Genesis 50:4
Genesis 50:4
When the days of mourning had passed, Joseph said to Pharaoh's court, "If I have found favor in your eyes, speak to Pharaoh for me. Tell him,

When the period of mourning was over, Joseph approached Pharaoh's advisers and said, "Please do me this favor and speak to Pharaoh on my behalf.

And when the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spoke to the household of Pharaoh, saying, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

When the days of mourning for him were past, Joseph spoke to the household of Pharaoh, saying, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please speak to Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

When the days of mourning were over, Joseph said to Pharaoh's household, "If I have found favor with you, please tell Pharaoh that

At the conclusion of the mourning period, Joseph addressed Pharaoh's household. "If you're satisfied with me, would you please take this message to Pharaoh for me? Tell him,

When the days of mourning had passed, Joseph said to Pharaoh's royal court, "If I have found favor in your sight, please say to Pharaoh,

When the time of mourning for Jacob was over, Joseph spoke to Pharaoh's palace staff. He said, "Please speak directly to Pharaoh. Tell him,

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spoke unto those of the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spoke unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spoke to the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found favor in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And the time of the mourning being expired, Joseph spoke to the family of Pharao: If I have found favour in your sight, speak in the ears of Pharao:

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spoke to the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found favour in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spoke to the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

When the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spoke to the house of Pharaoh, saying, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

And the days of his weeping pass away, and Joseph speaketh unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, 'If, I pray you, I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

Zanafilla 50:4
Kur kaluan ditët e zisë të mbajtura për të, Jozefi foli në shtëpinë e Faraonit duke thënë: "Në qoftë se kam gjetur hirin tuaj, i thoni Faraonit këto fjalë:

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 50:4
وبعدما مضت ايام بكائه كلم يوسف بيت فرعون قائلا ان كنت قد وجدت نعمة في عيونكم فتكلموا في مسامع فرعون قائلين.

De Bschaffung 50:4
Wie de Trauerzeit umhin war, gsait dyr Joseff zo de Höfling von n Färgn: "Wenntß is guet mit mir maintß, tragtß diend yn n Färgn mein Anlign vor:

Битие 50:4
И като преминаха дните на жалейката за него, Иосиф говори на Фараоновия дом, казвайки: Ако съм придобил вашето благоволение, говорете, моля ви се, в ушите на Фараона, и речете:

創 世 記 50:4
為 他 哀 哭 的 日 子 過 了 , 約 瑟 對 法 老 家 中 的 人 說 : 我 若 在 你 們 眼 前 蒙 恩 , 請 你 們 報 告 法 老 說 :

为 他 哀 哭 的 日 子 过 了 , 约 瑟 对 法 老 家 中 的 人 说 : 我 若 在 你 们 眼 前 蒙 恩 , 请 你 们 报 告 法 老 说 :



Genesis 50:4
A kad je prošlo vrijeme oplakivanja, Josip reče onima u dvoru faraonovu: "Učinite mi milost i prenesite faraonu ovo:

Genesis 50:4
Když pak dnové pláče toho pominuli, mluvil Jozef k domu Faraonovu, řka: Jestliže jsem nyní nalezl milost před očima vašima, mluvte, prosím, v uši Faraonovy, a rcete:

1 Mosebog 50:4
Da Grædetiden var omme, sagde Josef til Faraos Husfolk: »Hvis I har Godhed for mig, saa sig paa mine Vegne til Farao:

Genesis 50:4
Als nu de dagen zijns bewenens over waren, zo sprak Jozef tot het huis van Farao, zeggende: Indien ik nu genade gevonden heb in uw ogen, spreekt toch voor de oren van Farao, zeggende:

בראשית 50:4
וַיַּֽעַבְרוּ֙ יְמֵ֣י בְכִיתֹ֔ו וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר יֹוסֵ֔ף אֶל־בֵּ֥ית פַּרְעֹ֖ה לֵאמֹ֑ר אִם־נָ֨א מָצָ֤אתִי חֵן֙ בְּעֵ֣ינֵיכֶ֔ם דַּבְּרוּ־נָ֕א בְּאָזְנֵ֥י פַרְעֹ֖ה לֵאמֹֽר׃

ד ויעברו ימי בכיתו וידבר יוסף אל בית פרעה לאמר  אם נא מצאתי חן בעיניכם--דברו נא באזני פרעה לאמר

ויעברו ימי בכיתו וידבר יוסף אל־בית פרעה לאמר אם־נא מצאתי חן בעיניכם דברו־נא באזני פרעה לאמר׃

1 Mózes 50:4
És elmúlának az õ siratásának napjai, és szóla József a Faraó házanépéhez, mondván: Ha kedves vagyok elõttetek, szóljatok kérlek a Faraónak, mondván:

Moseo 1: Genezo 50:4
Kiam pasis la tagoj de lia priplorado, Jozef ekparolis al la domanoj de Faraono, dirante: Se mi akiris vian favoron, diru al Faraono jene:

Koska hänen murhepäivänsä olivat kuluneet, puhui Joseph Pharaon palvelioille, sanoen: jos minä olen armon löytänyt teidän edessänne, niin puhukaat Pharaolle, ja sanokaat:

Genèse 50:4
Et les jours où on le pleura étant passés, Joseph parla à la maison du Pharaon, disant: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à vos yeux, parlez, je vous prie, aux oreilles du Pharaon, disant:

Quand les jours du deuil furent passés, Joseph s'adressa aux gens de la maison de Pharaon, et leur dit: Si j'ai trouvé grâce à vos yeux, rapportez, je vous prie, à Pharaon ce que je vous dis.

