Ezra 10:14
Ezra 10:14
Let our officials act for the whole assembly. Then let everyone in our towns who has married a foreign woman come at a set time, along with the elders and judges of each town, until the fierce anger of our God in this matter is turned away from us."

Let our leaders act on behalf of us all. Let everyone who has a pagan wife come at a scheduled time, accompanied by the leaders and judges of his city, so that the fierce anger of our God concerning this affair may be turned away from us."

Let our officials stand for the whole assembly. Let all in our cities who have taken foreign wives come at appointed times, and with them the elders and judges of every city, until the fierce wrath of our God over this matter is turned away from us.”

"Let our leaders represent the whole assembly and let all those in our cities who have married foreign wives come at appointed times, together with the elders and judges of each city, until the fierce anger of our God on account of this matter is turned away from us."

Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them which have taken strange wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter be turned from us.

Let our leaders represent the entire assembly. Then let all those in our towns who have married foreign women come at appointed times, together with the elders and judges of each town, in order to avert the fierce anger of our God concerning this matter."

So let's have our officials remain on behalf of the whole community. Then all who have married foreign wives are to come appear at specific times before the elders and judges of each city until the fierce anger of our God has been turned away from us in this matter."

Let our leaders take steps on behalf of all the assembly. Let all those in our towns who have married foreign women come at an appointed time, and with them the elders of each town and its judges, until the hot anger of our God is turned away from us in this matter."

Let our leaders represent the whole community. At a set time, everyone who has married a foreign woman must meet with the leaders and judges of each city until our God's burning anger has turned away from us in this matter."

Let our rulers of all the congregation now stand, and let all those who have taken strange women in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of each city and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter is turned from us.

Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them who have taken foreign wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter is turned from us.

Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them which have taken strange wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter be turned from us.

Let now our princes be appointed for all the assembly, and let all them that are in our cities that have married foreign women come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God be turned from us, until this matter be despatched.

Let rulers be appointed in all the multitude: and in all our cities, let them that have taken strange wives come at the times appointed, and with them the ancients and the judges of every city, until the wrath of our God be turned away from us for this sin.

Let now our princes, while this matter is going on, stand for all the congregation, and let all those that have taken foreign wives in our cities come at the appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce anger of our God be turned from us.

Let now our princes be appointed for all the congregation, and let all them that are in our cities which have married strange women come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God be turned from us, until this matter be despatched.

Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them who have taken foreign wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and its judges, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter shall be turned from us.

Let now our princes be appointed for all the assembly, and let all those who are in our cities who have married foreign women come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and its judges, until the fierce wrath of our God be turned from us, until this matter is resolved."

Let, we pray thee, our heads of all the assembly stand, and all who are in our cities, who have settled strange wives, do come in at the times appointed, and with them the elders of city and city, and its judges, till the turning back of the fury of the wrath of our God from us, for this thing.'

Esdra 10:14
Të mbeten këtu, pra, krerët tanë në vend të tërë asamblesë dhe të gjithë ata që në qytetet tona janë martuar me gra të huaja të vijnë në kohë të caktuara bashkë me pleqtë dhe me gjyqtarët e çdo qyteti, deri sa të largohet prej nesh zemërimi i zjarrtë i Perëndisë tonë për shkak të kësaj gjëje.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 10:14
فليقف رؤساؤنا لكل الجماعة وكل الذين في مدننا قد اتخذوا نساء غريبة فليأتوا في اوقات معينة ومعهم شيوخ مدينة فمدينة وقضاتها حتى يرتد عنا حمو غضب الهنا من اجل هذا الأمر.

Dyr Esren 10:14
Drum sollnd ünserne Vürsteeher für de gantze Menig verhandln. Allsand, wo bei üns eyn Ort fremde Weiber gnummen habnd, sollnd aft zo ayner bestimmtn Zeit mit ienerne Richter und Dietwärt herkemmen und dös abhandln. Yso künn myr +aau yn n Herrn seinn Zorn von üns abwenddn."

