Exodus 39:32
Exodus 39:32
So all the work on the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was completed. The Israelites did everything just as the LORD commanded Moses.

And so at last the Tabernacle was finished. The Israelites had done everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was finished, and the people of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did.

Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was completed; and the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did.

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.

So all the work for the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was finished. The Israelites did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

All the work on the Tent of Meeting was completed, and the Israelis had crafted it according to everything that the LORD had commanded Moses, as they should have.

So all the work of the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was completed, and the Israelites did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses--they did it exactly so.

So all the work on the inner tent (the tent of meeting) was now done. The Israelites followed all the LORD's instructions to Moses.

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the testimony finished, and the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses, so did they.

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.

Thus was finished all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting: and the children of Israel did according to all that Jehovah commanded Moses; so did they.

And they offered the tabernacle and the roof and the whole furniture, the rings, the boards, the bars, the pillars, and their sockets,

And all the labour of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was ended; and the children of Israel had done it according to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses so had they done it.

Thus was finished all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.

Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting was finished. The children of Israel did according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses; so they did.

And all the service of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting is completed; and the sons of Israel do according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses; so they have done.

Eksodi 39:32
Kështu përfundoi tërë puna e tabernakullit dhe e çadrës së mbledhjes. Bijtë e Izraelit vepruan sipas të gjitha urdhrave që Zoti i kishte dhënë Moisiut; ata vepruan në këtë mënyrë.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 39:32
فكمل كل عمل مسكن خيمة الاجتماع. وصنع بنو اسرائيل بحسب كل ما امر الرب موسى. هكذا صنعوا.

Dyr Auszug 39:32
Yso wurd schoen staet s Bekemmzeltt, dyr Templ, förtig. D Isryheeler hietnd allss ganz gnaun yso gmacht, wie s dyr Herr yn n Mosenn angschafft hiet.

Изход 39:32
Така се свърши всичката работа на скинията, [сиреч], на шатъра за срещане; и израилтяните направиха всичко, според както Господ заповяда на Моисея; така направиха.

出 埃 及 記 39:32
帳 幕 , 就 是 會 幕 , 一 切 的 工 就 這 樣 做 完 了 。 凡 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 , 以 色 列 人 都 照 樣 作 了 。

帐 幕 , 就 是 会 幕 , 一 切 的 工 就 这 样 做 完 了 。 凡 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 , 以 色 列 人 都 照 样 作 了 。



Exodus 39:32
Tako su bili završeni svi radovi na Prebivalištu, Šatoru sastanka. Izraelci su sve načinili onako kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio da načine.

Exodus 39:32
A tak dokonáno jest všecko dílo příbytku stánku úmluvy; a učinili synové Izraelští všecko, jakž přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi, tak učinili,

2 Mosebog 39:32
Saaledes fuldførtes alt Arbejdet ved Aabenbaringsteltets Bolig; og Israeliterne gjorde ganske som HERREN havde paalagt Moses; saaledes gjorde de.

Exodus 39:32
Aldus werd al het werk des tabernakels, van de tent der samenkomst voleind; en de kinderen Israels hadden het gemaakt naar alles, wat de HEERE aan Mozes geboden had; alzo hadden zij het gemaakt.

שמות 39:32
וַתֵּ֕כֶל כָּל־עֲבֹדַ֕ת מִשְׁכַּ֖ן אֹ֣הֶל מֹועֵ֑ד וַֽיַּעֲשׂוּ֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כְּ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁ֨ר צִוָּ֧ה יְהוָ֛ה אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֖ה כֵּ֥ן עָשֽׂוּ׃ פ

לב ותכל--כל עבדת משכן אהל מועד ויעשו בני ישראל--ככל אשר צוה יהוה את משה כן עשו  {פ}

ותכל כל־עבדת משכן אהל מועד ויעשו בני ישראל ככל אשר צוה יהוה את־משה כן עשו׃ פ

2 Mózes 39:32
Így végezteték el a gyülekezet sátora hajlékának egész munkája; és az Izráel fiai egészen úgy csinálák, a mint az Úr parancsolta vala Mózesnek, úgy csinálták.

Moseo 2: Eliro 39:32
Tiel finigxis la tuta laboro por la konstruajxo de la tabernaklo de kunveno. Kaj la Izraelidoj faris konforme al cxio, kion la Eternulo ordonis al Moseo; tiel ili faris.

Ja niin kaikki seurakunnan majan rakennus päätettiin. Ja Israelin lapset tekivät kaikki sen jälkeen, kuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle; niin he tekivät.

Exode 39:32
Et tout le travail du tabernacle de la tente d'assignation fut achevé; et les fils d'Israël firent selon tout ce que l'Éternel avait commandé à Moïse: ils firent ainsi.

Ainsi furent achevés tous les ouvrages du tabernacle, de la tente d'assignation. Les enfants d'Israël firent tout ce que l'Eternel avait ordonné à Moïse; ils firent ainsi.

Ainsi fut achevé tout l'ouvrage du pavillon du Tabernacle d'assignation; et les enfants d'Israël firent selon toutes les choses que l'Eternel avait commandées à Moïse; ils les firent ainsi.

