Ezekiel 33:15
Ezekiel 33:15
if they give back what they took in pledge for a loan, return what they have stolen, follow the decrees that give life, and do no evil--that person will surely live; they will not die.

For instance, they might give back a debtor's security, return what they have stolen, and obey my life-giving laws, no longer doing what is evil. If they do this, then they will surely live and not die.

if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, not doing injustice, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

if a wicked man restores a pledge, pays back what he has taken by robbery, walks by the statutes which ensure life without committing iniquity, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

he returns collateral, makes restitution for what he has stolen, and walks in the statutes of life without practicing iniquity--he will certainly live; he will not die.

returning what has been placed as collateral for a loan, paying back what he has taken, following the regulations that promote life, and committing no iniquity, he will certainly live, and not die.

He returns what was taken in pledge, pays back what he has stolen, and follows the statutes that give life, committing no iniquity. He will certainly live--he will not die.

He returns the security for a loan, pays back everything he stole, lives by the rules of life, and does nothing evil. Then he will certainly live. He will not die.

if the wicked restores the pledge, returns that which he had robbed, walks in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity he shall surely live; he shall not die.

If the wicked restores the pledge, gives back that which he has stolen, walks in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

if the wicked restore the pledge, give again that which he had taken by robbery, walk in the statutes of life, committing no iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

And if that wicked man restore the pledge, and render what he had robbed, and walk in the commandments of life, and do no unjust thing: he shall surely live, and shall not die.

if the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had taken by robbery, walk in the statutes of life, doing nothing that is wrong; he shall certainly live, he shall not die.

if the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had taken by robbery, walk in the statutes of life, committing no iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

If the wicked shall restore the pledge, give again that which he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

if the wicked restore the pledge, give again that which he had taken by robbery, walk in the statutes of life, committing no iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

(The pledge the wicked restoreth, plunder he repayeth,) In the statutes of life he hath walked, So as not to do perversity, He surely liveth -- he doth not die.

Ezekieli 33:15
në rast se i pabesi kthen pengun, kthen atë që ka vjedhur dhe ecën sipas statuteve të jetës, pa kryer paudhësi, ai me siguri ka për të jetuar, nuk ka për të vdekur.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 33:15
ان رد الشرير الرهن وعوّض عن المغتصب وسلك في فرائض الحياة بلا عمل اثم فانه حياة يحيا. لا يموت.

Dyr Heskiheel 33:15
gibt yn n Schuldner s Pfand zrugg, ersötzt, was yr graaubt haat, richtt si naach de Satzungen, mit dene wo myn s Löbn haat, und tuet nix Unrechts niemer, naacherd bleibt yr aau eyn n Löbn, ganz klaar.

Езекил 33:15
ако нечестивият върне залог, върне грабнатото, ходи в повеленията на живота и не върши неправда, непременно ще живее; няма да умре;

以 西 結 書 33:15
還 人 的 當 頭 和 所 搶 奪 的 , 遵 行 生 命 的 律 例 , 不 作 罪 孽 , 他 必 定 存 活 , 不 致 死 亡 。

还 人 的 当 头 和 所 抢 夺 的 , 遵 行 生 命 的 律 例 , 不 作 罪 孽 , 他 必 定 存 活 , 不 致 死 亡 。



Ezekiel 33:15
vrati zalog, plati oteto i stane živjeti po zakonima života, ne čineći bezakonja - živjet će, neće umrijeti!

Ezechiele 33:15
Což v zástavě jest, navrátí-li bezbožný, což vydřel, nahradí-li, v ustanoveních života bude-li choditi, nečině nepravosti: jistě že bude živ, neumře.

Ezekiel 33:15
idet han giver Pant tilbage, godtgør, hvad han har ranet, og følger Livets Bud uden at øve Uret, saa skal han leve og ikke dø;

Ezechiël 33:15
Geeft de goddeloze het pand weder, betaalt hij het geroofde, wandelt hij in de inzettingen des levens, zodat hij geen onrecht doet; hij zal zekerlijk leven, hij zal niet sterven.