Ездра 10:14
Затова, нека се назначат нашите първенци [да надзирават тая работа] за цялото общество, и в определени времена нека дохождат [пред тях] всички, които са взели за жени чужденки по нашите градове, и заедно с тях старейшините на всеки град, и съдиите му, догдето се отвърне от нас пламенният гняв на нашия Бог поради това нещо.

以 斯 拉 記 10:14
不 如 為 全 會 眾 派 首 領 辦 理 。 凡 我 們 城 邑 中 娶 外 邦 女 子 為 妻 的 , 當 按 所 定 的 日 期 , 同 著 本 城 的 長 老 和 士 師 而 來 , 直 到 辦 完 這 事 ,   神 的 烈 怒 就 轉 離 我 們 了 。 」

不 如 为 全 会 众 派 首 领 办 理 。 凡 我 们 城 邑 中 娶 外 邦 女 子 为 妻 的 , 当 按 所 定 的 日 期 , 同 着 本 城 的 长 老 和 士 师 而 来 , 直 到 办 完 这 事 ,   神 的 烈 怒 就 转 离 我 们 了 。 」



Ezra 10:14
Mogu nas na zajedničkom zboru zastupati naši glavari: svi koji su po našim gradovima oženjeni tuđinkama mogu doći u određeno vrijeme u pratnji starješina i sudaca svakoga grada, sve dok ne budemo odvratili gnjev Boga svojega zbog ovoga."

Ezdrášova 10:14
Nechť jsou postavena, prosíme, knížata naše ze všeho shromáždění, a kdož koli jest v městech našich, kterýž pojal ženy cizozemky, ať přijde v čas uložený, a s nimi starší z jednoho každého města i soudcové jejich, až bychom tak odvrátili hněv prchlivosti Boha našeho od sebe pro tu věc.

Ezra 10:14
Lad derfor Øversterne for hele vor Forsamling give Møde og lad alle dem, der i vore Byer har hjemført fremmede Kvinder, indfinde sig til en fastsat Tid, ledsaget af de enkelte Byers Ældste og Dommere, for at vi kan blive friet fra vor Guds Vrede i denne Sag!«

Ezra 10:14
Laat toch onze vorsten der ganse gemeente hierover staan, en allen, die in onze steden zijn, die vreemde vrouwen bij zich hebben doen wonen, op gezette tijden komen, en met hen de oudsten van elke stad en derzelver rechters; totdat wij van ons afwenden de hittigheid des toorns onzes Gods, om dezer zaken wil.

עזרא 10:14
יַֽעֲמְדוּ־נָ֣א רֵינוּ לְֽכָל־הַקָּהָ֞ל וְכֹ֣ל ׀ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בֶּעָרֵ֗ינוּ הַהֹשִׁ֞יב נָשִׁ֤ים נָכְרִיֹּות֙ יָבֹא֙ לְעִתִּ֣ים מְזֻמָּנִ֔ים וְעִמָּהֶ֛ם זִקְנֵי־עִ֥יר וָעִ֖יר וְשֹׁפְטֶ֑יהָ עַ֠ד לְהָשִׁ֞יב חֲרֹ֤ון אַף־אֱלֹהֵ֙ינוּ֙ מִמֶּ֔נּוּ עַ֖ד לַדָּבָ֥ר הַזֶּֽה׃ פ

יד יעמדו נא שרינו לכל הקהל וכל אשר בערינו ההשיב נשים נכריות יבא לעתים מזמנים ועמהם זקני עיר ועיר ושפטיה  עד להשיב חרון אף אלהינו ממנו--עד לדבר הזה  {פ}

יעמדו־נא רינו לכל־הקהל וכל ׀ אשר בערינו ההשיב נשים נכריות יבא לעתים מזמנים ועמהם זקני־עיר ועיר ושפטיה עד להשיב חרון אף־אלהינו ממנו עד לדבר הזה׃ פ

Ezsdrás 10:14
Hadd álljanak hát elõ fejedelmeink, az egész gyülekezeté, és mindenki, a ki idegen feleséget vett magának, városonként jõjjön elõ bizonyos idõben s velök a városoknak vénei és birái, hogy elfordítsuk magunkról a mi Istenünknek e dolog miatt való búsulásának haragját!

