Ezekiel 11:16
Ezekiel 11:16
"Therefore say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Although I sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, yet for a little while I have been a sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone.'

"Therefore, tell the exiles, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Although I have scattered you in the countries of the world, I will be a sanctuary to you during your time in exile.

Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: Though I removed them far off among the nations, and though I scattered them among the countries, yet I have been a sanctuary to them for a while in the countries where they have gone.’

"Therefore say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Though I had removed them far away among the nations and though I had scattered them among the countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them a little while in the countries where they had gone."'

Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

Therefore say: This is what the Lord GOD says: Though I sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, yet for a little while I have been a sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone."

"Therefore you are to say, 'This is what the Lord GOD says, "Although I've removed them far away to live among the nations, and although I've scattered them throughout the earth, yet I've continued to be their sanctuary, even for the short time that they will be living in the lands to which they've gone."'

"Therefore say: 'This is what the sovereign LORD says: Although I have removed them far away among the nations and have dispersed them among the countries, I have been a little sanctuary for them among the lands where they have gone.'

"So tell them, 'This is what the Almighty LORD says: Although I sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, I have been their sanctuary for a little while among the countries where they've gone.'

Therefore say, Thus hath the Lord GOD said: Although I have cast them far off among the Gentiles and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet I will be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

Therefore say, Thus says the Lord GOD; Although I have cast them far off among the nations, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

Therefore say, Thus said the Lord GOD; Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Whereas I have removed them far off among the nations, and whereas I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them a sanctuary for a little while in the countries where they are come.

Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because I have removed them far off among the Gentiles, and because I have scattered them among the countries: I will be to them a little sanctuary in the countries whither they are come.

Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Although I have removed them far off among the nations, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries whither they are come.

Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD: Whereas I have removed them far off among the nations, and whereas I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them a sanctuary for a little while in the countries where they are come.

Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

Therefore say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Whereas I have removed them far off among the nations, and whereas I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them a sanctuary for a little while in the countries where they are come.

it is ours, the land hath been given for an inheritance; therefore say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because I put them afar off among nations, And because I scattered them through lands, I also am to them for a little sanctuary, In lands whither they have gone in.

Ezekieli 11:16
Prandaj thuaj: Kështu thotë Zoti, Zoti: Megjithatë unë i kam larguar midis kombeve dhe i kam shpërndarë në vende të huaja, unë do të jem për ta për pak kohë një shenjtërore në vendet ku kanë shkuar.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 11:16
لذلك قل. هكذا قال السيد الرب. وان كنت قد ابعدتهم بين الامم وان كنت قد بددتهم في الاراضي فاني اكون لهم مقدسا صغيرا في الاراضي التي يأتون اليها.

Dyr Heskiheel 11:16
Drum stöll dös klaar: I haan s zwaar waiß grad wohin unter d Völker verstraeut, aber grad dösswögn bin ien i selbn daadl überall zo aynn neuen Heiligtuem wordn.

Езекил 11:16
Затова речи: Така казва Господ Иеова: Понеже ги преместих далеч между народите, И понеже ги разпръснах по [разни] страни, И съм бил на тях за малко [време] светилище В страните гдето са отишли,

以 西 結 書 11:16
所 以 你 當 說 : 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 我 雖 將 以 色 列 全 家 遠 遠 遷 移 到 列 國 中 , 將 他 們 分 散 在 列 邦 內 , 我 還 要 在 他 們 所 到 的 列 邦 , 暫 作 他 們 的 聖 所 。

所 以 你 当 说 : 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 我 虽 将 以 色 列 全 家 远 远 迁 移 到 列 国 中 , 将 他 们 分 散 在 列 邦 内 , 我 还 要 在 他 们 所 到 的 列 邦 , 暂 作 他 们 的 圣 所 。



Ezekiel 11:16
Zato im reci: Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Ako ih i odagnah među daleke narode, ako ih i rasprših po zemljama, ja ću im sam uskoro biti Svetište u zemljama u kojima se nalaze.'

Ezechiele 11:16
Protož rci: Takto praví Panovník Hospodin: Ačkoli daleko zahnal jsem je mezi národy, a ačkoli rozptýlil jsem je do zemí, však budu jim svatyní i za ten malý čas v zemích těch, do kterýchž přijdou.

Ezekiel 11:16
derfor skal du sige: Saa siger den Herre HERREN: Ja, jeg har ført dem langt bort blandt Folkene og spredt dem i Landene, og kun i ringe Maade var jeg dem en Helligdom i de Lande, hvor de kom hen.

Ezechiël 11:16
Daarom zeg: Zo zegt de Heere HEERE: Hoewel Ik hen verre onder de heidenen weggedaan heb, en hoewel Ik hen in de landen verstrooid heb, nochtans zal Ik hun een weinig tijds tot een heiligdom zijn, in de landen, waarin zij gekomen zijn.

