Ezekiel 26:3
Ezekiel 26:3
therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the sea casting up its waves.

"Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am your enemy, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the waves of the sea crashing against your shoreline.

therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves.

therefore thus says the Lord GOD, 'Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves.

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.

therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: See, I am against you, Tyre! I will raise up many nations against you, just as the sea raises its waves.

"Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: 'Watch out! I'm coming to get you, Tyre! I'm about to bring many nations to attack you. They'll come in wave after wave, like the advancing tide,

therefore this is what the sovereign LORD says: Look, I am against you, O Tyre! I will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves.

So this is what the Almighty LORD says: I am against you, Tyre. I will bring many nations against you as the waves on the sea rise.

therefore thus hath the Lord GOD said; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against thee as the sea causes its waves to come up.

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against you, as the sea causes its waves to come up.

Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against you, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against you, as the sea causes his waves to come up.

therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I am against thee, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth its waves to come up.

Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold I come against thee, O Tyre, and I will cause many nations to come up to thee, as the waves of the sea rise up.

therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth its waves to come up.

therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against thee, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth its waves to come up.

therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh, Behold, I am against you, Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against you, as the sea causes its waves to come up.

Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am against thee, O Tyre, And have caused to come up against thee many nations, As the sea causeth its billows to come up.

Ezekieli 26:3
Prandaj kështu thotë Zoti, Zoti: Ja, unë jam kundër teje, o Tiro. Do të bëj të ngrihen kundër teje shumë kombe, ashtu si deti bën të ngrihen valët e tij.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 26:3
لذلك هكذا قال السيد الرب. هانذا عليك يا صور فأصعد عليك امما كثيرة كما يعلي البحر امواجه.

Dyr Heskiheel 26:3
Drum, spricht dyr Trechtein, mein Got, pack i di ietz an, Türs, und laaß männig Völker gögn di anfluettn wie de Brandung.

Езекил 26:3
Затова, така казва Господ Иеова: Ето, Аз съм против тебе, Тире, и ще подигна против тебе много народи, както морето подига вълните си.

以 西 結 書 26:3
所 以 , 主 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 推 羅 啊 , 我 必 與 你 為 敵 , 使 許 多 國 民 上 來 攻 擊 你 , 如 同 海 使 波 浪 湧 上 來 一 樣 。

所 以 , 主 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 推 罗 啊 , 我 必 与 你 为 敌 , 使 许 多 国 民 上 来 攻 击 你 , 如 同 海 使 波 浪 涌 上 来 一 样 。



Ezekiel 26:3
stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me protiv tebe, Tire, dići ću na te silne narode, kao što more valove diže!

Ezechiele 26:3
Protož takto praví Panovník Hospodin: Aj, já proti tobě, ó Týre, a přivedu na tě národy mnohé, tak jako bych přivedl moře s vlnami jeho.

Ezekiel 26:3
derfor, saa siger den Herre HERREN: Se, jeg kommer over dig, Tyrus, og fører mange Folk imod dig, som naar Havet rejser sine Bølger.

Ezechiël 26:3
Daarom, alzo zegt de Heere HEERE: Ziet, Ik wil aan u, o Tyrus! en Ik zal vele heidenen tegen u doen opkomen, alsof Ik de zee met haar golven deed opkomen.

יחזקאל 26:3
לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֔ה הִנְנִ֥י עָלַ֖יִךְ צֹ֑ר וְהַעֲלֵיתִ֤י עָלַ֙יִךְ֙ גֹּויִ֣ם רַבִּ֔ים כְּהַעֲלֹ֥ות הַיָּ֖ם לְגַלָּֽיו׃

ג לכן כה אמר אדני יהוה הנני עליך צר והעליתי עליך גוים רבים כהעלות הים לגליו

לכן כה אמר אדני יהוה הנני עליך צר והעליתי עליך גוים רבים כהעלות הים לגליו׃

Ezékiel 26:3
Ezokáért így szól az Úr Isten: Ímé én, Tírus, te reád [megyek,] és hozok fel ellened sok nemzetet, miként a tenger fölhozza hullámit.

Jeĥezkel 26:3
pro tio tiele diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo:Jen Mi iras kontraux vin, ho Tiro, kaj Mi levos kontraux vin multe da nacioj, kiel maro levas siajn ondojn.

Sentähden näin sanoo Herra, Herra: katso, minä tahdon sinun kimppuus, Tyro, ja tahdon antaa monta pakanaa tulla sinun päälles, niinkuin meri nousee aaltoinensa.

Ézéchiel 26:3
à cause de cela, ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel: Voici, j'en veux à toi, Tyr! et je ferai monter contre toi des nations nombreuses, comme la mer fait monter ses flots.

A cause de cela, ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: Voici, j'en veux à toi, Tyr! Je ferai monter contre toi des nations nombreuses, Comme la mer fait monter ses flots.

A cause de cela ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel : voici, j'en veux à toi, Tyr, et je ferai monter contre toi plusieurs nations, comme la mer fait monter ses flots.

