, kaj viajn bofilinojn, se ili adultas, se ili apartigxas kune kun la malcxastistinoj kaj alportas oferojn kune kun la publikaj virinoj, kaj la malklera popolo pereas?

En minä tahdo etsiä teidän tyttäriänne, koska he salavuoteudessa elävät, enkä teidän morsiamianne, koska he huorin tekevät; sillä he eroittavat itsensä huorain sekaan, ja porttoin kanssa uhraavat; ja se ymmärtämätöin kansa saa haavoja.

Osée 4:14
Je ne punirai pas vos filles pour s'être prostituées, ni vos belles-filles pour avoir commis l'adultère; car ils se sont séparés eux-mêmes avec les prostituées, et sacrifient avec des femmes consacrées à la prostitution; et le peuple qui n'a pas d'intelligence court à sa perte.

Je ne punirai pas vos filles parce qu'elles se prostituent, Ni vos belles-filles parce qu'elles sont adultères, Car eux-mêmes vont à l'écart avec des prostituées, Et sacrifient avec des femmes débauchées. Le peuple insensé court à sa perte.

Je ne ferai point punition de vos filles quand elles se seront abandonnées, ni des femmes de vos fils, quand elles auront commis adultère; à cause qu'ils se séparent avec les prostituées, et qu'ils sacrifient avec les femmes débauchées; ainsi le peuple qui est sans intelligence, sera ruiné.

Hosea 4:14
Und ich will's auch nicht wehren, wenn eure Töchter und Bräute geschändet und zu Huren werden, weil ihr einen andern Gottesdienst anrichtet mit den Huren und opfert mit den Bübinnen. Denn das törichte Volk will geschlagen sein.

Und ich will's auch nicht wehren, wenn eure Töchter und Bräute geschändet werden, weil ihr einen andern Gottesdienst anrichtet mit den Huren und opfert mit den Bübinnen. Denn das törichte Volk will geschlagen sein. {~} {~} {~}

An euren Töchtern will ich's nicht heimsuchen, daß sie huren, noch an euren jungen Weibern, daß sie die Ehe brechen. Denn sie selbst, die Priester gehen mit den Huren abseits und bringen zusammen mit den geweihten Lustdirnen Schlachtopfer dar, so daß das einsichtslose Volk zu Falle kommt!

Osea 4:14
Io non punirò le vostre figliuole perché si prostituiscono, né le vostre nuore perché commettono adulterio; poiché essi stessi s’appartano con le meretrici, e sacrificano con donne impudiche; e il popolo, ch’è senza intelletto, corre alla rovina.

Io non farò punizione delle vostre figliuole, quando avran fornicato; nè delle vostre nuore, quando avranno commesso adulterio: perciocchè essi si separono con le meretrici, e sacrificano con le cortigiane, perciò, il popolo che non ha intendimento caderà.

HOSEA 4:14
Bahwa tiada boleh Aku membalas kepada anakmu perempuan sebab persundalannya, atau kepada menantumu perempuan sebab zinahnya, tegal kamu sendiri bercerai akan bercampur dengan orang sundal dan mempersembahkan korban bersama-sama dengan perempuan jalang yang terjahat. Bahwa suatu bangsa yang tiada berpengetahuan demikian itu menyengajakan kebinasaan dirinya.

호세아 4:14
너희 딸들이 행음하며 너희 며느리들이 간음하여도 내가 벌하지 아니하리니 이는 남자들도 창기와 함께 나가며 음부와 함께 희생을 드림이니라 깨닫지 못하는 백성은 패망하리라

Osee 4:14
non visitabo super filias vestras cum fuerint fornicatae et super sponsas vestras cum adulteraverint quoniam ipsi cum meretricibus versabantur et cum effeminatis sacrificabant et populus non intellegens vapulabit

Ozëjo knyga 4:14
Aš nebausiu jūsų dukterų už paleistuvavimą nė sužadėtinių už neištikimybę, nes jūs patys paleistuvaujate ir aukojate su kekšėmis. Tauta, neturinti Dievo pažinimo, pražus.

Hosea 4:14
E kore ahau e whiu i a koutou tamahine ina moepuku, i a koutou wahine ina puremu; ko nga tane nei hoki he mea wehe atu ki nga wahine moepuku, ko ratou tahi ko nga wahine kairau kei te mea patunga tapu: mo reira ka hinga te iwi kahore nei o ratou matauranga.

Hoseas 4:14
Jeg vil ikke hjemsøke eders døtre for deres hor, eller eders sønnekoner for deres ekteskapsbrudd; for mennene går selv avsides med horkvinnene og ofrer med skjøgene. Således går det uforstandige folk til grunne.