יחזקאל 11:16
לָכֵ֣ן אֱמֹ֗ר כֹּֽה־אָמַר֮ אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִה֒ כִּ֤י הִרְחַקְתִּים֙ בַּגֹּויִ֔ם וְכִ֥י הֲפִֽיצֹותִ֖ים בָּאֲרָצֹ֑ות וָאֱהִ֤י לָהֶם֙ לְמִקְדָּ֣שׁ מְעַ֔ט בָּאֲרָצֹ֖ות אֲשֶׁר־בָּ֥אוּ שָֽׁם׃ ס

טז לכן אמר כה אמר אדני יהוה כי הרחקתים בגוים וכי הפיצותים בארצות ואהי להם למקדש מעט בארצות אשר באו שם  {ס}

לכן אמר כה־אמר אדני יהוה כי הרחקתים בגוים וכי הפיצותים בארצות ואהי להם למקדש מעט בארצות אשר־באו שם׃ ס

Ezékiel 11:16
Ezokáért mondjad: így szól az Úr Isten: Mivelhogy távol vetettem õket a pogányok közé, és szétszórtam õket a tartományokba, tehát én leszek nékik templomul rövid idõre a tartományokban, a melyekbe mentek.

Jeĥezkel 11:16
Tial diru:Tiele diras la Sinjoro, la Eternulo:Kvankam Mi forigis ilin al la nacioj kaj disjxetis ilin en diversajn landojn, Mi tamen baldaux estos ilia sanktejo en la landoj, kien ili venis.

Sentähden sano sinä: näin sanoo Herra, Herra: totta minä olen antanut ajaa heitä kauvas pakanain sekaan, ja olen tosin hajoittanut heitä maakuntiin, niin tahdon minä kuitenkin äkisti olla heidän pyhityksensä niissä maakunnissa, joihinka he joutuneet ovat.

Ézéchiel 11:16
C'est pourquoi dis: Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Éternel: Bien que je les aie éloignés parmi les nations, et bien que je les aie dispersés par les pays, toutefois je leur serai comme un petit sanctuaire dans les pays où ils sont venus.

C'est pourquoi tu diras: Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: Si je les tiens éloignés parmi les nations, Si je les ai dispersés en divers pays, Je serai pour eux quelque temps un asile Dans les pays où ils sont venus.

C'est pourquoi dis-leur : ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel : quoique je les aie éloignés entre les nations, et que je les aie dispersés par les pays, je leur ai pourtant été comme un petit Sanctuaire dans les pays auxquels ils sont venus.

Hesekiel 11:16
Darum sprich du: So spricht der HERR HERR: Ja, ich habe sie ferne weg unter die Heiden lassen treiben und in die Länder zerstreuet; doch will ich bald ihr Heiland sein in den Ländern, dahin sie kommen sind.

Darum sprich du: So spricht der HERR HERR: Ja, ich habe sie fern weg unter die Heiden lassen treiben und in die Länder zerstreut; doch will ich bald ihr Heiland sein in den Ländern, dahin sie gekommen sind.

Deshalb sprich: So spricht der Herr Jahwe: Ja, ich habe sie fernhin unter die Völker gethan und habe sie in die Länder zerstreut und ward ihnen zu einem spärlichen Ersatze des Heiligtums in den Ländern, wohin sie gekommen sind.

Ezechiele 11:16
Perciò di’: Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Benché io li abbia allontanati fra le nazioni e li abbia dispersi per i paesi, io sarò per loro, per qualche tempo, un santuario nei paesi dove sono andati.

Perciò, di’: Così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Benchè io li abbia dilungati fra le genti, e li abbia dispersi fra i paesi, sì sarò loro per santuario, ne’ paesi dove saran pervenuti; e ciò, per un breve spazio di tempo.

Sebab itu hendaklah kaukatakan: Demikianlah firman Tuhan Hua: Jikalau Aku sudah membuang mereka itu jauh di antara segala bangsa kafir sekalipun dan meskipun Aku sudah menghamburkan mereka itu kepada segala negeri, maka Aku juga jadi Kesuciannya pada sedikit hari mereka itu tinggal di dalam negeri-negeri yang mereka itu sudah sampai kepadanya.

에스겔 11:16
그런즉 너는 말하기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 내가 비록 그들을 멀리 이방인 가운데로 쫓고 열방에 흩었으나 그들이 이른 열방에서 내가 잠간 그들에게 성소가 되리라 하셨다 하고

Ezechiel 11:16
propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus quia longe feci eos in gentibus et quia dispersi eos in terris ero eis in sanctificationem modicam in terris ad quas venerunt

Ezechielio knyga 11:16
Aš juos toli išvijau ir išsklaidžiau tarp pagonių tautų, tačiau būsiu jiems šventykla tuose kraštuose.

