Ezekiel 33:13
Ezekiel 33:13
If I tell a righteous person that they will surely live, but then they trust in their righteousness and do evil, none of the righteous things that person has done will be remembered; they will die for the evil they have done.

When I tell righteous people that they will live, but then they sin, expecting their past righteousness to save them, then none of their righteous acts will be remembered. I will destroy them for their sins.

Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die.

"When I say to the righteous he will surely live, and he so trusts in his righteousness that he commits iniquity, none of his righteous deeds will be remembered; but in that same iniquity of his which he has committed he will die.

When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.

When I tell the righteous person that he will surely live, but he trusts in his righteousness and commits iniquity, then none of his righteousness will be remembered, and he will die because of the iniquity he has committed."

"If I tell the righteous person that he will certainly live, if he trusts in his own righteousness and commits evil, none of his righteousness will be remembered, and he will die because of the wrong that he commits.

Suppose I tell the righteous that he will certainly live, but he becomes confident in his righteousness and commits iniquity. None of his righteous deeds will be remembered; because of the iniquity he has committed he will die.

I may promise the righteous person that he will certainly live. But if he trusts in the right things that he has done and he does evil, none of the right things that he has done will be remembered. He will die because of the evil things he has done.

When I am saying to the righteous, Thou shalt shall surely live and he trusting in his own righteousness commits iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he has committed, he shall die for it.

When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trusts in his own righteousness, and commits iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he has committed, he shall die for it.

When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he has committed, he shall die for it.

When I say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his righteousness, and commit iniquity, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered; but in his iniquity that he hath committed, therein shall he die.

Yea, if I shall say to the just that he shall surely live, and he, trusting in his justice, commit iniquity: all his justices shall be forgotten, and in his iniquity, which he hath committed, in the same shall he die.

When I say to the righteous that he shall certainly live, and he trusteth to his righteousness and doeth what is wrong, none of his righteous acts shall be remembered; but in his unrighteousness which he hath done, in it shall he die.

When I say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his righteousness, and commit iniquity, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered; but in his iniquity that he hath committed, therein shall he die.

When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he shall trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.

When I tell the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his righteousness, and commit iniquity, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered; but in his iniquity that he has committed, therein shall he die.

In My saying of the righteous: He surely liveth, And -- he hath trusted on his righteousness, And he hath done perversity, All his righteous acts are not remembered, And for his perversity that he hath done, For it he doth die.

Ezekieli 33:13
Kur i them të drejtit që ke për të jetuar me siguri, në rast se ka besim në drejtësinë e vet dhe kryen paudhësinë, tërë veprimet e tij të drejta nuk do të kujtohen më, por ai do të vdesë për shkak të paudhësisë që ka kryer.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 33:13
اذا قلت للبار حياة تحيا. فاتكل هو على بره وأثم فبره كله لا يذكر بل باثمه الذي فعله يموت.

Dyr Heskiheel 33:13
Wenn i zo aynn Guetn sag, er ghalteb s Löbn, und er fangt drauf voller Vertrauen auf sein angsparts Guets zo n Sünddn an, naacherd zölt dös allss niemer. Nän, wögn seinn neuen Unrecht ghoert yr yn n Tood.

Езекил 33:13
Когато река на праведния, че непременно ще живее, а той като уповае на правдата си, извърши неправда, то ни едно от неговите праведни дела няма да се спомни; а поради неправдата, която е извършил, той ще умре.

以 西 結 書 33:13
我 對 義 人 說 : 你 必 定 存 活 ! 他 若 倚 靠 他 的 義 而 作 罪 孽 , 他 所 行 的 義 都 不 被 記 念 。 他 必 因 所 作 的 罪 孽 死 亡 。

我 对 义 人 说 : 你 必 定 存 活 ! 他 若 倚 靠 他 的 义 而 作 罪 孽 , 他 所 行 的 义 都 不 被 记 念 。 他 必 因 所 作 的 罪 孽 死 亡 。



Ezekiel 33:13
Reknem li ja prevedniku: 'Živjet ćeš!' a on se pouzda u svoju pravednost i stane činiti nepravdu, zaboravit ću svu njegovu pravednost, i on će umrijeti zbog nepravde što je počini!

Ezechiele 33:13
Jestliže dím spravedlivému: Jistě živ budeš, a on doufaje v spravedlnost svou, činil by nepravost: žádná spravedlnost jeho nepřijde na pamět, ale pro tu nepravost svou, kterouž činil, umře.

Ezekiel 33:13
Naar jeg siger til den retfærdige: »Du skal visselig leve!« og han stoler paa sin Retfærdighed og øver Uret, saa skal intet af hans Retfærdighed tilregnes ham, men han skal dø for den Uret, han øver.

