Habakkuk 3:6
Habakkuk 3:6
He stood, and shook the earth; he looked, and made the nations tremble. The ancient mountains crumbled and the age-old hills collapsed-- but he marches on forever.

When he stops, the earth shakes. When he looks, the nations tremble. He shatters the everlasting mountains and levels the eternal hills. He is the Eternal One!

He stood and measured the earth; he looked and shook the nations; then the eternal mountains were scattered; the everlasting hills sank low. His were the everlasting ways.

He stood and surveyed the earth; He looked and startled the nations. Yes, the perpetual mountains were shattered, The ancient hills collapsed. His ways are everlasting.

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

He stands and shakes the earth; He looks and startles the nations. The age-old mountains break apart; the ancient hills sink down. His pathways are ancient.

He stood up and shook the land; with his stare he startled the nations. The age-old mountains were shattered, and the ancient hilltops bowed down. His ways are eternal.

He takes his battle position and shakes the earth; with a mere look he frightens the nations. The ancient mountains disintegrate; the primeval hills are flattened. He travels on the ancient roads.

He stands and shakes the earth. He casts a glance and startles the nations. The oldest mountains break apart. The ancient hills sink. The ancient paths belong to him.

He stood and measured the earth; he beheld and drove out the Gentiles; and the ancient mountains crumbled, the ancient hills; the ways of the world bowed unto him.

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

He stood, and measured the earth; He beheld, and drove asunder the nations; And the eternal mountains were scattered; The everlasting hills did bow; His goings were as of old.

He stood and measured the earth. He beheld, and melted the nations: and the ancient mountains were crushed to pieces. The hills of the world were bowed down by the journeys of his eternity.

He stood, and measured the earth; He beheld, and discomfited the nations; And the eternal mountains were scattered, The everlasting hills gave way: His ways are everlasting.

He stood, and measured the earth; he beheld, and drove asunder the nations: and the eternal mountains were scattered, the everlasting hills did bow; his goings were as of old.

He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

He stood, and shook the earth. He looked, and made the nations tremble. The ancient mountains were crumbled. The age-old hills collapsed. His ways are eternal.

He hath stood, and He measureth earth, He hath seen, and He shaketh off nations, And scatter themselves do mountains of antiquity, Bowed have the hills of old, The ways of old are His.

Habakuku 3:6
Ai ndalej dhe maste tokën, shikonte dhe i bënte kombet të dridheshin; malet e përjetshëm zhdukeshin, kodrat e lashta uleshin; rrugët e tij janë të përjetshme.

ﺣﺒﻘﻮﻕ 3:6
وقف وقاس الارض. نظر فرجف الامم ودكّت الجبال الدهرية وخسفت اكام القدم. مسالك الازل له.

Dyr Häbykuck 3:6
Er wenn kimmt, dann boosst de gantze Erdn. Wo yr hinschaut, bibnd de Dietn. Daa zberstnd de eebignen Berg und versinkend de uraltn Hübln. Auf ien ist er von Altters her gwandlt.

Авакум 3:6
Той застана и разклати земята, Погледна и направи народите да треперят; И вечните планини се разпаднаха, Безконечните гори се наведоха; Постъпките Му бяха както в древността.

哈 巴 谷 書 3:6
他 站 立 , 量 了 大 地 ( 或 譯 : 使 地 震 動 ) , 觀 看 , 趕 散 萬 民 。 永 久 的 山 崩 裂 ; 長 存 的 嶺 塌 陷 ; 他 的 作 為 與 古 時 一 樣 。

他 站 立 , 量 了 大 地 ( 或 译 : 使 地 震 动 ) , 观 看 , 赶 散 万 民 。 永 久 的 山 崩 裂 ; 长 存 的 岭 塌 陷 ; 他 的 作 为 与 古 时 一 样 。



Habakkuk 3:6
On stane, i zemlja se trese, on pogleda, i dršću narodi. Tad se raspadoše vječne planine, bregovi stari propadoše, njegove su staze od vječnosti.

Abakuka 3:6
Zastavil se, a změřil zemi; pohleděl, a rozptýlil národy. Zrozrážíny jsou hory věčné, sklonili se pahrbkové věční, cesty jeho jsou věčné.

