Ezekiel 23:8
Ezekiel 23:8
She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when during her youth men slept with her, caressed her virgin bosom and poured out their lust on her.

For when she left Egypt, she did not leave her spirit of prostitution behind. She was still as lewd as in her youth, when the Egyptians slept with her, fondled her breasts, and used her as a prostitute.

She did not give up her whoring that she had begun in Egypt; for in her youth men had lain with her and handled her virgin bosom and poured out their whoring lust upon her.

"She did not forsake her harlotries from the time in Egypt; for in her youth men had lain with her, and they handled her virgin bosom and poured out their lust on her.

Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured their whoredom upon her.

She didn't give up her promiscuity that began in Egypt, when men slept with her in her youth, caressed her virgin nipples, and poured out their lust on her.

She never abandoned the immorality that she practiced in Egypt during her youth, where they laid down with her and fondled her virgin breasts, lavishing her with all kinds of favors.

She did not abandon the prostitution she had practiced in Egypt; for in her youth men had sex with her, fondled her virgin breasts, and ravished her.

She continued the prostitution that she started in Egypt. When she was young, men went to bed with her, caressed her breasts, and treated her like a prostitute.

Neither did she leave her whoredoms of Egypt; for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity and poured their whoredom upon her.

Neither left she her harlotries brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they handled the breasts of her virginity, and poured their harlotry upon her.

Neither left she her prostitutions brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured their prostitution on her.

Neither hath she left her whoredoms since the days of Egypt; for in her youth they lay with her, and they handled the bosom of her virginity; and they poured out their whoredom upon her.

Moreover also she did not forsake her fornications which she had committed in Egypt: for they also lay with her in her youth, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured out their fornication upon her.

Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt; for in her youth they had lain with her, and had handled the breasts of her virginity, and poured their fornication upon her.

Neither hath, she left her whoredoms since the days of Egypt; for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the teats of her virginity: and they poured out their whoredom upon her.

Neither left she her lewd deeds brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they first corrupted her, and poured their impurities upon her.

Neither has she left her prostitution since [the days of] Egypt; for in her youth they lay with her, and they handled the bosom of her virginity; and they poured out their prostitution on her.

And her whoredoms out of Egypt she hath not forsaken, For with her they lay in her youth, And they dealt with the loves of her virginity, And they pour out their whoredoms on her.

Ezekieli 23:8
Nuk braktisi kurvërimet e Egjiptit, kur kish rënë me të gjatë rinisë së saj, kishin shtërnguar gjirin e saj të virgjër dhe kishin derdhur mbi të kurvërimet e tyre.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 23:8
ولم تترك زناها من مصر ايضا لانهم ضاجعوها في صباها وزغزغوا ترائب عذرتها وسكبوا عليها زناهم.

Dyr Heskiheel 23:8
Aau ir Güptner Verbänddlung ließ s nit hint und ghuert weiter mit ien wie schoon in irer Juget, daa wo de Güptn bei irer laagnd, irer de Brüsterln hergaknötnd und umaynandghuernd dyrmit.

Езекил 23:8
И тя не остави блудството си [научено] от Египет; защото лежеха с нея в младостта й, изстискаха девствените й съсци и изливаха върху нея блудството си.

以 西 結 書 23:8
自 從 在 埃 及 的 時 候 , 他 就 沒 有 離 開 淫 亂 , 因 為 他 年 幼 作 處 女 的 時 候 , 埃 及 人 與 他 行 淫 , 撫 摸 他 的 乳 , 縱 慾 與 他 行 淫 。

自 从 在 埃 及 的 时 候 , 他 就 没 有 离 开 淫 乱 , 因 为 他 年 幼 作 处 女 的 时 候 , 埃 及 人 与 他 行 淫 , 抚 摸 他 的 乳 , 纵 欲 与 他 行 淫 。



Ezekiel 23:8
A ne okani se ni bluda s Egipćanima, koji s njome ležahu od njezine mladosti, koji su joj djevojačke dojke gnječili i na nju blud svoj izlijevali.

Ezechiele 23:8
A tak smilství svých Egyptských nenechala; nebo ji zléhali v mladosti její, a oni mačkali prsy panenství jejího, a vylili smilství svá na ni.

Ezekiel 23:8
Men sin Bolen med Ægypterne opgav hun ikke, thi de hade ligget hos hende i hendes Ungdom; de havde skændet hendes Jomfrubarm og udøst deres bolerske Attraa over hende.

