Habakkuk 2:6
Habakkuk 2:6
"Will not all of them taunt him with ridicule and scorn, saying, "'Woe to him who piles up stolen goods and makes himself wealthy by extortion! How long must this go on?'

"But soon their captives will taunt them. They will mock them, saying, 'What sorrow awaits you thieves! Now you will get what you deserve! You've become rich by extortion, but how much longer can this go on?'

Shall not all these take up their taunt against him, with scoffing and riddles for him, and say, “Woe to him who heaps up what is not his own— for how long?— and loads himself with pledges!”

"Will not all of these take up a taunt-song against him, Even mockery and insinuations against him And say, 'Woe to him who increases what is not his-- For how long-- And makes himself rich with loans?'

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!

Won't all of these take up a taunt against him, with mockery and riddles about him? They will say: Woe to him who amasses what is not his-- how much longer?-- and loads himself with goods taken in pledge.

"Will not all of these ridicule him with mocking scorn? They will say, 'Woe to the one who hordes for himself what isn't his. How long will you enrich yourself by extortion?'

"But all these nations will someday taunt him and ridicule him with proverbial sayings: 'The one who accumulates what does not belong to him is as good as dead (How long will this go on?)--he who gets rich by extortion!'

Won't all of them ridicule him, directing clever sayings and riddles at him, like: " 'How horrible it will be for the one who makes himself rich with what is not his own and makes himself wealthy on loans. How long will this go on?'

Shall not all these take up a parable against him and a taunting enigma against him and say, Woe to him that multiplied that which was not his! And for how long would he pile thick clay upon himself?

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increases that which is not his! how long? and to him that loads himself with many pledges!

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increases that which is not his! how long? and to him that lades himself with thick clay!

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and that ladeth himself with pledges!

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a dark speech concerning him: and it shall be said: Woe to him that heapeth together that which is not his own? how long also doth he load himself with thick clay?

Shall not all these take up a proverb about him, and a taunting riddle against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that loadeth himself with pledges!

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and that ladeth himself with pledges!

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!

Won't all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, 'Woe to him who increases that which is not his, and who enriches himself by extortion! How long?'

Do not these -- all of them -- against him a simile taken up, And a moral of acute sayings for him, And say, Woe to him who is multiplying what is not his? Till when also is he multiplying to himself heavy pledges?

Habakuku 2:6
Tërë këta a nuk do të fillojnë vallë të përdorin një proverb kundër tij dhe një gjëzë tallëse kundër tij? Ata do të thonë: "Mjerë ai që grumbullon gjëra që nuk janë të tijat (por deri kur?) dhe kush ngarkohet me pengje!".

ﺣﺒﻘﻮﻕ 2:6
فهلا ينطق هؤلاء كلهم بهجو عليه ولغز شماتة به ويقولون ويل للمكثّر ما ليس له. الى متى. وللمثقّل نفسه رهونا.

Dyr Häbykuck 2:6
De selbn Völker gaan Stiklfitz über iem singen und grad non mit Verachtung auf iem deuttn: Daa seghtß is, wo die hinkemmend, wo si mit fremdn Guet bereichernd! Wie lang geet s n gar guet; naacherd kimmt dyr Zaltag!

Авакум 2:6
Против такъв няма ли всички тия да съставят притча, И против него присмивателна поговорка? като рекат: Горко на онзи, който натрупва [много нещо], което не е негово!- до кога?- И който товари себе си със залози!

哈 巴 谷 書 2:6
這 些 國 的 民 豈 不 都 要 提 起 詩 歌 並 俗 語 譏 刺 他 說 : 禍 哉 ! 迦 勒 底 人 , 你 增 添 不 屬 自 己 的 財 物 , 多 多 取 人 的 當 頭 , 要 到 幾 時 為 止 呢 ?

这 些 国 的 民 岂 不 都 要 提 起 诗 歌 并 俗 语 讥 刺 他 说 : 祸 哉 ! 迦 勒 底 人 , 你 增 添 不 属 自 己 的 财 物 , 多 多 取 人 的 当 头 , 要 到 几 时 为 止 呢 ?



Habakkuk 2:6
Zar mu se neće svi podrugivati, rugalicu i zagonetku spjevat' protiv njega? Reći će: Jao onom tko množi što nije njegovo (a dokle će?) i opterećuje se zalogama!

Abakuka 2:6
Zdaliž všickni ti proti němu přísloví nevynesou, a světlých slov i pohádek o něm? A neřeknou-liž: Běda tomu, kterýž rozmnožuje věci ne své, (až dokud pak?) a obtěžuje se hustým blátem?

Habakkuk 2:6
Visselig skal de alle istemme en Haansang, en Smædevise fuld af Hentydninger til ham og sige: Ve ham, der dynger andres Gods op — hvor længe? — og læsser Pantegods paa sig!

