Ezekiel 39:26
Ezekiel 39:26
They will forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid.

They will accept responsibility for their past shame and unfaithfulness after they come home to live in peace in their own land, with no one to bother them.

They shall forget their shame and all the treachery they have practiced against me, when they dwell securely in their land with none to make them afraid,

"They will forget their disgrace and all their treachery which they perpetrated against Me, when they live securely on their own land with no one to make them afraid.

After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

They will feel remorse for their disgrace and all the unfaithfulness they committed against Me, when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them.

They'll forget their shame and all of their unfaithfulness by which they behaved so unfaithfully toward me. They will live on their land in confidence, not in fear.

They will bear their shame for all their unfaithful acts against me, when they live securely on their land with no one to make them afraid.

When they live safely in a land where no one will frighten them, they will forget their shame and all the unfaithful things they have done against me.

After they shall feel their shame and all their rebellion by which they have rebelled against me when they dwelt safely in their land, and no one made them afraid.

After they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses by which they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelled safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

And they shall bear their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they shall dwell securely in their land, and none shall make them afraid;

And they shall bear their confusion, and all the transgressions wherewith they have transgressed against me, when they shall dwell in their land securely fearing no man:

and they shall bear their confusion, and all their unfaithfulness in which they have acted unfaithfully against me, when they shall dwell safely in their land, and none shall make them afraid;

And they shall bear their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they shall dwell securely in their land, and none shall make them afraid;

After they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses by which they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

They shall bear their shame, and all their trespasses by which they have trespassed against me, when they shall dwell securely in their land, and none shall make them afraid;

And they have forgotten their shame, And all their trespass that they trespassed against Me, In their dwelling on their land confidently and none troubling.

Ezekieli 39:26
mbasi ata kanë bartur turpin e tyre dhe ndëshkimi për të gjitha pabesitë që kanë kryer kundër meje, ndërsa banonin të sigurtë në vendin e tyre dhe askush nuk i trembte.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 39:26
فيحملون خزيهم وكل خيانتهم التي خانوني اياها عند سكنهم في ارضهم مطمئنين ولا مخيف.

Dyr Heskiheel 39:26
Wenn s wider sicher in ienern Haimetland wonend und niemdd meer scheuhen brauchend, wenn i s zruggbring aus de Dietn und sammlt aus de feinddlich

Езекил 39:26
И те ще носят срама си и всичките престъпления, чрез които станаха непокорни на Мене, когато живеят безопасно в земята си, без да има кой да ги плаши.

以 西 結 書 39:26
他 們 在 本 地 安 然 居 住 , 無 人 驚 嚇 , 是 我 將 他 們 從 萬 民 中 領 回 , 從 仇 敵 之 地 召 來 。 我 在 許 多 國 的 民 眼 前 , 在 他 們 身 上 顯 為 聖 的 時 候 , 他 們 要 擔 當 自 己 的 羞 辱 和 干 犯 我 的 一 切 罪 。

他 们 在 本 地 安 然 居 住 , 无 人 惊 吓 , 是 我 将 他 们 从 万 民 中 领 回 , 从 仇 敌 之 地 召 来 。 我 在 许 多 国 的 民 眼 前 , 在 他 们 身 上 显 为 圣 的 时 候 , 他 们 要 担 当 自 己 的 羞 辱 和 干 犯 我 的 一 切 罪 。



Ezekiel 39:26
oprostit ću im svu sramotu i nevjeru kojom mi se iznevjeriše dok još spokojno življahu u zemlji i nikoga ne bijaše da ih straši.

Ezechiele 39:26
Ač ponesou potupu svou a všecko přestoupení své, kteréhož se dopustili proti mně, když bydlili v zemi své bezpečně, aniž byl, kdo by je přestrašil.

