Exodus 34:15
Exodus 34:15
"Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices.

"You must not make a treaty of any kind with the people living in the land. They lust after their gods, offering sacrifices to them. They will invite you to join them in their sacrificial meals, and you will go with them.

lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and when they whore after their gods and sacrifice to their gods and you are invited, you eat of his sacrifice,

otherwise you might make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they would play the harlot with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone might invite you to eat of his sacrifice,

Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;

Do not make a treaty with the inhabitants of the land, or else when they prostitute themselves with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, they will invite you, and you will eat their sacrifices.

Otherwise, you may make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and when they prostitute themselves with their gods and offer sacrifices to their gods, someone may invite you and then you may eat some of their sacrifices.

Be careful not to make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone invites you, you will eat from his sacrifice;

Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in that land. When they chase after their gods as though they were prostitutes and sacrifice to them, they may invite you to eat the meat from their sacrifices with them.

Therefore thou shalt not make a covenant with the inhabitants of that land because they shall fornicate after their gods and do sacrifice unto their gods, and they shall call thee, and thou shalt eat of their sacrifices

Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go play the harlot after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call you, and you eat of his sacrifice;

Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice to their gods, and one call you, and you eat of his sacrifice;

lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they play the harlot after their gods, and sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice;

Make no covenant with the men of those countries lest, when they have committed fornication with their gods, and have adored their idols, some one call thee to eat of the things sacrificed.

lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and then, when they go a whoring after their gods, and sacrifice unto their gods, thou be invited, and eat of their sacrifice,

lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice;

Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go astray after their gods, and do sacrifice to their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;

"Don't make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, lest they play the prostitute after their gods, and sacrifice to their gods, and one call you and you eat of his sacrifice;

Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, and they have gone a-whoring after their gods, and have sacrificed to their gods, and one hath called to thee, and thou hast eaten of his sacrifice,

Eksodi 34:15
Mos bëj asnjë aleancë me banorët e vendit sepse, kur ata kurvërohen te idhujt e tyre dhe ofrojnë fli idhujve të tyre, ndokush prej tyre të fton dhe ti ha nga flitë e tyre,

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 34:15
احترز من ان تقطع عهدا مع سكان الارض. فيزنون وراء آلهتهم ويذبحون لآلهتهم فتدعى وتأكل من ذبيحتهم.

Dyr Auszug 34:15
Also schließ ja kainn Bund mit de Eingebornen! Sünst zieghnd s di mit einhin, wenn s Unzucht treibnd und dös Göttervereerung nennend und yn ienerne Götzn Schlachtopfer darbringend, daa wost du aft mitössn sollst.

Изход 34:15
[Внимавай] да не би да направиш договор с жителите на земята, та когато те блудствуват след боговете си, и жертвуват на боговете си, ти, ако те поканят да ядеш от жертвите им;

出 埃 及 記 34:15
只 怕 你 與 那 地 的 居 民 立 約 , 百 姓 隨 從 他 們 的   神 , 就 行 邪 淫 , 祭 祀 他 們 的   神 , 有 人 叫 你 , 你 便 吃 他 的 祭 物 ,

只 怕 你 与 那 地 的 居 民 立 约 , 百 姓 随 从 他 们 的   神 , 就 行 邪 淫 , 祭 祀 他 们 的   神 , 有 人 叫 你 , 你 便 吃 他 的 祭 物 ,



Exodus 34:15
Ne pravi saveza sa stanovnicima one zemlje da te oni, kad se odaju bludnosti sa svojim bogovima i žrtve im budu prinosili, ne bi pozivali, a ti pristao da jedeš od prinesene žrtve;

Exodus 34:15
Nevcházej v smlouvu s obyvateli země té, aby když by smilnili, jdouce po bozích svých, a obětovali bohům svým, nepovolali tě, a jedl bys z oběti jejich.

2 Mosebog 34:15
Du maa ikke slutte Pagt med Landets Indbyggere, og naar de boler med deres Guder og ofrer til dem og man indbyder dig til at være med, maa du ikke spise af deres Ofre;

Exodus 34:15
Opdat gij misschien geen verbond maakt met den inwoner van dat land; en zij hun goden niet nahoereren, noch hun goden offerande doen, en hij u nodigende, gij van hun offerande etet.