2 Mose 39:32
Also ward vollendet das ganze Werk der Wohnung der Hütte des Stifts. Und die Kinder Israel taten alles, was der HERR Mose geboten hatte,

Also ward vollendet das ganze Werk der Wohnung der Hütte des Stifts. Und die Kinder Israel taten alles, was der HERR dem Mose geboten hatte. {~}

So wurden sämtliche Arbeiten für die Offenbarungszelt-Wohnung vollendet und die Israeliten thaten ganz, wie Jahwe Mose befohlen hatte - so thaten sie.

Esodo 39:32
Così fu finito tutto il lavoro del tabernacolo e della tenda di convegno. I Figliuoli d’Israele fecero interamente come l’Eterno aveva ordinato a Mosè; fecero a quel modo.

Così fu finito tutto il lavorio del Padiglione, e del Tabernacolo della convenenza; e i figliuoli d’Israele fecero interamente secondo che il Signore avea comandato a Mosè.

Maka demikian disampaikannyalah segala pekerjaan memperbuat kemah sembahyang, yaitu kemah perhimpunan itu, maka ia itu diperbuatkan oleh bani Israel setuju dengan segala perkara firman Tuhan yang kepada Musa, demikianlah diperbuatnya.

출애굽기 39:32
이스라엘 자손이 이와 같이 성막 곧 회막의 모든 역사를 준공하여 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신대로 다 행하고

Exodus 39:32
et obtulerunt tabernaculum et tectum et universam supellectilem anulos tabulas vectes columnas ac bases

Iðëjimo knyga 39:32
Susitikimo palapinės darbai buvo baigti; izraelitai padarė visa, ką Viešpats buvo įsakęs Mozei.

Exodus 39:32
Na ka oti katoa te mahi o te tapenakara o te teneti o te whakaminenga: rite tonu ta nga tama a Iharaira i mea ai ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua e Ihowa ki a Mohi; i pera ano ratou.

2 Mosebok 39:32
Således blev hele arbeidet med tabernaklet, sammenkomstens telt, fullendt. Israels barn gjorde det i ett og alt således som Herren hadde befalt Moses.

Éxodo 39:32
Así fue acabada toda la obra del tabernáculo de la tienda de reunión. Los hijos de Israel hicieron conforme a todo lo que el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés; así lo hicieron.

Así fue acabada toda la obra del tabernáculo (de la morada) de la tienda de reunión. Los Israelitas hicieron conforme a todo lo que el SEÑOR había mandado a Moisés. Así lo hicieron.

Así fue acabada toda la obra del tabernáculo, del tabernáculo de la congregación; e hicieron los hijos de Israel como Jehová lo había mandado a Moisés: así lo hicieron.

Y fue acabada toda la obra del tabernáculo, del tabernáculo del testimonio: é hicieron los hijos de Israel como Jehová lo había mandado á Moisés: así lo hicieron.

Y fue acabada toda la obra del tabernáculo, del tabernáculo del testimonio; e hicieron los hijos de Israel como el SEÑOR lo había mandado a Moisés; así lo hicieron.

Éxodo 39:32
Assim foi concluída toda a obra do Tabernáculo, a Tenda da Presença de Deus. Os filhos de Israel fizeram tudo de acordo com o que o SENHOR havia orientado Moisés.

Assim se acabou toda a obra do tabernáculo da tenda da revelação; e os filhos de Israel fizeram conforme tudo o que o Senhor ordenara a Moisés; assim o fizeram.   

Exod 39:32
Astfel au fost isprăvite toate lucrările locaşului cortului întîlnirii. Copiii lui Israel au făcut tot ce poruncise lui Moise Domnul: aşa au făcut.

Исход 39:32
Так кончена была вся работа для скинии собрания; и сделали сыны Израилевы все: как повелел Господь Моисею, так исделали.

Так кончена была вся работа для скинии собрания; и сделали сыны Израилевы всё: как повелел Господь Моисею, так и сделали.[]

2 Mosebok 39:32
Så blev då allt arbetet på uppenbarelsetältets tabernakel fullbordat. Israels barn utförde det; de gjorde i alla stycken såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose.

Exodus 39:32
Gayon natapos ang buong gawa sa tabernakulo ng kapisanan: at ginawa ng mga anak ni Israel ayon sa buong iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises: gayon ginawa nila.

อพยพ 39:32
ดังนี้แหละเขาทำงานสำหรับพลับพลาของเต็นท์แห่งชุมนุมให้สำเร็จทุกประการ พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาแก่โมเสสไว้อย่างไร คนอิสราเอลก็กระทำอย่างนั้นทุกประการ

Mısır'dan Çıkış 39:32
Böylece konutun, yani Buluşma Çadırının bütün işleri tamamlandı. İsrailliler her şeyi tıpkı RABbin Musaya buyurduğu gibi yaptılar.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 39:32
Các công việc của đền tạm và hội mạc làm xong là như vậy. Dân Y-sơ-ra-ên làm y như mọi lời Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn Môi-se.

Exodus 39:31
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