Ezekiel 32:27
Ezekiel 32:27
But they do not lie with the fallen warriors of old, who went down to the realm of the dead with their weapons of war--their swords placed under their heads and their shields resting on their bones--though these warriors also had terrorized the land of the living.

They are not buried in honor like their fallen heroes, who went down to the grave with their weapons--their shields covering their bodies and their swords beneath their heads. Their guilt rests upon them because they brought terror to everyone while they were still alive.

And they do not lie with the mighty, the fallen from among the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid under their heads, and whose iniquities are upon their bones; for the terror of the mighty men was in the land of the living.

"Nor do they lie beside the fallen heroes of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war and whose swords were laid under their heads; but the punishment for their iniquity rested on their bones, though the terror of these heroes was once in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

They do not lie down with the fallen warriors of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were placed under their heads. The punishment for their sins rested on their bones, although the terror of these warriors was once in the land of the living.

They won't be buried with dead warriors from ancient times, who went straight to Sheol, buried with their war weapons, with their swords placed under their heads and their shields laid on top of their bones, since they spread terror throughout the land of the living.

They do not lie with the fallen warriors of ancient times, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, having their swords placed under their heads and their shields on their bones, when the terror of these warriors was in the land of the living.

They don't lie with the godless warriors who died and went down to the grave with their weapons of war. Their swords were placed under their heads. Their shields were placed on their bones because they terrified others in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, who are gone down to Sheol with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their sins shall be upon their bones because they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, who have gone down to sheol with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be on their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, that are gone down to Sheol with their weapons of war, and have laid their swords under their heads, and their iniquities are upon their bones; for they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not sleep with the brave, and with them that fell uncircumcised, that went down to hell with their weapons, and laid their swords under their heads, and their iniquities were in their bones, because they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they lie not with the mighty, that are fallen of the uncircumcised, who are gone down to Sheol with their weapons of war; and whose swords are laid under their heads, and whose iniquities are upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war, and have laid their swords under their heads, and their iniquities are upon their bones; for they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, who are gone down to the grave, with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

They shall not lie with the mighty who are fallen of the uncircumcised, who are gone down to Sheol with their weapons of war, and have laid their swords under their heads, and their iniquities are on their bones; for [they were] the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

And they lie not with the mighty, Who are falling of the uncircumcised, Who have gone down to sheol with their weapons of war, And they put their swords under their heads, And their iniquities are on their bones, For the terror of the mighty is in the land of the living.

Ezekieli 32:27
Nuk rrijnë me heronjtë e rënë të atyre që nuk janë rrethprerë, që kanë zbritur në Sheol me armët e tyre të luftës dhe që shpatat e tyre janë vënë nën kokat e tyre; por ndëshkimi i paudhësive të tyre do t'u ngjitet kockave të tyre, megjithëse tmerri i këtyre trimave ishte i madh mbi dheun e të gjallëve.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 32:27
ولا يضطجعون مع الجبابرة الساقطين من الغلف النازلين الى الهاوية بادواة حربهم وقد وضعت سيوفهم تحت رؤوسهم فتكون آثامهم على عظامهم مع انهم رعب الجبابرة في ارض الاحياء.

Dyr Heskiheel 32:27
aber sö lignd nit bei de gwonen Gfallnen von früehers, wo mit dyr vollen Rüstung eyn s Toodsreich kaamend, weil s halt in n Löbn so vil Schröckn angrichtt habnd.

Езекил 32:27
Те няма да лежат със силните паднали измежду необрязаните, които слязоха в преизподнята с бойните си оръжия и туриха ножовете си под главите си; но техните беззакония ще са върху костите им, защото са причинявали ужас на силните в земята на живите.

以 西 結 書 32:27
他 們 不 得 與 那 未 受 割 禮 仆 倒 的 勇 士 一 同 躺 臥 ; 這 些 勇 士 帶 著 兵 器 下 陰 間 , 頭 枕 刀 劍 , 骨 頭 上 有 本 身 的 罪 孽 ; 他 們 曾 在 活 人 之 地 使 勇 士 驚 恐 。

他 们 不 得 与 那 未 受 割 礼 仆 倒 的 勇 士 一 同 躺 卧 ; 这 些 勇 士 带 着 兵 器 下 阴 间 , 头 枕 刀 剑 , 骨 头 上 有 本 身 的 罪 孽 ; 他 们 曾 在 活 人 之 地 使 勇 士 惊 恐 。



Ezekiel 32:27
Ne leže s junacima davno palima, u Podzemlje siđoše s oružjem, s mačem pod glavom i sa štitom na kostima, jer bijahu užas junacima u zemlji živih.

