Ezra 5:8
Ezra 5:8
The king should know that we went to the district of Judah, to the temple of the great God. The people are building it with large stones and placing the timbers in the walls. The work is being carried on with diligence and is making rapid progress under their direction.

"The king should know that we went to the construction site of the Temple of the great God in the province of Judah. It is being rebuilt with specially prepared stones, and timber is being laid in its walls. The work is going forward with great energy and success.

Be it known to the king that we went to the province of Judah, to the house of the great God. It is being built with huge stones, and timber is laid in the walls. This work goes on diligently and prospers in their hands.

"Let it be known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the house of the great God, which is being built with huge stones, and beams are being laid in the walls; and this work is going on with great care and is succeeding in their hands.

Be it known unto the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is builded with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work goeth fast on, and prospereth in their hands.

Let it be known to the king that we went to the house of the great God in the province of Judah. It is being built with cut stones, and its beams are being set in the walls. This work is being done diligently and succeeding through the people's efforts.

This is to inform the king that we traveled to the Temple of the great God in the Judean province, which is being built with large stones and reinforced with wooden beams in its walls. The work proceeds diligently and is in capable hands.

Let it be known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the temple of the great God. It is being built with large stones, and timbers are being placed in the walls. This work is being done with all diligence and is prospering in their hands.

Your Majesty should know that we went to the province of Judah, to the temple of the great God. The temple is being built with large stones and with wooden beams laid in its walls. The builders are doing an excellent job and making rapid progress.

Be it known unto the king that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is being built with stones of marble, and the timbers are laid in the walls, and this work is going fast and prospers in their hands.

Be it known unto the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is built with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work goes on diligently , and prospers in their hands.

Be it known to the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is built with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work goes fast on, and prospers in their hands.

Be it known unto the king, that we went into the province of Judah, to the house of the great God, which is builded with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls; and this work goeth on with diligence and prospereth in their hands.

Be it known to the king, that we went to the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which they are building with unpolished stones, and timber is laid in the walls: and this work is carried on diligently, and advanceth in their hands.

Be it known to the king that we went into the province of Judah, to the house of the great God, which is being built with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work is being carried on with diligence, and prospers in their hand.

Be it known unto the king, that we went into the province of Judah, to the house of the great God, which is builded with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work goeth on with diligence and prospereth in their hands.

Be it known to the king, that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is built with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls, and this work proceedeth rapidly, and prospereth in their hands.

Be it known to the king, that we went into the province of Judah, to the house of the great God, which is built with great stones, and timber is laid in the walls; and this work goes on with diligence and prospers in their hands.

To Darius the king, all peace! be it known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the great house of God, and it is built with rolled stones, and wood is placed in the walls, and this work is done speedily, and prospering in their hand.

Esdra 5:8
I bëjmë të njohur mbretit që ne kemi vajtur në krahinën e Judës, në tempullin e Perëndisë të madh. Ai po ndërtohet me gurë të mëdhenj dhe po vihet lëndë druri për ndarëset e tij. Kjo punë po kryhet me kujdes dhe po ecën mirë në duart e tyre.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 5:8
ليكن معلوما لدى الملك اننا ذهبنا الى بلاد يهوذا الى بيت الاله العظيم واذا به يبنى بحجارة عظيمة ويوضع خشب في الحيطان وهذا العمل يعمل بسرعة وينجح في ايديهم.

Dyr Esren 5:8
O Künig, du sollst wissn, däß myr ietz in dyr Pfintz Judau seind und daa aynn Morddstempl vorgfunddn habnd. Dönn baund s aus Stainblöch, und mit n Dachstuel seind s aau schoon hübsch weit. Daa rüert si öbbs auf dyr Baustöll; grad wötzn tuend s!

Ездра 5:8
Да бъде известно на царя, че ходихме в Юдейската област при дома на великия Бог; и той се зида с големи камъни, и поставят се дървета в стените; и това дело напредва прилежно и успява в ръцете им.

