Galatians 2:12
Galatians 2:12
For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group.

When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile Christians, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn't eat with the Gentiles anymore. He was afraid of criticism from these people who insisted on the necessity of circumcision.

For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.

For prior to the coming of certain men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof, fearing the party of the circumcision.

For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

For he regularly ate with the Gentiles before certain men came from James. However, when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, because he feared those from the circumcision party.

Until some men arrived from James, he was in the habit of eating with the gentiles, but after those men came, he withdrew from the gentiles and would not associate with them any longer, because he was afraid of the circumcision party.

Until certain people came from James, he had been eating with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he stopped doing this and separated himself because he was afraid of those who were pro-circumcision.

For before people would come from the presence of Jacob, he was eating with the Gentiles, but when they came, he withdrew himself and separated, because he was afraid of those who were of the circumcision.

He ate with people who were not Jewish until some men James had sent [from Jerusalem] arrived. Then Cephas drew back and would not associate with people who were not Jewish. He was afraid of those who insisted that circumcision was necessary.

For before certain ones came from James, he ate with the Gentiles, but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.

For before certain men came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them who were of the circumcision.

For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

For before that certain came from James, he ate with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing them that were of the circumcision.

For before that some came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them who were of the circumcision.

for before that certain came from James, he ate with those of the nations; but when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those of the circumcision;

For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing them that were of the circumcision.

For before that certain came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles: but when they had come, he withdrew, and separated himself, fearing them who were of the circumcision.

For until certain persons came from James he had been accustomed to eat with Gentiles; but as soon as these persons came, he withdrew and separated himself for fear of the Circumcision party.

For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.

for before the coming of certain from James, with the nations he was eating, and when they came, he was withdrawing and separating himself, fearing those of the circumcision,

Galatasve 2:12
Në fakt, para se të vinin disa njerëz nga ana e Jakobit, ai hante me johebrenjtë; po, kur erdhën ata, ai u tërhoq dhe u nda, duke druajtur ata të rrethprerjes.

ﻏﻼﻃﻲ 2:12
لانه قبلما أتى قوم من عند يعقوب كان يأكل مع الامم ولكن لما أتوا كان يؤخر ويفرز نفسه خائفا من الذين هم من الختان.

Արդարեւ Յակոբոսի քովէն ոմանց գալէն առաջ՝ ինք հեթանոսներուն հետ անխտրաբար կ՚ուտէր. բայց երբ եկան՝ ընկրկեցաւ եւ ինքզինք զատեց, թլփատուածներէն վախնալով:

Galatianoetara. 2:12
Ecén Iacquesganic batzu ethor citecen baino lehen, Gentilequin batean iaten çuen: baina ethorri içan ciradenean, retira eta separa cedin hetaric Circoncisionecoén beldurrez.

De Gäletn 2:12
Vor nömlich ain aus n Jaaggennkraiß eintraaffend, aaß yr allweil mit de Haidn mitaynand. Wie die aber daa warnd, zog yr si von de Haidn zrugg und gwill nix meer wissn dyrvon, weil yr de Hörtn von de Judn schih.

Галатяни 2:12
Понеже, преди да дойдеха някои от Якова, той ядеше заедно с езичниците; а когато те дойдоха, оттегли се и странеше [от тях], защото се боеше от обрязаните.

加 拉 太 書 2:12
從 雅 各 那 裡 來 的 人 未 到 以 先 , 他 和 外 邦 人 一 同 吃 飯 , 及 至 他 們 來 到 , 他 因 怕 奉 割 禮 的 人 , 就 退 去 與 外 邦 人 隔 開 了 。

从 雅 各 那 里 来 的 人 未 到 以 先 , 他 和 外 邦 人 一 同 吃 饭 , 及 至 他 们 来 到 , 他 因 怕 奉 割 礼 的 人 , 就 退 去 与 外 邦 人 隔 开 了 。





Poslanica Galaæanima 2:12
doista, prije nego stigoše neki od Jakova, blagovao je zajedno s poganima; a kad oni dođoše, počeo se povlačiti i odvajati bojeći se onih iz obrezanja.

Galatským 2:12
Nebo prve nežli jsou přišli někteří od Jakuba, jídal s pohany, a když přišli, ucházel a odděloval se od nich, boje se těch, kteříž byli z Židovstva.

