Genesis 26:20
Genesis 26:20
But the herders of Gerar quarreled with those of Isaac and said, "The water is ours!" So he named the well Esek, because they disputed with him.

But then the shepherds from Gerar came and claimed the spring. "This is our water," they said, and they argued over it with Isaac's herdsmen. So Isaac named the well Esek (which means "argument").

the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” So he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.

the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac, saying, "The water is ours!" So he named the well Esek, because they contended with him.

And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.

But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen and said, "The water is ours!" So he named the well Quarrel because they quarreled with him.

But the herdsmen who lived in Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen. "The water is ours," they said. As a result, Isaac named the well Esek, for they had fiercely disputed with him about it.

the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water belongs to us!" So Isaac named the well Esek because they argued with him about it.

The herders from Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herders, claiming, "This water is ours!" So Isaac named the well Esek [Argument], because they had argued with him.

And the pastors of Gerar strove with Isaac's pastors, saying, The water is ours; therefore he called the name of the well Esek, because they strove with him.

And the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.

And the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.

And the herdsmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.

But there also the herdsmen of Gerara strove against the herdsmen of Isaac, saying: It is our water. Wherefore he called the name of the well, on occasion of that which had happened, Calumny.

But the shepherds of Gerar strove with Isaac's shepherds, saying, The water is ours. And he called the name of the well Esek, because they had quarrelled with him.

And the herdmen of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they contended with him.

And the herdmen of Gerar contended with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.

The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.

and shepherds of Gerar strive with shepherds of Isaac, saying, 'The water is ours;' and he calleth the name of the well 'Strife,' because they have striven habitually with him;

Zanafilla 26:20
Por barinjtë e Gerarit u grindën me çobanët e Isakut, duke u thënë: "Uji është yni". Dhe ai e quajti pusin Esek, sepse ata e kishin kundërshtuar.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 26:20
فخاصم رعاة جرار رعاة اسحق قائلين لنا الماء. فدعا اسم البئر عسق لانهم نازعوه.

De Bschaffung 26:20
De Gerärer Hirtn stritnd drum mit n Eisack de seinignen und gabhaauptnd, dös Wasser ghoeret ien. Daa gnennt yr dönn Brunn "Zank", weil s drum zankt hietnd.

Битие 26:20
Но Герарските говедари се караха с Исааковите говедари, казвайки: Наша е водата: затова [Исаак] нарече кладенеца Есен, понеже се караха за него.

創 世 記 26:20
基 拉 耳 的 牧 人 與 以 撒 的 牧 人 爭 競 , 說 : 這 水 是 我 們 的 。 以 撒 就 給 那 井 起 名 叫 埃 色 ( 就 是 相 爭 的 意 思 ) , 因 為 他 們 和 他 相 爭 。

基 拉 耳 的 牧 人 与 以 撒 的 牧 人 争 竞 , 说 : 这 水 是 我 们 的 。 以 撒 就 给 那 井 起 名 叫 埃 色 ( 就 是 相 争 的 意 思 ) , 因 为 他 们 和 他 相 争 。



Genesis 26:20
pastiri iz Gerara posvade se s Izakovim pastirima govoreći: "Naša je voda!" Bunaru je dao ime Esek, jer su se oni s njim svadili.

Genesis 26:20
Vadili se pak pastýři Gerarští s pastýři Izákovými, pravíce: Naše jest voda. Pročež nazval jméno studnice té Esek, že se vadili s ním.

1 Mosebog 26:20
men Gerars Hyrder yppede Kiv med Isaks og sagde: »Dette Vand tilhører os!« Derfor kaldte han Brønden Esek, thi der stredes de med ham.

Genesis 26:20
En de herders van Gerar twistten met Izaks herders, zeggende: Dit water hoort ons toe! Daarom noemde hij de naam van die put Esek, omdat zij met hem gekeven hadden.

בראשית 26:20
וַיָּרִ֜יבוּ רֹעֵ֣י גְרָ֗ר עִם־רֹעֵ֥י יִצְחָ֛ק לֵאמֹ֖ר לָ֣נוּ הַמָּ֑יִם וַיִּקְרָ֤א שֵֽׁם־הַבְּאֵר֙ עֵ֔שֶׂק כִּ֥י הִֽתְעַשְּׂק֖וּ עִמֹּֽו׃

כ ויריבו רעי גרר עם רעי יצחק לאמר--לנו המים ויקרא שם הבאר עשק כי התעשקו עמו

ויריבו רעי גרר עם־רעי יצחק לאמר לנו המים ויקרא שם־הבאר עשק כי התעשקו עמו׃

1 Mózes 26:20
Gérár pásztorai pedig versengének Izsák pásztoraival, mondván: Miénk a víz. Ezért nevezé a kútnak nevét Észeknek, mivelhogy czivakodtak vala õ vele.

Moseo 1: Genezo 26:20
Kaj disputis la pasxtistoj de Gerar kun la pasxtistoj de Isaak, dirante: Al ni apartenas la akvo. Kaj oni donis al la puto la nomon Esek, cxar oni disputis pri gxi.

Mutta Gerarin paimenet riitelivät Isaakin paimenten kanssa, ja sanoivat: tämä on meidän vetemme. Niin hän kutsui sen kaivon Esek, että he riitelivät hänen kanssansa.

Genèse 26:20
Et les bergers de Guérar contestèrent avec les bergers d'Isaac, disant: L'eau est à nous. Et il appela le nom du puits Ések, parce qu'ils s'étaient disputés avec lui.

