Hosea 12:11
Hosea 12:11
Is Gilead wicked? Its people are worthless! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Their altars will be like piles of stones on a plowed field.

But the people of Gilead are worthless because of their idol worship. And in Gilgal, too, they sacrifice bulls; their altars are lined up like the heaps of stone along the edges of a plowed field.

If there is iniquity in Gilead, they shall surely come to nothing: in Gilgal they sacrifice bulls; their altars also are like stone heaps on the furrows of the field.

Is there iniquity in Gilead? Surely they are worthless. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls, Yes, their altars are like the stone heaps Beside the furrows of the field.

Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.

Since Gilead is full of evil, they will certainly come to nothing. They sacrifice bulls in Gilgal; even their altars will be like heaps of rocks on the furrows of a field.

"There's iniquity in Gilead, isn't there? They have become truly vain. They sacrifice bulls in Gilgal; their altars are like piles of stone in furrowed fields.

Is there idolatry in Gilead? Certainly its inhabitants will come to nothing! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Surely their altars will be like stones heaped up on a plowed field!

The people of Gilead are evil. They are worthless. They sacrifice bulls in Gilgal. But their altars will become like piles of rubble beside a plowed field.

Is Gilead iniquity? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.

Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are like heaps in the furrows of the fields.

Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yes, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.

Is Gilead iniquity? they are altogether false; in Gilgal they sacrifice bullocks; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the field.

If Galaad be an idol, then in vain were they in Galgal offering sacrifices with bullocks: for their altars also are as heaps in the furrows of the field.

If Gilead is iniquity, surely they are but vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.

Is Gilead iniquity? they are altogether vanity; in Gilgal they sacrifice bullocks: yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the field.

Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yes, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields.

If Gilead is wicked, surely they are worthless. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls. Indeed, their altars are like heaps in the furrows of the field.

Surely Gilead is iniquity, Only, vanity they have been, In Gilead bullocks they have sacrificed, Also their altars are as heaps, on the furrows of a field.

Osea 12:11
Në qoftë se Galaadi jepet pas idhujtarisë, me siguri do të katandiset në asgjë. Sepse në Gilgal flijojnë dema, altarët e tyre do të jenë me siguri si grumbuj gurësh gjatë brazdave të arave.

ﻫﻮﺷﻊ 12:11
انهم في جلعاد قد صاروا اثما بطلا لا غير. في الجلجال ذبحوا ثيرانا ومذابحهم كرجم في اتلام الحقل.

Dyr Hosen 12:11
Und wie ist s n z Gilet? Iener gantze Götznwirtschaft haat ien diend nix brungen. Z Gilgal opfernd s Stiern, aber dennert werdnd ienerne Ältter zo Trümmerhäuffen, die was s für Feldmäuerln hernemend.

Осия 12:11
Ето, в Галаад има беззаконие; Станаха съвсем суетни; В Галгал жертвуват юнци; И жертвениците им са [многобройни] като куповете [тор] В браздите на нивите.

何 西 阿 書 12:11
基 列 人 沒 有 罪 孽 麼 ? 他 們 全 然 是 虛 假 的 。 人 在 吉 甲 獻 牛 犢 為 祭 , 他 們 的 祭 壇 好 像 田 間 犁 溝 中 的 亂 堆 。

基 列 人 没 有 罪 孽 麽 ? 他 们 全 然 是 虚 假 的 。 人 在 吉 甲 献 牛 犊 为 祭 , 他 们 的 祭 坛 好 像 田 间 犁 沟 中 的 乱 堆 。



Hosea 12:11
Gilead je puko bezakonje, ispraznost sama; u Gilgali žrtvuju bikove; zato će im oltari biti k'o hrpe kamenja u brazdama poljskim.

Ozeáše 12:11
Zdali toliko v Gálád byla nepravost a marnost? I v Galgala voly obětují, přes to i oltářů jejich jest jako kopců na záhonech polí mých.

