Genesis 22:17
Genesis 22:17
I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,

I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies.

I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies,

indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

I will indeed bless you and make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your offspring will possess the gates of their enemies.

I will certainly bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in heaven and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the gates of their enemies.

I will indeed bless you, and I will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be as countless as the stars in the sky or the grains of sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the strongholds of their enemies.

I will certainly bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of their enemies' cities.

that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies;

That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies;

That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is on the sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is upon the seashore. And thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

I will bless thee, and I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is by the seashore: thy seed shall possess the gates of their enemies.

I will richly bless thee, and greatly multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is on the sea-shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is on the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

that I will bless you greatly, and I will multiply your seed greatly like the stars of the heavens, and like the sand which is on the seashore. Your seed will possess the gate of his enemies.

that blessing I bless thee, and multiplying I multiply thy seed as stars of the heavens, and as sand which is on the sea-shore; and thy seed doth possess the gate of his enemies;

Zanafilla 22:17
unë me siguri do të të bekoj fort dhe do të shumoj pasardhësit e tu si yjet e qiellit dhe si rëra që ndodhet në brigjet e detit dhe trashëgimtarët e tu do të zotërojnë portat e armiqve të tij.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 22:17
اباركك مباركة واكثر نسلك تكثيرا كنجوم السماء وكالرمل الذي على شاطئ البحر. ويرث نسلك باب اعدائه.

De Bschaffung 22:17
gaa i di sögnen zhauf und deine Naachkemmen zalreich machen wie d Stern eyn n Himml obn und önn Sand an n Mörstrand. Deine Naachkemmen sollnd de Toerer von de Feindd einrammen.

Битие 22:17
ще те благословя премного и ще умножа и преумножа потомството ти като небесните звезди и като пясъка на морския бряг; и потомството ти ще завладее портата на неприятелите си;

創 世 記 22:17
論 福 , 我 必 賜 大 福 給 你 ; 論 子 孫 , 我 必 叫 你 的 子 孫 多 起 來 , 如 同 天 上 的 星 , 海 邊 的 沙 。 你 子 孫 必 得 著 仇 敵 的 城 門 ,

论 福 , 我 必 赐 大 福 给 你 ; 论 子 孙 , 我 必 叫 你 的 子 孙 多 起 来 , 如 同 天 上 的 星 , 海 边 的 沙 。 你 子 孙 必 得 着 仇 敌 的 城 门 ,



Genesis 22:17
svoj ću blagoslov na te izliti i učiniti tvoje potomstvo brojnim poput zvijezda na nebu i pijeska na obali morskoj! A tvoji će potomci osvajati vrata svojih neprijatelja.

Genesis 22:17
Požehnám velmi tobě, a velice rozmnožím símě tvé jako hvězdy nebeské, a jako písek, kterýž jest na břehu mořském; nadto dědičně vládnouti bude símě tvé branami nepřátel svých.

1 Mosebog 22:17
saa vil jeg velsigne dig og gøre dit Afkom talrigt som Himmelens Stjerner og Sandet ved Havets Bred; og dit Afkom skal tage sine Fjenders Porte i Besiddelse;

Genesis 22:17
Voorzeker zal Ik u grotelijks zegenen, en uw zaad zeer vermenigvuldigen, als de sterren des hemels, en als het zand, dat aan den oever der zee is; en uw zaad zal de poorten zijner vijanden erfelijk bezitten.

בראשית 22:17
כִּֽי־בָרֵ֣ךְ אֲבָרֶכְךָ֗ וְהַרְבָּ֨ה אַרְבֶּ֤ה אֶֽת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכֹוכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְכַחֹ֕ול אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־שְׂפַ֣ת הַיָּ֑ם וְיִרַ֣שׁ זַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֖ת שַׁ֥עַר אֹיְבָֽיו׃

יז כי ברך אברכך והרבה ארבה את זרעך ככוכבי השמים וכחול אשר על שפת הים וירש זרעך את שער איביו

כי־ברך אברכך והרבה ארבה את־זרעך ככוכבי השמים וכחול אשר על־שפת הים וירש זרעך את שער איביו׃

1 Mózes 22:17
Hogy megáldván megáldalak tégedet, és bõségesen megsokasítom a te magodat mint az ég csillagait, és mint a fövényt, mely a tenger partján van, és a te magod örökség szerint fogja bírni az õ ellenségeinek kapuját.

Moseo 1: Genezo 22:17
tial Mi benos vin kaj Mi multigos vian idaron simile al la steloj de la cxielo kaj al la sablo sur la bordo de la maro; kaj via idaro posedos la pordegojn de siaj malamikoj.

Niin minä suuresti siunaan sinun, ja runsaasti lisään sinun siemenes niinkuin taivaan tähdet, ja niinkuin sannan meren reunalla. Ja sinun siemenes on perivä vihollistensa portit.

Genèse 22:17
certainement je te bénirai, et je multiplierai abondamment ta semence comme les étoiles des cieux et comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer; et ta semence possédera la porte de ses ennemis.

je te bénirai et je multiplierai ta postérité, comme les étoiles du ciel et comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer; et ta postérité possédera la porte de ses ennemis.

Certainement je te bénirai, et je multiplierai très-abondamment ta postérité comme les étoiles des cieux, et comme le sable qui est sur le bord de la mer; et ta postérité possédera la porte de ses ennemis.