Ezra 10:14
Niaj estroj do starigxu pro la tuta komunumo, kaj cxiuj en niaj urboj, kiuj prenis aligentajn edzinojn, venu en difinita tempo, kaj kun ili la plejagxuloj de cxiu urbo kaj gxiaj jugxistoj, gxis oni forturnos de ni la flaman koleron de nia Dio pro tiu afero.

ESRA 10:14
Anna meidän päämiestemme koko seurakunnassa toimittaa, että kaikki, jotka meidän kaupungeissamme ovat naineet muukalaisia vaimoja, tulevat tänne määrättynä päivänä, jokaisen kaupungin vanhimpain ja tuomarein kanssa, siihenasti kuin meidän Jumalamme viha kääntyy meistä tämän syyn tähden.

Esdras 10:14
Que nos chefs donc, pendant cette affaire, se tiennent là pour toute la congrégation, et que tous ceux qui, dans nos villes, ont pris des femmes étrangères, viennent à des époques déterminées, et avec eux les anciens de chaque ville et ses juges, jusqu'à ce que l'ardeur de la colère de notre Dieu soit détournée de nous.

Que nos chefs restent donc pour toute l'assemblée; et tous ceux qui dans nos villes se sont alliés à des femmes étrangères viendront à des époques fixes, avec les anciens et les juges de chaque ville, jusqu'à ce que l'ardente colère de notre Dieu se soit détournée de nous au sujet de cette affaire.

Que tous les principaux d'entre nous comparaissent donc devant toute l'assemblée, et que tous ceux qui sont dans nos villes, et qui ont pris chez eux des femmes étrangères, viennent en certain temps, et que les Anciens de chaque ville et ses juges soient avec eux; jusqu'à ce que nous détournions de nous l'ardeur de la colère de notre Dieu, [et] que ceci soit achevé.

Esra 10:14
Laßt uns unsere Obersten bestellen in der ganzen Gemeine, daß alle, die in unsern Städten fremde Weiber genommen haben, zu bestimmten Zeiten kommen, und die Ältesten einer jeglichen Stadt und ihre Richter mit, bis daß von uns gewendet werde der Zorn unsers Gottes um dieser Sache willen.

Laßt uns unsre Obersten bestellen für die ganze Gemeinde, daß alle, die in unsern Städten fremde Weiber genommen haben, zu bestimmten Zeiten kommen und die Ältesten einer jeglichen Stadt und ihre Richter mit ihnen, bis daß von uns gewendet werde der Zorn unseres Gottes um dieser Sache willen. {~}

So mögen denn unsere Obersten für die ganze Gemeinde tagen; und alle die in unseren Städten, die fremde Weiber heimgeführt haben, sollen je zur anberaumten Zeit kommen, und mit ihnen die Vornehmen und Richter der einzelnen Städte, um endlich die Zornesglut unseres Gottes bezüglich dieser Angelegenheit von uns abzuwenden.

Esdra 10:14
Rimangano dunque qui i capi di tutta la raunanza; e tutti quelli che nelle nostre città hanno sposato donne straniere vengano a tempi determinati, con gli anziani e i giudici d’ogni città, finché non sia rimossa da noi l’ardente ira del nostro Dio, per questa infedeltà".