Ezechiël 23:8
Zij verliet ook haar hoererijen niet, gebracht uit Egypte; want zij hadden bij haar in haar jeugd gelegen, en zij hadden de tepelen haars maagdoms betast, en zij hadden hun hoererij over haar uitgestort.

יחזקאל 23:8
וְאֶת־תַּזְנוּתֶ֤יהָ מִמִּצְרַ֙יִם֙ לֹ֣א עָזָ֔בָה כִּ֤י אֹותָהּ֙ שָׁכְב֣וּ בִנְעוּרֶ֔יהָ וְהֵ֥מָּה עִשּׂ֖וּ דַּדֵּ֣י בְתוּלֶ֑יהָ וַיִּשְׁפְּכ֥וּ תַזְנוּתָ֖ם עָלֶֽיהָ׃

ח ואת תזנותיה ממצרים לא עזבה--כי אותה שכבו בנעוריה והמה עשו דדי בתוליה וישפכו תזנותם עליה

ואת־תזנותיה ממצרים לא עזבה כי אותה שכבו בנעוריה והמה עשו דדי בתוליה וישפכו תזנותם עליה׃

Ezékiel 23:8
De az Égyiptombeliektõl való paráznaságait is el nem hagyá, mert vele háltak ifjúságában, s õk nyomogatták szûzi kebelét, és kiöntötték õ reá paráznaságukat.

Jeĥezkel 23:8
Kaj sxi ne forlasis ankaux sian malcxastadon kun la Egiptoj, kiuj kusxadis kun sxi dum sxia juneco, palpadis sxiajn virgajn mamojn, kaj versxadis sur sxin sian malcxastajxon.

Vielä sitte ei hän hyljännyt huoruuttansa Egyptin kanssa; että he hänen kanssansa maanneet olivat hänen nuoruudessansa, ja jotka hänen neitsyytensä nisiä taputtelleet, ja suuressa huoruudessa hänen kanssansa olleet olivat.

Ézéchiel 23:8
Et elle n'abandonna pas ses prostitutions qui datent de l'Égypte, car ils avaient couché avec elle dans sa jeunesse, et ils avaient pressé les seins de sa virginité, et avaient versé sur elle leur prostitution.

Elle n'a pas renoncé à ses prostitutions d'Egypte: Car ils avaient couché avec elle dans sa jeunesse, Ils avaient touché son sein virginal, Et ils avaient répandu sur elle leurs prostitutions.

Elle n'a pas même quitté ses fornications [qu'elle avait apportées] d'Egypte, où l'on avait couché avec elle dans sa jeunesse, où l'on avait déshonoré sa virginité et où ils s'étaient livrés à l'impureté avec elle.

Hesekiel 23:8
Dazu verließ sie auch nicht ihre Hurerei mit Ägypten, die bei ihr gelegen waren von ihrer Jugend auf und die Brüste ihrer Jungfrauschaft betastet und große Hurerei mit ihr getrieben hatten.

Dazu ließ sie auch nicht die Hurerei mit Ägypten, die bei ihr gelegen hatten von ihrer Jugend auf und die Brüste ihrer Jungfrauschaft betastet und große Hurerei mit ihr getrieben hatten.

Doch ihre Buhlerei von Ägypten her gab sie dabei nicht auf; denn die hatten sie beschlafen in ihrer Jugend und ihr den jungfräulichen Busen gedrückt und ihre Buhlschaft über sie ergossen.

Ezechiele 23:8
Ed ella non abbandonò le prostituzioni che commetteva con gli Egiziani, quando questi giacevano con lei nella sua giovinezza, quando comprimevano il suo vergine seno e sfogavano su lei la loro lussuria.

E con tutto ciò, ella non ha lasciate le sue fornicazioni di Egitto; perciocchè gli Egizi erano giaciuti con lei nella sua giovanezza, ed aveano compresso il seno della sua verginità, ed aveano sparse le lor fornicazioni sopra lei.

Dan lagi tiada ditinggalkan zinahnya dengan Mesir, yang sudah berseketiduran dengan dia pada masa mudanya, dan yang sudah menjamah mata susunya pada masa ia lagi anak dara, dan yang sudah melimpahkan zinahnya dengan dia.