Or le temps du deuil étant passé, Joseph parla à ceux de la maison de Pharaon, en disant : Je vous prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce envers vous, faites savoir ceci à Pharaon;

1 Mose 50:4
Da nun die Leidetage aus waren, redete Joseph mit Pharaos Gesinde und sprach: Habe ich Gnade vor euch funden, so redet mit Pharao und sprechet:

Da nun die Leidtage aus waren, redete Joseph mit Pharaos Gesinde und sprach: Habe ich Gnade vor euch gefunden, so redet mit Pharao und sprecht:

Als nun die Klagezeit vorüber war, trug Joseph den Höflingen des Pharao die Bitte vor: Wenn ich euch irgend etwas gelte, so legt für mich ein gutes Wort ein bei dem Pharao in folgender Angelegenheit:

Genesi 50:4
E quando i giorni del lutto fatto per lui furon passati, Giuseppe parlò alla casa di Faraone, dicendo: "Se ora ho trovato grazia agli occhi vostri, fate giungere agli orecchi di Faraone queste parole:

E, dopo che furono passati i giorni del pianto che si fece per lui, Giuseppe parlò alla famiglia di Faraone, dicendo: Deh! se io ho trovata grazia appo voi, parlate, vi prego, a Faraone, e ditegli:

Setelah lepaslah hari perkabungan itu kata Yusuf kepada orang isi istana Firaun: Jikalau kiranya kamu kasih akan daku, persembahkan apalah kepada Firaun kataku ini:

창세기 50:4
곡하는 기한이 지나매 요셉이 바로의 궁에 말하여 가로되 `내가 너희에게 은혜를 입었으면 청컨대 바로의 귀에 고하기를

Genesis 50:4
et expleto planctus tempore locutus est Ioseph ad familiam Pharaonis si inveni gratiam in conspectu vestro loquimini in auribus Pharaonis

Pradþios knyga 50:4
Pasibaigus apraudojimo laikui, Juozapas kalbėjo faraono namiškiams: “Jeigu radau jūsų akyse malonę, pasakykite faraonui,

Genesis 50:4
A, ka taka nga ra e uhungatia ia ia, ka korero a Hohepa ki te whare o Parao, ka mea, Na, ki te mea kua manakohia ahau e koutou, tena, korero atu ki nga taringa o Parao, mea atu,

1 Mosebok 50:4
Da sørgedagene over ham var til ende, talte Josef til Faraos husfolk og sa: Dersom jeg har funnet nåde for eders øine, så tal for mig til Farao og si:

Génesis 50:4
Y cuando pasaron los días de luto por él, habló José a la casa de Faraón, diciendo: Si he hallado ahora gracia ante vuestros ojos, os ruego que habléis a Faraón, diciendo:

Cuando pasaron los días de luto por él, José habló a la casa de Faraón: "Si he hallado ahora gracia ante los ojos de ustedes, les ruego que hablen a Faraón, diciendo:

Y pasados los días de su luto, habló José a los de la casa de Faraón, diciendo: Si he hallado ahora gracia en vuestros ojos, os ruego que habléis en oídos de Faraón, diciendo:

Y pasados los días de su luto, habló José á los de la casa de Faraón, diciendo: Si he hallado ahora gracia en vuestros ojos, os ruego que habléis en oídos de Faraón, diciendo:

Y pasados los días de su luto, habló José a los de la casa del Faraón, diciendo: Si he hallado ahora gracia en vuestros ojos, os ruego que habléis en oídos del Faraón, diciendo:

Gênesis 50:4
Quando terminaram os tempos de luto, José falou à corte do Faraó: “Se me é possível contar com a vossa amizade e bondade, dizei isto aos ouvidos do Faraó, em meu favor:

Passados, pois, os dias de seu choro, disse José à casa de Faraó: Se agora tenho achado graça aos vossos olhos, rogo-vos que faleis aos ouvidos de Faraó, dizendo:   

Geneza 50:4
Dupăce au trecut zilele de jale, Iosif a vorbit oamenilor din casa lui Faraon, şi le -a zis: ,,Dacă am căpătat trecere înaintea voastră, spuneţi, vă rog, lui Faraon, ce vă spun eu.

Бытие 50:4
Когда же прошли дни плача по нем, Иосиф сказал придворным фараона, говоря: если я обрел благоволение в очах ваших, то скажите фараону так:

Когда же прошли дни плача по нем, Иосиф сказал придворным фараона, говоря: если я обрел благоволение в очах ваших, то скажите фараону так:[]

1 Mosebok 50:4
Men när gråtodagarna efter honom voro förbi, talade Josef till Faraos husfolk och sade: »Om jag har funnit nåd för edra ögon, så framfören till Farao dessa mina ord:

Genesis 50:4
At nang makaraan ang mga araw ng pagiyak sa kaniya ay nagsalita si Jose sa sangbahayan ni Faraon, na sinasabi, Kung ngayo'y nakasumpong ako ng biyaya sa inyong mga mata ay salitain ninyo, isinasamo ko sa inyo, sa mga pakinig ni Faraon, na inyong sabihin,

ปฐมกาล 50:4
เมื่อวันเวลาที่ไว้ทุกข์ให้ท่านผ่านพ้นไปแล้ว โยเซฟก็เรียนข้าราชสำนักของฟาโรห์ว่า "ถ้าบัดนี้ข้าพเจ้าได้รับความกรุณาในสายตาของท่าน ขอโปรดไปทูลที่พระกรรณของฟาโรห์ว่า

Yaratılış 50:4
Yas günleri geçince, Yusuf firavunun ev halkına, ‹‹Eğer benden hoşnut kaldınızsa, lütfen firavunla konuşun›› dedi,[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 50:4
Khi mãn tang rồi, Giô-sép bèn nói cùng quần thần Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Nếu tôi được ơn trước mặt các ngươi, xin hãy thuật lại lời nầy cho Pha-ra-ôn nghe:

Genesis 50:3
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