Ezekiel 48:18
Ezekiel 48:18
What remains of the area, bordering on the sacred portion and running the length of it, will be 10,000 cubits on the east side and 10,000 cubits on the west side. Its produce will supply food for the workers of the city.

Outside the city there will be a farming area that stretches 3-1/3 miles to the east and 3-1/3 miles to the west along the border of the sacred area. This farmland will produce food for the people working in the city.

The remainder of the length alongside the holy portion shall be 10,000 cubits to the east, and 10,000 to the west, and it shall be alongside the holy portion. Its produce shall be food for the workers of the city.

"The remainder of the length alongside the holy allotment shall be 10,000 cubits toward the east and 10,000 toward the west; and it shall be alongside the holy allotment. And its produce shall be food for the workers of the city.

And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be for food unto them that serve the city.

The remainder of the length alongside the holy donation will be 3 1/3 miles to the east and 3 1/3 miles to the west. It will run alongside the holy donation. Its produce will be food for the workers of the city.

"The remainder of the length that borders the holy Terumah is to be 10,000 units long eastward and 10,000 units westward. It is to lie adjacent to the holy Terumah. Its harvest will produce food for those who work in the city.

The remainder of the length alongside the holy allotment will be three and one-third miles to the east and three and one-third miles toward the west, and it will be beside the holy allotment. Its produce will be for food for the workers of the city.

The rest of the land borders the holy area and runs lengthwise. This land will be 17,500 feet on its east side and 17,500 feet on its west side. It will be used to provide food for the city workers.

And the residue in length over against the lot of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: which shall be what is left of the lot of the holy portion; it shall be for food unto those that serve the city.

And the rest in length alongside the district of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be adjacent to the district of the holy portion; and its increase shall be for food unto them that serve the city.

And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be for food to them that serve the city.

And the residue in the length, answerable unto the holy oblation, shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward; and it shall be answerable unto the holy oblation; and the increase thereof shall be for food unto them that labor in the city.

And the residue in length by the firstfruits of the sanctuary, ten thousand toward the east, and ten thousand toward the west, shall be as the firstfruits of the sanctuary: and the fruits thereof shall be for bread to them that serve the city.

And the residue in length, alongside the holy heave-offering, shall be ten thousand eastward and ten thousand westward: it shall be alongside the holy heave-offering; and the increase thereof shall be for the support of them that serve the city.

And the residue in the length, answerable unto the holy oblation, shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be answerable unto the holy oblation; and the increase thereof shall be for food unto them that labour in the city.

And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and its increase shall be for food to them that serve the city.

The remainder in the length, answerable to the holy offering, shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward; and it shall be answerable to the holy offering; and its increase shall be for food to those who labor in the city.

And the residue in length over-against the heave-offering of the holy portion is ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward, and it hath been over-against the heave-offering of the holy portion, and its increase hath been for food to the servants of the city,

Ezekieli 48:18
Kusuri i gjatësisë, gjatë pjesës së shenjtë të ofruar si dhuratë, do të jetë dhjetëmijë kubitë në lindje dhe dhjetëmijë në perëndim; ajo do të jetë pranë pjesës së shenjtë të ofruar si dhuratë, dhe prodhimet e saj do të shërbejnë si ushqim për punonjësit e qytetit.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 48:18
والباقي من الطول موازيا تقدمة القدس عشرة آلاف نحو الشرق وعشرة آلاف نحو الغرب. ويكون موازيا تقدمة القدس وغلته تكون اكلا لخدمة المدينة.

Dyr Heskiheel 48:18
Die fümf Meiln ooster dyr Stat und wösterhalb, wo non zo n Höbopfer dyrzueghoernd, seind dyrzue daa, däß si die dyrvon dyrnörnd, wo in dyr Stat arechtnd.

Езекил 48:18
И остатъкът от дължината, съответствуващ на светия принос, ще бъде десет хиляди [тръстики] на изток, и десет хиляди на запад; ще съответствува на светия принос; и рожбите му ще бъдат за храна на ония, които слугуват в града.

以 西 結 書 48:18
靠 著 聖 供 地 的 餘 地 , 東 長 一 萬 肘 , 西 長 一 萬 肘 , 要 與 聖 供 地 相 等 ; 其 中 的 土 產 要 作 城 內 工 人 的 食 物 。

靠 着 圣 供 地 的 馀 地 , 东 长 一 万 肘 , 西 长 一 万 肘 , 要 与 圣 供 地 相 等 ; 其 中 的 土 产 要 作 城 内 工 人 的 食 物 。



Ezekiel 48:18
Što ostane u dužinu, duž svetoga područja - deset tisuća lakata prema istoku i deset tisuća prema zapadu, duž svetoga područja - to neka bude za uzdržavanje onih koji služe gradu.

Ezechiele 48:18
Ostatek pak na dél, naproti oběti svaté, deset tisíc loket k východu, a deset tisíc k západu; a z toho, což bude naproti té oběti svaté, budou míti důchody ku pokrmu služebníci města.

Ezekiel 48:18
Af det Stykke, som endnu er tilovers langs med den hellige Offerydelse, 10 000 Alen mod Øst og 10 000 mod Vest, skal Afgrøden tjene Byens Indbyggere til Mad.