1 Mose 22:17
daß ich deinen Samen segnen und mehren will wie die Sterne am Himmel und wie den Sand am Ufer des Meeres; und dein Same soll besitzen die Tore seiner Feinde.

daß ich deinen Samen segnen und mehren will wie die Sterne am Himmel und wie den Sand am Ufer des Meeres; und dein Same soll besitzen die Tore seiner Feinde; {~} {~}

will ich dich reichlich segnen und deine Nachkommen so überaus zahlreich werden lassen, wie die Sterne am Himmel und wie der Sand am Ufer des Meeres, und deine Nachkommen sollen die Thore ihrer Feinde besitzen,

Genesi 22:17
io certo ti benedirò e moltiplicherò la tua progenie come le stelle del cielo e come la rena ch’è sul lido del mare; e la tua progenie possederà la porta de’ suoi nemici.

io del tutto ti benedirò, e farò moltiplicar grandemente la tua progenie, tal che sarà come le stelle del cielo, e come la rena che è in sul lido del mare; e la tua progenie possederà la porta de’ suoi nemici.

bahwa sesungguhnya Aku akan memberi berkat besar akan dikau, dan Aku akan memperbanyakkan anak buahmu sepeti bintang di langit dan seperti kersik di tepi pantai; maka anak buahmu itupun akan mempunyai pintu negeri segala musuhnya.

창세기 22:17
내가 네게 큰 복을 주고 네 씨로 크게 성하여 하늘의 별과 같고 바닷가의 모래와 같게 하리니 네 씨가 그 대적의 문을 얻으리라

Genesis 22:17
benedicam tibi et multiplicabo semen tuum sicut stellas caeli et velut harenam quae est in litore maris possidebit semen tuum portas inimicorum suorum

Pradþios knyga 22:17
Aš laiminte tave palaiminsiu ir dauginte padauginsiu tavo palikuonis, kad jų bus kaip žvaigždžių danguje ir kaip smilčių jūros pakrantėje. Tavo palikuonys užims savo priešų vartus,

Genesis 22:17
Na, ka manaakitia rawatia koe e ahau, a ka whakanuia rawatia e ahau ou uri kia pera me nga whetu o te rangi, me te onepu hoki i te tahatika o te moana; a ka riro i ou uri te kuwaha o ona hoariri;

1 Mosebok 22:17
så vil jeg storlig velsigne dig og gjøre din ætt såre tallrik, som stjernene på himmelen og som sanden på havets bredd, og din ætt skal ta sine fienders porter i eie;

Génesis 22:17
de cierto te bendeciré grandemente, y multiplicaré en gran manera tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo y como la arena en la orilla del mar, y tu descendencia poseerá la puerta de sus enemigos.

de cierto te bendeciré grandemente, y multiplicaré en gran manera tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo y como la arena en la orilla del mar, y tu descendencia poseerá la puerta de sus enemigos.

bendiciendo te bendeciré, y multiplicando multiplicaré tu simiente como las estrellas del cielo, y como la arena que está a la orilla del mar; y tu simiente poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos:

Bendiciendo te bendeciré, y multiplicando multiplicaré tu simiente como las estrellas del cielo, y como la arena que está á la orilla del mar; y tu simiente poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos:

bendiciendo te bendeciré, y multiplicando, multiplicaré tu simiente como las estrellas del cielo, y como la arena que está a la orilla del mar; y tu simiente poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos:

Gênesis 22:17
Esteja convicto de que Eu te cumularei de bênçãos, Eu te confirmarei uma posteridade tão numerosa quanto as estrelas do céu e quanto a areia que se espalha pelas praias do mar, e tua descendência conquistará as cidades de todos que se levantarem contra ti.

que deveras te abençoarei, e grandemente multiplicarei a tua descendência, como as estrelas do céu e como a areia que está na praia do mar; e a tua descendência possuirá a porta dos seus inimigos;   

Geneza 22:17
te voi binecuvînta foarte mult şi-ţi voi înmulţi foarte mult sămînţa, şi anume: ca stelele cerului şi ca nisipul de pe ţărmul mării; şi sămînţa ta va stăpîni cetăţile vrăjmaşilor ei.

Бытие 22:17
то Я благословляя благословлю тебя и умножая умножу семя твое, как звезды небесные и как песок на берегу моря; и овладеет семя твоегородами врагов своих;

то Я благословляя благословлю тебя и умножая умножу семя твое, как звезды небесные и как песок на берегу моря; и овладеет семя твое городами врагов своих;[]

1 Mosebok 22:17
därför skall jag rikligen välsigna dig och göra din säd talrik såsom stjärnorna på himmelen och såsom sanden på havets strand; och din säd skall intaga sina fienders portar.

Genesis 22:17
Na sa pagpapala ay pagpapalain kita, at sa pagpaparami ay pararamihin ko ang iyong binhi, na gaya ng mga bituin sa langit, at gaya ng mga buhangin sa baybayin ng dagat; at kakamtin ng iyong binhi ang pintuang-bayan ng kaniyang mga kaaway;

ปฐมกาล 22:17
เราจะอวยพรเจ้าแน่ เราจะทวีเชื้อสายของเจ้าให้มากขึ้น ดังดวงดาวในท้องฟ้า และดังเม็ดทรายบนฝั่งทะเล เชื้อสายของเจ้าจะได้ประตูเมืองศัตรูของเจ้าเป็นกรรมสิทธิ์

Yaratılış 22:17
seni fazlasıyla kutsayacağım; soyunu göklerin yıldızları, kıyıların kumu kadar çoğaltacağım. Soyun düşmanlarının kentlerini mülk edinecek.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 22:17
sẽ ban phước cho ngươi, thêm dòng dõi ngươi nhiều như sao trên trời, đông như cát bờ biển, và dòng dõi đó sẽ chiếm được cửa thành quân nghịch.

Genesis 22:16
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