Genesis 50:25
Genesis 50:25
And Joseph made the Israelites swear an oath and said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place."

Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath, and he said, "When God comes to help you and lead you back, you must take my bones with you."

Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here.”

Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, "God will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my bones up from here."

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

So Joseph made the sons of Israel take an oath: "When God comes to your aid, you are to carry my bones up from here."

So Joseph made all of Israel's other children make this promise: "Because God is certainly going to take care of you, you are to carry my bones up from here."

Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath. He said, "God will surely come to you. Then you must carry my bones up from this place."

Joseph made Israel's sons swear an oath. He said, "God will definitely take care of you. So be sure to carry my bones back with you."

And Joseph took an oath of the sons of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from here.

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here.

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from hence.

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

And he made them swear to him, saying: God will visit you, Carry my bones with you out of this place:

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will certainly visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones hence.

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, "God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here."

And Joseph causeth the sons of Israel to swear, saying, 'God doth certainly inspect you, and ye have brought up my bones from this place.'

Zanafilla 50:25
Pastaj Jozefi i vuri të betohen bijtë e Izraelit, duke thënë: "Perëndia me siguri do t'ju vizitojë; atëherë ju do t'i hiqni kockat e mia që këtej".

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 50:25
واستحلف يوسف بني اسرائيل قائلا الله سيفتقدكم. فتصعدون عظامي من هنا.

De Bschaffung 50:25
Dyr Joseff ließ yn n Isryheel seine Sün schwörn: "Wenn dyr Herrgot ainst an enk denkt, und ös zieghtß wögg, aft vergösstß nit auf meine Gebainer!"

Битие 50:25
И Иосиф закле потомците на Израиля, като рече: [Понеже] Бог непременно ще ви посети, то вие да изнесете костите ми от тука.

創 世 記 50:25
約 瑟 叫 以 色 列 的 子 孫 起 誓 說 :   神 必 定 看 顧 你 們 ; 你 們 要 把 我 的 骸 骨 從 這 裡 搬 上 去 。

约 瑟 叫 以 色 列 的 子 孙 起 誓 说 :   神 必 定 看 顾 你 们 ; 你 们 要 把 我 的 骸 骨 从 这 里 搬 上 去 。



Genesis 50:25
Tada Josip zakune Izraelove sinove: "Bog će se vas doista sjetiti, i tada ponesite moje kosti odavde!"

Genesis 50:25
Protož přísahou zavázal Jozef syny Izraelovy, řka: Když navštíví vás Bůh, vynestež kosti mé odsud.

1 Mosebog 50:25
Og Josef tog Israels Sønner i Ed og sagde: »Naar Gud ser til eder, skal I føre mine Ben bort herfra!«

Genesis 50:25
En Jozef deed de zonen van Israel zweren, zeggende: God zal u gewisselijk bezoeken, zo zult gij mijn beenderen van hier opvoeren!

בראשית 50:25
וַיַּשְׁבַּ֣ע יֹוסֵ֔ף אֶת־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לֵאמֹ֑ר פָּקֹ֨ד יִפְקֹ֤ד אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶתְכֶ֔ם וְהַעֲלִתֶ֥ם אֶת־עַצְמֹתַ֖י מִזֶּֽה׃

כה וישבע יוסף את בני ישראל לאמר  פקד יפקד אלהים אתכם והעלתם את עצמתי מזה

וישבע יוסף את־בני ישראל לאמר פקד יפקד אלהים אתכם והעלתם את־עצמתי מזה׃

1 Mózes 50:25
És megesketé József Izráel fiait, mondván: Mikor az Isten titeket bizonnyal meglátogat, vigyétek fel innen az én tetemeimet magatokkal.

Moseo 1: Genezo 50:25
Kaj Jozef jxurigis la filojn de Izrael, dirante: Kiam Dio rememoros vin, tiam elportu miajn ostojn el cxi tie.

Niin vannotti Joseph Israelin lapsia, sanoen: Jumala on totisesti teitä etsivä, viekäät pois minun luuni täältä.

Genèse 50:25
Et Joseph fit jurer les fils d'Israël, disant: Certainement Dieu vous visitera, et vous ferez monter d'ici mes os.

Joseph fit jurer les fils d'Israël, en disant: Dieu vous visitera; et vous ferez remonter mes os loin d'ici.

Et Joseph fit jurer les enfants d'Israël, et leur dit : Dieu ne manquera pas de vous visiter, et alors vous transporterez mes os d'ici.

