Ezra 6:5
Ezra 6:5
Also, the gold and silver articles of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, are to be returned to their places in the temple in Jerusalem; they are to be deposited in the house of God.

Furthermore, the gold and silver cups, which were taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar from the Temple of God in Jerusalem, must be returned to Jerusalem and put back where they belong. Let them be taken back to the Temple of God."

And also let the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that is in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be restored and brought back to the temple that is in Jerusalem, each to its place. You shall put them in the house of God.”

Also let the gold and silver utensils of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be returned and brought to their places in the temple in Jerusalem; and you shall put them in the house of God.'

And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to his place, and place them in the house of God.

The gold and silver articles of God's house that Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple in Jerusalem and carried to Babylon must also be returned. They are to be brought to the temple in Jerusalem where they belong and put into the house of God.

Furthermore, let the gold and silver utensils from the Temple of God (that Nebuchadnezzar took from the Temple in Jerusalem and carried off to Babylon) be brought back to the Temple at Jerusalem and restored to their respective places in the Temple of God.

Furthermore let the gold and silver vessels of the temple of God, which Nebuchadnezzar brought from the temple in Jerusalem and carried to Babylon, be returned and brought to their proper place in the temple in Jerusalem. Let them be deposited in the temple of God.'

In addition, Cyrus took out of a temple in Babylon the gold and silver utensils that belonged to God's temple. (Nebuchadnezzar had taken them out of God's temple in Jerusalem and brought them into a temple in Babylon.) They should be returned to their proper place in the temple in Jerusalem. You should put each one in God's temple.

And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which was at Jerusalem and brought unto Babylon, be restored and go again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, to his place, and let them be placed in the house of God.

And also let the golden and silver articles of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to its place, and place them in the house of God.

And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, be restored, and brought again to the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to his place, and place them in the house of God.

And also let the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to its place; and thou shalt put them in the house of God.

And also let the golden and silver vessels of the temple of Cod, which Nabuchodonosor took out of the temple of Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, be restored, and carried back to the temple of Jerusalem to their place, which also were placed in the temple of God.

and also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that is at Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be restored and brought again to the temple that is at Jerusalem, in their place; and thou shalt put them in the house of God.

And also let the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to its place, and thou shalt put them in the house of God.

And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, be restored, and brought again to the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to its place, and place them in the house of God.

Also let the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, be restored, and brought again to the temple which is at Jerusalem, everyone to its place; and you shall put them in the house of God.

And also, the vessels of the house of God, of gold and silver, that Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple that is in Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, let be given back, and go to the temple that is in Jerusalem, each to its place, and put them down in the house of God.

Esdra 6:5
Përveç kësaj, veglat prej ari dhe prej argjendi të shtëpisë së Perëndisë, që Nebukadnetsari ka hequr nga tempulli që është në Jeruzalem dhe i ka çuar në Babiloni, të rikthehen dhe të çohen në tempullin që është në Jeruzalem; dhe secila të vihet në vendin e vet në shtëpinë e Perëndisë".

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 6:5
وايضا آنية بيت الله التي من ذهب وفضة التي اخرجها نبوخذناصّر من الهيكل الذي في اورشليم واتى بها الى بابل فلترد وترجع الى الهيكل الذي في اورشليم الى مكانها وتوضع في بيت الله.

Dyr Esren 6:5
De Gold- und Silbergezöcher von n Gotshaus werdnd zrugggöbn, die wo dyr Nebykädnezer aus n Ruslhamer Templ auf Bäbl verzogn haat. Allss sollt in n Ruslhamer Gotshaus wider daa hinkemmen, wo s hinghoert."

Ездра 6:5
Също и златните и сребърните вещи на Божия дом, които Навуходоносор взе от храма, който бе в Ерусалим, та ги донесе във Вавилон, нека се дадат назад и да се повърнат на храма в Ерусалим, всяка на мястото си, и да се положат в Божия дом.