Habakkuk 3:6
Hans Fjed faar Jorden til at skælve, hans Blik faar Folk til at bæve. De ældgamle Bjerge brister, de evige Høje synker, ad evige Stier gaar han.

Habakuk 3:6
Hij stond, en mat het land, Hij zag toe, en maakte de heidenen los, en de gedurige bergen zijn verstrooid geworden; de heuvelen der eeuwigheid hebben zich gebogen; de gangen der eeuw zijn Zijne.

חבקוק 3:6
עָמַ֣ד ׀ וַיְמֹ֣דֶד אֶ֗רֶץ רָאָה֙ וַיַּתֵּ֣ר גֹּויִ֔ם וַיִּתְפֹּֽצְצוּ֙ הַרְרֵי־עַ֔ד שַׁח֖וּ גִּבְעֹ֣ות עֹולָ֑ם הֲלִיכֹ֥ות עֹולָ֖ם לֹֽו ׃

ו עמד וימדד ארץ ראה ויתר גוים ויתפצצו הררי עד שחו גבעות עולם הליכות עולם לו

עמד ׀ וימדד ארץ ראה ויתר גוים ויתפצצו הררי־עד שחו גבעות עולם הליכות עולם לו ׃

Habakuk 3:6
Megáll és méregeti a földet, pillant és megrendíti a népeket, az örökkévaló hegyek szétporlanak, elsüllyednek az örökkévaló halmok; az õ ösvényei örökkévalók!

Ĥabakuk 3:6
Li starigxis, kaj ekmezuris la teron; Li ekrigardis, kaj tremigis la naciojn; Dissaltis eternaj montoj, Klinigxis eternaj montetoj, Kiam Li ekpasxis kiel en la tempo antikva.

Hän seisoi ja mittasi maan, hän katseli ja hajoitti pakanat, niin että ijankaikkiset vuoret musertuivat, ja ijäiset kukkulat notkistuivat; kuin hän maailmassa vaelsi.

Habacuc 3:6
Il se tint là et mesura la terre, il regarda et mit en déroute les nations; Et les montagnes antiques furent brisées en éclats, les collines éternelles s'affaissèrent. Ses voies sont éternelles.

Il s'arrête, et de l'oeil il mesure la terre; Il regarde, et il fait trembler les nations; Les montagnes éternelles se brisent, Les collines antiques s'abaissent; Les sentiers d'autrefois s'ouvrent devant lui.

Il s'arrêta, et mesura le pays; il regarda, et fit tressaillir les nations; les montagnes qui ont été de tout temps, furent brisées, et les coteaux des siècles se baissèrent; les chemins du monde sont à lui.

Habakuk 3:6
Er stund und maß das Land; er schauete und zertrennete die Heiden, daß der Welt Berge zerschmettert wurden und sich bücken mußten die Hügel in der Welt, da er ging in der Welt.

Er stand und maß die Erde, er schaute und machte beben die Heiden, daß zerschmettert wurden die Berge, die von alters her sind, und sich bücken mußten die ewigen Hügel, da er wie vor alters einherzog.

Wenn er auftritt, so wankt die Erde; wenn er aufsieht, so scheucht er die Völker auf. Da zerbersten die ewigen Berge, es sinken die uralten Hügel; Pfade wie einst in uralter Zeit wandelt er!

Abacuc 3:6
Egli si ferma, e scuote la terra; guarda, e fa tremar le nazioni; i monti eterni si frantumano, i colli antichi s’abbassano; le sue vie son quelle d’un tempo.

Egli si fermò, e misurò la terra; Egli riguardò, e rendette le genti fiacche; E i monti eterni furono scossi, E i colli antichi furono abbassati; Le andature eterne son sue.

Di tempat Ia berdiri gempalah bumi, ke mana Ia memandang dicerai-beraikannya segala bangsa, dan segala gunung yang kekalpun berbelah-belah dan segala bukit dari purbakalapun tenggelamlah; segala peredaran zamanpun Dia punya.

하박국 3:6
그가 서신즉 땅이 진동하며 그가 보신즉 열국이 전률하며 영원한 산이 무너지며 무궁한 작은 산이 엎드러지나니 그 행하심이 예로부터 그러하시도다

Habacuc 3:6
stetit et mensus est terram aspexit et dissolvit gentes et contriti sunt montes saeculi incurvati sunt colles mundi ab itineribus aeternitatis eius

Habakuko knyga 3:6
Jis sustojo ir išmatavo žemę. Jis pažvelgė­išsigando tautos, susvyravo amžinieji kalnai, nusilenkė kalvos. Jo keliai amžini.