Oseas 4:14
No castigaré a vuestras hijas cuando se prostituyan ni a vuestras nueras cuando cometan adulterio, porque los hombres mismos se retiran con rameras y ofrecen sacrificios con las rameras del culto pagano; así se pierde el pueblo sin entendimiento.

No castigaré a sus hijas cuando se prostituyan Ni a sus nueras cuando cometan adulterio, Porque los hombres mismos se retiran con rameras Y ofrecen sacrificios con las rameras del culto pagano; Así se pierde el pueblo sin entendimiento.

No visitaré sobre vuestras hijas cuando fornicaren, y sobre vuestras nueras cuando adulteraren: porque ellos ofrecen sacrificios con las rameras, y con las malas mujeres sacrifican; por tanto, el pueblo sin entendimiento caerá.

No visitaré sobre vuestras hijas cuando fornicaren, y sobre vuestras nueras cuando adulteraren: porque ellos ofrecen con las rameras, y con las malas mujeres sacrifican: por tanto, el pueblo sin entendimiento caerá.

No visitaré sobre vuestras hijas cuando fornicaren, ni sobre vuestras nueras cuando adulteraren, porque ellos ofrecen con las rameras, y con las malas mujeres sacrifican; por tanto, el pueblo sin entendimiento caerá.

Oséias 4:14
No entanto, não castigarei vossas filhas por se prostituírem, nem vossas noras por adulterarem, porque os próprios homens se encontram com as meretrizes nos templos pagãos e participam dos sacrifícios oferecidos pelas prostitutas culturais a seus deuses! Ora, um povo sem bom senso e sabedoria corre para atirar-se à ruína e destruição.

Eu não castigarei vossas filhas, quando se prostituem, nem vossas noras, quando adulteram; porque os homens mesmos com as prostitutas se desviam, e com as meretrizes sacrificam; pois o povo que não tem entendimento será transtornado.   

Osea 4:14
Nu pot pedepsi pe fetele voastre pentrucă sînt curve, nici pe nurorile voastre pentru că sînt preacurve, căci ei înşişi se duc la oparte cu nişte curve, şi jertfesc împreună cu desfrînatele din temple. Poporul fără minte aleargă spre pieire.

Осия 4:14
Я оставлю наказывать дочерей ваших, когда они блудодействуют, и невесток ваших, когда они прелюбодействуют, потому что вы сами на стороне блудниц и с любодейцами приносите жертвы, а невежественный народ гибнет.

Я оставлю наказывать дочерей ваших, когда они блудодействуют, и невесток ваших, когда они прелюбодействуют, потому что вы сами на стороне блудниц и с любодейцами приносите жертвы, а невежественный народ гибнет.[]

Hosea 4:14
Dock kan jag icke straffa edra döttrar för att de äro skökor, eller edra söners hustrur för att de äro äktenskapsbryterskor, ty männen själva gå ju avsides med skökor, och offra med tempeltärnor. Så löper folket, som intet förstår, till sin undergång.

Hosea 4:14
Hindi ko parurusahan ang inyong mga anak na babae pagka sila'y nagpatutot ni ang inyong mga manugang na babae man pagka sila'y nangangalunya; sapagka't ang mga lalake sa kanilang sarili ay nagsisiyaon kasama ng mga patutot, at sila'y nangaghahain na kasama ng mga patutot: at ang bayan na hindi nakakaalam ay nawawasak.

โฮเชยา 4:14
เมื่อธิดาทั้งหลายของเจ้าเล่นชู้ เราก็ไม่ลงโทษ หรือเมื่อเจ้าสาวของเจ้าล่วงประเวณี เราก็ไม่ลงทัณฑ์ เพราะผู้ชายเองก็หลงไปกับหญิงแพศยา และทำสักการบูชากับหญิงโสเภณี ดังนั้นชนชาติที่ไม่มีความเข้าใจจะมาถึงความพินาศ

Hoşea 4:14
Fahişelik ettiklerinde kızlarınızı,
Zina ettiklerinde gelinlerinizi cezalandırmayacağım.
Çünkü erkekleriniz fahişelerle oynaşıyor,
Putların tapınağında fuhuş yapanlarla kurban kesiyorlar.
Anlayışsız halk mahvolacak.[]

OÂ-seâ 4:14
Ta sẽ không phạt con gái các ngươi bởi cớ hành dâm, cũng không phạt dâu các ngươi bởi cớ ngoại tình; vì những đờn ông đi riêng với đồ điếm đĩ, và dâng của lễ với đờn bà dâm đãng. Vậy nên dân sự chẳng hiểu biết sẽ bị úp đổ.

Hosea 4:13
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