Ezekiel 11:16
Mo reira me ki atu, Ko te kupu tenei a te Ariki, a Ihowa, Ahakoa i maka atu ratou e ahau ki tawhiti, ki roto ki nga iwi, ahakoa i whakamararatia ratou e ahau ki nga whenua, ka ai ano ia ahau hei wahi tapu mo ratou i nga whenua e tae ai ratou mo te wa nohinohi nei.

Esekiel 11:16
Derfor skal du si: Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Da jeg lot dem fare langt bort iblandt hedningefolkene, da jeg spredte dem i landene, blev jeg en kort tid en helligdom* for dem i de land de var kommet til.

Ezequiel 11:16
Por tanto, di: ``Así dice el Señor DIOS: `Aunque yo los había echado lejos entre las naciones, y aunque yo los había dispersado por las tierras, sin embargo fui para ellos un santuario por poco tiempo en las tierras adonde habían ido.'

"Por tanto, di: 'Así dice el Señor DIOS: "Aunque los había echado lejos entre las naciones, y aunque Yo los había dispersado por las tierras, sin embargo fui para ellos un santuario por poco tiempo en las tierras adonde habían ido."'

Por tanto, di: Así dice Jehová el Señor: Aunque los he echado lejos entre las naciones, y los he esparcido por las tierras, con todo eso les seré por un pequeño santuario en las tierras a donde llegaren.

Por tanto di: Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Aunque los he echado lejos entre las gentes, y los he esparcido por las tierras, con todo eso les seré por un pequeño santuario en las tierras á donde llegaren.

Por tanto di: Así dijo el Señor DIOS: Aunque los he echado lejos entre los gentiles, y los he esparcido por las tierras, con todo eso les seré por un pequeño santuario en las tierras adonde llegaren.

Ezequiel 11:16
Portanto, replica a eles: Assim diz Yahweh, o SENHOR Deus! Embora os tenha mandado para longe entre as nações e os tenha espalhado pelas terras, Eu mesmo lhes servirei de Santuário por algum tempo, nas terras para onde foram expatriados.

Portanto, dize: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Ainda que os mandei para longe entre as nações, e ainda que os espalhei pelas terras, todavia lhes servirei de santuário por um pouco de tempo, nas terras para onde foram.   

Ezechiel 11:16
De aceea spune despre ei: ,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul, Dumnezeu: ,Dacă -i ţin depărtaţi printre neamuri, dacă i-am risipit în felurite ţări, totuş le-am fost un Templu pentru cîtăva vreme, în ţara în care au venit.`

Иезекииль 11:16
На это скажи: так говорит Господь Бог: хотя Я и удалил их к народам и хотя рассеял их по землям, но Я буду для них некоторым святилищем в тех землях, куда пошли они.

На это скажи: так говорит Господь Бог: хотя Я и удалил их к народам и хотя рассеял их по землям, но Я буду для них некоторым святилищем в тех землях, куда пошли они.[]

Hesekiel 11:16
om dem skall du alltså säga: Så säger Herren, HERREN: Ja, väl har jag fört dem långt bort ibland folken och förstrött dem i länderna, och med nöd har jag varit för dem en helgedom i de länder dit de hava kommit;

Ezekiel 11:16
Kaya't iyong sabihin, Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoong Dios, Bagaman sila'y aking inilayo sa gitna ng mga bansa, at bagaman aking pinangalat sila sa gitna ng mga lupain, gayon ma'y ako'y magiging pinaka santuario sa kanila sa sandaling panahon sa mga lupain na kanilang kapaparunan.

เอเสเคียล 11:16
เพราะฉะนั้นจงกล่าวว่า `องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้าตรัสดังนี้ว่า แม้เราได้ย้ายเขาให้ห่างออกไปอยู่ท่ามกลางประชาชาติทั้งหลาย แม้เราได้กระจายเขาไปอยู่ท่ามกลางประเทศทั้งปวง เราก็จะเป็นสถานบริสุทธิ์อันเล็กสำหรับเขาในประเทศที่เขาจะได้ไปอยู่'

Hezekiel 11:16
‹‹Bu yüzden de ki, ‹Egemen RAB şöyle diyor: Onları uzaktaki uluslar arasına gönderdim, ülkeler arasına dağıttım. Öyleyken gittikleri ülkelerde kısa süre için onlara barınak oldum.›[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 11:16
Vậy nên, khá nói cùng chúng nó: Chúa Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Phải, ta đã dời chúng nó nơi xa trong các dân tộc, đã làm tan tác chúng nó trong nhiều nước, ta còn sẽ tạm là nơi thánh cho chúng nó trong các nước chúng nó đi đến.

Ezekiel 11:15
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