Ezra 6:11
Ezra 6:11
Furthermore, I decree that if anyone defies this edict, a beam is to be pulled from their house and they are to be impaled on it. And for this crime their house is to be made a pile of rubble.

"Those who violate this decree in any way will have a beam pulled from their house. Then they will be tied to it and flogged, and their house will be reduced to a pile of rubble.

Also I make a decree that if anyone alters this edict, a beam shall be pulled out of his house, and he shall be impaled on it, and his house shall be made a dunghill.

"And I issued a decree that any man who violates this edict, a timber shall be drawn from his house and he shall be impaled on it and his house shall be made a refuse heap on account of this.

Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.

I also issue a decree concerning any man who interferes with this directive: Let a beam be torn from his house and raised up; he will be impaled on it, and his house will be made into a garbage dump because of this offense.

I hereby also decree that whoever shall alter the wording of this edict, let his residence be torn down for timber to build a gallows, hang him on it, and turn his home into an outhouse.

"I hereby give orders that if anyone changes this directive a beam is to be pulled out from his house and he is to be raised up and impaled on it, and his house is to be reduced to a rubbish heap for this indiscretion.

I am also issuing a decree that if anyone tampers with my orders, that person should be impaled on a beam torn from his own house and his house should be turned into a pile of rubble.

It is also given by my commandment that whoever shall alter this word, let a timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged upon it, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.

Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be impaled thereon; and let his house be made a pile of rubble because of this.

Also I have made a decree, that whoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.

Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let a beam be pulled out from his house, and let him be lifted up and fastened thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this:

And I have made a decree: That ii any whosoever, shall alter this commandment, a beam be taken from his house. and set up, and he be nailed upon it, and his house be confiscated.

Also I have given order that whosoever shall alter this rescript, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.

Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let a beam be pulled out from his house, and let him be lifted up and fastened thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this:

Also I have made a decree, that whoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged upon it; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.

Also I have made a decree, that whoever shall alter this word, let a beam be pulled out from his house, and let him be lifted up and fastened thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this:

'And by me is made a decree, that any one who changeth this thing, let wood be pulled down from his house, and being raised up, let him be smitten on it, and his house let be made a dunghill for this.

Esdra 6:11
Kam dhënë gjithashtu urdhër që në qoftë se dikush e shtrëmbëron këtë dekret, t'i hiqet një tra shtëpisë së tij, të ngrihet dhe ai të varet tek ai; dhe shtëpia e tij të katandiset në një plehërishte për shkak të veprimit të tij.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 6:11
وقد صدر مني أمر ان كل انسان يغير هذا الكلام تسحب خشبة من بيته ويعلق مصلوبا عليها ويجعل بيته مزبلة من اجل هذا.

Dyr Esren 6:11
Dann befilh i aau non, däß ayn Ieder, der wo dönn Erlaaß missachtt, auf aynn Traaum pfaelt werd, dönn wo myn iem von n Haus ausherreisst. Wer nit folgt, yn dönn sein Haus werd zo aynn Trümmerhauffen gmacht.

Ездра 6:11
Издавам още и указ, щото на всеки, който би изменил тая заповед, по тая причина, да се изкърти греда от къщата му та да се изправи, и той да се обеси на нея, и къщата му да стане на бунище.

以 斯 拉 記 6:11
我 再 降 旨 , 無 論 誰 更 改 這 命 令 , 必 從 他 房 屋 中 拆 出 一 根 梁 來 , 把 他 舉 起 , 懸 在 其 上 , 又 使 他 的 房 屋 成 為 糞 堆 。

我 再 降 旨 , 无 论 谁 更 改 这 命 令 , 必 从 他 房 屋 中 拆 出 一 根 梁 来 , 把 他 举 起 , 悬 在 其 上 , 又 使 他 的 房 屋 成 为 粪 堆 。



Ezra 6:11
Naređujem osim toga: tko god prekrši ovu naredbu, neka mu se izvadi greda iz kuće pa neka na njoj bude pogubljen, a kuća da mu zato postane bunište.

Ezdrášova 6:11
Nadto ode mne jest rozkázáno: Kdož by koli zrušil přikázaní toto, aby vybořeno bylo z domu jeho dřevo, a zdviženo bylo, na němž by oběšen byl, a dům jeho ať jest hnojištěm pro takovou věc.

Ezra 6:11
Og hermed paabyder jeg, at om nogen overtræder denne For ordning, skal en Bjælke rives ud af hans Hus, og til Straf skal han hænges op og nagles fast paa den, og hans Hus skal gøres til en Grusdynge.