Ora trovinsi insieme i capi nostri, capi di tutta la raunanza; e con loro sieno gli Anziani, ed i giudici di ciascuna città; e che ogni uomo, d’infra tutti quelli che sono nelle nostre città, che ha menata moglie straniera, venga a’ tempi assegnati; e con loro gli Anziani e i giudici di ciascuna città, finchè abbiamo stornato da noi l’ardore dell’ira dell’Iddio nostro per questa cosa.

EZRA 10:14
Hendaklah kiranya segala penghulu kami berdiri atas perkara ini di hadapan segenap sidang, dan barangsiapa di dalam negeri-negeri kami yang sudah berbinikan perempuan helat, hendaklah mereka itu datang pada masa yang ditentukan, dan sertanya segala tua-tua tiap-tiap negeri, serta dengan segala hakimnya, sampai kehangatan murka Allah kami karena sebab perkara ini sudah undur dari pada kami.

에스라 10:14
이제 온 회중을 위하여 우리 방백들을 세우고 우리 모든 성읍에 이방 여자에게 장가든 자는 다 기한에 본성 장로들과 재판장과 함께 오게하여 우리 하나님의 이 일로 인하신 진노가 우리에게서 떠나게 하소서' 하나

Esdrae 10:14
constituantur principes in universa multitudine et omnes in civitatibus nostris qui duxerunt uxores alienigenas veniant in temporibus statutis et cum his seniores per civitatem et civitatem et iudices eius donec avertatur ira Dei nostri a nobis super peccato hoc

Ezdro knyga 10:14
Tegul pasilieka mūsų vyresnieji. Visuose mūsų miestuose gyvenantieji, kurie yra vedę svetimtautes žmonas, tegul ateina paskirtu laiku su tų miestų vyresniaisiais ir teisėjais, kol pasitrauks nuo mūsų Dievo rūstybė dėl šito poelgio”.

Ezra 10:14
Na me whakarite o tatou rangatira mo te huihui katoa, a me haere mai i nga wa e whakaritea te hunga katoa kua marena ki nga wahine ke i o tatou pa, ratou ko nga kaumatua o tenei pa, o tenei pa, me nga kaiwhakawa o reira, kia tahuri atu ra ano i a tatou te riri kaha o to tatou Atua, a kia tutuki ra ano tenei mea.

Esras 10:14
La derfor våre høvdinger stå frem for hele folket, og la alle dem i våre byer som har tatt fremmede kvinner til hustruer, møte til fastsatte tider sammen med de eldste og dommerne i hver by, til vi får vendt vår Guds brennende vrede bort fra oss, og denne sak er avgjort.

Esdras 10:14
Que nuestros jefes representen toda la asamblea y que todos aquellos en nuestras ciudades que se han casado con mujeres extranjeras vengan en tiempos señalados, junto con los ancianos y jueces de cada ciudad, hasta que la tremenda ira de nuestro Dios a causa de este asunto se aparte de nosotros.

"Que nuestros jefes representen toda la asamblea y que todos aquellos en nuestras ciudades que se han casado con mujeres extranjeras vengan en tiempos señalados, junto con los ancianos y jueces de cada ciudad, hasta que la tremenda ira de nuestro Dios a causa de este asunto se aparte de nosotros."

Dejad ahora que se queden nuestros príncipes, los de toda la congregación; y todos aquellos que en nuestras ciudades hubieren tomado esposas extranjeras, vengan en tiempos determinados, y con ellos los ancianos de cada ciudad, y los jueces de ellas, hasta que apartemos de nosotros el furor de la ira de nuestro Dios sobre esto.

Estén ahora nuestro príncipes, los de toda la congregación; y todos aquellos que en nuestras ciudades hubieren tomado mujeres extranjeras, vengan á tiempos aplazados, y con ellos los ancianos de cada ciudad, y los jueces de ellas, hasta que apartemos de n

Estén ahora nuestro príncipes, los de toda la congregación; y todos aquellos que en nuestras ciudades hubieren tomado mujeres extranjeras, vengan a tiempos aplazados, y con ellos los ancianos de cada ciudad, y los jueces de ellas, hasta que apartemos de nosotros el furor de la ira de nuestro Dios sobre esto.

