Ezekiel 33:16
Ezekiel 33:16
None of the sins that person has committed will be remembered against them. They have done what is just and right; they will surely live.

None of their past sins will be brought up again, for they have done what is just and right, and they will surely live.

None of the sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him. He has done what is just and right; he shall surely live.

"None of his sins that he has committed will be remembered against him. He has practiced justice and righteousness; he shall surely live.

None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of the sins he committed will be held against him. He has done what is just and right; he will certainly live."

None of the sins that he has committed will be remembered against him. Since he did what is just and right, he will certainly live.

None of the sins he has committed will be counted against him. He has done what is just and right; he will certainly live.

None of the sins that he has done will be remembered. He has done what is fair and right. He will certainly live.

None of his sins that he has committed shall be mentioned unto him. Has he lived according to judgment and righteousness? He shall surely live.

None of his sins that he has committed shall be mentioned unto him: he has done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sins that he has committed shall be mentioned to him: he has done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sins that he hath committed shall be remembered against him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sins, which he hath committed, shall be imputed to him: he hath done judgment and justice, he shall surely live.

None of his sins which he hath committed shall be remembered against him: he hath done judgment and justice; he shall certainly live.

None of his sins that he hath committed shall be remembered against him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned to him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him: he has done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

None of his sin that he hath sinned is remembered to him, Judgment and righteousness he hath done, He doth surely live.

Ezekieli 33:16
Asnjë nga mëkatet e kryera prej tij nuk do të kujtohet kundër tij; ai ka bërë atë që është e ndershme dhe e drejtë dhe me siguri ka për të jetuar.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 33:16
كل خطيته التي اخطأ بها لا تذكر عليه. عمل بالعدل والحق فيحيا حياة.

Dyr Heskiheel 33:16
Kaine von seine Altsünddn werd iem non angrechnet. Er haat d Reib kriegt und haat dösswögn aau s +Löbn.

Езекил 33:16
ни един от греховете, които е извършил няма да се помни против него; той е постъпил законно и праведно; непременно ще живее.

以 西 結 書 33:16
他 所 犯 的 一 切 罪 必 不 被 記 念 。 他 行 了 正 直 與 合 理 的 事 , 必 定 存 活 。

他 所 犯 的 一 切 罪 必 不 被 记 念 。 他 行 了 正 直 与 合 理 的 事 , 必 定 存 活 。



Ezekiel 33:16
I svi grijesi njegovi što ih bijaše počinio bit će mu zaboravljeni. Radi po zakonu i pravdi, živjet će!'

Ezechiele 33:16
Žádní hříchové jeho, jimiž hřešil, nebudou mu zpomínáni; soud a spravedlnost činil, jistě že bude živ.

Ezekiel 33:16
ingen af de Synder, han har gjort, skal tilregnes ham; han har gjort Ret og Skel, visselig skal han leve.

Ezechiël 33:16
Al zijn zonden, die hij gezondigd heeft, zullen hem niet gedacht worden; hij heeft recht en gerechtigheid gedaan, hij zal zekerlijk leven.

יחזקאל 33:16
כָּל־ [חַטָּאתֹו כ] (חַטֹּאתָיו֙ ק) אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָטָ֔א לֹ֥א תִזָּכַ֖רְנָה לֹ֑ו מִשְׁפָּ֧ט וּצְדָקָ֛ה עָשָׂ֖ה חָיֹ֥ו יִֽחְיֶֽה׃

טז כל חטאתו אשר חטא לא תזכרנה לו  משפט וצדקה עשה חיו יחיה

כל־ [חטאתו כ] (חטאתיו ק) אשר חטא לא תזכרנה לו משפט וצדקה עשה חיו יחיה׃

Ezékiel 33:16
Semmi õ vétke, melylyel vétkezett, emlékezetbe nem jön néki; törvény szerint és igazságot cselekedett, élvén él.

Jeĥezkel 33:16
CXiuj liaj pekoj, kiujn li faris, ne estos rememorataj:li agas juste kaj virte, kaj tial li restos vivanta.

Kaikki hänen syntinsä, jotka hän tehnyt on, pitää unhotettaman; sillä hän tekee, mikä hyvä ja oikia on, sentähden hän saa totisesti elää.

Ézéchiel 33:16
De tous ses péchés qu'il a commis, aucun ne viendra en mémoire contre lui: il a pratiqué le jugement et la justice; certainement il vivra.