1 Mose 50:25
Darum nahm er einen Eid von den Kindern Israels und sprach: Wenn euch Gott heimsuchen wird, so führet meine Gebeine von dannen.

Darum nahm er einen Eid von den Kindern Israel und sprach: Wenn euch Gott heimsuchen wird, so führet meine Gebeine von dannen.

Da ließ Joseph die Söhne Israels schwören und sprach: Wenn sich Gott dereinst eurer annehmen wird, müßt ihr meine Gebeine von hier wegbringen!

Genesi 50:25
E Giuseppe fece giurare i figliuoli d’Israele, dicendo: "Iddio per certo vi visiterà; allora, trasportate di qui le mie ossa".

E Giuseppe fece giurare i figliuoli d’Israele, dicendo: Iddio per certo vi visiterà; allora trasportate di qui le mie ossa.

Maka disuruhlah oleh Yusuf akan bani Israel itu bersumpah, katanya: Bahwa sesungguhnya Allah akan mengunjungi kamu, maka pada masa itu takkan jangan kamu membawa akan tulang-tulangku dari sini.

창세기 50:25
요셉이 또 이스라엘 자손에게 맹세시켜 이르기를 `하나님이 정녕 너희를 권고하시리니 너희는 여기서 내 해골을 메고 올라가겠다 하라' 하였더라

Genesis 50:25
(50-24) cumque adiurasset eos atque dixisset Deus visitabit vos asportate vobiscum ossa mea de loco isto

Pradþios knyga 50:25
Po to Juozapas prisaikdino Izraelio vaikus: “Tikrai Dievas aplankys jus ir jūs išnešite iš čia mano kaulus”.

Genesis 50:25
Na ka whakaoatitia nga tama a Iharaira e Hohepa, ka mea ia, Ka tikina mai koutou, ka ata tirohia e te Atua, a me kawe atu e koutou oku iwi i konei ki runga.

1 Mosebok 50:25
Og Josef tok en ed av Israels sønner og sa: Gud skal visselig se til eder, og da skal I føre mine ben op herfra.

Génesis 50:25
Luego José hizo jurar a los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Dios ciertamente os cuidará, y llevaréis mis huesos de aquí.

Luego José hizo jurar a los hijos de Israel, diciendo: "Dios ciertamente los cuidará, y ustedes se llevarán mis huesos de aquí."

Y José tomó juramento de los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Dios ciertamente os visitará, y haréis llevar de aquí mis huesos.

Y conjuró José á los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Dios ciertamente os visitará, y haréis llevar de aquí mis huesos.

Y conjuró José a los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Dios ciertamente os visitará, y haréis llevar de aquí mis huesos.

Gênesis 50:25
E José fez os filhos de Israel prestarem um juramento: “Quando Deus intervier a vosso favor, levareis os meus ossos daqui!”

E José fez jurar os filhos de Israel, dizendo: Certamente Deus vos visitará, e fareis transportar daqui os meus ossos.   

Geneza 50:25
Iosif a pus pe fiii lui Israel să jure, zicînd: ,,Cînd vă va cerceta Dumnezeu, să luaţi şi oasele mele de aici.``

Бытие 50:25
И заклял Иосиф сынов Израилевых, говоря: Бог посетит вас, и вынесите кости мои отсюда.

И заклял Иосиф сынов Израилевых, говоря: Бог посетит вас, и вынесите кости мои отсюда.[]

1 Mosebok 50:25
Och Josef tog en ed av Israels barn och sade: »När nu Gud ser till eder, fören då mina ben härifrån.»

Genesis 50:25
At ipinasumpa ni Jose sa mga anak ni Israel, na sinasabi, Tunay na dadalawin kayo ng Dios, at inyong iaahon ang aking mga buto mula rito.

ปฐมกาล 50:25
โยเซฟก็ให้ลูกหลานของอิสราเอลปฏิญาณตัวว่า "พระเจ้าจะทรงเยี่ยมเยียนพวกท่านเป็นแน่แล้วท่านทั้งหลายต้องนำกระดูกของเราไปจากที่นี่"

Yaratılış 50:25
Sonra onlara ant içirerek, ‹‹Tanrı kesinlikle size yardım edecek›› dedi, ‹‹O zaman kemiklerimi buradan götürürsünüz.››[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 50:25
Giô-sép biểu các con trai của Y-sơ-ra-ên thề mà rằng: Quả thật, Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ đến viḀ¿ng các anh em; xin anh em hãy dời hài cốt tôi khỏi xứ nầy.

Genesis 50:24
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