Habakuk 2:6
Zouden dan niet al dezelve van hem een spreekwoord opnemen, en een uitlegging der raadselen van hem? En men zal zeggen: Wee dien, die vermeerdert hetgeen het zijne niet is (hoe lange!), en dien, die op zich laadt dik slijk.

חבקוק 2:6
הֲלֹוא־אֵ֣לֶּה כֻלָּ֗ם עָלָיו֙ מָשָׁ֣ל יִשָּׂ֔אוּ וּמְלִיצָ֖ה חִידֹ֣ות לֹ֑ו וְיֹאמַ֗ר הֹ֚וי הַמַּרְבֶּ֣ה לֹּא־לֹ֔ו עַד־מָתַ֕י וּמַכְבִּ֥יד עָלָ֖יו עַבְטִֽיט׃

ו הלוא אלה כלם עליו משל ישאו ומליצה חידות לו ויאמר הוי המרבה לא לו--עד מתי ומכביד עליו עבטיט

הלוא־אלה כלם עליו משל ישאו ומליצה חידות לו ויאמר הוי המרבה לא־לו עד־מתי ומכביד עליו עבטיט׃

Habakuk 2:6
Avagy nem költenek-é ezek mindnyájan példabeszédet róla, és találós mesét reá, mondván: Jaj annak, a ki rakásra gyûjti, a mi nem övé! De meddig? És a ki adóssággal terheli magát!

Ĥabakuk 2:6
Sed ili ja cxiuj parolos pri li alegorion kaj mokan enigmon, kaj diros:Ve al tiu, kiu tro multigas al si fremdajxon sen fino kaj metas sur sin tro grandan sxargxon de sxuldoj!

Mitämaks, nämät kaikki pitää hänestä sananlaskun tekemän, ja puheen ja tapauksen, ja sanoman: voi sitä, joka kokoo tavaransa muiden hyvyydestä! kuinka kauvan se kestää? ja sälyttää paljon lokaa päällensä.

Habacuc 2:6
Tous ceux-ci ne proféreront-ils pas sur lui un proverbe, et une allégorie et des énigmes contre lui? Et ils diront: Malheur à qui accumule ce qui n'est pas à lui:... jusques à quand? -et qui se charge d'un fardeau de gages!

Ne sera-t-il pas pour tous un sujet de sarcasme, De railleries et d'énigmes? On dira: Malheur à celui qui accumule ce qui n'est pas à lui! Jusques à quand?... Malheur à celui qui augmente le fardeau de ses dettes!

Tous ceux-là ne feront-ils pas de lui un sujet de raillerie et de sentences énigmatiques? Et ne dira-t-on pas : Malheur à celui qui assemble ce qui ne lui appartient point; jusqu'à quand le [fera t-il], et entassera-t-il sur soi de la boue épaisse?

Habakuk 2:6
Was gilt's aber? Dieselbigen alle werden einen Spruch von ihm machen und eine Sage und Sprichwort und werden sagen: Wehe dem, der sein Gut mehret mit fremdem Gut! Wie lange wird's währen? und ladet nur viel Schlammes auf sich.

Was gilt's aber? diese alle werden einen Spruch von ihm machen und eine Sage und Sprichwort und werden sagen: Weh dem, der sein Gut mehrt mit fremden Gut! Wie lange wird's währen, und ladet nur viel Schulden auf sich?

Werden nicht diese alle ein Spottlied auf ihn anstimmen und Stichelrede, Rätselsprüche in Bezug auf ihn? Man wird sagen: Wehe über den, der fremdes Gut anhäuft - auf wie lange wohl? - und der sich mit gepfändeter Habe belastet.

Abacuc 2:6
Tutti questi non faranno contro di lui proverbi, sarcasmi, enigmi? Si dirà: "Guai a colui che accumula ciò che non è suo! Fino a quando? Guai a colui che si carica di pegni!"

Tutti questi popoli non prenderanno essi a proverbiarlo, ed a motteggiarlo, e a dire: Guai a chi accumula ciò che non è suo? infino a quando si ammasserà egli addosso dello spesso fango?

Bukankah sekalian itu akan mengangkat suatu perbahasaan akan halnya dan membuat beberapa ibarat akan dia, serta katanya: Wai bagi orang yang menambah-nambahkan barang yang bukan dia punya! Berapa lama, maka adalah ia seperti orang yang menenggelamkan dirinya dalam utang.

하박국 2:6
그 무리가 다 속담으로 그를 평론하며 조롱하는 시로 그를 풍자하지 않겠느냐 ? 곧 이르기를 화 있을진저 ! 자기 소유 아닌 것을 모으는 자여 ! 언제까지 이르겠느냐 ? 볼모 잡은 것으로 무겁게 짐진 자여 !