Hoseas 12:11
Gilead er Løgn og Tomhed, i Gilgal ofrer de Tyre; som Stendynger langs med Markfurer er deres Altre.

Hosea 12:11
En Ik zal spreken tot de profeten, en Ik zal het gezicht vermenigvuldigen; en door den dienst der profeten zal Ik gelijkenissen voorstellen.

הושע 12:11
אִם־גִּלְעָ֥ד אָ֙וֶן֙ אַךְ־שָׁ֣וְא הָי֔וּ בַּגִּלְגָּ֖ל שְׁוָרִ֣ים זִבֵּ֑חוּ גַּ֤ם מִזְבְּחֹותָם֙ כְּגַלִּ֔ים עַ֖ל תַּלְמֵ֥י שָׂדָֽי׃

יב אם גלעד און אך שוא היו בגלגל שורים זבחו גם מזבחותם כגלים על תלמי שדי

אם־גלעד און אך־שוא היו בגלגל שורים זבחו גם מזבחותם כגלים על תלמי שדי׃

Hóseás 12:11
Ha Gileád a gonoszság [városa,] bizony semmivé lesznek! Gilgálban ökrökkel áldoznak; de oltáraik is olyanokká lesznek, mint a kõrakások a mezõ barázdáin.

Hoŝea 12:11
En Gilead estis idoloj, sed ili farigxis senvalorajxo; en Gilgal oni oferbucxis bovojn, sed iliaj altaroj farigxis kiel sxtonamasoj sur la sulko de la kampo.

HOOSEA 12:11
(H12:12) Sillä Gileadissa on epäjumalan palvelus, ja Gilgalissa he uhraavat härkiä hukkaan, ja heillä on niin monta alttaria, kuin kuhilaita on pellolla.

Osée 12:11
(12:12) Si Galaad est vanité, eux, ils ne seront que néant. A Guilgal, ils ont sacrifié des boeufs; leurs autels aussi seront comme des tas de pierres dans les sillons des champs.

Si Galaad n'est que néant, ils seront certainement anéantis. Ils sacrifient des boeufs dans Guilgal: Aussi leurs autels seront comme des monceaux de pierres Sur les sillons des champs.

Certainement Galaad n'est qu'iniquité, certainement ils ne sont que vanité; ils ont sacrifié des bœufs en Guilgal; même leurs autels sont comme des monceaux sur les sillons des champs.

Hosea 12:11
und rede zu den Propheten; und ich bin's der so viel Weissagung gibt und durch die Propheten mich anzeige.

(-) In Gilead ist Abgötterei, darum werden sie zunichte; und in Gilgal opfern sie Ochsen, darum sollen ihre Altäre werden wie die Steinhaufen an den Furchen im Felde.

Wenn die Gileaditen nichtswürdig sind, so werden sie vernichtet werden; weil sie im Gilgal Stiere opferten, sollen eben ihre Opferstätten wie Steinhaufen an den Furchen des Ackers werden.

Osea 12:11
(H12-12) Se Galaad è vanità, sarà ridotto in nulla. A Ghilgal immolano buoi; così i loro altari saran come mucchi di pietre sui solchi dei campi.

(H12-12) Certo, Galaad è tutto iniquità; non sono altro che vanità; sacrificano buoi in Ghilgal; ed anche i loro altari son come mucchi di pietre su per li solchi de’ campi.

HOSEA 12:11
Jikalau Gilead itu tempat kedudukan fusuk, maka di Gilgal juga diperbuat jahat belaka! Mereka itu sudah mempersembahkan korban kepada lembu jantan, dan lagi segala mezbah mereka itu jadi seperti timbunan batu dan kersik di dalam alur-aluran bendang.

호세아 12:11
길르앗은 불의한 것이냐 저희는 과연 거짓되도다 길갈에서는 무리가 수송아지로 제사를 드리며 그 제단은 밭이랑에 쌓인 돌무더기 같도다

Osee 12:11
si Galaad idolum tamen frustra erant in Galgal bubus immolantes nam et altaria eorum quasi acervi super sulcos agri

Ozëjo knyga 12:11
Jie Gileade nusikalto ir tapo tuštybe; Gilgaloje aukojo jaučius, todėl jų aukurai pavirs akmenų krūvomis.