Galaterne 2:12
Thi førend der kom nogle fra Jakob, spiste han sammen med Hedningerne; men da de kom, trak han sig tilbage og skilte sig fra dem af Frygt for dem af Omskærelsen.

Galaten 2:12
Want eer sommigen van Jakobus gekomen waren, at hij mede met de heidenen; maar toen zij gekomen waren, onttrok hij zich en scheidde zichzelven af, vrezende degenen, die uit de besnijdenis waren.

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινας ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλεν καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινὰς ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλεν καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινὰς ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλεν καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

Πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινας ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου, μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλεν καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινας ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλε καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

πρό ὁ γάρ ἔρχομαι τὶς ἀπό Ἰάκωβος μετά ὁ ἔθνος συνεσθίω ὅτε δέ ἔρχομαι ὑποστέλλω καί ἀφορίζω ἑαυτοῦ φοβέω ὁ ἐκ περιτομή

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινας ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου, μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον, ὑπέστελλε καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν, φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς.

πρὸ τοῦ γὰρ ἐλθεῖν τινας ἀπὸ Ἰακώβου μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν συνήσθιεν· ὅτε δὲ ἦλθον ὑπέστελλεν καὶ ἀφώριζεν ἑαυτόν φοβούμενος τοὺς ἐκ περιτομῆς

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο ιακωβου μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν οτε δε ηλθον υπεστελλεν και αφωριζεν εαυτον φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο ιακωβου μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν οτε δε ηλθον υπεστελλεν και αφωριζεν εαυτον φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο ιακωβου μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν οτε δε ηλθον υπεστελλεν και αφωριζεν εαυτον φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο Ιακωβου, μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν· οτε δε ηλθον, υπεστελλε και αφωριζεν εαυτον, φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης.

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο ιακωβου μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν οτε δε ηλθον υπεστελλεν και αφωριζεν εαυτον φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης

προ του γαρ ελθειν τινας απο ιακωβου μετα των εθνων συνησθιεν οτε δε ηλθον υπεστελλεν και αφωριζεν εαυτον φοβουμενος τους εκ περιτομης

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo Iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn synēsthien; hote de ēlthon, hypestellen kai aphōrizen heauton, phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs.

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo Iakobou meta ton ethnon synesthien; hote de elthon, hypestellen kai aphorizen heauton, phoboumenos tous ek peritomes.

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo Iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn synēsthien; hote de ēlthon, hypestellen kai aphōrizen heauton, phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs.

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo Iakobou meta ton ethnon synesthien; hote de elthon, hypestellen kai aphorizen heauton, phoboumenos tous ek peritomes.

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakōbou meta tōn ethnōn sunēsthien ote de ēlthon upestellen kai aphōrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomēs

pro tou gar elthein tinas apo iakObou meta tOn ethnOn sunEsthien ote de Elthon upestellen kai aphOrizen eauton phoboumenos tous ek peritomEs

Galatákhoz 2:12
Mert mielõtt némelyek oda jöttek Jakabtól, a pogányokkal együtt evett; mikor pedig oda jöttek, félrevonult és elkülönítette magát, félvén a körülmetélkedésbõl valóktól.

Al la galatoj 2:12
CXar antaux ol iuj alvenis de Jakobo, li kunmangxis kun la nacianoj; sed kiam ili alvenis, li sin fortiris kaj apartigis, timante tiujn, kiuj estis el la cirkumcido.

Kirje galatalaisille 2:12
Sillä ennenkuin joku Jakobin tyköä tuli, söi hän pakanain kanssa; vaan kuin ne tulivat, vältti hän, ja eroitti itsensä heistä, peljäten niitä, jotka ympärileikkauksesta olivat,

Galates 2:12
Car, avant que quelques-uns fussent venus d'auprès de Jacques, il mangeait avec ceux des nations; mais quand ceux-là furent venus, il se retira et se sépara lui-même, craignant ceux de la circoncision;

En effet, avant l'arrivée de quelques personnes envoyées par Jacques, il mangeait avec les païens; et, quand elles furent venues, il s'esquiva et se tint à l'écart, par crainte des circoncis.