Ezekiel 39:26
og de skal glemme deres Skændsel og al den Troløshed, de viste mig, naar de bor trygt i deres Land, uden at nogen skræmmer,

Ezechiël 39:26
Als zij hun schande zullen gedragen hebben, en al hun overtreding, met dewelke zij tegen Mij hebben overtreden, toen zij in hun land zeker woonden, en er niemand was, die hen verschrikte.

יחזקאל 39:26
וְנָשׂוּ֙ אֶת־כְּלִמָּתָ֔ם וְאֶת־כָּל־מַעֲלָ֖ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר מָעֲלוּ־בִ֑י בְּשִׁבְתָּ֧ם עַל־אַדְמָתָ֛ם לָבֶ֖טַח וְאֵ֥ין מַחֲרִֽיד׃

כו ונשו את כלמתם ואת כל מעלם אשר מעלו בי--בשבתם על אדמתם לבטח ואין מחריד

ונשו את־כלמתם ואת־כל־מעלם אשר מעלו־בי בשבתם על־אדמתם לבטח ואין מחריד׃

Ezékiel 39:26
És elfelejtik gyalázatukat és minden vétköket, melylyel vétkeztek ellenem, mikor laknak földjökön bátorságosan, és [õket] senki sem rettegteti.

Jeĥezkel 39:26
Kaj ili konscios sian malhonoron, kaj cxiujn siajn perfidojn, kiujn ili faris kontraux Mi, kiam ili sidos sendangxere sur sia tero kaj neniu ilin timigos;

Mutta heidän pitää kantaman häväistyksensä ja rikoksensa, joilla he ovat rikkoneet minua vastaan, koska he surutoinna maallansa asuvat, niin ettei kenkään heitä peljätä.

Ézéchiel 39:26
et ils porteront en eux leur confusion, et toutes leurs infidélités par lesquelles ils ont été infidèles envers moi, alors qu'ils habiteront en sécurité dans leur terre et qu'il n'y aura personne qui les effraye,

Alors ils oublieront leur opprobre, Et toutes les infidélités qu'ils ont commises envers moi, Lorsqu'ils habitaient en sécurité leur pays, Et qu'il n'y avait personne pour les troubler.

Après qu'ils auront porté leur ignominie, et tout leur crime, par lequel ils avaient péché contre moi, quand ils demeuraient en sûreté dans leur terre, et sans qu'il y eût personne qui les épouvantât.

Hesekiel 39:26
Sie aber werden ihre Schmach und alle ihre Sünde, damit sie sich an mir versündiget haben, tragen, wenn sie nun sicher in ihrem Lande wohnen, daß sie niemand schrecke,

Sie aber werden ihre Schmach und alle ihre Sünde, damit sie sich an mir versündigt haben, tragen, wenn sie nun sicher in ihrem Lande wohnen, daß sie niemand schrecke,

Und sie sollen ihre Schmach und alle ihre Untreue, die sie gegen mich verübt haben, vergessen, wenn sie wieder sorglos in ihrem Lande wohnen, ohne daß sie jemand aufschreckt.

Ezechiele 39:26
Ed essi avran finito di portare il loro obbrobrio e la pena di tutte le infedeltà che hanno commesse contro di me, quando dimoreranno al sicuro nel loro paese, e non vi sarà più alcun che li spaventi;

dopo che avranno portato il lor vituperio, e la pena di tutti i lor misfatti, che aveano commessi contro a me, mentre dimoravano sopra la lor terra in sicurtà, senza che alcuno li spaventasse;

Pada masa itu habis sudah mereka itu menanggung kecelaannya dan segala kesalahan yang telah dibuatnya akan Daku, apabila mereka itu duduk di dalam negerinya dengan selamat sentosa dan seorangpun tiada yang mengejutkan mereka itu.

에스겔 39:26
그들이 그 땅에 평안히 거하고 두렵게 할 자가 없게 될 때에 부끄러움을 품고 내게 범한 죄를 뉘우치리니

Ezechiel 39:26
et portabunt confusionem suam et omnem praevaricationem quam praevaricati sunt in me cum habitaverint in terra sua confidenter neminem formidantes

Ezechielio knyga 39:26
Kai jie patirs gėdą dėl savo nusikaltimų ir neištikimybės, jie vėl saugiai gyvens savo krašte, ir niekas jų negąsdins.