Ezechiël 33:13
Als Ik tot den rechtvaardige zeg, dat hij zekerlijk leven zal, en hij op zijn gerechtigheid vertrouwt, en onrecht doet, zo zullen al zijn gerechtigheden niet gedacht worden, maar in zijn onrecht, dat hij doet, daarin zal hij sterven.

יחזקאל 33:13
בְּאָמְרִ֤י לַצַּדִּיק֙ חָיֹ֣ה יִֽחְיֶ֔ה וְהֽוּא־בָטַ֥ח עַל־צִדְקָתֹ֖ו וְעָ֣שָׂה עָ֑וֶל כָּל־ [צִדְקָתֹו כ] (צִדְקֹתָיו֙ ק) לֹ֣א תִזָּכַ֔רְנָה וּבְעַוְלֹ֥ו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֖ה בֹּ֥ו יָמֽוּת׃

יג באמרי לצדיק חיה יחיה והוא בטח על צדקתו ועשה עול--כל צדקתו לא תזכרנה ובעולו אשר עשה בו ימות

באמרי לצדיק חיה יחיה והוא־בטח על־צדקתו ועשה עול כל־ [צדקתו כ] (צדקתיו ק) לא תזכרנה ובעולו אשר־עשה בו ימות׃

Ezékiel 33:13
Mikor ezt mondom az igazról: Élvén éljen; és õ bízván igazságában, gonoszságot cselekszik: semmi igazsága emlékezetbe nem jõ, és gonoszsága miatt, melyet cselekedett, meghal.

Jeĥezkel 33:13
Se Mi diros al la virtulo, ke li vivos, kaj li, fidante sian virtecon, faros krimon:tiam lia tuta virteco ne estos memorata, kaj li mortos pro sia krimo, kiun li faris.

Kuin minä hurskaalle sanon: hänen pitää totisesti elämän, ja hän luottaa vangurskauteensa, ja tekee pahaa; niin ei pidä hänen vanhurskauttansa ensinkään muistettaman, mutta hänen pitää kuoleman pahuudessansa, jonka hän tekee.

Ézéchiel 33:13
Quand j'aurai dit au juste que certainement il vivra, et que lui se confie en sa justice et commette l'iniquité, de tous ses actes justes, aucun ne viendra en mémoire, mais dans son iniquité qu'il a commise il mourra.

Lorsque je dis au juste qu'il vivra, -s'il se confie dans sa justice et commet l'iniquité, toute sa justice sera oubliée, et il mourra à cause de l'iniquité qu'il a commise.

Quand j'aurai dit au juste qu'il vivra certainement, et que lui, se confiant sur sa justice, aura commis l'iniquité, on ne se souviendra plus d'aucune de ses justices, mais il mourra dans son iniquité qu'il aura commise.

Hesekiel 33:13
Denn wo ich zu dem Gerechten spreche, er soll leben, und er verläßt sich auf seine Gerechtigkeit und tut Böses, so soll all seiner Frömmigkeit nicht gedacht werden, sondern er soll sterben in seiner Bosheit, die er tut.

Denn wo ich zu dem Gerechten spreche, er soll leben, und er verläßt sich auf seine Gerechtigkeit und tut Böses, so soll aller seiner Frömmigkeit nicht gedacht werden; sondern er soll sterben in seiner Bosheit, die er tut.

Wenn ich zu dem Frommen sage: du sollst sicher am Leben bleiben! und er verläßt sich auf seine bisherige Frömmigkeit und verübt Frevel, so soll aller seiner frommen Thaten nicht mehr gedacht werden, sondern wegen seines Frevels, den er verübt hat, soll er sterben.

Ezechiele 33:13
Quand’io avrò detto al giusto che per certo egli vivrà, s’egli confida nella propria giustizia e commette l’iniquità, tutti i suoi atti giusti non saranno più ricordati, e morrà per l’iniquità che avrà commessa.

Quando io avrò detto al giusto, ch’egli di certo viverà, se egli, confidatosi nella sua giustizia, commette iniquità, tutte le sue giustizie non saranno ricordate; anzi egli morrà per la sua iniquità, ch’egli avrà commessa.

Jikalau firman-Ku kepada orang yang benar, bahwa dengan sesungguhnya ia akan hidup, dan ditaruhnya harapnya pada kebenarannya, lalu dibuatnya mana yang tiada betul, maka segala kebenarannya tiada akan diingat, melainkan iapun akan mati juga di dalam kejahatan yang dibuatnya.

에스겔 33:13
가령 내가 의인에게 말하기를 너는 살리라 하였다 하자 그가 그 의를 스스로 믿고 죄악을 행하면 그 모든 의로운 행위가 하나도 기억되지 아니하리니 그가 그 지은 죄악 중 곧 그 중에서 죽으리라

Ezechiel 33:13
etiam si dixero iusto quod vita vivat et confisus in iustitia sua fecerit iniquitatem omnes iustitiae eius oblivioni tradentur et in iniquitate sua quam operatus est in ipsa morietur

Ezechielio knyga 33:13
Jei Aš sakau teisiajam: ‘Tu tikrai būsi gyvas’, o jis, pasitikėdamas savo teisumu, nusikalsta, tai jo teisumas nebus prisimintas, ir jis mirs už savo nusikaltimą.