Car avant que quelques-uns fussent venus de la part de Jacques, il mangeait avec les Gentils; mais quand ceux-là furent venus, il s'en retira, et s'en sépara, craignant ceux qui étaient de la Circoncision.

Galater 2:12
Denn zuvor, ehe etliche von Jakobus kamen, aß er mit den Heiden; da sie aber kamen, entzog er sich und sonderte sich, darum daß er die von der Beschneidung fürchtete.

Denn zuvor, ehe etliche von Jakobus kamen, aß er mit den Heiden; da sie aber kamen, entzog er sich und sonderte sich ab, darum daß er die aus den Juden fürchtete.

Denn bevor einige von Jakobus her kamen, aß er mit den Heiden zusammen. Wie aber diese kamen, zog er sich zurück und sonderte sich ab, in der Furcht vor denen aus der Beschneidung.

Galati 2:12
Difatti, prima che fossero venuti certuni provenienti da Giacomo, egli mangiava coi Gentili; ma quando costoro furono arrivati, egli prese a ritrarsi e a separarsi per timor di quelli della circoncisione.

Perciocchè, avanti che certi fosser venuti d’appresso a Giacomo, egli mangiava co’ Gentili; ma, quando coloro furon venuti, si sottrasse, e si separò, temendo quei della circoncisione.

Karena dahulu daripada datang beberapa orang daripada pihak Yakub, ia sudah makan bersama-sama dengan orang kafir; tetapi tatkala mereka itu tiba, ia pun undur dan mengasingkan dirinya, sebab takut akan orang yang bersunat itu.

Galatians 2:12
Uqbel a d-asen kra n yemdanen i d-iceggeɛ Yeɛqub, yella itețț akk-d watmaten ur nelli ara n wat Isṛail, lameɛna akken kan i d-wwḍen, iḥbes lmakla yid-sen iwexxeṛ fell-asen, axaṭer yuggad wid iṭṭfen di lɛaddat n wat Isṛail.

갈라디아서 2:12
야고보에게서 온 어떤 이들이 이르기 전에 게바가 이방인과 함께 먹다가 저희가 오매 그가 할례자들을 두려워하여 떠나 물러가매

Galatas 2:12
prius enim quam venirent quidam ab Iacobo cum gentibus edebat cum autem venissent subtrahebat et segregabat se timens eos qui ex circumcisione erant

Galatiešiem 2:12
Tāpēc ka, iekams daži no Jēkaba nebija nākuši, viņš ēda reizē ar pagāniem, bet kad tie atnāca, tad viņš atrāvās un nošķīrās, bīdamies no apgraizītajiem.

Laiðkas galatams 2:12
Mat prieš atvykstant kai kuriems nuo Jokūbo, jis valgydavo su pagonimis; bet kai tie atvyko, jis atsitraukė ir vengė jų, bijodamas apipjaustytųjų.

Galatians 2:12
I mua hoki o te taenga mai o etahi i a Hemi, e kai tahi ana ia me nga tauiwi: no to ratou taenga mai ia, neke atu ana ia, momotu ke ana i a ia; i mataku hoki ki te hunga o te kotinga.

Galaterne 2:12
For før det kom nogen fra Jakob, åt han sammen med hedningene; men da de kom, drog han sig tilbake og skilte sig ut, for han var redd for dem som var av omskjærelsen,

Gálatas 2:12
Porque antes de venir algunos de parte de Jacobo, él comía con los gentiles, pero cuando vinieron, empezó a retraerse y apartarse, porque temía a los de la circuncisión.

Porque antes de venir algunos de parte de Jacobo (Santiago), él comía con los Gentiles, pero cuando aquéllos vinieron, Pedro empezó a retraerse y apartarse, porque temía a los de la circuncisión.

Porque antes que viniesen unos de parte de Jacobo, él comía con los gentiles, mas cuando vinieron, se retraía y se apartaba, teniendo miedo de los que eran de la circuncisión.

Porque antes que viniesen unos de parte de Jacobo, comía con los Gentiles; mas después que vinieron, se retraía y apartaba, teniendo miedo de los que eran de la circuncisión.

Porque antes que viniesen unos de parte de Jacobo, comía con los gentiles; mas después que vinieron, se retraía y apartaba, teniendo miedo de los que eran de la circuncisión.