以 斯 拉 記 5:8
王 該 知 道 , 我 們 往 猶 大 省 去 , 到 了 至 大 神 的 殿 , 這 殿 是 用 大 石 建 造 的 。 梁 木 插 入 牆 內 , 工 作 甚 速 , 他 們 手 下 亨 通 。

王 该 知 道 , 我 们 往 犹 大 省 去 , 到 了 至 大 神 的 殿 , 这 殿 是 用 大 石 建 造 的 。 梁 木 插 入 墙 内 , 工 作 甚 速 , 他 们 手 下 亨 通 。



Ezra 5:8
Neka znade kralj da smo došli u pokrajinu Judeju k Domu Boga velikoga: grade ga od krupnog kamenja, drvetom oblažu zidove; posao se brižljivo izvodi i napreduje u njihovim rukama.

Ezdrášova 5:8
Známo buď králi, že jsme přišli do Judské krajiny k domu Boha velikého. Kterýžto stavějí kamením velikým, a dříví kladou do stěn, a dílo to spěšně se staví, a daří se v rukou jejich.

Ezra 5:8
Det være Kongen kundgjort, at vi begav os til Landsdelen Judæa til den store Guds Hus; det bliver bygget af Kvadersten, der lægges Bjælker i Muren, og Arbejdet udføres med Omhu og skyder frem under deres Hænder.

Ezra 5:8
Den koning zij bekend, dat wij getogen zijn naar het landschap Juda, ten huize des groten Gods, hetwelk gebouwd wordt met grote stenen, en het hout wordt gelegd in de wanden; en datzelve werk wordt ras gedaan, en gaat voorspoediglijk door hun handen voort.

עזרא 5:8
יְדִ֣יעַ ׀ לֶהֱוֵ֣א לְמַלְכָּ֗א דִּֽי־אֲזַ֜לְנָא לִיה֤וּד מְדִֽינְתָּא֙ לְבֵית֙ אֱלָהָ֣א רַבָּ֔א וְה֤וּא מִתְבְּנֵא֙ אֶ֣בֶן גְּלָ֔ל וְאָ֖ע מִתְּשָׂ֣ם בְּכֻתְלַיָּ֑א וַעֲבִ֥ידְתָּא דָ֛ךְ אָסְפַּ֥רְנָא מִתְעַבְדָ֖א וּמַצְלַ֥ח בְּיֶדְהֹֽם׃ ס

ח ידיע להוא למלכא די אזלנא ליהוד מדינתא לבית אלהא רבא והוא מתבנא אבן גלל ואע מתשם בכתליא ועבידתא דך אספרנא מתעבדא ומצלח בידהם  {ס}

ידיע ׀ להוא למלכא די־אזלנא ליהוד מדינתא לבית אלהא רבא והוא מתבנא אבן גלל ואע מתשם בכתליא ועבידתא דך אספרנא מתעבדא ומצלח בידהם׃ ס

Ezsdrás 5:8
Tudtára legyen a királynak, hogy elmentünk Júda tartományába, a nagy Istennek házához, és az építtetik nagy kövekbõl, és fa rakatik a falakra, és e munka szorgalmatosan folyik, és jó szerencsés lészen az õ kezök által.

Ezra 5:8
Estu sciate al la regxo, ke ni iris en la Judan landon, al la domo de la granda Dio; gxi estas konstruata el grandaj sxtonoj, kaj trabojn oni enmetas en la murojn, kaj la laboro estas farata vigle kaj sukcesas en iliaj manoj.

ESRA 5:8
Olkoon kuninkaalle tiettävä, että me tulimme Juudan maakuntaan, kaikkein suurimman Jumalan huoneen tykö; ja sitä rakennetaan jaloista suurista kivistä, hirret pannaan seiniin, ja työ joutuu ja menestyy heidän käsissänsä.

Esdras 5:8
Qu'il soit connu du roi que nous sommes allés dans la province de Juda, à la maison du grand Dieu; et elle se bâtit avec de grandes pierres, et le bois se pose dans les murs; et cet ouvrage se poursuit avec zèle et prospère dans leurs mains.