에스겔 23:8
그가 젊었을 때에 애굽사람과 동침하매 그 처녀의 가슴이 어루만진바 되며 그 몸에 음란을 쏟음을 당한바 되었더니 그가 그 때부터 행음함을 마지 아니하였느니라

Ezechiel 23:8
insuper et fornicationes suas quas habuerat in Aegypto non reliquit nam et illi dormierant cum ea in adulescentia eius et illi confregerant ubera pubertatis eius et effuderant fornicationem suam super eam

Ezechielio knyga 23:8
Ji nesiliovė paleistuvavusi ir su egiptiečiais, savo jaunystės meilužiais.

Ezekiel 23:8
Kihai ano i mahue i a ia ana moepuku mai o nga ra o Ihipa; i takoto hoki ratou ki a ia i tona tamarikitanga, a mirimiria ana e ratou nga matamata o tona wahinetanga, ringihia ana e ratou a ratou moepuku ki runga ki a ia.

Esekiel 23:8
Men sitt horelevnet fra Egypten lot hun ikke fare; for de hadde ligget hos henne i hennes ungdom, og de hadde kjent på hennes jomfruelige barm, og de hadde utøst sitt hor over henne.

Ezequiel 23:8
Y no abandonó sus prostituciones de Egipto; pues con ella muchos en su juventud se habían acostado, y acariciaron sus senos virginales y derramaron sobre ella su pasión.

"Y no abandonó sus prostituciones de cuando estaba en Egipto; pues en su juventud muchos se habían acostado, y acariciaron sus senos virginales y derramaron sobre ella su pasión.

Y no dejó sus prostituciones traídas de Egipto; porque con ella se echaron en su juventud, y ellos estrujaron los pechos de su virginidad, y derramaron sobre ella su prostitución.

Y no dejó sus fornicaciones de Egipto: porque con ella se echaron en su mocedad, y ellos comprimieron los pechos de su virginidad, y derramaron sobre ella su fornicación.

Y no dejó sus fornicaciones de Egipto, porque con ella se echaron en su juventud, y ellos comprimieron los pechos de su virginidad, y derramaron sobre ella su fornicación.

Ezequiel 23:8
Ela decidiu não abandonar a sua vida promíscua e libertina iniciada no Egito; desde a primeira juventude conheceu muitos homens e deitou-se com todos que a seduziram; estes acariciaram seus seios virgens e a envolveram em suas práticas idólatras, corruptas e devassas.

E não deixou as suas impudicícias, que trouxe do Egito; pois muitos se deitaram com ela na sua mocidade, e apalparam os seios da sua virgindade, e derramaram sobre ela a sua impudicícia.   

Ezechiel 23:8
Nu s'a lăsat nici de curviile ei din Egipt, căci aceştia se culcaseră cu ea din tinereţa ei, îi atinseseră sînul fecioresc, şi îşi vărsaseră curviile peste ea.

Иезекииль 23:8
не переставала блудить и с Египтянами, потому что они с нею спали в молодости ее ирастлевали девственные сосцы ее, и изливали на нее похоть свою.

не переставала блудить и с Египтянами, потому что они с нею спали в молодости ее и растлевали девственные сосцы ее, и изливали на нее похоть свою.[]

Hesekiel 23:8
Men ändå uppgav hon icke sin otukt med egyptierna, som hade fått ligga hos henne i hennes ungdom, och som hade smekt hennes jungfruliga barm och slösat på henne sin otukt.

Ezekiel 23:8
Ni hindi man niya iniwan ang kaniyang mga pagpapatutot mula sa mga kaarawan ng Egipto, sapagka't sa kaniyang kadalagahan, sila'y sumisiping sa kaniya, at nangahipo nila ang mga suso ng kaniyang pagkadalaga; at kanilang ibinuhos ang kanilang pagpapatutot sa kaniya.

เอเสเคียล 23:8
เธอมิได้เลิกการเล่นชู้ซึ่งเธอได้นำมาจากอียิปต์ เพราะว่าเมื่อยังสาวอยู่คนหนุ่มก็เข้านอนกับเธอ และจับต้องอกพรหมจารีของเธอ และเทราคะของเขาให้แก่เธอ

Hezekiel 23:8
Mısırda başladığı fahişeliği bırakmadı. Gençken onunla yattılar, erdenliğini bozdular, şehvetlerini onun üzerine boşalttılar.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 23:8
Nó không chừa sự hành dâm mà nó đã đem đến từ Ê-díp-tô, là nơi người ta đã làm nhục nó lúc còn trẻ, đã làm cho nó mất hoa con gái, và đổ sự hành dâm của chúng nó trên nó.

Ezekiel 23:7
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