Gálatas 2:12
Porque antes de chegarem alguns da parte de Tiago, ele fazia suas refeições na companhia dos gentios; todavia, quando eles chegaram, Pedro foi se afastando até se apartar dos incircuncisos, apenas por temor aos que defendiam a circuncisão.

Pois antes de chegarem alguns da parte de Tiago, ele comia com os gentios; mas quando eles chegaram, se foi retirando e se apartava deles, temendo os que eram da circuncisão.   

Galateni 2:12
În adevăr, înainte de venirea unora dela Iacov, el mînca împreună cu Neamurile; dar cînd au venit ei, s'a ferit şi a stat deoparte, de teama celor tăiaţi împrejur.

К Галатам 2:12
Ибо, до прибытия некоторых от Иакова, ел вместе с язычниками; а когда те пришли, стал таиться и устраняться, опасаясь обрезанных.

Ибо, до прибытия некоторых от Иакова, ел вместе с язычниками; а когда те пришли, стал таиться и устраняться, опасаясь обрезанных.

Galatians 2:12
Iis, Israer-shuar tuiniawai, "Israer-shuarcha Muisais timia N·nisan tsupirnakcha asamtai, nu shuarjai Yurumßshtiniaiti" tuiniawai. T·maitiat Pφtiur Yurumßmnian nΘkak~u, emka Sßntiak shuar Tßatsain Israer-shuarchajai Yurumßmai. Tura Nuyß Sßntiak shuar JerusarΘnnumia Antiukφanam jeawarmatai Pφtiur ashamak tsupirnakcha shuarnumia kanakin Yurumßchmai. "Tsupirnaktiniaitme" tiniu ainia nuna ashamak T·ramai.

Galaterbrevet 2:12
Förut hade han nämligen ätit tillsammans med hedningarna; men så kommo några män dit från Jakob, och efter deras ankomst drog han sig tillbaka och höll sig undan, av fruktan för de omskurna.

Wagalatia 2:12
Awali, kabla ya watu kadhaa waliokuwa wametumwa na Yakobo kuwasili hapo, Petro alikuwa akila pamoja na watu wa mataifa mengine. Lakini, baada ya hao watu kufika, aliacha kabisa kula pamoja na watu wa mataifa mengine, kwa kuogopa kikundi cha waliosisitiza tohara.

Mga Taga-Galacia 2:12
Sapagka't bago nagsidating ang ilang mula kay Santiago, ay nakisalo siya sa mga Gentil; nguni't nang sila'y magsidating na, siya'y umurong, at humiwalay sa mga Gentil, palibhasa'y natatakot sa mga sa pagtutuli.

กาลาเทีย 2:12
ด้วยว่าก่อนที่คนของยากอบมาถึงนั้น ท่านได้กินอยู่ด้วยกันกับคนต่างชาติ แต่พอคนพวกนั้นมาถึง ท่านก็ปลีกตัวออกไปอยู่เสียต่างหาก เพราะกลัวพวกที่ถือพิธีเข้าสุหนัต

Galatyalılar 2:12
Çünkü Yakupun yanından bazı adamlar gelmeden önce Kefas öteki uluslardan olanlarla birlikte yemek yerdi. Ama o adamlar gelince sünnet yanlılarından korkarak sünnetsizlerden uzaklaştı, onlarla yemek yemez oldu.

Галатяни 2:12
Перше бо нїм прийшли деякі від Якова, він їв з поганами; як же прийшли, таївсь і відлучавсь, боячись тих, що були з обрізання.

Galatians 2:12
Lomo' -na uma-i mpelence to Yahudi ba to bela-ra to Yahudi, ngkoni' moto-i hangkaa-ngkania hante topetuku' Yesus to bela-ra to Yahudi. Aga nto'u karata-ra ba hangkuja dua doo-na Yakobus ngkai Yerusalem, mengkawulaa-imi ngkai topetuku' Yesus to bela-ra to Yahudi. Uma-ipi daho' ngkoni' dohe-ra, apa' me'eka' -i mpai' rakehele to Yahudi to lako' rata toera.

Ga-la-ti 2:12
Bởi trước lúc mấy kẻ của Gia-cơ sai đi chưa đến, thì người ăn chung với người ngoại; vừa khi họ đã đến thì người lui đứng riêng ra, bởi sợ những kẻ chịu phép cắt bì.

Galatians 2:11
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