Que le roi sache que nous sommes allés dans la province de Juda, à la maison du grand Dieu. Elle se construit en pierres de taille, et le bois se pose dans les murs; le travail marche rapidement et réussit entre leurs mains.

Que le Roi soit averti que nous sommes allés en la province de Judée, vers la maison du grand Dieu, laquelle on bâtit de grosses pierres, et même la charpenterie est posée aux parois, et cet édifice se bâtit en diligence, et s'avance entre leurs mains.

Esra 5:8
Es sei kund dem Könige, daß wir ins jüdische Land kommen sind zu dem Hause des großen Gottes, welches man bauet mit allerlei Steinen, und Balken leget man in die Wände, und das Werk gehet frisch vonstatten unter ihrer Hand.

Es sei kund dem König, daß wir ins jüdische Land gekommen sind zu dem Hause des großen Gottes, welches man baut mit behauenen Steinen, und Balken legt man in die Wände, und das Werk geht frisch vonstatten unter ihrer Hand. {~}

Kund sei dem Könige, daß wir uns nach der Provinz Juda zum Tempel des großen Gottes begeben haben; derselbe wird aus Quadersteinen erbaut, und Gebälk in seine Wände eingesetzt, und diese Arbeit wird mit Eifer betrieben und geht unter ihren Händen gut von statten.

Esdra 5:8
Sappia il re che noi siamo andati nella provincia di Giuda, alla casa del gran Dio. Essa si costruisce con blocchi di pietra, e nelle pareti s’interpongono de’ legnami; l’opera vien fatta con cura e progredisce nelle loro mani.

Il re sappia che noi siamo andati nella provincia della Giudea, alla Casa del grande Iddio, la quale si edifica di pietre pulite; e già i legnami son posti in su le pareti; e questa opera si fa in fretta, e si avanza nelle mani di quella gente.

EZRA 5:8
Maka maklumlah kiranya tuanku bahwa patik sekalian ini sudah pergi ke tanah Yehuda, ke bait-Ullah yang mahabesar, maka bait itu diperbuat dari pada batu besar-besar dan segala dindingnya lagi dilapis dengan kayu, maka pekerjaan itu dibuatnya dengan segera dan lagi jadi dengan selamat oleh tangan mereka itu.

에스라 5:8
왕께 아시게 하나이다 우리가 유다도에 가서 지극히 크신 하나님의 전에 나아가 보온즉 전을 큰 돌로 세우며 벽에 나무를 얹고 부지런히 하므로 역사가 그 손에서 형통하옵기로

Esdrae 5:8
notum sit regi isse nos ad Iudaeam provinciam ad domum Dei magni quae aedificatur lapide inpolito et ligna ponuntur in parietibus opusque illud diligenter extruitur et crescit in manibus eorum

Ezdro knyga 5:8
Tebūna karaliui žinoma, kad mes nuvykome į Judėją, prie didžiojo Dievo namų. Jie statomi iš didelių akmenų, sienose rąstai dedami. Šitas darbas vykdomas sparčiai ir klesti jų rankose.

Ezra 5:8
Kia mohiotia tenei e te kingi, i haere matou ki te whenua o Hura, ki te whare o te Atua nui e hanga nei ki nga kohatu nunui, e whakatakotoria ana hoki he rakau ki nga taha: a kei te hohoro, kei te pai hoki te haere a tenei mahi a o ratou ringa.

Esras 5:8
Det være kongen vitterlig at vi har draget til landskapet Juda, til den store Guds hus, og det blir nu bygget op av store stener, og det legges bjelker i veggene, og arbeidet gjøres med iver og har god fremgang under deres hender.

Esdras 5:8
Sepa el rey que hemos ido a la provincia de Judá, a la casa del gran Dios, que está siendo edificada con piedras enormes y vigas empotradas en las paredes; y esta obra se adelanta con gran esmero y prospera en sus manos.