Ezechiele 32:27
Ačťkoli ti ještě nelehli s hrdinami, kteříž padli z neobřezanců, kteříž sstoupili do hrobu s zbrojí svou vojenskou, a podložili meče své pod hlavy své, a však důjdeť nepravost jejich na kosti jejich; nebo strach hrdin byl v zemi živých.

Ezekiel 32:27
de kom ikke til at ligge hos Heltene, Fortidens Kæmper, som for til Dødsriget i deres Rustninger, hvis Sværd blev lagt under deres Hoveder, og hvis Skjolde dækkede deres Knogler; thi Rædsel for Heltene raadede i de levendes Land.

Ezechiël 32:27
Maar zij liggen niet met de helden, die onder de onbesnedenen gevallen zijn; die ter helle zijn nedergedaald met hun krijgswapenen, en welker zwaarden men gelegd heeft onder hun hoofden; welker ongerechtigheid nochtans op hun beenderen is, omdat der helden schrik in het land der levenden geweest is.

יחזקאל 32:27
וְלֹ֤א יִשְׁכְּבוּ֙ אֶת־גִּבֹּורִ֔ים נֹפְלִ֖ים מֵעֲרֵלִ֑ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר יָרְדֽוּ־שְׁאֹ֣ול בִּכְלֵֽי־מִלְחַמְתָּם֩ וַיִּתְּנ֨וּ אֶת־חַרְבֹותָ֜ם תַּ֣חַת רָאשֵׁיהֶ֗ם וַתְּהִ֤י עֲוֹֽנֹתָם֙ עַל־עַצְמֹותָ֔ם כִּֽי־חִתִּ֥ית גִּבֹּורִ֖ים בְּאֶ֥רֶץ חַיִּֽים׃

כז ולא ישכבו את גבורים נפלים מערלים  אשר ירדו שאול בכלי מלחמתם ויתנו את חרבותם תחת ראשיהם ותהי עונתם על עצמותם--כי חתית גבורים בארץ חיים

ולא ישכבו את־גבורים נפלים מערלים אשר ירדו־שאול בכלי־מלחמתם ויתנו את־חרבותם תחת ראשיהם ותהי עונתם על־עצמותם כי־חתית גבורים בארץ חיים׃

Ezékiel 32:27
És nem feküsznek együtt az erõsekkel, kik elestek a körülmetéletlenek közül, kik hadiszerszámaikkal szálltak alá a sírba s kiknek az õ fegyvereiket fejük alá tették; mert lõn az õ vétkök csontjaikon, mivelhogy félelmére [valának] a vitézeknek az élõk földjén.

Jeĥezkel 32:27
Ili ne kusxas kun la herooj, kiuj falis de necirkumciditoj kaj iris en SXeolon kun siaj bataliloj kaj metis siajn glavojn sub siajn kapojn; iliaj malbonagoj restis sur iliaj ostoj, cxar kiel fortuloj ili jxetadis cxirkaux si teruron sur la tero de la vivantoj.

Ja ei heidän pidä makaaman sankarien kanssa, jotka ympärileikkaamattomista kaatuneet ovat, jotka sota-aseinensa menivät alas helvettiin, ja panivat miekkansa päänsä alle, ja heidän pahantekonsa oli heidän luissansa, sillä he olivat voimallisten pelko koko maailmassa.

Ézéchiel 32:27
Et ils n'ont pas été couchés avec les hommes forts, tombés d'entre les incirconcis, qui sont descendus dans le shéol avec leurs instruments de guerre, et sous la tête desquels on a mis leurs épées, et dont les iniquités sont sur leurs os; quoiqu'ils fussent la terreur des hommes forts sur la terre des vivants.

Ils ne sont pas couchés avec les héros, Ceux qui sont tombés d'entre les incirconcis; Ils sont descendus au séjour des morts avec leurs armes de guerre, Ils ont mis leurs épées sous leurs têtes, Et leurs iniquités ont été sur leurs ossements; Car ils étaient la terreur des héros dans le pays des vivants.

Ils n'ont pourtant point été gisants avec les hommes vaillants qui sont tombés d'entre les incirconcis, lesquels sont descendus au sépulcre avec leurs instruments de guerre, dont on a mis les épées sous leurs têtes, et dont les iniquités ont reposé sur leurs os; parce que la terreur des hommes forts est en la terre des vivants.

