Ezekiel 11:6
Ezekiel 11:6
You have killed many people in this city and filled its streets with the dead.

You have murdered many in this city and filled its streets with the dead.

You have multiplied your slain in this city and have filled its streets with the slain.

"You have multiplied your slain in this city, filling its streets with them."

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

You have multiplied your slain in this city, filling its streets with the dead."

You've increased the number of fatally wounded in this city and you've filled your streets with the dead."

You have killed many people in this city; you have filled its streets with corpses.'

You have killed many people in this city and have filled its streets with corpses.

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

You have multiplied your slain in this city, and you have filled its streets with the slain.

You have multiplied your slain in this city, and you have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

You have killed a great many in this city, and you have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled the streets thereof with the slain.

Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, and ye have filled its streets with the slain.

You have multiplied your slain in this city, and you have filled its streets with the slain.

Ye multiplied your wounded in this city, And filled its out-places with the wounded.

Ezekieli 11:6
Ju i keni shumuar ata që keni goditur për vdekje në këtë qytet dhe keni mbushur me të vdekur rrugët e tij".

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 11:6
قد كثرتم قتلاكم في هذه المدينة وملأتم ازقتها بالقتلى.

Dyr Heskiheel 11:6
So vil habtß in derer Stat abgmurxt, däß de gantzn Gassn voll seind dyrvon.

Езекил 11:6
Убихте мнозина в тоя град, И напълнихте улиците му със заклани.

以 西 結 書 11:6
你 們 在 這 城 中 殺 人 增 多 , 使 被 殺 的 人 充 滿 街 道 。

你 们 在 这 城 中 杀 人 增 多 , 使 被 杀 的 人 充 满 街 道 。



Ezekiel 11:6
Množite ubojstva u ovome gradu i njegove ulice punite truplima.'

Ezechiele 11:6
Veliké množství zmordovali jste v městě tomto, a naplnili jste ulice jeho zbitými.

Ezekiel 11:6
Mange har I dræbt i denne By; I har fyldt dens Gader med dræbte.

Ezechiël 11:6
Gij hebt uw verslagenen in deze stad vermenigvuldigd, en gij hebt derzelver straten met de verslagenen vervuld.

יחזקאל 11:6
הִרְבֵּיתֶ֥ם חַלְלֵיכֶ֖ם בָּעִ֣יר הַזֹּ֑את וּמִלֵּאתֶ֥ם חוּצֹתֶ֖יהָ חָלָֽל׃ פ

ו הרביתם חלליכם בעיר הזאת ומלאתם חוצתיה חלל  {פ}

הרביתם חלליכם בעיר הזאת ומלאתם חוצתיה חלל׃ פ

Ezékiel 11:6
Sokakat öltetek meg ebben a városban, és utczáit megtöltöttétek megölettekkel.

Jeĥezkel 11:6
Multajn vi mortigis en cxi tiu urbo, kaj gxiajn stratojn vi plenigis per mortigitoj.

Te olette monta tappaneet tässä kaupungissa, ja hänen katunsa täyttäneet tapetuilla.

Ézéchiel 11:6
Vous avez multiplié le nombre de vos tués dans cette ville, et vous avez rempli ses rues de tués.

Vous avez multiplié les meurtres dans cette ville, Vous avez rempli les rues de cadavres.

Vous avez multiplié vos gens tués dans cette ville; et vous avez rempli ses rues de gens que vous avez mis à mort.

Hesekiel 11:6
Ihr habt viele erschlagen in dieser Stadt, und ihre Gassen liegen voller Toten.

Ihr habt viele erschlagen in dieser Stadt, und ihre Gassen liegen voll Toter.

Ihrer viele habt ihr in dieser Stadt erschlagen und habt ihre Gassen mit Erschlagenen gefüllt.

Ezechiele 11:6
Voi avete moltiplicato i vostri omicidi in questa città, e ne avete riempite d’uccisi le strade.

Voi avete moltiplicati i vostri uccisi in questa città, ed avete ripiene le sue strade d’uccisi.

Bahwa kamu sudah memperbanyakkan bilangan orangmu yang dibunuh dalam negeri ini! kamu sudah memenuhi segala lorongnya dengan orang yang dibunuh itu!

에스겔 11:6
너희가 이 성읍에서 많이 살륙하여 그 시체로 거리에 채웠도다

Ezechiel 11:6
plurimos occidistis in urbe hac et implestis vias eius interfectis

Ezechielio knyga 11:6
Jūs daugelį nužudėte šiame mieste, jų lavonų pripildėte gatves’.

Ezekiel 11:6
Kua whakatokomahatia e koutou a koutou tupapaku ki tenei pa, kua whakakiia ano e koutou ona huarahi ki te tupapaku.

Esekiel 11:6
Mange er de som I har drept i denne stad; I har fylt dens gater med drepte.

Ezequiel 11:6
`Habéis multiplicado vuestros muertos en esta ciudad, habéis llenado sus calles de muertos.'

"Han multiplicado sus muertos en esta ciudad, han llenado sus calles de muertos."

Habéis multiplicado vuestros muertos en esta ciudad, y habéis llenado de muertos sus calles.

Habéis multiplicado vuestros muertos en esta ciudad, y habéis henchido de muertos sus calles.

Habéis multiplicado vuestros muertos en esta ciudad, y habéis llenado de muertos sus calles.

Ezequiel 11:6
Multiplicastes os vossos mortos nesta cidade e com eles enchestes as suas ruas.”

Multiplicastes os vossos mortos nesta cidade, e enchestes as suas ruas de mortos.   

Ezechiel 11:6
Aţi făcut o mulţime de omoruri în cetatea aceasta, şi aţi umplut uliţele cu cei ucişi.`

Иезекииль 11:6
Много убитых ваших вы положили в сем городе и улицыего наполнили трупами.

Много убитых ваших вы положили в сем городе и улицы его наполнили трупами.[]

Hesekiel 11:6
Många ligga genom eder slagna här i staden; I haven uppfyllt dess gator med slagna.

Ezekiel 11:6
Inyong pinarami ang inyong pinatay sa bayang ito, at inyong pinuno ang mga lansangan nito ng mga patay.

เอเสเคียล 11:6
เจ้าได้ทวีคนที่เจ้าได้ฆ่าในนครนี้ และทิ้งคนที่ถูกฆ่าเต็มตามถนนหนทางไปหมด

Hezekiel 11:6
Bu kentte birçok kişi öldürdünüz, kentin sokaklarını ölülerle doldurdunuz.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 11:6
Các ngươi đã giết rất nhiều người trong thành nầy, và làm đầy xác chết trong các đường phố nó.

Ezekiel 11:5
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