שמות 34:15
פֶּן־תִּכְרֹ֥ת בְּרִ֖ית לְיֹושֵׁ֣ב הָאָ֑רֶץ וְזָנ֣וּ ׀ אַחֲרֵ֣י אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֗ם וְזָבְחוּ֙ לֵאלֹ֣הֵיהֶ֔ם וְקָרָ֣א לְךָ֔ וְאָכַלְתָּ֖ מִזִּבְחֹֽו׃

טו פן תכרת ברית ליושב הארץ וזנו אחרי אלהיהם וזבחו לאלהיהם וקרא לך ואכלת מזבחו

פן־תכרת ברית ליושב הארץ וזנו ׀ אחרי אלהיהם וזבחו לאלהיהם וקרא לך ואכלת מזבחו׃

2 Mózes 34:15
Hogy valamiképen szövetséget ne köss annak a földnek lakosaival, hogy a mikor isteneiket követvén paráználkodnak, és áldoznak az õ isteneiknek, és meghívnak téged, egyél az õ áldozatukból.

Moseo 2: Eliro 34:15
Ne faru interligon kun la logxantoj de la lando; cxar, malcxastante kun siaj dioj kaj alportante oferojn al siaj dioj, ili eble vokos vin kaj vi mangxos de iliaj oferoj,

Ei sinun pidä joskus tekemän liittoa sen maan asuvaisten kanssa: sillä koska he hauristelevat jumalainsa kanssa, ja uhraavat jumalillensa, ja kutsuvat sinun, ettäs söisit heidän uhristansa,

Exode 34:15
de peur que tu ne traites une alliance avec les habitants du pays, et que lorsqu'ils se prostituent après leurs dieux et sacrifient à leurs dieux, on ne t'invite, et que tu ne manges de leur sacrifice,

Garde-toi de faire alliance avec les habitants du pays, de peur que, se prostituant à leurs dieux et leur offrant des sacrifices, ils ne t'invitent, et que tu ne manges de leurs victimes;

Afin qu'il n'arrive que tu traites alliance avec les habitants du pays; et que quand ils viendront à paillarder après leurs dieux, et à sacrifier à leurs dieux, quelqu'un ne t'invite, et que tu ne manges de son sacrifice.

2 Mose 34:15
Auf daß, wo du einen Bund mit des Landes Einwohnern machest, und wenn sie huren ihren Göttern nach und opfern ihren Göttern, daß sie dich nicht laden, und du von ihrem Opfer essest;

Daß du nicht einen Bund mit des Landes Einwohnern machest, und wenn sie ihren Göttern nachlaufen und opfern ihren Göttern, sie dich nicht laden und du von ihrem Opfer essest,

Wenn du ein Abkommen mit den Bewohnern des Landes triffst, und sie mit ihren Göttern Abgötterei treiben und ihren Göttern Opfer bringen und dich dazu einladen, so lauft ihr Gefahr, von ihrer Opfergabe zu essen.

Esodo 34:15
Guardati dal far lega con gli abitanti del paese, affinché, quando quelli si prostituiranno ai loro dèi e offriranno sacrifizi ai loro dèi, non avvenga ch’essi t’invitino, e tu mangi dei loro sacrifizi,

Guardati dunque che tu non faccia lega con gli abitanti di quel paese; che talora, quando essi fornicheranno dietro a’ lor dii, e sacrificheranno loro, non ti chiamino, e tu non mangi de’ lor sacrificii.

Janganlah kamu berjanji-janjian dengan orang isi negeri itu, karena apabila mereka itu berkendak mengikut dewatanya dan membawa korban kepada berhalanya, barangkali dijemputnya akan kamu dan kamupun makan dari pada korbannya itu.

출애굽기 34:15
너는 삼가 그 땅의 거민과 언약을 세우지 말지니 이는 그들이 모든 신을 음란히 섬기며 그 신들에게 희생을 드리고 너를 청하면 네가 그 희생을 먹을까 함이며

Exodus 34:15
ne ineas pactum cum hominibus illarum regionum ne cum fornicati fuerint cum diis suis et adoraverint simulacra eorum vocet te quispiam ut comedas de immolatis

Iðëjimo knyga 34:15
Nedaryk sandoros su anų kraštų žmonėmis, kad kas nors iš jų garbinęs stabus nepasikviestų tavęs jų aukų valgyti.