Hosea 12:11
Ko te hara ranei a Kireara? ina, he mea teka kau ratou; e patu kau ana ratou ki Kirikara hei whakahere: ae ra, he rite a ratou aata ki nga puranga i nga moa o nga mara.

Hoseas 12:11
Er Gilead fullt av misgjerninger, så skal de også bli rent til intet; har de ofret okser i Gilgal, så skal og deres altere bli som stenrøser langsmed markens furer.

Oseas 12:11
¿Hay iniquidad en Galaad? Ciertamente son indignos. En Gilgal sacrifican toros, sí, sus altares son como montones de piedra en los surcos del campo.

¿Hay iniquidad en Galaad? Ciertamente son indignos. En Gilgal sacrifican toros, Sí, sus altares son como montones de piedra En los surcos del campo.

¿Hay iniquidad en Galaad? Ciertamente vanidad han sido; en Gilgal sacrificaron bueyes; y aún sus altares son como montones en los surcos del campo.

(H12-12) ¿Es Galaad iniquidad? Ciertamente vanidad han sido; en Gilgal sacrificaron bueyes: y aún son sus altares como montones en los surcos del campo.

¿Es Galaad iniquidad? Ciertamente vanidad son; en Gilgal sacrificaron bueyes; y aún son sus altares como montones en los surcos del campo.

Oséias 12:11
Ó como Gileade é ímpia! Sua gente não tem valor algum! Eles sacrificam bois em Gilgal, mas os seus altares são como montes de pedras depositados sobre os sulcos nos campos arados.

Não é Gileade iniqüidade? pura vaidade são eles. Em Gilgal sacrificam bois; os seus altares são como montões de pedras nos sulcos dos campos.   

Osea 12:11
Dacă Galaadul s'a dedat la slujba idolilor, Galaadiţii vor fi nimiciţi negreşit. Ei jertfesc boi în Ghilgal: de aceea, altarele lor vor ajunge nişte mormane de pietre, pe brazdele cîmpiilor.

Осия 12:11
Если Галаад сделался Авеном, то они стали суетны, в Галгалах заколали в жертву тельцов, и жертвенники их стояли как груды камней на межах поля.

Если Галаад сделался Авеном, то они стали суетны, в Галгалах заколали в жертву тельцов, и жертвенники их стояли как груды камней на межах поля.[]

Hosea 12:11
Är nu Gilead ett ogärningsnäste, där allenast falskhet råder, och offrar man tjurar i Gilgal, så skola ock deras altaren bliva lika stenrösen vid markens fåror.

Hosea 12:11
Ang Galaad baga'y kasamaan? sila'y pawang walang kabuluhan; sa Gilgal ay nangaghahain sila ng mga toro; oo, ang kanilang dambana ay parang mga bunton sa mga bungkal ng bukid.

โฮเชยา 12:11
มีความชั่วช้าในกิเลอาดหรือ แน่นอนเขาทั้งหลายก็เป็นอนิจจัง เขาเอาวัวผู้ถวายบูชาในกิลกาล เออ แท่นบูชาของเขาก็จะเหมือนกองหินอยู่บนรอยไถในท้องนา

Hoşea 12:11
Kötülük mü var Gilatta?
Gerçekten değersiz bir halk!
Gilgalda sığır üstüne sığır kurban ediyorlar,
Sunakları sürülmüş tarladaki taş yığınlarını andırıyor.[]

OÂ-seâ 12:11
(12:12) Ga-la-át là gian ác, chúng nó chỉ là giả dối. Chúng nó dâng những bò đực trong Ghinh-ganh; nên những bàn thờ chúng nó giống như những đống trong luống cày nơi ruộng.

Hosea 12:10
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