以 斯 拉 記 6:5
並 且 神 殿 的 金 銀 器 皿 , 就 是 尼 布 甲 尼 撒 從 耶 路 撒 冷 的 殿 中 掠 到 巴 比 倫 的 , 要 歸 還 帶 到 耶 路 撒 冷 的 殿 中 , 各 按 原 處 放 在 神 的 殿 裡 。

并 且 神 殿 的 金 银 器 皿 , 就 是 尼 布 甲 尼 撒 从 耶 路 撒 冷 的 殿 中 掠 到 巴 比 伦 的 , 要 归 还 带 到 耶 路 撒 冷 的 殿 中 , 各 按 原 处 放 在 神 的 殿 里 。



Ezra 6:5
Povrh toga, posuđe zlatno i srebrno iz Doma Božjeg koje Nabukodonozor bijaše uzeo iz svetišta u Jeruzalemu i prenio u Babilon neka se vrati i bude na svome mjestu u svetištu jeruzalemskom i neka se postavi u Domu Božjem."

Ezdrášova 6:5
Nadto nádobí domu Božího zlaté i stříbrné, kteréž Nabuchodonozor byl pobral z chrámu, jenž byl v Jeruzalémě, a byl je přenesl do Babylona, ať zase navrátí, aby se dostalo do chrámu Jeruzalémského na místo své, a složeno bylo v domě Božím.

Ezra 6:5
Desuden skal Gudshusets Guld— og Sølvkar, som Nebukadnezar borttog fra Helligdommen i Jerusalem og førte til Babel, gives tilbage, og de skal bringes tilbage til deres Plads i Helligdommen i Jerusalem, og du skal sætte dem ind i Gudshuset!«

Ezra 6:5
Daartoe zal men ook de gouden en zilveren vaten van het huis Gods, die Nebukadnezar uit den tempel, die te Jeruzalem was, heeft weggevoerd, en naar Babel gebracht, wedergeven, dat zij gaan naar den tempel, die te Jeruzalem is, aan zijn plaats, en men zal ze afvoeren ten huize Gods.

עזרא 6:5
וְ֠אַף מָאנֵ֣י בֵית־אֱלָהָא֮ דִּ֣י דַהֲבָ֣ה וְכַסְפָּא֒ דִּ֣י נְבֽוּכַדְנֶצַּ֗ר הַנְפֵּ֛ק מִן־הֵיכְלָ֥א דִי־בִירוּשְׁלֶ֖ם וְהֵיבֵ֣ל לְבָבֶ֑ל יַהֲתִיב֗וּן וִ֠יהָךְ לְהֵיכְלָ֤א דִי־בִירֽוּשְׁלֶם֙ לְאַתְרֵ֔הּ וְתַחֵ֖ת בְּבֵ֥ית אֱלָהָֽא׃ ס

ה ואף מאני בית אלהא די דהבה וכספא די נבוכדנצר הנפק מן היכלא די בירושלם והיבל לבבל--יהתיבון ויהך להיכלא די בירושלם לאתרה ותחת בבית אלהא  {ס}

ואף מאני בית־אלהא די דהבה וכספא די נבוכדנצר הנפק מן־היכלא די־בירושלם והיבל לבבל יהתיבון ויהך להיכלא די־בירושלם לאתרה ותחת בבית אלהא׃ ס

Ezsdrás 6:5
Sõt az Isten házának arany és ezüst edényeit is, a melyeket Nabukodonozor hozott vala el a jeruzsálemi templomból s vitt vala Babilóniába, adják vissza, hogy jussanak el azok a jeruzsálemi templomba, helyökre, s te helyezd el azokat az Isten házába."

Ezra 6:5
Ankaux la vazojn de la domo de Dio, orajn kaj argxentajn, kiujn Nebukadnecar elportis el la templo de Jerusalem kaj forportis en Babelon, oni redonu, kaj ili iru en la templon de Jerusalem sur sian lokon kaj estu lokitaj en la domo de Dio.

ESRA 6:5
Piti myös Jumalan huoneen hopiaiset ja kultaiset astiat, jotka Nebukadnetsar oli ottanut Jerusalemin kirkosta ja vienyt Babeliin, annettaman ja vietämän jälleen templiin, Jerusalemiin, pantavaksi siallensa Jumalan huoneesen.

Esdras 6:5
et aussi que les ustensiles d'or et d'argent de la maison de Dieu, que Nebucadnetsar a sortis du temple de Jérusalem et a emportés à Babylone, soient rendus, et qu'on les porte au temple de Jérusalem, en leur lieu; et tu les placeras dans la maison de Dieu.

De plus, les ustensiles d'or et d'argent de la maison de Dieu, que Nebucadnetsar avait enlevés du temple de Jérusalem et transportés à Babylone, seront rendus, transportés au temple de Jérusalem à la place où ils étaient, et déposés dans la maison de Dieu.