Esdras 10:14
Que os nossos líderes possam ter permissão para representar toda a comunidade: todos os que, em nossas cidades, desposaram mulheres estrangeiras virão aqui em datas marcadas, acompanhados dos anciãos e dos juízes da respectiva cidade, até que tenhamos afastado de nós a grande ira de nosso Deus, acesa por este motivo!”

Ponham-se os nossos oficiais por toda a congregação, e todos os que em nossas cidades casaram com mulheres estrangeiras venham em tempos apontados, e com eles os anciãos e juízes de cada cidade, até que se desvie de nós o ardor da ira do nosso Deus no tocante a este negócio.   

Ezra 10:14
Să rămînă dar toate căpeteniile noastre în locul întregei adunări. Şi toţi cei din cetăţile noastre, cari s'au însurat cu femei străine, să vină la timpuri hotărîte, cu bătrînii şi judecătorii din fiecare cetate, pînă se va abate dela noi mînia aprinsă a Dumnezeului nostru din pricina întîmplării acesteia.``

Ездра 10:14
Пусть наши начальствующие заступят место всего общества, и все в городах наших, которые взяли жен иноплеменных, пусть приходят сюда в назначенные времена и с ними старейшины каждого города и судьи его, доколе не отвратится от нас пылающий гнев Бога нашего за этодело.

Пусть наши начальствующие заступят место всего общества, и все в городах наших, которые взяли жен иноплеменных, пусть приходят сюда в назначенные времена и с ними старейшины каждого города и судьи его, доколе не отвратится от нас пылающий гнев Бога нашего за это дело.[]

Esra 10:14
Må därför våra furstar stå redo för hela församlingen, och må alla i våra städer, som hava tagit till sig främmande kvinnor, infinna sig på bestämda tider, och med dem de äldste i var stad och domarna där, till dess att vi hava avvänt ifrån oss vår Guds vredes glöd i denna sak.»

Ezra 10:14
Mahalal ngayon ang ating mga prinsipe sa buong kapisanan, at magsiparito sa takdang panahon yaong lahat na nangasa ating mga bayan na nangagasawa sa mga babaing taga ibang bayan, at pumaritong kasama nila ang mga matanda ng lahat na bayan, at ang mga hukom doon, hanggang sa ang mabangis na kapootan ng ating Dios ay mahiwalay sa atin, hanggang sa ang bagay na ito ay matapos.

เอสรา 10:14
ขอให้เจ้าหน้าที่ของเราทำการแทนชุมนุมชนทั้งสิ้น และให้บรรดาคนในหัวเมืองของเราที่ได้รับภรรยาต่างชาติมาตามเวลากำหนด พร้อมกับพวกผู้ใหญ่และผู้วินิจฉัยของทุกเมืองจนกว่าพระพิโรธอันแรงกล้าของพระเจ้าของเรา ที่ทรงมีในเรื่องนี้หันเหไปจากเราทั้งหลาย"

Ezra 10:14
Bütün topluluk adına önderlerimiz bu konuyla ilgilensin. Sonra kentlerimizde yabancı kadınla evli olan herkes saptanan bir zamanda kentin ileri gelenleri ve yargıçlarıyla birlikte gelsin. Yeter ki, Tanrımızın bu konudaki kızgın öfkesi üzerimizden kalksın.››[]

EÂ-xô-ra 10:14
Vậy, xin các quan trưởng chúng tôi hãy đứng ở đó đặng biện lý cho cả hội chúng; phàm ai trong các thành chúng tôi đã cưới lấy vợ ngoại bang, phải đến theo kỳ nhứt định, với các trưởng lão và quan xét của bổn thành, đặng sắp đặt việc này cho đến chừng đã nguôi cơn giận dữ của Ðức Chúa Trời chúng tôi.

Ezra 10:13
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