Genesis 19:34
Genesis 19:34
The next day the older daughter said to the younger, "Last night I slept with my father. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father."

The next morning the older daughter said to her younger sister, "I had sex with our father last night. Let's get him drunk with wine again tonight, and you go in and have sex with him. That way we will preserve our family line through our father."

The next day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine tonight also. Then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.”

On the following day, the firstborn said to the younger, "Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve our family through our father."

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

The next day the firstborn said to the younger, "Look, I slept with my father last night. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight so you can go sleep with him and we can preserve our father's line."

The next day the firstborn told the younger one, "Look! I had sex with my father last night. Let's make him drink wine tonight again as well. Then you have sex with him, too. That way we'll preserve our father's lineage."

So in the morning the older daughter said to the younger, "Since I had sexual relations with my father last night, let's make him drunk again tonight. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father."

The next day the older daughter said to the younger one, "I did it! Last night I went to bed with my father. Let's give him wine to drink again tonight. Then you go to bed with him so that we'll be able to preserve our family line through our father."

And it came to pass on the next day that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in and lie with him that we may preserve the generation of our father.

And it came to pass on the next day, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay last night with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and you go in, and lie with him, that we may preserve descendants of our father.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said to the younger, Behold, I lay last night with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go you in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the first-born said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

And the next day the elder said to the younger : Behold I lay last night with my father, let us make him drink wine also to night, and thou shalt lie with him, that we may save seed of our father.

And it came to pass on the next day that the first-born said to the younger, Lo, I lay last night with my father: let us give him wine to drink to-night also, and go thou in, lie with him, that we may preserve seed alive of our father.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

And it came to pass on the morrow that the first born said to the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father; let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

It came to pass on the next day, that the firstborn said to the younger, "Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine again, tonight. You go in, and lie with him, that we may preserve our father's seed."

And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that the first-born saith unto the younger, 'Lo, I have lain yesterday-night with my father: we cause him to drink wine also to-night, and go thou in, lie with him, and we preserve from our father -- a seed.'

Zanafilla 19:34
Të nesërmen vajza më e madhe i tha më të voglës: "Ja, natën e kaluar unë rashë në shtrat bashkë me babanë tim; le të bëjmë që ai të pijë verë edhe sonte; pastaj ti futu dhe shtrihu me të, që të mund t'i sigurojmë pasardhës babait tonë".

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 19:34
وحدث في الغد ان البكر قالت للصغيرة اني قد اضطجعت البارحة مع ابي. نسقيه خمرا الليلة ايضا فادخلي اضطجعي معه. فنحيي من ابينا نسلا.

De Bschaffung 19:34
Eyn n Tag drauf gsait de Ölter zo dyr Jüngern: "I bin göstern bei meinn Vatern glögn. Göbn myr iem aau heint auf Nacht wider aynn Wein z trinken; aft schlaaffst naacherd du mit iem. Yso kemm myr auf Kinder von ünsern Vatern."

Битие 19:34
На другия ден по-старата рече на по-младата: Виж, миналата нощ аз преспах с баща си; да го упоим с вино и тая нощ, та влез ти и преспи с него, за да запазим потомство от баща си.

創 世 記 19:34
第 二 天 , 大 女 兒 對 小 女 兒 說 : 我 昨 夜 與 父 親 同 寢 。 今 夜 我 們 再 叫 他 喝 酒 , 你 可 以 進 去 與 他 同 寢 。 這 樣 , 我 們 好 從 父 親 存 留 後 裔 。

第 二 天 , 大 女 儿 对 小 女 儿 说 : 我 昨 夜 与 父 亲 同 寝 。 今 夜 我 们 再 叫 他 喝 酒 , 你 可 以 进 去 与 他 同 寝 。 这 样 , 我 们 好 从 父 亲 存 留 後 裔 。



Genesis 19:34
Sutradan starija reče mlađoj: "Sinoć sam, eto, ležala ja s našim ocem; napojimo ga vinom i noćas, pa idi ti i s njim lezi: tako ćemo ocu sačuvati potomstvo."

Genesis 19:34
Nazejtří pak řekla prvorozená k mladší: Aj, spala jsem včerejší noci s otcem svým; dejme mu píti vína ještě této noci; potom vejduc, spi s ním, a zachovejme símě z otce našeho.

1 Mosebog 19:34
Næste Dag sagde den ældste til den yngste: »Jeg laa i Gaar Nat hos min Fader; nu vil vi ogsaa give ham Vin at drikke i Nat, og gaa du saa ind og læg dig hos ham, for at vi kan faa Afkom ved vor Fader!«

Genesis 19:34
En het geschiedde des anderen daags, dat de eerstgeborene zeide tot de jongste: Zie, ik heb gisteren nacht bij mijn vader gelegen; laat ons ook dezen nacht hem wijn te drinken geven; ga dan in, lig bij hem, opdat wij van onzen vader zaad in het leven behouden.