Ezra 6:11
Voorts wordt bevel van mij gegeven, dat al dengene, die dit woord zal veranderen, een hout uit zijn huis zal gerukt en opgericht worden, waaraan hij zal worden opgehangen; en zijn huis zal om diens wille tot een drekhoop gemaakt worden.

עזרא 6:11
וּמִנִּי֮ שִׂ֣ים טְעֵם֒ דִּ֣י כָל־אֱנָ֗שׁ דִּ֤י יְהַשְׁנֵא֙ פִּתְגָמָ֣א דְנָ֔ה יִתְנְסַ֥ח אָע֙ מִן־בַּיְתֵ֔הּ וּזְקִ֖יף יִתְמְחֵ֣א עֲלֹ֑הִי וּבַיְתֵ֛הּ נְוָל֥וּ יִתְעֲבֵ֖ד עַל־דְּנָֽה׃

יא ומני שים טעם--די כל אנש די יהשנא פתגמא דנה יתנסח אע מן ביתה וזקיף יתמחא עלהי וביתה נולו יתעבד על דנה

ומני שים טעם די כל־אנש די יהשנא פתגמא דנה יתנסח אע מן־ביתה וזקיף יתמחא עלהי וביתה נולו יתעבד על־דנה׃

Ezsdrás 6:11
És megparancsolom azt is, hogy valaki e rendelést megszegi, annak házából szakíttassék ki egy gerenda s felállíttatván szegeztessék reá, háza pedig szemétdombbá tétessék e miatt.

Ezra 6:11
De mi estas donata la ordono, ke se iu homo sxangxos cxi tiun decidon, oni elprenu trabon el lia domo, kaj li estu levita kaj alnajlita al gxi, kaj lia domo pro tio estu ruinigita.

ESRA 6:11
Tämä käsky on minulta annettu, että kuka ikänä nämät sanat muuttaa, hänen huoneestansa pitää yksi hirsi reväistämän, joka pitää nostettaman ylös, ja hän siihen ripustettaman, ja hänen huoneensa pitää lokaläjäksi tehtämän sen työn tähden.

Esdras 6:11
Et de par moi ordre est donné, que si quelque homme change ce rescrit, un bois soit arraché de sa maison et dressé, et qu'il y soit attaché, et que sa maison soit réduite en un tas de fumier à cause de cela.

Et voici l'ordre que je donne touchant quiconque transgressera cette parole: on arrachera de sa maison une pièce de bois, on la dressera pour qu'il y soit attaché, et l'on fera de sa maison un tas d'immondices.

J'ordonne aussi, que quiconque changera ceci, on arrache de sa maison un bois qui sera dressé, afin qu'il y soit exterminé, et qu'à cause de cela on fasse de sa maison une voirie.

Esra 6:11
Von mir ist solcher Befehl geschehen. Und welcher Mensch diese Worte verändert, von des Hause soll man einen Balken nehmen und aufrichten und ihn dran hängen, und sein Haus soll dem Gericht verfallen sein um der Tat willen.

Von mir ist solcher Befehl geschehen. Und welcher Mensch diese Worte verändert, von des Hause soll man einen Balken nehmen und aufrichten und ihn daran hängen, und sein Haus soll dem Gericht verfallen sein um der Tat willen.

Und von mir ist Befehl ergangen, daß, wenn irgend jemand diesen Erlaß abändern sollte, ein Balken aus seinem Hause herausgerissen, und er an ihm gekreuzigt werden soll; sein Haus aber soll dieserhalb zu einem Misthaufen gemacht werden.

Esdra 6:11
E questo è pure l’ordine ch’io do: Se qualcuno contravverrà a questo decreto, si tragga dalla casa di lui una trave, la si rizzi, vi sia egli inchiodato sopra, e la sua casa, per questo motivo, diventi un letamaio.

Ed anche da me è fatto un decreto, che, se alcuno fa altrimenti, una trave sia spiccata della sua casa, e sia rizzata, e ch’egli vi sia fatto morir sopra; e che della sua casa sia fatta una latrina, per questa cagione.

EZRA 6:11
Dan lagi titahku akan barangsiapa yang mengubahkan titah ini, niscaya sebatang tiang kayu kelak akan dibantun dari dalam rumahnya, lalu dihunjam dan iapun digantungkan padanya, dan karena sebab itu rumahnyapun dijadikan tandas.

