Genesis 1:30
Genesis 1:30
And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground--everything that has life." And that is what happened.

And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

for all the wildlife of the earth, for every bird of the sky, and for every creature that crawls on the earth--everything having the breath of life in it. I have given every green plant for food." And it was so.

I have given all green plants as food for every wild animal of the earth, every bird that flies, and to every living thing that crawls on the earth." And that is what happened.

And to all the animals of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." It was so.

I have given all green plants as food to every land animal, every bird in the sky, and every animal that crawls on the earth-every living, breathing animal." And so it was.

And to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to every thing that moves upon the earth, in which there is a living soul, I have given all green grass for food; and it was so.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green plant for food: and it was so.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.

And to all the beasts of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the earth, and wherein there is life, that they may have to feed upon. And it was so done.

and to every animal of the earth, and to every fowl of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth on the earth, in which is a living soul, every green herb for food. And it was so.

and to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every animal that creepeth upon the earth, in which is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.

To every animal of the earth, and to every bird of the sky, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food;" and it was so.

and to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the heavens, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which is breath of life, every green herb is for food:' and it is so.

Zanafilla 1:30
Dhe çdo kafshe të tokës, çdo zogu të qiellit dhe çdo gjëje që lëviz mbi tokë dhe ka në vetvete një frymë jete, unë i jap çdo bar të gjelbër si ushqim". Dhe kështu u bë.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 1:30
ولكل حيوان الارض وكل طير السماء وكل دبّابة على الارض فيها نفس حية اعطيت كل عشب اخضر طعاما. وكان كذلك

De Bschaffung 1:30
Und yn n gantzn Gwild, yn alle Vögl eyn dyr Luft, yn n gantzn Gwürm und yn was si aau regt, gib i de grüenen Pflantznen als Narung." Und es gschaagh yso.

Битие 1:30
А на всичките земни зверове, на всичките въздушни птици, и на всичко, което пълзи по земята, в което има живот, [давам], всяка зелена трева за храна; и стана така.

創 世 記 1:30
至 於 地 上 的 走 獸 和 空 中 的 飛 鳥 , 並 各 樣 爬 在 地 上 有 生 命 的 物 , 我 將 青 草 賜 給 他 們 作 食 物 。 事 就 這 樣 成 了 。

至 於 地 上 的 走 兽 和 空 中 的 飞 鸟 , 并 各 样 爬 在 地 上 有 生 命 的 物 , 我 将 青 草 赐 给 他 们 作 食 物 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。



Genesis 1:30
A zvijerima na zemlji i pticama u zraku i gmizavcima što puze po zemlji u kojima je dah života - neka je za hranu sve zeleno bilje!" I bi tako.

Genesis 1:30
Všechněm pak živočichům zemským, i všemu ptactvu nebeskému, a všemu tomu, což se hýbe na zemi, v čemž jest duše živá, všelikou bylinu zelenou dal jsem ku pokrmu. I stalo se tak.

1 Mosebog 1:30
men alle Jordens Dyr og alle Himmelens Fugle og alt, hvad der kryber paa Jorden, og som har Livsaande, giver jeg alle grønne Urter til Føde.« Og saaledes skete det.

Genesis 1:30
Maar aan al het gedierte der aarde, en aan al het gevogelte des hemels, en aan al het kruipende gedierte op de aarde, waarin een levende ziel is, heb Ik al het groene kruid tot spijze gegeven. En het was alzo.

בראשית 1:30
וּֽלְכָל־חַיַּ֣ת הָ֠אָרֶץ וּלְכָל־עֹ֨וף הַשָּׁמַ֜יִם וּלְכֹ֣ל ׀ רֹומֵ֣שׂ עַל־הָאָ֗רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־בֹּו֙ נֶ֣פֶשׁ חַיָּ֔ה אֶת־כָּל־יֶ֥רֶק עֵ֖שֶׂב לְאָכְלָ֑ה וַֽיְהִי־כֵֽן׃

ל ולכל חית הארץ ולכל עוף השמים ולכל רומש על הארץ אשר בו נפש חיה את כל ירק עשב לאכלה ויהי כן

ולכל־חית הארץ ולכל־עוף השמים ולכל ׀ רומש על־הארץ אשר־בו נפש חיה את־כל־ירק עשב לאכלה ויהי־כן׃

1 Mózes 1:30
A föld minden vadainak pedig, és az ég minden madarainak, és a földön csúszó-mászó mindenféle állatoknak, a melyekben élõ lélek van, a zöld fûveket [adom] eledelûl. És úgy lõn.

Moseo 1: Genezo 1:30
Kaj al cxiuj bestoj de la tero kaj al cxiuj birdoj de la cxielo kaj al cxiuj rampajxoj sur la tero, kiuj havas en si vivan animon, la tutan verdan herbajxon kiel mangxajxon. Kaj farigxis tiel.

Ja kaikille eläimille maan päällä, ja kaikille taivaan linnuille, ja kaikille, jotka matelevat maan päällä, joissa elävä henki on, kaikkinaiset viheriäiset ruohot syötäväksi. Ja tapahtui niin.

Genèse 1:30
et à tout animal de la terre; et à tout oiseau des cieux, et à tout ce qui rampe sur la terre, qui a en soi une âme vivante, j'ai donné toute plante verte pour nourriture. Et il fut ainsi.

Et à tout animal de la terre, à tout oiseau du ciel, et à tout ce qui se meut sur la terre, ayant en soi un souffle de vie, je donne toute herbe verte pour nourriture. Et cela fut ainsi.

Mais [j'ai donné] à toutes les bêtes de la terre, et à tous les oiseaux des cieux et à toute chose qui se meut sur la terre, ayant vie en soi-même, toute herbe verte pour manger; et il fut ainsi.