בראשית 19:34
וַֽיְהִי֙ מִֽמָּחֳרָ֔ת וַתֹּ֤אמֶר הַבְּכִירָה֙ אֶל־הַצְּעִירָ֔ה הֵן־שָׁכַ֥בְתִּי אֶ֖מֶשׁ אֶת־אָבִ֑י נַשְׁקֶ֨נּוּ יַ֜יִן גַּם־הַלַּ֗יְלָה וּבֹ֙אִי֙ שִׁכְבִ֣י עִמֹּ֔ו וּנְחַיֶּ֥ה מֵאָבִ֖ינוּ זָֽרַע׃

לד ויהי ממחרת ותאמר הבכירה אל הצעירה הן שכבתי אמש את אבי נשקנו יין גם הלילה ובאי שכבי עמו ונחיה מאבינו זרע

ויהי ממחרת ותאמר הבכירה אל־הצעירה הן־שכבתי אמש את־אבי נשקנו יין גם־הלילה ובאי שכבי עמו ונחיה מאבינו זרע׃

1 Mózes 19:34
És lõn másodnapon, monda a nagyobbik a kisebbiknek: Ímé a mult éjjel én háltam atyámmal, adjunk néki bort inni ez éjjel is, és menj be te, hálj vele, és támaszszunk magot a mi atyánktól.

Moseo 1: Genezo 19:34
La morgauxan tagon la pli maljuna diris al la pli juna: Jen mi kusxis hieraux kun mia patro; ni ebriigu lin per vino ankaux en cxi tiu nokto, kaj vi venu, kusxu kun li, por ke ni aperigu de nia patro idaron.

Toisena päivänä sanoi vanhempi nuoremmalle: katso, minä makasin menneenä yönä isäni kanssa: juottakaamme häntä tänäkin yönä viinalla, ja mene sinä ja makaa hänen kanssansa, herättääksemme isästämme siementä.

Genèse 19:34
Et il arriva, le lendemain, que l'aînée dit à la plus jeune: Voici, j'ai couché la nuit passée avec mon père; faisons-lui boire du vin encore cette nuit; et va, couche avec lui, et nous conserverons une semence de notre père.

Le lendemain, l'aînée dit à la plus jeune: Voici, j'ai couché la nuit dernière avec mon père; faisons-lui boire du vin encore cette nuit, et va coucher avec lui, afin que nous conservions la race de notre père.

Et le lendemain l'aînée dit à la plus jeune : Voici, j'ai couché la nuit passée avec mon père, donnons-lui encore cette nuit du vin à boire, puis va, et couche avec lui, et nous conserverons la race de notre père.

1 Mose 19:34
Des Morgens sprach die älteste zu der jüngsten: Siehe, ich habe gestern bei meinem Vater gelegen. Laß uns ihm diese Nacht auch Wein zu trinken geben, daß du hineingehest und legest dich zu ihm, daß wir Samen von unserm Vater erhalten:

Des Morgens sprach die ältere zu der jüngeren: Siehe, ich habe gestern bei meinem Vater gelegen. Laß uns ihm diese Nacht auch Wein zu trinken geben, daß du hineingehst und legst dich zu ihm, daß wir Samen von unserm Vater erhalten.

Am andern Morgen aber sprach die ältere zur jüngeren: Ich habe also heute Nacht bei meinem Vater gelegen. Wir wollen ihm auch diese Nacht Wein zu trinken geben; dann geh hinein und lege dich zu ihm, damit wir durch unsern Vater unsern Stamm erhalten.

Genesi 19:34
E avvenne che il dì seguente, la maggiore disse alla minore: "Ecco, la notte passata io mi giacqui con mio padre; diamogli a bere del vino anche questa notte; e tu entra, e giaciti con lui, affinché possiamo conservare la razza di nostro padre".

E il giorno seguente, la maggiore disse alla minore: Ecco, la notte passata io son giaciuta con mio padre; diamogli a ber del vino ancora questa notte; poi va’, e giaciti con lui; così di nostro padre conserveremo in vita alcuna progenie.

Maka pada keesokan harinya kata yang sulung kepada yang bungsu: Bahwa semalam aku telah berseketiduran dengan bapaku, marilah kita beri minum air anggur lagi akan dia pada malam inipun, dan pergilah engkaupun berseketiduran dengan dia, supaya kita memeliharakan anak buah dari bapa kita.

창세기 19:34
이튿날에 큰 딸이 작은 딸에게 이르되 `어제 밤에는 내가 우리 아버지와 동침하였으니 오늘 밤에도 우리가 아버지에게 술을 마시우고 네가 들어가 동침하고 우리가 아버지로 말미암아 인종을 전하자' 하고

Genesis 19:34
altera quoque die dixit maior ad minorem ecce dormivi heri cum patre meo demus ei bibere vinum etiam hac nocte et dormies cum eo ut salvemus semen de patre nostro

Pradþios knyga 19:34
Kitą dieną vyresnioji tarė jaunesniajai: “Aš praėjusią naktį gulėjau su savo tėvu. Nugirdykime jį vynu ir šiąnakt. Po to eik, atsigulk prie jo, kad iš savo tėvo susilauktum palikuonio!”

