Exodus 39:5
Exodus 39:5
Its skillfully woven waistband was like it--of one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen, as the LORD commanded Moses.

The decorative sash was made of the same materials: finely woven linen embroidered with gold and with blue, purple, and scarlet thread, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

And the skillfully woven band on it was of one piece with it and made like it, of gold, blue and purple and scarlet yarns, and fine twined linen, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

The skillfully woven band which was on it was like its workmanship, of the same material: of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.

The artistically woven waistband that was on the ephod was of one piece with the ephod, according to the same workmanship of gold, of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and of finely spun linen, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

The skillfully woven band that was on it was made like it, of one piece with it: of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet material and fine woven linen, just as the LORD commanded Moses.

The artistically woven waistband of the ephod that was on it was like it, of one piece with it, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine twisted linen, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

They made the belt that is attached to the ephod out of the same fabric. They followed the LORD's instructions to Moses.

And the special girdle of his ephod, that was over it, was of the same, according to the work thereof: of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen as the LORD had commanded Moses.

And the skillfully woven band of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the same workmanship, according to its work; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was on it, was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And the skilfully woven band, that was upon it, wherewith to gird it on, was of the same piece and like the work thereof; of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And a girdle of the same colours, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

And the girdle of his ephod, which was on it, was of the same, according to its work, of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined byssus; as Jehovah had commanded Moses.

And the cunningly woven band, that was upon it, to gird it on withal, was of the same piece and like the work thereof; of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.

And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.

The skillfully woven band that was on it, with which to fasten it on, was of the same piece, like its work; of gold, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen; as Yahweh commanded Moses.

And the girdle of his ephod which is on it is of the same, according to its work, of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

Eksodi 39:5
Dhe brezi i punuar artistikisht që ishte mbi efodin për ta lidhur kishte po atë përgatitje: me ar, me fije, ngjyrë vjollce, të purpurt dhe flakë të kuqe, dhe me li të hollë të përdredhur, ashtu si e kishte urdhëruar Zoti Moisiun.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 39:5
وزنار شدّه الذي عليه كان منه كصنعته. من ذهب واسمانجوني وقرمز وبوص مبروم. كما امر الرب موسى.

Dyr Auszug 39:5
D Schärpfen drüber war nit n Humeral föst beinand und gleich gmacht, aau aus Gold, blauer, veigler und krapper Wollwaat und aus Feinleinwyt, wie s dyr Herr yn n Mosenn angschafft hiet.

Изход 39:5
и препаската на ефода от същата [материя] и според неговата направа, от злато, синьо, мораво, червено и препреден висон, според както Господ заповяда на Моисея.

出 埃 及 記 39:5
其 上 巧 工 織 的 帶 子 和 以 弗 得 一 樣 的 做 法 , 用 以 束 上 , 與 以 弗 得 接 連 一 塊 , 是 用 金 線 和 藍 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 紅 色 線 , 並 撚 的 細 麻 做 的 , 是 照 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。

其 上 巧 工 织 的 带 子 和 以 弗 得 一 样 的 做 法 , 用 以 束 上 , 与 以 弗 得 接 连 一 块 , 是 用 金 线 和 蓝 色 、 紫 色 、 朱 红 色 线 , 并 捻 的 细 麻 做 的 , 是 照 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。



Exodus 39:5
tkanica što je na njemu stajala bila je napravljena od zlata, ljubičastog, crvenog i tamnocrvenog prediva i prepredenog lana kao i on, i u jednome komadu s njim, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.

Exodus 39:5
Přepásaní také náramenníka, kteréž bylo na něm, z týchž věcí bylo a týmž dílem, z zlata, postavce modrého a šarlatu a červce dvakrát barveného, a bílého hedbáví přesukovaného, jakž byl přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi.

2 Mosebog 39:5
Og dens Bælte, som brugtes, naar den skulde tages paa, var i eet med den og af samme Arbejde, af Guldtraad, violet og rødt Purpurgarn, karmoisinrødt Garn og tvundet Byssus, saaledes som HERREN havde paalagt Moses.

Exodus 39:5
En de kunstelijke riem zijns efods, die daarop was, was gelijk zijn werk, van hetzelfde, van goud, van hemelsblauw, en purper, en scharlaken, en fijn getweernd linnen, gelijk als de HEERE aan Mozes bevolen had.