Ezekiel 39:26
A ka whakawaha e ratou to ratou whakama, o ratou pokanga ketanga katoa hoki i poka ke ai ta ratou ki ahau, ina noho humarie ratou i to ratou whenua, a kahore he tangata hei whakawehi i a ratou;

Esekiel 39:26
Og de skal bære* sin skam og all den troløshet de har vist mot mig, når de bor trygt i sitt land, og ingen forferder dem.

Ezequiel 39:26
Y ellos olvidarán su ignominia y todas las infidelidades que cometieron contra mí, cuando habiten seguros en su tierra sin que nadie los atemorice.

"Y ellos olvidarán su ignominia y todas las infidelidades que cometieron contra Mí, cuando habiten seguros en su tierra sin que nadie los atemorice.

Y ellos sentirán su vergüenza, y toda su rebelión con que prevaricaron contra mí, cuando habiten seguros en su tierra, sin que nadie los espante;

Y ellos sentirán su vergüenza, y toda su rebelión con que prevaricaron contra mí, cuando habitaren en su tierra seguramente, y no habrá quien los espante;

Y ellos sentirán su vergüenza, y toda su rebelión con que se rebelaron contra mí, cuando habitaban en su tierra seguramente, y no había quien los espantase.

Ezequiel 39:26
Quando habitarem em segurança em sua própria terra, tranquilos e sem medo de ninguém, eles se esquecerão da humilhação por que passaram e de toda a deslealdade que praticaram em relação à minha pessoa.

E eles se esquecerão tanto do seu opróbrio, como de todas as suas infidelidades pelas quais transgrediram contra mim, quando eles habitarem seguros na sua terra, sem haver quem os amedronte;   

Ezechiel 39:26
Atunci îşi vor uita ocara, şi toate fărădelegile pe cari le-au săvîrşit împotriva Mea, cînd locuiau liniştiţi în ţara lor, şi cînd nu -i turbura nimeni.

Иезекииль 39:26
И почувствуют они бесчестие свое и все беззакония свои, какие делали предо Мною, когда будут жить на земле своей безопасно, и никто не будет устрашать их,

И почувствуют они бесчестие свое и все беззакония свои, какие делали предо Мною, когда будут жить на земле своей безопасно, и никто не будет устрашать их,[]

Hesekiel 39:26
Och de skola förgäta sin skam och all den otrohet som de hava begått mot mig, då de nu få bo i trygghet i sitt land, utan att någon förskräcker dem.

Ezekiel 39:26
At sila'y mangagtataglay ng kanilang kahihiyan, at ng kanilang lahat na pagsalangsang na kanilang isinalangsang laban sa akin, pagka sila'y magsisitahang tiwasay sa kanilang lupain, at walang tatakot sa kanila;

เอเสเคียล 39:26
เมื่อเขาทั้งหลายมาอาศัยอยู่อย่างปลอดภัยในแผ่นดิน โดยไม่มีผู้ใดกระทำให้เขาหวาดกลัว เขาทั้งหลายจะทนรับความอับอายขายหน้าของเขา ทั้งการละเมิดซึ่งเขาทั้งหลายได้เคยประพฤติต่อเรา

Hezekiel 39:26
Ülkelerinde güvenlik içinde yaşayınca, onları korkutan kimse olmayınca, utançlarını, bana ettikleri bütün ihanetleri unutacaklar.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 39:26
Chúng nó sẽ mang xấu hổ và mắc tội lỗi về mọi tội lỗi mà chúng nó đã phạm nghịch cùng ta, khi chúng nó sẽ ở yên trong đất mình, không lo sợ ai hết.

Ezekiel 39:25
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