Hesekiel 32:27
und alle andern Helden, die unter den Unbeschnittenen gefallen sind und mit ihrer Kriegswehre zur Hölle gefahren und ihre Schwerter unter ihre Häupter haben müssen legen, und ihre Missetat über ihre Gebeine kommen ist, die doch auch gefürchtete Helden waren in der ganzen Welt; also müssen sie liegen.

und alle andern Helden, die unter den Unbeschnittenen gefallen und mit ihrer Kriegswehr zur Hölle gefahren sind und ihre Schwerter unter ihre Häupter haben müssen legen und deren Missetat über ihre Gebeine gekommen ist, die doch auch gefürchtete Helden waren in der ganzen Welt; also müssen sie liegen.

Sie liegen nicht bei den Helden, den in grauer Vorzeit Gefallenen, die in ihrer Kriegsrüstung hinabstiegen in die Unterwelt, denen man ihre Schwerter legte unter ihre Häupter und auf deren Gebeinen ihre Schilde lagen; denn ein Schrecken vor den Helden herrschte im Lande der Lebendigen.

Ezechiele 32:27
Non giacciono coi prodi che sono caduti fra gli incirconcisi, che sono scesi nel soggiorno de’ morti con le loro armi da guerra, e sotto il capo de’ quali sono state poste le loro spade; ma le loro iniquità stanno sulle loro ossa, perché erano il terrore de’ prodi sulla terra de’ viventi.

E non giacciono con gli uomini prodi, caduti d’infra gl’incirconcisi, i quali sono scesi nell’inferno con le loro armi; e le cui spade sono state poste sotto alle lor teste, e la cui iniquità è stata sopra le loro ossa; perciocchè lo spavento degli uomini prodi è nella terra de’ viventi.

Lagipun tiada mereka itu berbaring pada sisi segala orang pahlawan, yang tiada rebah mati seperti orang kulup, yang sudah turun ke dalam alam barzakh serta dengan segala alat peperangannya, dan pedangnyapun diletak oranglah di bawah kepalanya, melainkan kejahatannya menimpa lagi tulang-tulangnya, sebab dahulu mereka itu mengadakan kegentaran, dan mereka itu penggagah adanya di tanah orang hidup.

에스겔 32:27
그들이 할례 받지 못한 자 중에 이미 엎드러진 용사와 함께 누운 것이 마땅치 아니하냐 이 용사들은 다 병기를 가지고 음부에 내려 자기의 칼을 베게 하였으니 그 백골이 자기 죄악을 졌음이여 생존 세상에서 용사의 두려움이 있던 자로다

Ezechiel 32:27
et non dormient cum fortibus cadentibusque et incircumcisis qui descenderunt ad infernum cum armis suis et posuerunt gladios suos sub capitibus suis et fuerunt iniquitates eorum in ossibus eorum quia terror fortium facti sunt in terra viventium

Ezechielio knyga 32:27
Jie negulės drauge su senovėje kritusiais karžygiais, kurie su savo ginklais nužengė į mirusiųjų buveinę; jiems kardą padėjo po galva ir skydu pridengė kaulus.

Ezekiel 32:27
E kore ano ratou e takoto i roto i nga marohirohi o nga kokotikore kua hinga, kua heke ki te reinga me a ratou patu ano o te whawhai: i whakatakotoria ano e ratou a ratou hoari ki raro i o ratou mahunga, a kei te mau o ratou kino ki o ratou when ua; ko te hunga hoki tena i wehi ai nga marohirohi o te whenua o te ora.

Esekiel 32:27
Skulde de da ikke ligge hos kjemper, hos dem som er falt blandt de uomskårne, som fór ned til dødsriket med sine krigsvåben, og hvis sverd blev lagt under deres hoder, og hvis misgjerning tynget på deres ben, fordi det hadde vært redsel for kjempene i de levendes land?

Ezequiel 32:27
Y no yacen junto a los héroes caídos de entre los incircuncisos que descendieron al Seol con sus armas de guerra, cuyas espadas estaban colocadas debajo de sus cabezas; pero el castigo de su iniquidad cayó sobre sus huesos, porque el terror de estos héroes prevalecía en la tierra de los vivientes.

"Y no yacen junto a los héroes caídos de entre los incircuncisos que descendieron al Seol con sus armas de guerra, cuyas espadas estaban colocadas debajo de sus cabezas; pero el castigo de su iniquidad cayó sobre sus huesos, porque el terror de estos héroes prevalecía en la tierra de los vivientes.