שמות 39:5
וְחֵ֨שֶׁב אֲפֻדָּתֹ֜ו אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָלָ֗יו מִמֶּ֣נּוּ הוּא֮ כְּמַעֲשֵׂהוּ֒ זָהָ֗ב תְּכֵ֧לֶת וְאַרְגָּמָ֛ן וְתֹולַ֥עַת שָׁנִ֖י וְשֵׁ֣שׁ מָשְׁזָ֑ר כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָ֖ה אֶת־מֹשֶֽׁה׃

ה וחשב אפדתו אשר עליו ממנו הוא כמעשהו זהב תכלת וארגמן ותולעת שני ושש משזר--כאשר צוה יהוה את משה  {ס}

וחשב אפדתו אשר עליו ממנו הוא כמעשהו זהב תכלת וארגמן ותולעת שני ושש משזר כאשר צוה יהוה את־משה׃

2 Mózes 39:5
Az átkötõ öv is, a mely rajta vala, abból való, ugyanolyan mívû vala, [mint az efód:] aranyból, kék, és bíborpiros, és karmazsinszínû, és sodrott lenbõl, a mint az Úr parancsolta Mózesnek.

Moseo 2: Eliro 39:5
Kaj la cxirkauxliganta zono sur gxi estis kontinuajxo de gxi, la sama laborajxo, el oro, el blua, purpura, kaj rugxa teksajxo, kaj el tordita bisino; kiel la Eternulo ordonis al Moseo.

Ja vyö sen päällä oli myös tehty sillä tavalla taitavasti kullasta, sinisistä, purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista ja valkiasta kerratusta liinasta: niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

Exode 39:5
Et la ceinture de son éphod, qui était par-dessus, était de la même matière, du même travail, d'or, de bleu, et de pourpre, et d'écarlate, et de fin coton retors, comme l'Éternel l'avait commandé à Moïse.

La ceinture était du même travail que l'éphod et fixée sur lui; elle était d'or, de fil bleu, pourpre et cramoisi, et de fin lin retors, comme l'Eternel l'avait ordonné à Moïse.

Et le ceinturon exquis duquel il était ceint, était tiré de lui, et de même ouvrage, d'or, de pourpre, d'écarlate, de cramoisi, et de fin lin retors, comme l'Eternel l'avait commandé à Moïse.

2 Mose 39:5
Und sein Gurt war nach derselben Kunst und Werk von Gold, gelber Seide, Scharlaken, Rosinrot und gezwirnter weißer Seide, wie der HERR Mose geboten hatte.

Und sein Gurt war nach derselben Kunst und Arbeit von Gold, blauem und rotem Purpur, Scharlach und gezwirnter weißer Leinwand, wie der HERR dem Mose geboten hatte. {~}

Die Binde aber, die sich behufs seiner Anlegung an ihm befand, bildete ein Ganzes mit ihm von gleicher Arbeit aus Gold, blauem und rotem Purpur, Karmesin und gezwirntem Byssus, wie Jahwe Mose befohlen hatte.

Esodo 39:5
E la cintura artistica che era sull’efod per fissarlo, era tutta d’un pezzo con l’efod, e del medesimo lavoro d’esso: cioè, d’oro, di filo violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino ritorto, come l’Eterno aveva ordinato a Mosè.

E il disegno del fregio ch’era sopra l’Efod, era tirato dell’Efod istesso, e del medesimo lavoro, d’oro, e di violato, e di porpora, e di scarlatto, e di fin lino ritorto; come il Signore avea comandato a Mosè.

Maka adapun sandang efod, yang suatu perbuatan kepandaian dan yang berhubung dengan dia, ia itu diperbuat begitu juga dari pada emas dan benang yang biru laut dan ungu dan kirmizi warnanya dan dari pada bisus yang dipintal, setuju dengan firman Tuhan yang kepada Musa.

출애굽기 39:5
에봇 위에 에봇을 매는 띠를 에봇과 같은 모양으로 금실과, 청색, 자색, 홍색실과, 가늘게 꼰 베실로 에봇에 붙여 짰으니 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신대로 하였더라

Exodus 39:5
et balteum ex hisdem coloribus sicut praeceperat Dominus Mosi

Iðëjimo knyga 39:5
Padarė ir juostą efodui tų pačių spalvų ir taip pat padarytą, kaip Viešpats įsakė Mozei.