"Sepa el rey que hemos ido a la provincia de Judá, a la casa del gran Dios, que está siendo edificada con piedras enormes y vigas empotradas en las paredes; y esta obra se adelanta con gran esmero y prospera en sus manos.

Sea notorio al rey, que fuimos a la provincia de Judea, a la casa del gran Dios, la cual se edifica de piedras grandes; y los maderos son puestos en las paredes, y la obra se hace aprisa, y prospera en sus manos.

Sea notorio al rey, que fuimos á la provincia de Judea, á la casa del gran Dios, la cual se edifica de piedra de mármol; y los maderos son puestos en las paredes, y la obra se hace apriesa, y prospera en sus manos.

Sea notorio al rey, que fuimos a la provincia de Judea, a la Casa del gran Dios, la cual se edifica de piedra de mármol; y los maderos son puestos en las paredes, y la obra se hace aprisa, y prospera en sus manos.

Esdras 5:8
Seja esclarecido ao rei que fomos à província de Judá, à Casa do grande Deus, a qual está sendo reedificada com enormes pedras, e as vigas de madeira já estão prontas para serem instaladas nas paredes. A obra está em franco progresso, executada com todo zelo e alto padrão de qualidade.

Saiba o rei que nós fomos à província de Judá, à casa do grande Deus, a qual se edifica com grandes pedras, e já a madeira está sendo posta nas paredes, e esta obra vai-se fazendo com diligência, e se adianta em suas mãos.   

Ezra 5:8
Să ştie împăratul că ne-am dus în ţinuturile lui Iuda, la Casa Dumnezeului celui mare. Ea se zideşte din pietre cioplite, şi în pereţi se pune lemn; lucrul merge repede şi izbuteşte în mînile lor.

Ездра 5:8
Да будет известно царю, что мы ходили в Иудейскую область, к дому Бога великого; и строится он из больших камней, и дерево вкладывается в стены; и работа сия производится быстро и с успехом идет в руках их.

Да будет известно царю, что мы ходили в Иудейскую область, к дому Бога великого; и строится он из больших камней, и дерево вкладывается в стены; и работа сия производится быстро и с успехом идет в руках их.[]

Esra 5:8
Det vare veterligt för konungen att vi kommo till det judiska hövdingdömet, till den store Gudens hus. Detta håller man nu på att bygga upp med stora stenar, och i väggarna lägger man in trävirke; och arbetet bedrives med omsorg och har god framgång under deras händer.

Ezra 5:8
Talastasin ng hari, na kami ay nagsiparoon sa lalawigan ng Juda, sa bahay ng dakilang Dios, na natayo ng mga malaking bato, at mga kahoy ay nalapat sa mga kuta; at ang gawaing ito ay pinagsisikapan at nayayari sa kanilang mga kamay.

เอสรา 5:8
ขอกษัตริย์ทรงทราบว่าข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายไปยังมณฑลยูดาห์ ถึงพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าใหญ่ยิ่ง ซึ่งกำลังสร้างขึ้นด้วยหินใหญ่ และวางไม้ไว้บนผนัง งานนี้ได้ดำเนินไปอย่างขยันขันแข็งและเจริญขึ้นในมือของเขา

Ezra 5:8
Yahuda İline, yüce Tanrının Tapınağına gittiğimizi krala bildiririz. Tapınağı büyük taşlarla kuruyor, duvarlarına kirişler yerleştiriyorlar. Tapınağın yapımında canla başla çalışılıyor ve yapım işi başarıyla ilerliyor.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 5:8
Chúng tôi muốn vua hay rằng chúng tôi có đi trong tỉnh Giu-đa, đến đền thờ của Ðức Chúa Trời rất lớn, thấy người Giu-đa xây cất cái đền thờ ấy bằng đá nguyên khối; sườn nhà đã gác ngang qua vách rồi, và công việc làm cách kỹ lưỡng và tấn tới trong tay họ.

Ezra 5:7
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