Habacuc 2:6
numquid non omnes isti super eum parabolam sument et loquellam enigmatum eius et dicetur vae ei qui multiplicat non sua usquequo et adgravat contra se densum lutum

Habakuko knyga 2:6
Ar ne jie dainuos pašaipias dainas ir sugalvos patarlių apie jį: ‘Vargas tam, kuris daugina tai, kas ne jo. Kaip ilgai tai tęsis? Tu apkrauni save užstatų daugybe’.

Habakkuk 2:6
E kore ianei e whakahuatia e enei katoa he kupu whakatauki mona, he whakapeka taunu ano mona, a ka mea, Aue, te mate mo te tangata e ami ana i te mea ehara nei i a ia! he pehea ra te roa? mo te tangata ano e haupu ake ana i te taunaha ki runga ki a ia!

Habakuk 2:6
Skal ikke alle disse synge nidviser og spottesanger om ham, lage gåter om ham og si: Ve den som dynger op ting som ikke hører ham til - hvor lenge? - og som lesser på sig pantegods!

Habacuc 2:6
¿No pronunciarán todos éstos contra él una sátira, y burlas e intrigas contra él? Y dirán: ``¡Ay del que aumenta lo que no es suyo (¿hasta cuándo?) y se hace rico con préstamos!

¿No pronunciarán todos éstos contra él una sátira, Y burlas e intrigas contra él? Y dirán: '¡Ay del que aumenta lo que no es suyo ¿hasta cuándo? Y se hace rico con préstamos!'

¿No han de levantar todos éstos refrán sobre él, y sarcasmos contra él? Y dirán: ¡Ay del que multiplicó lo que no era suyo! Y, ¿hasta cuándo había de amontonar sobre sí barro espeso?

¿No han de levantar todos estos sobre él parábola, y sarcasmos contra él? Y dirán: ¡Ay del que multiplicó lo que no era suyo! ¿Y hasta cuándo había de amontonar sobre sí espeso lodo?

¿No han de levantar todos éstos sobre él parábola, y sarcasmos contra él? Y dirán: ¡Ay del que multiplicó lo que no era suyo! ¿Y hasta cuándo había de amontonar sobre sí espeso lodo?

Habacuque 2:6
Contudo, chegará o dia em que todos estes povos zombarão do ímpio com canções e provérbios de escárnio, e dirão: ‘Ai daquele que acumula o que não é seu! Ai daquele que se enche de bens saqueados! Até quando será assim?

Não levantarão, pois, todos estes contra ele um provérbio e um dito zombador? E dirão: Ai daquele que acumula o que não é seu! (até quando?) e daquele que se carrega a si mesmo de penhores!   

Habacuc 2:6
Nu va fi el de batjocura tuturor acestora, de rîs şi de pomină? Se va zice: ,,Vai de cel ce adună ce nu este al lui! Pînă cînd se va împovăra cu datorii?

Аввакум 2:6
Но не все ли они будут произносить о нем притчу и насмешливую песнь: „горе тому, кто без меры обогащает себя не своим, – на долго ли? – и обременяет себя залогами!"

Но не все ли они будут произносить о нем притчу и насмешливую песнь: `горе тому, кто без меры обогащает себя не своим, --на долго ли? --и обременяет себя залогами!`[]

Habackuk 2:6
Sannerligen, de skola allasammans stämma upp en visa över honom, ja, en smädesång om honom med välbetänkta ord; man skall säga: Ve dig som hopar vad som icke är ditt och belastar dig med utpantat gods -- men för huru länge!

Habakkuk 2:6
Hindi baga ang lahat ng ito ay magbabadya ng talinhaga laban sa kaniya, at ng nakagagalit na kawikaan laban sa kaniya, at mangagsasabi, Sa aba niya na nagpaparami ng di kaniya! hanggang kailan? at nagpapasan siya sa kaniyang sarili ng mga sangla!

ฮาบากุก 2:6
ประชาชาติทั้งสิ้นเหล่านี้จะไม่ยกคำอุปมากล่าวต่อเขาหรือ และยกทุภาษิตกล่าวเยาะเขาว่า "วิบัติแก่ผู้ที่สะสมสิ่งที่มิใช่ของตนไว้ จะทำอย่างนี้ได้นานเท่าใดนะ และบรรทุกของที่ยึดเป็นประกันไว้เต็มตัว

Habakkuk 2:6
Tutsak alınanlar onları küçümseyip alay etmeyecekler mi?
‹Kendisine ait olmayanı ele geçirenin,
Haraç alarak zenginleşenin vay haline!
Daha ne kadar sürecek bu?› demeyecekler mi?[]

Ha-ba-cuùc 2:6
Chớ thì những kẻ đó há chẳng lấy thí dụ nhạo cười nó, lấy lời kín biếm nhẻ nó mà rằng: Khốn thay cho kẻ nhóm góp của chẳng thuộc về mình! Nó gánh vác của cầm rất nặng cho đến chừng nào?

Habakkuk 2:5
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