1 Mose 1:30
und allem Tier auf Erden und allen Vögeln unter dem Himmel und allem Gewürme, das da Leben hat auf Erden, daß sie allerlei grün Kraut essen. Und es geschah also.

und allem Getier auf Erden und allen Vögeln unter dem Himmel und allem Gewürm, das da lebt auf Erden, daß sie allerlei grünes Kraut essen. Und es geschah also.

Dagegen allen Tieren auf der Erde und allen Vögeln am Himmel und allem, was auf Erden kriecht, was da beseelt ist, bestimme ich alles Gras und Kraut zur Nahrung. Und es geschah so.

Genesi 1:30
E ad ogni animale della terra e ad ogni uccello dei cieli e a tutto ciò che si muove sulla terra ed ha in sé un soffio di vita, io do ogni erba verde per nutrimento". E così fu.

Ma a tutte le bestie della terra, ed a tutti gli uccelli del cielo, ed a tutti gli animali che serpono sopra la terra, ne’ quali è anima vivente, io do ogni erba verde per mangiarla. E così fu.

tetapi akan segala binatang liar yang di bumi dan segala unggas yang di udara dan segala binatang yang menjalar di atas bumi, yang ada nyawa hidup dalamnya, maka Aku mengaruniakan segala tumbuh-tumbuhan yang hijau akan makanannya; maka jadilah demikian.

창세기 1:30
또 땅의 모든 짐승과 공중의 모든 새와 생명이 있어 땅에 기는 모든 것에게는 내가 모든 푸른 풀을 식물로 주노라 하시니 그대로 되니라

Genesis 1:30
et cunctis animantibus terrae omnique volucri caeli et universis quae moventur in terra et in quibus est anima vivens ut habeant ad vescendum et factum est ita

Pradþios knyga 1:30
Ir visiems žemės gyvūnams, visiems padangių paukščiams ir visiems, kas kruta ant žemės, kas turi gyvybę, daviau visus žaliuojančius augalus maistui”. Ir taip įvyko.

Genesis 1:30
A kua hoatu ano e ahau nga otaota matomato katoa hei kai ma nga kararehe katoa o te whenua, ma nga manu katoa o te rangi, ma nga mea katoa hoki e ngokingoki ana i runga i te whenua kei roto nei i a ratou he wairua ora: a ka oti.

1 Mosebok 1:30
Og alle dyr på jorden og alle fugler under himmelen og alt som rører sig på jorden, alt som det er livsånde i, gir jeg alle grønne urter å ete. Og det blev så.

Génesis 1:30
Y a toda bestia de la tierra, a toda ave de los cielos y a todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra, y que tiene vida, les he dado toda planta verde para alimento. Y fue así.

Y a todo animal de la tierra, a toda ave de los cielos y a todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra, y que tiene vida, les he dado toda planta verde para alimento." Y así fue.

Y os he dado a toda bestia de la tierra, y a todas las aves de los cielos, y a todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra en que hay vida; y toda planta verde les será para comer. Y fue así.

Y á toda bestia de la tierra, y á todas las aves de los cielos, y á todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra, en que hay vida, toda hierba verde les será para comer: y fué así.

Y a toda bestia de la tierra, y a todas las aves de los cielos, y a todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra, en que hay ánima viviente, toda verdura de hierba verde les será para comer; y fue así.

Gênesis 1:30
Também dou a todos os animais da terra, a todas as aves dos céus, a todos os répteis da terra, e a todas as criaturas em que há fôlego de vida, todos os vegetais existentes, como mantimento e sustento!” E assim aconteceu.

E a todos os animais da terra, a todas as aves do céu e a todo ser vivente que se arrasta sobre a terra, tenho dado todas as ervas verdes como mantimento. E assim foi.   

Geneza 1:30
Iar tuturor fiarelor pămîntului, tuturor păsărilor cerului, şi tuturor vietăţilor cari se mişcă pe pămînt, cari au în ele o suflare de viaţă, le-am dat ca hrană toată iarba verde.`` Şi aşa a fost.

Бытие 1:30
а всем зверям земным, и всем птицам небесным, и всякому пресмыкающемуся по земле, вкотором душа живая, дал Я всю зелень травную в пищу. И стало так.

а всем зверям земным, и всем птицам небесным, и всякому пресмыкающемуся по земле, в котором душа живая, [дал] Я всю зелень травную в пищу. И стало так.[]

1 Mosebok 1:30
Men åt alla djur på jorden och åt alla fåglar under himmelen och åt allt som krälar på jorden, vad som i sig har en levande själ, åt dessa giver jag alla gröna örter till föda.» Och det skedde så.

Genesis 1:30
At sa bawa't hayop sa lupa, at sa bawa't ibon sa himpapawid; at sa bawa't nagsisiusad sa ibabaw ng lupa na may buhay ay ibinigay ko ang lahat na pananim na sariwa na pinakapagkain; at nagkagayon.

ปฐมกาล 1:30
สำหรับบรรดาสัตว์ป่าบนแผ่นดินโลก บรรดานกในอากาศ และบรรดาสัตว์ที่เลื้อยคลานที่มีชีวิตบนแผ่นดินโลก เราให้บรรดาพืชผักเขียวสดเป็นอาหาร" ก็เป็นดังนั้น

Yaratılış 1:30
Yabanıl hayvanlara, gökteki kuşlara, sürüngenlere -soluk alıp veren bütün hayvanlara- yiyecek olarak yeşil otları veriyorum.›› Ve öyle oldu.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 1:30
Còn các loài thú ngoài đồng, các loài chim trên trời, và các động vật khác trên mặt đất, phàm giống nào có sự sống thì ta ban cho mọi thứ cỏ xanh đặng dùng làm đồ ăn; thì có như vậy.

Genesis 1:29
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