Y no yacerán con los fuertes que cayeron de los incircuncisos, los cuales descendieron al infierno con sus armas de guerra, y pusieron sus espadas debajo de sus cabezas; mas sus pecados estarán sobre sus huesos, porque fueron terror de fuertes en la tierra de los vivientes.

Y no yacerán con los fuertes que cayeron de los incircuncisos, los cuales descendieron al sepulcro con sus armas de guerra, y pusieron sus espadas debajo de sus cabezas: mas sus pecados estarán sobre sus huesos, porque fueron terror de fuertes en la tierr

Y no yacerán con los fuertes que cayeron de los incircuncisos, los cuales descendieron al infierno con sus armas de guerra, y pusieron sus espadas debajo de sus cabezas; mas sus pecados estarán sobre sus huesos, porque fueron terror de fuertes en la tierra de los vivientes.

Ezequiel 32:27
Porventura não jazem com os outros guerreiros incircuncisos tombados, que desceram à sepultura com suas armas de guerra, cujas espadas foram colocadas debaixo da cabeça deles? O castigo de suas iniquidades está sobre os seus ossos, embora o temor causado por esses guerreiros tenha percorrido toda a terra dos viventes.

E não jazem com os valentes que dentre os incircuncisos caíram, os quais desceram ao Seol com as suas armas de guerra e puseram as suas espadas debaixo das suas cabeças, tendo os seus escudos sobre os seus ossos; porque eram o terror dos poderosos na terra dos viventes.   

Ezechiel 32:27
Ei sînt culcaţi împreună cu vitejii, căzuţi din vechime dintre cei netăiaţi împrejur; sînt pogorîţi în locuinţa morţilor împreună cu armele lor de război, cu săbiile puse supt capetele lor, şi nelegiuirile lor lipite pe osemintele lor, căci vitejia lor era o groază în ţara celor vii.

Иезекииль 32:27
Не должны ли и они лежать с павшими героями необрезанными, которые с воинским оружием своим сошли в преисподнюю и мечи свои положили себе под головы, и осталосьбеззаконие их на костях их, потому что они, как сильные, были ужасом на земле живых.

Не должны ли [и] они лежать с павшими героями необрезанными, которые с воинским оружием своим сошли в преисподнюю и мечи свои положили себе под головы, и осталось беззаконие их на костях их, потому что они, как сильные, были ужасом на земле живых.[]

Hesekiel 32:27
Men dessa fallna män ur de oomskurnas hop, de få icke vila bland hjältarna, bland dem som hava farit ned till dödsriket i sin krigiska rustning och fått sina svärd lagda under sina huvuden. Nej, deras missgärningar hava kommit över deras ben. De utbredde ju skräck i de levandes land, såsom hjältar göra.

Ezekiel 32:27
At sila'y hindi mangahihiga na kasama ng makapangyarihan na nangabuwal sa mga di tuli, na nagsibaba sa Sheol na may kanilang mga almas na pangdigma, at nangaglagay ng kanilang mga tabak sa ilalim ng kanilang mga ulo, at ang kanilang mga kasamaan ay nangasa kanilang mga buto; sapagka't sila ang kakilabutan ng makapangyarihan sa lupain ng buhay.

เอเสเคียล 32:27
เขาทั้งหลายจะไม่ได้นอนอยู่กับผู้แกล้วกล้าในจำพวกที่ไม่ได้เข้าสุหนัตที่ได้ล้มลง ลงไปยังนรกพร้อมกับยุทโธปกรณ์ของเขา ผู้ซึ่งมีดาบวางไว้ใต้ศีรษะของเขา และความชั่วช้าก็อยู่บนกระดูกของเขา เพราะว่าเขาให้ผู้แกล้วกล้าครั่นคร้ามอยู่ในแผ่นดินของคนเป็น

Hezekiel 32:27
Ölüler diyarına savaş silahlarıyla inen, kılıçları başlarının altına konan, kalkanları kemikleri üzerine yerleştirilen öbür öldürülmüş sünnetsiz yiğitlerle birlikte mezara konmayacak mı onlar? Oysa bu yiğitler yaşayanlar diyarında korku salmışlardı.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 32:27
Chúng nó không nằm chung với những lính chiến mạnh bạo đã ngã xuống trong vòng những kẻ chưa chịu cắt bì, những lính chiến ấy đã xuống nơi âm phủ với khí giới đánh giặc của mình, và người ta đã đặt gươm dưới đầu chúng nó. Song những kẻ kia, tội ác đã như giắt vào hài cốt mình; vì chúng nó rải sự sợ hãi cho những lính chiến mạnh bạo trên đất người sống.

Ezekiel 32:26
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