에스라 6:11
내가 또 조서를 내리노니 무론 누구든지 이 명령을 변개하면 그 집에서 들보를 빼어내고 저를 그 위에 매어달게 하고 그 집은 이로 인하여 거름더미가 되게 하라

Esdrae 6:11
a me ergo positum est decretum ut omnis homo qui hanc mutaverit iussionem tollatur lignum de domo ipsius et erigatur et configatur in eo domus autem eius publicetur

Ezdro knyga 6:11
Be to, aš įsakiau, kad kiekvienas, kuris sulaužys šitą įsakymą, bus prikaltas prie ištraukto iš jo namų rąsto, o jo namai paversti griuvėsių krūva.

Ezra 6:11
Kua hanga ano hoki e ahau he tikanga, ki te whakaputaia ketia tenei kupu e tetahi, kia unuhia he kurupae i tona whare, a ka whakairi i a ia, ka tarona ai ki runga; kia meinga ano tona whare hei puranga paru, hei utu mo tena.

Esras 6:11
Jeg har også gitt befaling om at dersom nogen gjør mot dette påbud, så skal en bjelke rives ut av hans hus, og på den skal han henges op og nagles fast, og hans hus skal gjøres til en møkkdynge, fordi han har båret sig således at.

Esdras 6:11
Y he proclamado un decreto de que cualquiera que quebrante este edicto, de su casa se arranque un madero, y levantándolo, sea colgado en él, y que su casa sea reducida a escombros a causa de esto.

"He proclamado un decreto de que cualquiera que quebrante este edicto, se arranque un madero de su casa, y levantándolo, sea colgado en él, y que su casa sea reducida a escombros a causa de esto.

También es dado por mí mandamiento, que cualquiera que altere este decreto, le sea arrancado un madero de su casa, y alzado, sea colgado en él, y su casa sea hecha muladar por esto.

También es dado por mí mandamiento, que cualquiera que mudare este decreto, sea derribado un madero de su casa, y enhiesto, sea colgado en él: y su casa sea hecha muladar por esto.

También es dado por mí mandamiento, que cualquiera que mudare este decreto, sea derribado un madero de su casa, y enhiesto, sea colgado en él; y su casa sea hecha muladar por esto.

Esdras 6:11
Se alguma pessoa desobedecer ou alterar este decreto, que se arranque uma viga de sua própria casa e tal transgressor seja empalado nela. E seja a sua casa transformada em um monte de escombros.

Também por mim se decreta que a todo homem que alterar este decreto, se arranque uma viga da sua casa e que ele seja pregado nela; e da sua casa se faça por isso um monturo.   

Ezra 6:11
Şi iată porunca pe care o dau cu privire la oricine va călca porunca aceasta: să se scoată din casa lui o bîrnă, s'o ridice ca să fie spînzurat pe ea, şi casa să i se prefacă într'o grămadă de gunoi.

Ездра 6:11
Мною же дается повеление, что если какой человек изменит это определение, то будет вынуто бревно из дома его, и будет поднят он и пригвожден к нему, а дом его за то будет обращен в развалины.

Мною же дается повеление, что [если] какой человек изменит это определение, то будет вынуто бревно из дома его, и будет поднят он и пригвожден к нему, а дом его за то будет обращен в развалины.[]

Esra 6:11
Och härmed giver jag befallning, att om någon överträder denna förordning, så skall en bjälke brytas ut ur hans hus, och på den skall man upphänga och fästa honom, och hans hus skall göras till en plats för orenlighet, därför att han har så gjort.

Ezra 6:11
Ako nama'y gumawa ng pasiya, na sinomang bumago ng salitang ito, hugutan ng isang sikang ang kaniyang bahay at itaas siya, at mabitin doon; at ang kaniyang bahay ay maging tipunan ng dumi dahil dito:

เอสรา 6:11
และเราออกกฤษฎีกาว่า ถ้าผู้ใดเปลี่ยนแปลงประกาศิตนี้ ก็ให้ดึงไม้ใหญ่อันหนึ่งออกเสียจากเรือนของเขา และให้เขาถูกตรึงไว้บนไม้นั้น และให้เรือนของเขาเป็นกองขยะเพราะเรื่องนี้

Ezra 6:11
Bundan başka buyuruyorum ki, bu kararı değiştirenin evinden bir kiriş çıkarılacak ve o kişi kirişin üzerine asılacak. Evi de bu suçtan ötürü çöplüğe çevrilecek.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 6:11
Ta cũng truyền lịnh rằng: Nếu ai cải chiếu chỉ nầy, thì khá rút một cây đòn tay trong nhà kẻ ấy, rồi treo nó tại đó. và vì cớ tội ấy, làm cho nhà nó thành ra một chỗ đổ rác.

Ezra 6:10
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