Ezekiel 33:13
Ki te mea ahau ki te tangata tika, ka ora ia; a ka whakawhirinaki ia ki tona tika, ka mahi hoki i te he, e kore ana mahi tika katoa e maharatia; engari ka mate ia i runga i tona he i mahia e ia.

Esekiel 33:13
Når jeg sier om den rettferdige: Han skal visselig leve, og han setter sin lit til sin rettferdighet og gjør urett, da skal ingen av hans rettferdige gjerninger tilregnes ham, men for den uretts skyld som han har gjort, for den skal han dø.

Ezequiel 33:13
Cuando yo diga al justo que ciertamente vivirá, si él confía tanto en su justicia que hace iniquidad, ninguna de sus obras justas le será recordada, sino que por la misma iniquidad que cometió morirá.

"Cuando Yo diga al justo que ciertamente vivirá, si él confía tanto en su justicia que hace iniquidad, ninguna de sus obras justas le será recordada, sino que por la misma iniquidad que cometió morirá.

Diciendo yo al justo: De cierto vivirás, y él confiado en su justicia hiciere iniquidad, todas sus justicias no serán recordadas, sino que morirá por su iniquidad que hizo.

Diciendo yo al justo: De cierto vivirá, y él confiado en su justicia hiciere iniquidad, todas sus justicias no vendrán en memoria, sino que morirá por su iniquidad que hizo.

Diciendo yo al justo: De cierto vivirá, y él confiado en su justicia hiciere iniquidad, todas sus justicias no vendrán en memoria, sino que morirá por su iniquidad que hizo.

Ezequiel 33:13
Quando Eu, por intermédio do profeta, declarar ao justo que certamente viverá, e ele, confiando na sua dignidade e justiça, fizer o que é maligno, nenhuma das suas obras de justiça será levada em conta; não me lembrarei mais de suas boas ações; e ele morrerá por causa do mal que praticou.

Quando eu disser ao justo que certamente viverá, e ele, confiando na sua justiça, praticar iniqüidade, nenhuma das suas obras de justiça será lembrada; mas na sua iniqüidade, que praticou, nessa morrerá.   

Ezechiel 33:13
Cînd zic celui neprihănit că va trăi negreşit, -dacă se încrede în neprihănirea lui şi săvîrşeşte nelegiuirea, atunci toată neprihănirea lui se va uita, şi el va muri din pricina nelegiuirii pe care a săvîrşit -o.

Иезекииль 33:13
Когда Я скажу праведнику, что он будет жив, а он понадеется на свою праведность и сделает неправду, – то все праведные дела его не помянутся, и он умрет от неправды своей, какую сделал.

Когда Я скажу праведнику, что он будет жив, а он понадеется на свою праведность и сделает неправду, --то все праведные дела его не помянутся, и он умрет от неправды своей, какую сделал.[]

Hesekiel 33:13
Om jag säger till den rättfärdige att han skall få leva, och han sedan i förlitande på sin rättfärdighet gör vad orätt är, så skall intet ihågkommas av all hans rättfärdighet, utan genom det orätta som han gör skall han dö.

Ezekiel 33:13
Pagka aking sasabihin sa matuwid na siya'y walang pagsalang mabubuhay; kung siya'y tumiwala sa kaniyang katuwiran, at gumawa ng kasamaan, anoman sa kaniyang mga matuwid na gawa ay hindi aalalahanin; kundi sa kaniyang kasamaan na kaniyang nagawa doon siya mamamatay.

เอเสเคียล 33:13
แม้เราจะได้กล่าวแก่คนชอบธรรมว่า เขาจะมีชีวิตอยู่แน่ ถ้าเขายังวางใจในความชอบธรรมของเขา และกระทำความชั่วช้า การกระทำทั้งหลายที่ชอบธรรมของเขาย่อมไม่อยู่ในความทรงจำอีกเลย แต่เขาจะต้องตายเพราะความชั่วช้าซึ่งเขาได้กระทำไว้

Hezekiel 33:13
Doğru kişi için, ‹Kesinlikle yaşayacak› desem, ama o doğruluğuna güvenip de kötülük yapsa, yaptığı doğru işlerin hiçbiri anımsanmayacak. Yaptığı kötülükten ötürü ölecek.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 33:13
Dầu mà ta có nói với người công bình rằng nó chắc sẽ sống, nếu nó cậy sự công bình mình mà phạm tội, thì sẽ không nhớ đến một việc công bình nào của nó nữa; nhưng nó sẽ chết trong sự gian ác mình đã phạm.

Ezekiel 33:12
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