Les bergers de Guérar querellèrent les bergers d'Isaac, en disant: L'eau est à nous. Et il donna au puits le nom d'Esek, parce qu'ils s'étaient disputés avec lui.

Mais les bergers de Guérar eurent un démêlé avec les bergers d'Isaac, disant : L'eau est à nous. Et il appela le puits, Hések; parce qu'ils avaient contesté avec lui.

1 Mose 26:20
Aber die Hirten von Gerar zankten mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser. Da hieß er den Brunnen Esek, darum daß sie ihm da unrecht getan hatten.

Aber die Hirten von Gerar zankten mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Das Wasser ist unser. Da hieß er den Brunnen Esek, darum daß sie ihm unrecht getan hatten.

Die Hirten von Gerar aber gerieten in Streit mit den Hirten Isaaks und sprachen: Uns gehört das Wasser! Da nannte er die Quelle "Esek", weil sie mit ihm gezankt hatten.

Genesi 26:20
Ma i pastori di Gherar altercarono coi pastori d’Isacco, dicendo: "L’acqua è nostra". Ed egli chiamò il pozzo Esek, perché quelli aveano conteso con lui.

Ma i pastori di Gherar contesero co’ pastori d’Isacco, dicendo: Quest’acqua è nostra. Ed esso nominò quel pozzo Esec; perciocchè essi ne aveano mossa briga con lui.

Maka berbantahlah segala gembala Gerar itu dengan segala gembala Ishak, katanya: Bahwa air ini kami punya; maka sebab itu dinamainyalah perigi itu Esek, karena mereka itu berbantah-bantah dengan dia.

창세기 26:20
그랄 목자들이 이삭의 목자와 다투어 가로되 `이 물은 우리의 것이라' 하매 이삭이 그 다툼을 인하여 그 우물 이름을 에섹이라 하였으며

Genesis 26:20
sed et ibi iurgium fuit pastorum Gerarae adversum pastores Isaac dicentium nostra est aqua quam ob rem nomen putei ex eo quod acciderat vocavit Calumniam

Pradþios knyga 26:20
Geraro piemenys ginčijosi su Izaoko piemenimis: “Mums priklauso vanduo!” Jis pavadino tą šulinį Eseku, nes jie ginčijosi su juo.

Genesis 26:20
Na ka tautohe nga hepara o Kerara ki nga hepara a Ihaka, ka mea, Na matou tenei wai: a huaina ana e ia te ingoa o te poka ko Eheke; mo ratou hoki i whakatetete ki a ia.

1 Mosebok 26:20
Men hyrdene fra Gerar trettet med Isaks hyrder og sa: Vannet hører oss til. Og han kalte brønnen Esek*, fordi de stredes med ham.

Génesis 26:20
Entonces riñeron los pastores de Gerar con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra. Por eso él llamó al pozo Esek, porque habían reñido con él.

Entonces riñeron los pastores de Gerar con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: "El agua es nuestra." Por eso él llamó al pozo Esek (Riña), porque habían reñido con él.

Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra. Por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él.

Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra: por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él.

Y los pastores de Gerar riñeron con los pastores de Isaac, diciendo: El agua es nuestra; por eso llamó el nombre del pozo Esek, porque habían altercado con él.

Gênesis 26:20
Todavia, os pastores de Gerar discutiram com os pastores de Isaque, argumentando: “A água é nossa!” Por esse motivo Isaque chamou esse poço de Eseque, “Discussão”, porquanto contenderam por causa dele.

E os pastores de Gerar contenderam com os pastores de Isaque, dizendo: Esta água é nossa. E ele chamou ao poço Eseque, porque contenderam com ele.   

Geneza 26:20
Păstorii din Gherar s'au certat însă cu păstorii lui Isaac, zicînd: ,,Apa este a noastră.`` Şi a pus fîntînii numele Esec, pentrucă se certaseră cu el.

Бытие 26:20
И спорили пастухи Герарские с пастухами Исаака, говоря: наша вода. И он нарек колодезю имя: Есек, потому что спорили с ним.

И спорили пастухи Герарские с пастухами Исаака, говоря: наша вода. И он нарек колодезю имя: Есек, потому что спорили с ним.[]

1 Mosebok 26:20
Men herdarna i Gerar begynte tvista med Isaks herdar och sade: »Vattnet är vårt.» Då gav han den brunnen namnet Esek, eftersom de hade kivat med honom.

Genesis 26:20
At nakipagtalo ang mga pastor ni Gerar sa mga pastor ni Isaac, na sinasabi, Amin ang tubig; at kaniyang tinawag ang pangalan ng balon, na Esec; sapagka't ipinakipagkaalit sa kaniya.

ปฐมกาล 26:20
คนเลี้ยงสัตว์ของเมืองเก-ราร์ก็มาทะเลาะกับคนเลี้ยงสัตว์ของอิสอัคอ้างว่า "น้ำนั้นเป็นของเรา" ท่านจึงเรียกชื่อบ่อนั้นว่า เอเสก เพราะเขาทั้งหลายมาทะเลาะกับท่าน

Yaratılış 26:20
Gerarın çobanları, ‹‹Su bizim›› diyerek İshakın çobanlarıyla kavgaya tutuştular. İshak kendisiyle çekiştikleri için kuyuya Esek adını verdi.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 26:20
Nhưng bọn chăn chiên Ghê-ra tranh giành cùng bọn chăn chiên của Y-sác, mà rằng: Người đó của chúng ta; nên người đặt tên giếng nầy là Ê-sét. Vì bọn chăn chiên đó có tranh giành cùng mình.

Genesis 26:19
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