Hesekiel 26:3
darum spricht der HERR HERR also: Siehe, ich will an dich, Tyrus, und will viel Heiden über dich heraufbringen, gleichwie sich ein Meer erhebt mit seinen Wellen.

darum spricht der HERR HERR also: Siehe, ich will an dich, Tyrus, und will viele Heiden über dich heraufbringen, gleich wie sich ein Meer erhebt mit seinen Wellen.

darum spricht der Herr Jahwe also: Fürwahr, ich will auf dich los, Tyrus, und will viele Völker gegen dich heranführen, wie wenn das Meer seine Wogen heranfluten läßt.

Ezechiele 26:3
perciò così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Eccomi contro di te, o Tiro! Io farò salire contro di te molti popoli, come il mare fa salire le proprie onde.

perciò, così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Eccomi contro a te, o Tiro;

Sebab itu demikianlah firman Tuhan Hua: Bahwasanya Aku membalas kepadamu kelak, hai Tsur! karena Aku mendatangkan atasmu beberapa bangsa yang kuat, seperti Kudatangkan laut dengan segala ombaknya.

에스겔 26:3
그러므로 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 두로야 내가 너를 대적하여 바다가 그 파도로 흉용케함 같이 열국으로 와서 너를 치게 하리니

Ezechiel 26:3
propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce ego super te Tyre et ascendere faciam ad te gentes multas sicut ascendit mare fluctuans

Ezechielio knyga 26:3
Todėl taip sako Viešpats Dievas: ‘Štai Aš esu prieš tave, Tyre, ir sukelsiu daugybę tautų prieš tave, kaip jūra sukelia savo bangas.

Ezekiel 26:3
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa; Nana, hei hoariri tenei ahau mou, e Taira, a ka meinga e ahau nga iwi maha kia eke ake ki a koe, kia pera ano me te moana e mea nei i ona ngaru kia eke ake.

Esekiel 26:3
derfor sier Herren, Israels Gud, så: Se, jeg kommer over dig, Tyrus, og fører mange folk frem mot dig, likesom havet fører sine bølger frem.

Ezequiel 26:3
por tanto, así dice el Señor DIOS: ``He aquí, estoy contra ti, Tiro, y haré subir contra ti muchas naciones, como el mar hace subir sus olas.

por tanto, así dice el Señor DIOS: 'Yo estoy contra ti, Tiro, y haré subir contra ti muchas naciones, como el mar hace subir sus olas.

por tanto, así dice Jehová el Señor: He aquí yo contra ti, oh Tiro, y haré subir contra ti muchas naciones, como el mar hace subir sus olas.

Por tanto, así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: He aquí yo contra ti, oh Tiro, y haré subir contra ti muchas gentes, como la mar hace subir sus ondas.

por tanto, así dijo el Señor DIOS: He aquí estoy contra ti, oh Tiro, y haré subir contra ti muchas naciones, como el mar hace subir sus ondas.

Ezequiel 26:3
Ora, por este motivo, assim declara o Soberano, Yahweh: Eis que me coloco contra ti, ó Tiro, e atrairei muitas nações contra ti; elas se juntarão e virão sobre ti como o mar quando faz surgir suas ondas gigantes.

portanto assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu sou contra ti, ó Tiro, e farei subir contra ti muitas nações, como o mar faz subir as suas ondas.   

Ezechiel 26:3
deaceea, aşa vorbeşte Domnul Dumnezeu: ,,Iată că am necaz pe tine, Tirule, şi voi aduce împotriva ta multe neamuri, cum îşi ridică marea valurile!

Иезекииль 26:3
за то, так говорит Господь Бог: вот, Я – на тебя, Тир, и подниму на тебя многие народы, как море поднимает волны свои.

за то, так говорит Господь Бог: вот, Я--на тебя, Тир, и подниму на тебя многие народы, как море поднимает волны свои.[]

Hesekiel 26:3
därför säger Herren, HERREN så: Se, jag skall komma över dig, Tyrus, och jag skall upphäva många folk mot dig, likasom havet upphäver sina böljor.

Ezekiel 26:3
Kaya't ganito ang sabi ng Panginoong Dios, Narito, ako'y laban sa iyo, Oh Tiro, at aking pasasampahin ang maraming bansa laban sa iyo, gaya ng pagpapasampa ng dagat ng kaniyang mga alon.

เอเสเคียล 26:3
เพราะฉะนั้นองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้าตรัสว่า ดูเถิด เมืองไทระเอ๋ย เราเป็นปฏิปักษ์กับเจ้า และจะนำประชาชาติเป็นอันมากมาต่อสู้เจ้า ดังทะเลกระทำให้คลื่นของมันขึ้นมา

Hezekiel 26:3
Egemen RAB şöyle diyor: Ey Sur, sana karşıyım! Deniz dalgalarını nasıl kabartırsa, ben de ulusları senin üzerine öyle saldırtacağım.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 26:3
Vậy nên, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán rằng: Hỡi Ty-rơ! Nầy, ta địch cùng mầy. Ta sẽ khiến nhiều nước dấy nghịch cùng mầy, như sóng biển dấy lên vậy.

Ezekiel 26:2
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