Habakkuk 3:6
Tu ana ia, a whanganga ana e ia te whenua; i titiro ia, a titaria ana e ia nga iwi; rerere ana nga maunga onamata, piko ana nga pukepuke o mua: ko ona ara koia ano kei onamata.

Habakuk 3:6
Han stiger frem og ryster jorden; han ser op og får folkene til å skjelve; de evige fjell sprenges i stykker, de eldgamle hauger synker sammen; hans gang er som i eldgammel tid.

Habacuc 3:6
Se detuvo, e hizo temblar la tierra, miró e hizo estremecerse a las naciones. Sí, se desmoronaron los montes perpetuos, se hundieron las colinas antiguas. Sus caminos son eternos.

Se detuvo, e hizo temblar la tierra, Miró e hizo estremecerse a las naciones. Sí, se desmoronaron los montes perpetuos, Se hundieron las colinas antiguas. Sus caminos son eternos.

Se paró, y midió la tierra; miró, e hizo temblar las naciones; y los montes antiguos fueron desmenuzados, los collados antiguos se humillaron. Sus caminos son eternos.

Paróse, y midió la tierra: Miró, é hizo temblar las gentes; Y los montes antiguos fueron desmenuzados, Los collados antiguos se humillaron á él. Sus caminos son eternos.

Se paró, y midió la tierra: miró, e hizo salir los gentiles; y los montes antiguos fueron desmenuzados, los collados antiguos; los caminos del mundo se humillaron a él.

Habacuque 3:6
Eis que ele se deteve, e a terra estremeceu; olhou, e fez tremer todas as nações. Montes antigos se desmancharam; colinas firmes desde a antiguidade se desfizeram. Os caminhos dele são eternos!

Pára, e mede a terra; olha, e sacode as nações; e os montes perpétuos se espalham, os outeiros eternos se abatem; assim é o seu andar desde a eternidade.   

Habacuc 3:6
Se opreşte, şi măsoară pămîntul cu ochiul; priveşte, şi face pe neamuri să tremure; munţii cei vecinici se sfărîmă, dealurile cele vechi se pleacă; El umblă pe cărări vecinice.

Аввакум 3:6
Он стал и поколебал землю; воззрел, и в трепет привел народы; вековые горы распались, первобытные холмы опали; пути Его вечные.

Он стал и поколебал землю; воззрел, и в трепет привел народы; вековые горы распались, первобытные холмы опали; пути Его вечные.[]

Habackuk 3:6
Han träder fram -- därmed kommer han jorden att darra; en blick -- och han kommer folken att bäva. De uråldriga bergen splittras, de eviga höjderna sjunka ned. Han vandrar de vägar han fordom gick.

Habakkuk 3:6
Siya'y tumayo, at sinukat ang lupa; Siya'y tumingin, at pinaghiwalay ang mga bansa; At ang mga walang hanggang bundok ay nangalat; Ang mga burol na walang hanggan ay nagsiyukod; Ang kaniyang mga lakad ay gaya noong araw.

ฮาบากุก 3:6
พระองค์ประทับยืนและทรงวัดพิภพ พระองค์ทอดพระเนตรและทรงเขย่าประชาชาติ แล้วภูเขานิรันดรกาลก็กระจัดกระจาย และเนินเขาอันอยู่เนืองนิตย์ก็ยุบต่ำลง การเสด็จของพระองค์ก็เป็นดังดั้งเดิม

Habakkuk 3:6
Duruşuyla dünyayı sarstı,
Titretti ulusları bakışıyla,
Yaşlı dağlar darmadağın oldu,
Dünya kurulalı beri var olan tepeler Ona baş eğdi.
Tanrının yolları değişmezdir.[]

Ha-ba-cuùc 3:6
Ngài đứng và đo đất; Ngài nhìn xem, làm tan tác các dân tộc; Các núi hằng còn đều tan nát, Các đồi đời đời đều quì xuống: Các đường lối Ngài giống như thuở xưa.

Habakkuk 3:5
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