Ezra 6:17
Ezra 6:17
For the dedication of this house of God they offered a hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four hundred male lambs and, as a sin offering for all Israel, twelve male goats, one for each of the tribes of Israel.

During the dedication ceremony for the Temple of God, 100 young bulls, 200 rams, and 400 male lambs were sacrificed. And 12 male goats were presented as a sin offering for the twelve tribes of Israel.

They offered at the dedication of this house of God 100 bulls, 200 rams, 400 lambs, and as a sin offering for all Israel 12 male goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

They offered for the dedication of this temple of God 100 bulls, 200 rams, 400 lambs, and as a sin offering for all Israel 12 male goats, corresponding to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And offered at the dedication of this house of God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve he goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

For the dedication of God's house they offered 100 bulls, 200 rams, and 400 lambs, as well as 12 male goats as a sin offering for all Israel--one for each Israelite tribe.

At the dedication offering of the Temple of God, they presented 100 bulls, 200 rams, and 400 lambs, along with a sin offering of twelve male goats for the entire nation of Israel according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

For the dedication of this temple of God they offered one hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and twelve male goats for the sin of all Israel, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

At the dedication of God's temple, they sacrificed 100 bulls, 200 rams, and 400 lambs. They sacrificed 12 male goats as an offering for sin, one goat for each of the tribes of Israel.

and they offered at the dedication of this house of God one hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and as the sin of all Israel, twelve he goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And offered at the dedication of this house of God a hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve male goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And offered at the dedication of this house of God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve he goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And they offered at the dedication of this house of God a hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And they offered at the dedication of the house of God, a, hundred calves, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and for a sin offering for all Israel twelve he goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

and they presented at the dedication of this house of God a hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And they offered at the dedication of this house of God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

And offered at the dedication of this house of God a hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

They offered at the dedication of this house of God one hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve male goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

and have brought near for the dedication of this house of God, bullocks a hundred, rams two hundred, lambs four hundred; and young he-goats for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve, according to the number of the tribes of Israel;

Esdra 6:17
Për kushtimin e kësaj shtëpie të Perëndisë ata ofruan njëqind dema, dyqind desh, katërqind qengja dhe dymbëdhjetë cjep, sipas numrit të fiseve të Izraelit, si flijime për mëkatin për gjithë Izraelin.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 6:17
وقربوا تدشينا لبيت الله هذا مئة ثور ومئتي كبش واربع مئة خروف واثني عشر تيس معزى ذبيحة خطية عن جميع اسرائيل حسب عدد اسباط اسرائيل.

Dyr Esren 6:17
Bei dyr Einweihung von n Templ gopfernd s hundert Stiern, zwaihundert Wider und vierhundert Lämpln und als Sündopfer naach dyr Zal von de Stämm zwölf Gaißböck für dös gantze Isryheel.

Ездра 6:17
За посвещението на тоя Божий дом принесоха сто юнеца, двеста овена и четиристотин агнета, а в принос за грях за целия Израил, дванадесет козела, според числото на Израилевите племена,

以 斯 拉 記 6:17
行 奉 獻 神 殿 的 禮 就 獻 公 牛 一 百 隻 , 公 綿 羊 二 百 隻 , 綿 羊 羔 四 百 隻 , 又 照 以 色 列 支 派 的 數 目 獻 公 山 羊 十 二 隻 , 為 以 色 列 眾 人 作 贖 罪 祭 ;

行 奉 献 神 殿 的 礼 就 献 公 牛 一 百 只 , 公 绵 羊 二 百 只 , 绵 羊 羔 四 百 只 , 又 照 以 色 列 支 派 的 数 目 献 公 山 羊 十 二 只 , 为 以 色 列 众 人 作 赎 罪 祭 ;



Ezra 6:17
Žrtvovaše za posvećenje Doma Božjega stotinu junaca, dvije stotine ovnova, četiri stotine janjaca i, kao žrtvu za grijehe svega Izraela, dvanaest jaraca - prema broju plemena Izraelovih.

Ezdrášova 6:17
A obětovali při posvěcení toho Božího domu sto telat, skopců dvě stě, beránků čtyři sta, a kozlů k oběti za hřích za všecken Izrael dvanáct, vedlé počtu pokolení Izraelského.

Ezra 6:17
og de ofrede ved Indvielsen 100 Tyre, 200 Vædre og 400 Lam og til Syndofre for hele Israel 12 Gedebukke efter Tallet paa Israels Stammer;

Ezra 6:17
En zij offerden, ter inwijding van dit huis Gods, honderd runderen, tweehonderd rammen, vierhonderd lammeren en twaalf geitenbokken, ten zondoffer voor gans Israel, naar het getal der stammen Israels.