יחזקאל 33:15
חֲבֹ֨ל יָשִׁ֤יב רָשָׁע֙ גְּזֵלָ֣ה יְשַׁלֵּ֔ם בְּחֻקֹּ֤ות הַֽחַיִּים֙ הָלַ֔ךְ לְבִלְתִּ֖י עֲשֹׂ֣ות עָ֑וֶל חָיֹ֥ו יִֽחְיֶ֖ה לֹ֥א יָמֽוּת׃

טו חבל ישיב רשע גזלה ישלם בחקות החיים הלך לבלתי עשות עול--חיו יחיה לא ימות

חבל ישיב רשע גזלה ישלם בחקות החיים הלך לבלתי עשות עול חיו יחיה לא ימות׃

Ezékiel 33:15
Zálogot visszaad a hitetlen, rablottat megtérít, az életnek parancsolatiban jár, többé nem cselekedvén gonoszságot: élvén él, [és] meg nem hal.

Jeĥezkel 33:15
se la malvirtulo redonos la garantiajxon, repagos la rabitajxon, agados laux la legxoj de la vivo, ne farante malbonagojn:tiam li restos vivanta kaj ne mortos.

Niin että jumalatoin pantin antaa jälleen, ja maksaa mitä hän on ryövännyt, ja elämän sanan jälkeen elää, ettei hän pahaa tee; niin hän saa totisesti elää, ja ei pidä kuoleman.

Ézéchiel 33:15
si le méchant rend le gage, restitue ce qu'il a pillé, marche dans les statuts de la vie, en ne commettant pas l'iniquité, certainement il vivra, il ne mourra pas.

s'il rend le gage, s'il restitue ce qu'il a ravi, s'il suit les préceptes qui donnent la vie, sans commettre l'iniquité, il vivra, il ne mourra pas.

[Si] le méchant rend le gage, et qu'il restitue ce qu'il aura ravi, et qu'il marche dans les statuts de la vie, sans commettre d'iniquité, certainement il vivra, il ne mourra point.

Hesekiel 33:15
also daß der Gottlose das Pfand wiedergibt und bezahlet, was er geraubet hat, und nach dem Wort des Lebens wandelt, daß er kein Böses tut, so soll er leben und nicht sterben,

also daß der Gottlose das Pfand wiedergibt und bezahlt, was er geraubt hat, und nach dem Wort des Lebens wandelt, daß er kein Böses tut: so soll er leben und nicht sterben,

giebt Pfänder zurück, erstattet das Geraubte wieder, wandelt nach den Satzungen, die zum Leben führen, so daß er keinen Frevel verübt: der soll leben bleiben und nicht sterben!

Ezechiele 33:15
se rende il pegno, se restituisce ciò che ha rapito, se cammina secondo i precetti che dànno la vita, senza commettere l’iniquità, per certo egli vivrà, non morrà;

e rende il pegno, e restituisce ciò ch’egli ha rapito, e cammina negli statuti della vita, per non commettere iniquità; di certo egli viverà, non morrà.

jikalau orang fasik itu mengembalikan barang gadaian, dan mengganti barang yang telah dirampas dan menurut segala syariat kehidupan, sehingga tiada lagi dibuatnya sesuatu yang jahat, niscaya iapun akan hidup dan tiada ia mati kelak.

에스겔 33:15
전당물을 도로 주며 억탈물을 돌려 보내고 생명의 율례를 준행하여 다시는 죄악을 짓지 아니하면 그가 정녕 살고 죽지 않을지라

Ezechiel 33:15
pignus restituerit ille impius rapinamque reddiderit in mandatis vitae ambulaverit nec fecerit quicquam iniustum vita vivet et non morietur

Ezechielio knyga 33:15
grąžina užstatą, atiduoda, ką išplėšė, laikosi gyvenimo nuostatų ir nedaro neteisybės, jis bus gyvas ir nemirs.