Tous les péchés qu'il a commis seront oubliés; s'il pratique la droiture et la justice, il vivra.

On ne se souviendra plus des péchés qu'il aura commis; il a fait ce qui est juste et droit; certainement il vivra.

Hesekiel 33:16
und aller seiner Sünden; die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden; denn er tut nun, was recht und gut ist; darum soll er leben.

und aller seiner Sünden, die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden; denn er tut nun, was recht und gut ist; darum soll er leben.

Alle seine Sünden, die er zuvor begangen, sollen ihm nicht angerechnet werden: Recht und Gerechtigkeit hat er geübt, er soll am Leben bleiben!

Ezechiele 33:16
tutti i peccati che ha commessi non saranno più ricordati contro di lui; egli ha praticato ciò ch’è conforme al diritto ed alla giustizia; per certo vivrà.

Tutti i suoi peccati, ch’egli avrà commessi, non gli saranno ricordati; egli ha fatto giudicio e giustizia; egli viverà di certo.

Segala dosa yang telah dibuatnya itu akan tiada diihtisabkan kepadanya; sebab telah dibuatnya mana yang benar dan betul, tak dapat tiada iapun akan hidup juga!

에스겔 33:16
그의 본래 범한 모든 죄가 기억되지 아니하리니 그가 정녕 살리라 이는 법과 의를 행하였음이니라 하라

Ezechiel 33:16
omnia peccata eius quae peccavit non inputabuntur ei iudicium et iustitiam fecit vita vivet

Ezechielio knyga 33:16
Jo nuodėmės nebus jam įskaitytos, nes jis darė, kas yra teisinga ir teisu; jis tikrai bus gyvas’.

Ezekiel 33:16
E kore tetahi o ona hara i hara ai ia e maharatia ki a ia: kua mahia e ia te mea e tika ana, e rite ana; he pono ka ora ia.

Esekiel 33:16
Ingen av de synder som han har gjort, skal tilregnes ham; rett og rettferdighet har han gjort, han skal visselig leve.

Ezequiel 33:16
Ninguno de los pecados que ha cometido le será recordado. El ha practicado el derecho y la justicia; ciertamente vivirá.

"Ninguno de los pecados que ha cometido le será recordado. El ha practicado el derecho y la justicia; ciertamente vivirá.

No se le recordará ninguno de sus pecados que había cometido; hizo según el derecho y la justicia; vivirá ciertamente.

No se le recordará ninguno de sus pecados que había cometido: hizo juicio y justicia; vivirá ciertamente.

No se le recordará ninguno de sus pecados que había cometido; ¿hizo juicio y justicia? Vivirá ciertamente.

Ezequiel 33:16
Sendo assim, nenhum dos erros, transgressões e pecados que cometeu serão lembrados ou pesarão contra ele; porquanto fez o que é justo e reto, certamente viverá!

Nenhum de todos os seus pecados que cometeu será lembrado contra ele; praticou a retidão e a justiça, certamente viverá.   

Ezechiel 33:16
Toate păcatele pe cari le -a săvîrşit se vor uita; a făcut ce este bine şi plăcut, şi va trăi negreşit!`

Иезекииль 33:16
Ни один из грехов его, какие он сделал, не помянется ему; он сталтворить суд и правду, он будет жив.

Ни один из грехов его, какие он сделал, не помянется ему; он стал творить суд и правду, он будет жив.[]

Hesekiel 33:16
Ingen av de synder han har begått skall då tillräknas honom; han har övat rätt och rättfärdighet, därför skall han förvisso få leva. --

Ezekiel 33:16
Wala sa kaniyang mga kasalanan na kaniyang nagawa na aalalahanin laban sa kaniya; kaniyang ginawa ang tapat at matuwid; siya'y walang pagsalang mabubuhay.

เอเสเคียล 33:16
บาปซึ่งเขาได้กระทำมาแล้ว จะไม่จดจำนำมากล่าวโทษเขา เขาได้กระทำความยุติธรรมและความชอบธรรม เขาจะดำรงชีวิตแน่

Hezekiel 33:16
İşlediği günahlardan hiçbiri ona karşı anımsanmayacaktır, adil ve doğru olanı yapmıştır; kesinlikle yaşayacaktır.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 33:16
Chẳng có một tội nào nó đã phạm sẽ được nhớ lại nghịch cùng nó; nó đã làm theo luật pháp và hiệp với lẽ thật, chắc nó sẽ sống.

Ezekiel 33:15
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