Et quant aux ustensiles d'or et d'argent de la maison de Dieu, lesquels Nébucadnetsar avait tirés du Temple qui était à Jérusalem, et apportés à Babylone, qu'on les rendrait, et qu'ils seraient remis au Temple qui était à Jérusalem, [chacun] en sa place, et qu'on les ferait conduire en la maison de Dieu.

Esra 6:5
Dazu die güldenen und silbernen Gefäße des Hauses Gottes, die Nebukadnezar aus dem Tempel zu Jerusalem genommen und gen Babel gebracht hat, soll man wiedergeben, daß sie wiedergebracht werden in den Tempel zu Jerusalem an ihre Statt im Hause Gottes.

dazu die goldenen und silbernen Gefäße des Hauses Gottes, die Nebukadnezar aus dem Tempel zu Jerusalem genommen und gen Babel gebracht hat, soll man wiedergeben, daß sie wiedergebracht werden in den Tempel zu Jerusalem an ihre Statt im Hause Gottes. {~}

Dazu sollen auch die goldenen und silbernen Geräte des Tempels Gottes, die Nebukadnezar aus dem Tempel zu Jerusalem weggeführt und nach Babel gebracht hat, zurückgegeben werden, daß jedes wieder in den Tempel zu Jerusalem an seinen Ort komme, und du sollst sie im Tempel Gottes niederlegen.

Esdra 6:5
E inoltre, gli utensili d’oro e d’argento della casa di Dio, che Nebucadnetsar avea tratti dal tempio di Gerusalemme e trasportati a Babilonia, siano restituiti e riportati al tempio di Gerusalemme, nel luogo dov’erano prima, e posti nella casa di Dio".

Ed anche che gli arredi d’oro e d’argento della Casa di Dio, i quali Nebucadnesar avea tratti fuor del Tempio di Gerusalemme, e portati in Babilonia, fossero restituiti, e portati nel luogo loro, nel Tempio di Gerusalemme, e fossero posti nella Casa di Dio.

EZRA 6:5
Dan lagi segala perkakasan bait-Ullah dari pada emas dan perak, yang sudah diambil oleh Nebukadnezar dari dalam kaabah yang di Yeruzalem dan yang dibawa olehnya ke Babil itu, hendaklah dikembalikan supaya dibawa akan dia ke kaabah yang di Yeruzalem, ke tempatnya, dan dibawa oranglah akan dia turun ke bait-Ullah.

에스라 6:5
또 느부갓네살이 예루살렘 전에서 취하여 바벨론으로 옮겼던 하나님의 전 금,은 기명을 돌려 보내어 예루살렘 전에 가져다가 하나님의 전 안 각기 본처에 둘지니라 하였더라

Esdrae 6:5
sed et vasa templi Dei aurea et argentea quae Nabuchodonosor tulerat de templo Hierusalem et adtulerat ea in Babylonem reddantur et referantur in templo Hierusalem in locum suum quae et posita sunt in templo Dei

Ezdro knyga 6:5
Auksiniai ir sidabriniai Dievo namų indai, kuriuos Nebukadnecaras buvo atgabenęs iš Jeruzalės šventyklos į Babiloną, turi būti nugabenti į Jeruzalėje statomą šventyklą, į savo vietą, ir padėti Dievo namuose’ ”.

Ezra 6:5
Me whakahoki ano nga oko koura, hiriwa, o te whare o te Atua, i tangohia nei e Nepukaneha i roto i te temepara i Hiruharama, i kawea nei ki Papurona; me kawe ano ki te temepara i Hiruharama, ki tona wahi, ki tona wahi, me whakatakoto e koe ki te whare o te Atua.

Esras 6:5
De kar av gull og sølv som hørte til Guds hus, men som Nebukadnesar tok ut av templet i Jerusalem og førte til Babel, skal også gis tilbake, så de igjen kommer til sitt sted i templet i Jerusalem; de skal settes i Guds hus.

Esdras 6:5
``Y que también se devuelvan los utensilios de oro y de plata de la casa de Dios, los cuales Nabucodonosor sacó del templo en Jerusalén y trajo a Babilonia, y que se lleven a sus lugares en el templo en Jerusalén y sean colocados en la casa de Dios.

'Y que también se devuelvan los utensilios de oro y de plata de la casa de Dios, los cuales Nabucodonosor sacó del templo en Jerusalén y trajo a Babilonia, y que se lleven a sus lugares en el templo en Jerusalén y sean colocados en la casa de Dios.'