Ezechiël 48:18
En het overgelatene in de lengte, tegenover het heilig hefoffer, zal zijn tien duizend oostwaarts, en tien duizend westwaarts; en het zal tegenover het heilig hefoffer zijn; en de inkomst daarvan zal wezen tot onderhoud voor degenen, die de stad dienen.

יחזקאל 48:18
וְהַנֹּותָ֨ר בָּאֹ֜רֶךְ לְעֻמַּ֣ת ׀ תְּרוּמַ֣ת הַקֹּ֗דֶשׁ עֲשֶׂ֨רֶת אֲלָפִ֤ים קָדִ֙ימָה֙ וַעֲשֶׂ֤רֶת אֲלָפִים֙ יָ֔מָּה וְהָיָ֕ה לְעֻמַּ֖ת תְּרוּמַ֣ת הַקֹּ֑דֶשׁ וְהָיְתָ֤ה [תְבוּאָתֹה כ] (תְבֽוּאָתֹו֙ ק) לְלֶ֔חֶם לְעֹבְדֵ֖י הָעִֽיר׃

יח והנותר בארך לעמת תרומת הקדש עשרת אלפים קדימה ועשרת אלפים ימה והיה לעמת תרומת הקדש והיתה תבואתה ללחם לעבדי העיר

והנותר בארך לעמת ׀ תרומת הקדש עשרת אלפים קדימה ועשרת אלפים ימה והיה לעמת תרומת הקדש והיתה [תבואתה כ] (תבואתו ק) ללחם לעבדי העיר׃

Ezékiel 48:18
A mi pedig megmaradt a hosszaságban a szent áldozat mentén, tízezer keletre és tízezer nyugotra, az ott maradjon a szent áldozat mentén, és legyen annak termése a város szántóvetõinek eledele.

Jeĥezkel 48:18
Koncerne la ceteran parton de la longo kontraux la sankta terpeco, nome dek mil oriente kaj dek mil okcidente, kiu trovigxas kontraux la sankta terpeco, gxiaj produktajxoj devas servi kiel mangxajxo por la laboristoj de la urbo.

Mutta mitä jää pituudesta pyhän ylennysuhrin osan kohdalle, kymmenentuhatta riukua itään päin ja kymmenentuhatta riukua länteen päin, juuri pyhän ylennysuhrin osan kohdalla, sen sisälletulo pitää oleman kaupungin palvelioille elatukseksi.

Ézéchiel 48:18
Et ce qui reste sur la longueur, le long de la sainte offrande, sera de dix mille vers l'orient, et de dix mille vers l'occident: il sera le long de la sainte offrande élevée, et son rapport sera pour la nourriture de ceux qui servent la ville.

Le reste sur la longueur, parallèlement à la portion sainte, dix mille à l'orient et dix mille à l'occident, parallèlement à la portion sainte, formera les revenus destinés à l'entretien de ceux qui travailleront pour la ville.

Quant à ce qui sera de reste en la longueur, et qui sera tout joignant la portion sanctitiée, et qui aura dix mille [cannes] du côté tirant vers l'Orient, et dix mille [autres cannes] du côlé tirant vers l'Occident, auquel côté il sera aussi tout joignant la portion sanctifiée, le revenu qu'on en tirera sera pour nourrir ceux qui feront le service qu'il faut dans la ville.

Hesekiel 48:18
Aber das übrige an der Länge desselben neben dem Abgesonderten und Geheiligten, nämlich zehntausend Ruten gegen Morgen und gegen Abend, das gehört zur Unterhaltung derer, die in der Stadt arbeiten.

Aber das übrige an der Länge neben dem Abgesonderten und Geheiligten, nämlich zehntausend Ruten gegen Morgen und zehntausend Ruten gegen Abend, das gehört zum Unterhalt derer, die in der Stadt arbeiten. {~} {~} {~} {~}

Und was von der Länge entlang der heiligen Hebe noch übrig ist, 10000 Ellen nach Osten und 10000 Ellen nach Westen, dessen Ertrag soll den Ackerbürgern der Stadt zur Nahrung dienen.

Ezechiele 48:18
Il resto della lunghezza, parallelamente alla parte santa, cioè diecimila cubiti a oriente e diecimila a occidente, parallelamente alla parte santa servirà, coi suoi prodotti, al mantenimento dei lavoratori della città.

Il resto della lunghezza, parallelamente alla parte santa, cioè diecimila cubiti a oriente e diecimila a occidente, parallelamente alla parte santa servirà, coi suoi prodotti, al mantenimento dei lavoratori della città.

Dan barang yang lebih pada panjangnya, berdompak dengan persembahan tatangan yang suci itu sepuluh ribu pada sebelah timur dan sepuluh ribu pada sebelah barat, yang berdompak dengan persembahan tatangan yang suci itu; maka hasilnya akan diberi makan kepada segala orang yang dalam pekerjaan negeri.