עזרא 6:17
וְהַקְרִ֗בוּ לַחֲנֻכַּת֮ בֵּית־אֱלָהָ֣א דְנָה֒ תֹּורִ֣ין מְאָ֔ה דִּכְרִ֣ין מָאתַ֔יִן אִמְּרִ֖ין אַרְבַּ֣ע מְאָ֑ה וּצְפִירֵ֨י עִזִּ֜ין [לְחַטָּיָא כ] (לְחַטָּאָ֤ה ק) עַל־כָּל־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ תְּרֵֽי־עֲשַׂ֔ר לְמִנְיָ֖ן שִׁבְטֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

יז והקרבו לחנכת בית אלהא דנה תורין מאה דכרין מאתין אמרין ארבע מאה וצפירי עזין לחטיא (לחטאה) על כל ישראל תרי עשר--למנין שבטי ישראל

והקרבו לחנכת בית־אלהא דנה תורין מאה דכרין מאתין אמרין ארבע מאה וצפירי עזין [לחטיא כ] (לחטאה ק) על־כל־ישראל תרי־עשר למנין שבטי ישראל׃

Ezsdrás 6:17
Vivének pedig Isten házának felszentelésénél áldozatul száz bikát, kétszáz kost, négyszáz bárányt és tizenkét kecskebakot bûnért való áldozatra egész Izráelért, Izráel nemzetségeinek száma szerint.

Ezra 6:17
Kaj oni alportis cxe la sanktigo de tiu domo de Dio:cent bovojn, ducent sxafojn, kvarcent sxafidojn, kaj dek du pekoferajn kaprojn pro la tuta Izrael, laux la nombro de la triboj de Izrael.

ESRA 6:17
Ja uhrasivat tässä Jumalan huoneen vihkimyksessä sata mullia, kaksisataa oinasta, neljäsataa karitsaa ja kaksitoistakymmentä kaurista, koko Israelin syntein edestä, Israelin sukukuntain luvun jälkeen,

Esdras 6:17
et ils offrirent pour la dédicace de cette maison de Dieu, cent taureaux, deux cents béliers, quatre cents agneaux, et, comme sacrifice pour le péché, pour tout Israël, douze boucs, selon le nombre des tribus d'Israël.

Ils offrirent, pour la dédicace de cette maison de Dieu, cent taureaux, deux cents béliers, quatre cents agneaux, et, comme victimes expiatoires pour tout Israël, douze boucs, d'après le nombre des tribus d'Israël.

Et ils offrirent pour la dédicace de cette maison de Dieu, cent veaux, deux cents béliers, quatre cents agneaux, et douze jeunes boucs pour le péché pour tout Israël, selon le nombre des Tribus d'Israël.

Esra 6:17
Und opferten auf die Einweihung des Hauses Gottes hundert Kälber, zweihundert Lämmer, vierhundert Böcke und zum Sündopfer für das ganze Israel zwölf Ziegenböcke, nach der Zahl der Stämme Israels.

und opferten auf die Einweihung des Hauses Gottes hundert Farren, zweihundert Widder, vierhundert Lämmer und zum Sündopfer für ganz Israel zwölf Ziegenböcke nach der Zahl der Stämme Israels

Und sie opferten zur Einweihung dieses Tempels Gottes hundert Stiere, zweihundert Widder, vierhundert Lämmer, und zum Sündopfer für ganz Israel zwölf Ziegenböcke, nach der Zahl der Stämme Israels.

Esdra 6:17
E per la dedicazione di questa casa di Dio offrirono cento giovenchi, duecento montoni quattrocento agnelli; e come sacrifizio per il peccato per tutto Israele, dodici capri, secondo il numero delle tribù d’Israele.

E, per la dedicazione di questa Casa di Dio, offersero cento giovenchi, dugento montoni, e quattrocento agnelli; e per sacrificio per lo peccato per tutto Israele, dodici becchi, secondo il numero delle tribù d’Israele.

EZRA 6:17
Dan akan mentahbiskan bait-Ullah itu dikorbankannya lembu seratus ekor dan domba jantan dua ratus ekor dan anak domba empat ratus ekor dan kambing jantan dua belas ekor akan korban karena dosa segenap orang Israel, seturut bilangan segala suku bangsa Israel.

에스라 6:17
하나님의 전 봉헌식을 행할 때에 수소 일백과 수양 이백과 어린양 사백을 드리고 또 이스라엘 지파의 수를 따라 수염소 열 둘로 이스라엘 전체를 위하여 속죄제를 드리고

Esdrae 6:17
et obtulerunt in dedicationem domus Dei vitulos centum arietes ducentos agnos quadringentos hircos caprarum pro peccato totius Israhel duodecim iuxta numerum tribuum Israhel

Ezdro knyga 6:17
Pašventindami Dievo namus, jie aukojo šimtą jaučių, du šimtus avinų, keturis šimtus ėriukų ir auką už nuodėmę, už visą Izraelį­dvylika ožių pagal Izraelio giminių skaičių.