Y también los vasos de oro y de plata de la casa de Dios, que Nabucodonosor sacó del templo que estaba en Jerusalén y los pasó a Babilonia, sean devueltos y sean traídos al templo que está en Jerusalén, a su lugar, y sean puestos en la casa de Dios.

Y también los vasos de oro y de plata de la casa de Dios, que Nabucodonosor sacó del templo que estaba en Jerusalem y los pasó á Babilonia, sean devueltos y vayan al templo que está en Jerusalem, á su lugar, y sean puestos en la casa de Dios.

Y también los vasos de oro y de plata de la Casa de Dios, que Nabucodonosor sacó del templo que estaba en Jerusalén y los pasó a Babilonia, sean devueltos y vayan al templo que está en Jerusalén, a su lugar, y sean puestos en la Casa de Dios.

Esdras 6:5
Além disso, todos os utensílios de ouro e de prata pertencentes à Casa de Deus, que Nabucodonosor tomou do templo que estava em Jerusalém e transportou para a Babilônia, serão devolvidos para o templo que está em Jerusalém. Cada objeto para o seu devido lugar; serão todos recolocados na Casa de Deus.

Além disso sejam restituídos os utensílios de ouro e de prata da casa de Deus, que Nabucodonozor tirou do templo em Jerusalém e levou para Babilônia, e que se tornem a levar para o templo em Jerusalém, cada um para o seu lugar, e tu os porás na casa de Deus.`   

Ezra 6:5
Mai mult, uneltele de aur şi de argint ale Casei lui Dumnezeu, pe cari le luase Nebucadneţar din Templul dela Ierusalim şi le adusese la Babilon, să fie date înapoi, duse în Templul din Ierusalim la locul unde erau, şi puse în Casa lui Dumnezeu.`` -

Ездра 6:5
Да и сосуды дома Божия, золотые и серебряные, которые Навуходоносор вынес из храма Иерусалимского и отнес в Вавилон, пусть возвратятся и пойдут в храм Иерусалимский, каждый на место свое, и помещены будут в доме Божием.

Да и сосуды дома Божия, золотые и серебряные, которые Навуходоносор вынес из храма Иерусалимского и отнес в Вавилон, пусть возвратятся и пойдут в храм Иерусалимский, [каждый] на место свое, и помещены будут в доме Божием.[]

Esra 6:5
De kärl av guld och silver i Guds hus, som Nebukadnessar tog ur templet i Jerusalem och förde till Babel, skall man ock giva tillbaka, så att de komma åter till sin plats i templet i Jerusalem, och man skall sätta in dem i Guds hus.' --

Ezra 6:5
At ang ginto at pilak na mga sisidlan din naman ng bahay ng Dios na inilabas ni Nabucodonosor sa templo na nasa Jerusalem, at nangadala sa Babilonia, masauli, at ipasok uli sa templo na nasa Jerusalem, bawa't isa'y sa kanikaniyang dako, at iyong ipaglalagay sa bahay ng Dios.

เอสรา 6:5
และเครื่องใช้ทองคำและเงินของพระนิเวศแห่งพระเจ้า ซึ่งเนบูคัดเนซาร์ทรงนำออกมาจากพระวิหารที่อยู่ในเยรูซาเล็มนำมาไว้ที่บาบิโลนนั้น ให้คืนเสียและให้นำกลับไปยังพระวิหารซึ่งอยู่ในเยรูซาเล็ม ไว้ตามที่ของสิ่งนั้นๆ ท่านจงเก็บไว้ในพระนิเวศแห่งพระเจ้า'

Ezra 6:5
Nebukadnessarın Yeruşalimdeki Tanrının Tapınağından çıkarıp Babile getirdiği altın ve gümüş kaplar da geri verilsin. Yeruşalimdeki tapınakta özel yerlerine götürülsün. Hepsi Tanrının Tapınağına konsun.› ››[]

EÂ-xô-ra 6:5
Lại, các khí dụng bằng vàng và bạc của nhà Ðức Chúa Trời, mà Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa đã lấy trong đền thờ tại Giê-ru-sa-lem và đem qua Ba-by-lôn, thì phải trả lại, và đem về trong đền thờ tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, khí dụng nầy trong chỗ nấy; ngươi phải để nó tại chỗ cũ trong nhà Ðức Chúa Trời.

Ezra 6:4
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