Ezekiel 33:15
Ki te whakahokia te taunaha e te tangata kino, ki te utua te mea i pahuatia e ia, ki te haere ia i runga i nga tikanga o te ora, a ka kore e mahi i te he, he pono ka ora ia, e kore ia e mate.

Esekiel 33:15
så han, den ugudelige, gir pant tilbake, godtgjør det han har røvet, følger livets bud, så han ikke gjør urett, da skal han visselig leve, han skal ikke dø.

Ezequiel 33:15
si el impío devuelve la prenda, restituye lo que ha robado, anda en los preceptos de vida sin cometer iniquidad, ciertamente vivirá, no morirá.

si el impío devuelve la prenda, restituye lo que ha robado, anda en los preceptos de vida sin cometer iniquidad, ciertamente vivirá, no morirá.

si el impío restituyere la prenda, devolviere lo que hubiere robado, caminare en los estatutos de la vida, no haciendo iniquidad, vivirá ciertamente y no morirá.

Si el impío restituyere la prenda, devolviere lo que hubiere robado, caminare en las ordenanzas de la vida, no haciendo iniquidad, vivirá ciertamente y no morirá.

Si el impío restituyere la prenda, devolviere lo que hubiere robado, caminare en las ordenanzas de la vida, no haciendo iniquidad, vivirá ciertamente y no morirá.

Ezequiel 33:15
se este, que deixou de ser ímpio, restituir o penhor que havia tomado de alguém por um empréstimo concedido; se devolver o que furtou, se agir de acordo com as leis e princípios que proporcionam vida e não praticar mal algum, é certo que viverá; não morrerá.

se esse ímpio, restituir o penhor, devolver o que ele tinha furtado, e andar nos estatutos da vida, não praticando a iniqüidade, certamente viverá, não morrerá.   

Ezechiel 33:15
dacă dă înapoi zălogul, întoarce ce a răpit, urmează învăţăturile cari dau viaţa, şi nu săvîrşeşte nicio nelegiuire, va trăi negreşit, şi nu va muri.

Иезекииль 33:15
если этот беззаконник возвратит залог, за похищенное заплатит, будет ходить по законам жизни, не делая ничего худого, – то он будет жив, не умрет.

[если] этот беззаконник возвратит залог, за похищенное заплатит, будет ходить по законам жизни, не делая ничего худого, --то он будет жив, не умрет.[]

Hesekiel 33:15
så att han, den ogudaktige, give tillbaka den pant han har fått och ersätter vad han har rövat och vandrar efter livets stadgar, så att han icke gör vad orätt är, då skall han förvisso leva och icke dö.

Ezekiel 33:15
Kung isauli ng masama ang sanla, ibigay uli ang kinuha sa pagnanakaw, lumakad sa palatuntunan ng buhay, na di gumawa ng kasamaan, siya'y walang pagsalang mabubuhay, siya'y hindi mamamatay.

เอเสเคียล 33:15
ถ้าคนชั่วได้คืนของประกัน ขโมยอะไรของเขามาก็คืนเสีย และดำเนินตามกฎเกณฑ์แห่งชีวิต ไม่กระทำความชั่วช้าเลย เขาจะดำรงชีวิตอยู่แน่ เขาไม่ต้องตาย

Hezekiel 33:15
aldığı rehini geri verse, çaldığını ödese, yaşam veren kurallar uyarınca davranıp günah işlemese kesinlikle yaşayacak, ölmeyecektir.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 33:15
nếu nó trả lại của cầm, đền bồi vật nó đã cướp lấy, bước theo lệ luật của sự sống, và không phạm sự gian ác nữa, thì chắc nó sẽ sống và không chết đâu.

Ezekiel 33:14
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