Exodus 34:15
Kei whakarite kawenata koe ki nga tangata o te whenua, a ka whai atu ratou, ka puremu atu ki o ratou atua, a ka patu whakahere ma o ratou atua, a ka karangatia koe e tetahi, na ka kai koe i tana patunga tapu;

2 Mosebok 34:15
Ta dig i vare så du ikke gjør nogen pakt med landets innbyggere! For de vil drive avgudsdyrkelse og ofre til sine guder, og når de da innbyr dig, så vil du ete av deres offer.

Éxodo 34:15
no sea que hagas pacto con los habitantes de aquella tierra, y cuando se prostituyan con sus dioses y les ofrezcan sacrificios, alguien te invite y comas de su sacrificio;

"No hagas pacto con los habitantes de aquella tierra, no sea que cuando ellos se prostituyan con sus dioses y les ofrezcan sacrificios, alguien te invite y comas de su sacrificio;

Por tanto no harás alianza con los moradores de aquella tierra; porque fornicarán en pos de sus dioses, y sacrificarán a sus dioses, y te llamarán, y comerás de sus sacrificios;

Por tanto no harás alianza con los moradores de aquella tierra; porque fornicarán en pos de sus dioses, y sacrificarán á sus dioses, y te llamarán, y comerás de sus sacrificios;

Por tanto no harás alianza con los moradores de aquella tierra; porque fornicarán en pos de sus dioses, y sacrificarán a sus dioses, y te llamarán, y comerás de sus sacrificios.

Éxodo 34:15
Não façais, portanto, aliança com os moradores da terra. Não suceda que, em prostituindo-se com os deuses deles e sacrificando-lhes, alguém te convide e comas dos seus sacrifícios,

para que não faças pacto com os habitantes da terra, a fim de que quando se prostituirem após os seus deuses, e sacrificarem aos seus deuses, tu não sejas convidado por eles, e não comas do seu sacrifício;   

Exod 34:15
Fereşte-te să faci legămînt cu locuitorii ţării, ca nu cumva, curvind înaintea dumnezeilor lor, şi, aducîndu-le jertfe, să te poftească şi pe tine, şi să mănînci din jertfele lor,

Исход 34:15
Не вступай в союз с жителями той земли, чтобы, когда они будут блудодействовать вслед богов своих и приносить жертвы богам своим, не пригласили и тебя, и ты не вкусил бы жертвы их;

Не вступай в союз с жителями той земли, чтобы, когда они будут блудодействовать вслед богов своих и приносить жертвы богам своим, не пригласили и тебя, и ты не вкусил бы жертвы их;[]

2 Mosebok 34:15
Du må icke sluta något förbund med landets inbyggare. Ty i trolös avfällighet löpa de efter sina gudar och offra åt sina gudar; och när de då inbjuda dig, kommer du att äta av deras offer;

Exodus 34:15
Magingat ka; baka ikaw ay makipagtipan sa mga tumatahan sa lupain, at sila'y sumunod sa kanilang mga dios, at magsipaghain sa kanilang mga dios, at ikaw ay alukin ng isa at kumain ka ng kanilang hain;

อพยพ 34:15
เกรงว่าเจ้าจะทำพันธสัญญากับชาวเมืองนั้น และเมื่อเขาเล่นชู้กับพระของเขา และถวายสัตวบูชาแก่บรรดาพระนั้น เขาจะเชิญพวกเจ้าไปร่วมด้วย และพวกเจ้าจะไปกินของที่เขาถวายบูชานั้น

Mısır'dan Çıkış 34:15
Ülke halkıyla herhangi bir antlaşma yapmayın. Yoksa onlar başka ilahlara gönül verir, kurban keserken sizi de çağırırlar; siz de gider yersiniz.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 34:15
Hãy cẩn thận đừng lập giao ước cùng dân của xứ đó, e khi chúng nó hành dâm cùng các tà thần chúng nó và tế các tà thần của chúng nó, có kẻ mời, rồi ngươi ăn của chúng họ chăng.

Exodus 34:14
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