Ezra 6:17
Tapaea ana hoki e ratou i te tainga o te kawa o tenei whare o te Atua, kotahi rau puru, e rua rau hipi toa, e wha rau reme; a hei whakahere hara mo Iharaira katoa, kotahi tekau ma rua koati toa, ko te maha hoki ia o nga iwi o Iharaira.

Esras 6:17
De ofret ved innvielsen av dette Guds hus hundre okser, to hundre værer, fire hundre lam og til syndoffere for hele Israel tolv gjetebukker efter tallet på Israels stammer.

Esdras 6:17
Y para la dedicación de esta casa de Dios ofrecieron cien novillos, doscientos carneros, cuatrocientos corderos, y como ofrenda por el pecado por todo Israel, doce machos cabríos, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.

Y para la dedicación de esta casa de Dios ofrecieron 100 novillos, 200 carneros, 400 corderos, y como ofrenda por el pecado por todo Israel, doce machos cabríos, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.

Y ofrecieron en la dedicación de esta casa de Dios cien becerros, doscientos carneros y cuatrocientos corderos; y machos cabríos en expiación por todo Israel, doce, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.

Y ofrecieron en la dedicación de esta casa de Dios cien becerros, doscientos carneros, cuatrocientos corderos; y machos de cabrío en expiación por todo Israel, doce, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.

Y ofrecieron en la dedicación de esta Casa de Dios cien becerros, doscientos carneros, cuatrocientos corderos; y machos cabríos por expiación por todo Israel, doce, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel.

Esdras 6:17
Para a dedicação do templo de Deus ofereceram cem touros, duzentos carneiros, quatrocentos cordeiros e, com oferta pelos erros e pecados de todo o Israel, doze bodes expiatórios, de acordo com o número das tribos de Israel.

Ofereceram para a dedicação desta casa de Deus cem novilhos, duzentos carneiros e quatrocentos cordeiros; e como oferta pelo pecado por todo o Israel, doze bodes, segundo o número das tribos de Israel.   

Ezra 6:17
Au adus, pentru sfinţirea acestei Case a lui Dumnezeu, o sută de viţei, două sute de berbeci, patru sute de miei, şi, ca jertfe ispăşitoare pentru tot Israelul, doisprezece ţapi, după numărul seminţiilor lui Israel.

Ездра 6:17
И принесли при освящении сего дома Божия: сто волов, двести овнов, четыреста агнцев и двенадцать козлов в жертву за грех за всего Израиля, по числу колен Израилевых.

И принесли при освящении сего дома Божия: сто волов, двести овнов, четыреста агнцев и двенадцать козлов в жертву за грех за всего Израиля, по числу колен Израилевых.[]

Esra 6:17
Och till invigningen av detta Guds hus offrade de ett hundra tjurar, två hundra vädurar och fyra hundra lamm, så ock till syndoffer för hela Israel tolv bockar, efter antalet av Israels stammar.

Ezra 6:17
At sila'y nangaghandog sa pagtatalaga ng bahay na ito ng Dios ng isang daang baka, dalawang daang lalaking tupa, apat na raang kordero; at ang pinakahandog dahil sa kasalanan na ukol sa buong Israel, ay labing dalawang lalaking kambing, ayon sa bilang ng mga lipi ng Israel.

เอสรา 6:17
ณ การถวายพระนิเวศแห่งพระเจ้านี้ เขาทั้งหลายได้ถวายวัวผู้หนึ่งร้อยตัว แกะผู้สองร้อยตัว ลูกแกะสี่ร้อยตัว และส่วนเครื่องบูชาไถ่บาปสำหรับอิสราเอลทั้งปวงนั้นมีแพะผู้สิบสองตัว ตามจำนวนตระกูลของอิสราเอล

Ezra 6:17
Tanrının Tapınağının adanması için yüz boğa, iki yüz koç, dört yüz kuzu kurban ettiler. Oymakların sayısına göre, bütün İsrailliler için günah sunusu olarak on iki teke sundular.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 6:17
Về lễ khánh thành đền thờ nầy, chúng dâng một trăm con bò đực, hai trăm con chiên đực, bốn trăm con chiên con, và tùy theo số các chi phái Y-sơ-ra-ên, chúng dâng mười hai con dê đực làm của lễ chuộc tội cho cả dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Ezra 6:16
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