Genesis 19:34
A i te aonga ake ka mea te tuakana ki to muri, Nana, i takoto ahau inapo ki toku papa: taua ano ka whakainu i a ia ki te waina i tenei po; a mau e haere atu, e takoto ki a ia, kia tupu ai i a taua tetahi uri mo to taua papa.

1 Mosebok 19:34
Dagen efter sa den eldste til den yngste: Se, inatt lå jeg hos min far; la oss også denne natt gi ham vin å drikke, og gå så du inn og legg dig hos ham, så vi kan holde ætten i live ved vår far!

Génesis 19:34
Y aconteció que al día siguiente la mayor dijo a la menor: Mira, anoche yo me acosté con mi padre; hagamos que beba vino esta noche también, y entonces entra tú y acuéstate con él, para preservar nuestra familia por medio de nuestro padre.

Al día siguiente la mayor dijo a la menor: "Mira, anoche yo me acosté con mi padre. Hagamos que beba vino esta noche también, y entonces entra tú y acuéstate con él, para preservar nuestra familia por medio de nuestro padre."

Y aconteció que al día siguiente dijo la mayor a la menor: He aquí que anoche yo me acosté con mi padre; démosle a beber vino también esta noche, y entra y acuéstate con él, para que conservemos de nuestro padre descendencia.

El día siguiente dijo la mayor á la menor: He aquí yo dormí la noche pasada con mi padre; démosle á beber vino también esta noche, y entra y duerme con él, para que conservemos de nuestro padre generación.

El día siguiente dijo la mayor a la menor: He aquí yo dormí la noche pasada con mi padre; démosle a beber vino también esta noche, y entra, duerme con él, y conservemos de nuestro padre generación.

Gênesis 19:34
No dia seguinte, a primogênita orientou a irmã: “Na noite passada eu dormi com meu pai; façamo-lo embriagar-se também nesta noite e tu te deitarás com ele; a fim de que possamos preservar a linhagem de nosso pai!”

No dia seguinte disse a primogênita à menor: Eis que eu ontem à noite me deitei com meu pai; demos-lhe vinho a beber também esta noite; e então, entrando tu, deita-te com ele, para que conservemos a descendência de nosso pai.   

Geneza 19:34
A doua zi, cea mai mare a zis celei mai tinere: ,,Iată, eu m'am culcat în noaptea trecută cu tatăl meu; haidem să -i dăm să bea vin şi în noaptea aceasta, şi du-te de te culcă şi tu cu el, ca să ne păstrăm sămînţa prin tatăl nostru.``

Бытие 19:34
На другой день старшая сказала младшей: вот, я спала вчера с отцом моим; напоим его вином и в эту ночь; и ты войди, спи с ним, и восставим от отца нашего племя.

На другой день старшая сказала младшей: вот, я спала вчера с отцом моим; напоим его вином и в эту ночь; и ты войди, спи с ним, и восставим от отца нашего племя.[]

1 Mosebok 19:34
Dagen därefter sade den äldre till den yngre: »Se, jag låg i natt hos min fader; låt oss också denna natt giva honom vin att dricka, och gå du in och lägg dig hos honom, för att vi må skaffa oss livsfrukt genom vår fader.»

Genesis 19:34
At nangyari nang kinabukasan, na sinabi ng panganay sa bunso. Narito, ako'y sumiping kagabi sa aking ama; painumin din natin ng alak sa gabing ito; at pumasok ka, at sumiping ka sa kaniya; upang mapalagi natin ang binhi ng ating ama.

ปฐมกาล 19:34
ต่อมาวันรุ่งขึ้นบุตรสาวหัวปีพูดกับน้องสาวว่า "ดูเถิด เมื่อคืนนี้เราได้นอนกับบิดาของเรา พวกเราจงให้ท่านดื่มเหล้าองุ่นในคืนนี้อีก และเจ้าจงเข้าไปนอนกับท่านเพื่อพวกเราจะสงวนเชื้อสายของบิดาพวกเรา"

Yaratılış 19:34
Ertesi gün büyük kız küçüğüne, ‹‹Dün gece babamla yattım›› dedi, ‹‹Bu gece de ona şarap içirelim. Soyumuzu yaşatmak için sen de onunla yat.››[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 19:34
Qua ngày mai, chị nói cùng em rằng: Nầy, đêm hôm qua ta đã nằm cùng cha rồi; hôm nay chúng ta hãy phục rượu cho cha nữa, rồi em hãy lại nằm cùng người, để lưu truyền dòng giống cha lại.

Genesis 19:33
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