에스겔 48:18
예물을 삼아 거룩히 구별할 땅과 연접하여 남아 있는 땅의 장이 동으로 일만 척이요 서으로 일만척이라 곧 예물을 삼아 거룩히 구별할 땅과 연접하였으며 그 땅의 소산은 성읍에서 역사하는 자의 양식을 삼을지라

Ezechiel 48:18
quod autem reliquum fuerit in longitudine secundum primitias sanctuarii decem milia in orientem et decem milia ad occidentem erunt sicut primitiae sanctuarii et erunt fruges eius in panes his qui serviunt civitati

Ezechielio knyga 48:18
Likusio žemės ploto, esančio prie šventojo sklypo, dešimties tūkstančių nendrių ilgio rytuose ir dešimties tūkstančių nendrių vakaruose, derlius bus maistas tiems, kurie dirba mieste.

Ezekiel 48:18
Na, ko te toenga o te roa i te taha o te wahi tapu i whakaherea, kotahi tekau mano ki te rawhiti, kotahi tekau mano ki te hauauru: na, ko tera wahi hei te taha i te wahi tapu i whakaherea; hei kai ona hua ma nga kaimahi o te pa.

Esekiel 48:18
Og det som er tilovers av lengden, langsmed den hellige gave, ti tusen stenger mot øst og ti tusen mot vest, det skal være langsmed den hellige gave, og av grøden av det skal være til føde for stadens arbeidere.

Ezequiel 48:18
Lo que quede de la longitud a lo largo de la porción sagrada será de diez mil codos hacia el oriente y de diez mil hacia el occidente; y estará a lo largo de la porción sagrada. Y sus productos servirán de alimento para los trabajadores de la ciudad.

"Lo que quede de la longitud a lo largo de la porción sagrada será de 5,250 metros hacia el oriente y de 5,250 metros hacia el occidente; y estará a lo largo de la porción sagrada. Y sus productos servirán de alimento para los trabajadores de la ciudad.

Y lo que quedare de longitud delante de la porción santa, diez mil cañas al oriente y diez mil al occidente, que será lo que quedará de la porción santa, será para sembrar para los que sirven a la ciudad.

Y lo que quedare de longitud delante de la suerte santa, diez mil cañas al oriente y diez mil al occidente, que será lo que quedará de la suerte santa, será para sembrar para los que sirven á la ciudad.

Y lo que quedare de longitud delante de la suerte santa, que son diez mil cañas al oriente y diez mil al occidente, que será lo que quedará de la suerte santa, será para sembrar pan para los que sirven a la ciudad.

Ezequiel 48:18
O restante das terras, ao longo da porção sagrada, será de cinco quilômetros no lado Leste e cinco quilômetros no lado Oeste. Suas colheitas fornecerão alimento aos trabalhadores da cidade.

E, quanto ao que ficou do resto no comprimento, de conformidade com a santa oferta, será de dez mil para o oriente e dez mil para o ocidente; e corresponderá à santa oferta; e a sua novidade será para sustento daqueles que servem a cidade.   

Ezechiel 48:18
Rămăşiţa din lungime, de lîngă partea sfîntă, zece mii la răsărit şi zece mii la apus, alături de partea sfîntă, va da veniturile rînduite pentru întreţinerea lucrătorilor cetăţii.

Иезекииль 48:18
А что остается из длины против священного участка, десять тысяч квостоку и десять тысяч к западу, против священного участка, произведения с этой землидолжны быть для продовольствия работающих в городе.

А что остается из длины против священного участка, десять тысяч к востоку и десять тысяч к западу, против священного участка, произведения с этой земли должны быть для продовольствия работающих в городе.[]

Hesekiel 48:18
Och vad som bliver över på långsidan utmed det heliga offergärdsområdet, nämligen tio tusen alnar österut och tio tusen västerut -- ty det skall sträcka sig utmed det heliga offergärdsområdet -- av detta skall avkastningen tjäna till föda åt stadens bebyggare.

Ezekiel 48:18
At ang labis sa haba, na nauukol sa banal na alay, magiging sangpung libo sa dakong silanganan, at sangpung libo sa dakong kalunuran; at magiging ukol sa banal na alay; at ang bunga niyaon ay magiging pinakapagkain sa nagsisigawa sa bayan.

เอเสเคียล 48:18
ด้านยาวส่วนที่เหลืออยู่เคียงข้างกับส่วนบริสุทธิ์นั้น ทิศตะวันออกยาวหนึ่งหมื่นศอก และทิศตะวันตกยาวหนึ่งหมื่น และให้อยู่เคียงข้างกับส่วนบริสุทธิ์ พืชผลที่ได้ในส่วนนี้ให้เป็นอาหารของคนงานในนครนั้น

Hezekiel 48:18
Kutsal bölgenin sınırında kalan yerin doğusu 10 000 arşın, batısı 10 000 arşın olacak. Kutsal bölgeye bitişik topraklarda yetişen ürün kentte çalışanların olacak.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 48:18
Còn như miếng đất thừa lại, rọc theo phần đất thánh, bề dài là mười ngàn cần phía đông và mười ngàn cần phía tây, tức là bề dài của phần đất thánh ấy, thì hoa lợi nó sẽ dùng làm đồ ăn cho những kẻ làm việc trong thành.

Ezekiel 48:17
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