Exodus 39:5
Me te whitiki whakairo e mau ana ki tona epora, kotahi ano te mea i hanga ai raua, me te hanganga ano; he koura, he puru, he papura, he ngangana, he rinena miro pai; ko ta Ihowa i whakahau ai ki a Mohi.

2 Mosebok 39:5
Beltet som skulde sitte på den og holde den sammen, gjorde de i ett stykke med den og i samme slags vevning som den, av gull og blå og purpurrød og karmosinrød ull og fint, tvunnet lingarn, således som Herren hadde befalt Moses.

Éxodo 39:5
Y el cinto hábilmente tejido que estaba sobre él, era del mismo material, de la misma hechura: de oro, de tela azul, púrpura y escarlata y de lino fino torcido, tal como el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés.

El cinto hábilmente tejido que estaba sobre el efod, era del mismo material, de la misma hechura: de oro, de tela azul, púrpura y escarlata y de lino fino torcido, tal como el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés.

Y el cinto del efod que estaba sobre él, era de lo mismo, conforme a su obra; de oro, azul, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido; como Jehová lo había mandado a Moisés.

Y el cinto del ephod que estaba sobre él, era de lo mismo, conforme á su obra; de oro, jacinto, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido; como Jehová lo había mandado á Moisés.

Y el cinto del efod que estaba sobre él, era de lo mismo, conforme a su obra; de oro, cárdeno, y púrpura, y carmesí, y lino torcido; como el SEÑOR lo había mandado a Moisés.

Éxodo 39:5
O cinto que estava em cima, para apertá-lo, formava uma só peça com ele e era confeccionado com o mesmo material: fios de ouro, linho fino retorcido, fios de lã azul-celeste, púrpura-escarlate e carmesim, exatamente como o SENHOR havia orientado Moisés.

E o cinto da obra esmerada do éfode, que estava sobre ele, formava com ele uma só peça e era de obra semelhante, de ouro, azul, púrpura, carmesim e linho fino torcido, como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés.   

Exod 39:5
Brîul era de aceeaş lucrătură ca efodul şi prins de el; era de aur, de fir albastru, purpuriu şi cărmiziu, şi de in subţire răsucit, cum poruncise lui Moise Domnul.

Исход 39:5
И пояс ефода, который поверх его, одинаковой с ним работы, сделан был из золота, из голубой, пурпуровой и червленой шерсти и крученого виссона, как повелел Господь Моисею.

И пояс ефода, который поверх его, одинаковой с ним работы, [сделан] [был] из золота, из голубой, пурпуровой и червленой [шерсти] и крученого виссона, как повелел Господь Моисею.[]

2 Mosebok 39:5
Och skärpet, som skulle sitta på efoden och sammanhålla den, gjordes i ett stycke med den och av samma slags vävnad: av guld och av mörkblått, purpurrött, rosenrött och tvinnat vitt garn, allt såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose.

Exodus 39:5
At ang mainam na pagkayaring pamigkis, na nasa ibabaw ng epod upang ibigkis, ay kaputol at gaya ng pagkayari ng epod; na ginto, at kayong bughaw, at kulay-ube, at pula, linong pinili; gaya ng iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises.

อพยพ 39:5
รัดประคดทออย่างประณีตสำหรับคาดทับเอโฟดนั้น เขาทำด้วยวัตถุอย่างเดียวกันและฝีมืออย่างเดียวกับเอโฟด คือทำด้วยทองคำ ด้ายสีฟ้า สีม่วง สีแดงเข้ม และผ้าป่านเนื้อละเอียดตามที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาแก่โมเสส

Mısır'dan Çıkış 39:5
Efodun üzerindeki ustaca dokunmuş şerit efodun bir parçası gibi altın sırmayla lacivert, mor, kırmızı iplikle, özenle dokunmuş ince ketendendi; tıpkı RABbin Musaya buyurduğu gibiydi.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 39:5
Ðai để cột ê-phót, phía ngoài, làm nguyên miếng một y như công việc của ê-phót: bằng kim tuyến, chỉ tím, đỏ điều, đỏ sặm, và bằng chỉ gai đậu mịn, y như lời Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn Môi-se.

Exodus 39:4
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