Exodus 24:14
Exodus 24:14
He said to the elders, "Wait here for us until we come back to you. Aaron and Hur are with you, and anyone involved in a dispute can go to them."

Moses told the elders, "Stay here and wait for us until we come back. Aaron and Hur are here with you. If anyone has a dispute while I am gone, consult with them."

And he said to the elders, “Wait here for us until we return to you. And behold, Aaron and Hur are with you. Whoever has a dispute, let him go to them.”

But to the elders he said, "Wait here for us until we return to you. And behold, Aaron and Hur are with you; whoever has a legal matter, let him approach them."

And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.

He told the elders, "Wait here for us until we return to you. Aaron and Hur are here with you. Whoever has a dispute should go to them."

He told the elders, "Wait here for us until we return to you. Look, Aaron and Hur are with you, and whoever has a dispute, let him come to them."

He told the elders, "Wait for us in this place until we return to you. Here are Aaron and Hur with you. Whoever has any matters of dispute can approach them."

He said to the leaders, "Wait here for us until we come back to you. Aaron and Hur are here with you. Take all your disagreements to them."

And he said unto the elders, wait here for us until we come again unto you; and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you; if anyone has any matters to settle, let him come unto them.

And he said unto the elders, Tarry you here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man has any matters to judge, let him come unto them.

And he said to the elders, Tarry you here for us, until we come again to you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come to them.

And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: whosoever hath a cause, let him come near unto them.

Said to the ancients: Wait ye here till we return to you. You have Aaron and Hur with you: if any question shall arise, you shall refer it to them.

And he said to the elders, Wait here for us, until we return to you; and behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matter, let him come before them.

And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: whosoever hath a cause, let him come near unto them.

And he said to the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again to you: and behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man hath any matters to do, let him come to them.

He said to the elders, "Wait here for us, until we come again to you. Behold, Aaron and Hur are with you. Whoever is involved in a dispute can go to them."

and unto the elders he hath said, 'Abide ye for us in this place, until that we turn back unto you, and lo, Aaron and Hur are with you -- he who hath matters doth come nigh unto them.'

Eksodi 24:14
Por pleqve u tha: "Na prisni këtu, deri sa të kthehemi tek ju. Ja, Aaroni dhe Huri janë me ju; kushdo që ka probleme le t'u drejtohet atyre".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 24:14
واما الشيوخ فقال لهم اجلسوا لنا ههنا حتى نرجع اليكم. وهوذا هرون وحور معكم. فمن كان صاحب دعوة فليتقدّم اليهما.

Dyr Auszug 24:14
Zo de Dietwärt gsait yr: "Ös bleibtß daa, hinst däß myr wider heruntn seind. Dyr Ären und Hur seind ja non daa, wenn grad öbber öbbs brauchet."

Изход 24:14
А рече на старейшините: Чакайте ни тук догде се завърнем при вас; и, ето, Аарон и Ор са при вас; който има тъжба, нека иде при тях.

出 埃 及 記 24:14
摩 西 對 長 老 說 : 你 們 在 這 裡 等 著 , 等 到 我 們 再 回 來 , 有 亞 倫 、 戶 珥 與 你 們 同 在 。 凡 有 爭 訟 的 , 都 可 以 就 近 他 們 去 。

摩 西 对 长 老 说 : 你 们 在 这 里 等 着 , 等 到 我 们 再 回 来 , 有 亚 伦 、 户 珥 与 你 们 同 在 。 凡 有 争 讼 的 , 都 可 以 就 近 他 们 去 。



Exodus 24:14
A starješinama reče: "Čekajte nas ovdje dok se ne vratimo. Eto je s vama Aron i Hur. Tko imadne kakvu razmiricu, neka se obrati na njih."

Exodus 24:14
Starším pak řekl: Zůstaňte tuto, dokudž se nenavrátíme k vám. A teď Aron a Hur jsou s vámi, kdož by měl rozepři, k nim ať jde.

2 Mosebog 24:14
men til de Ældste sagde han: »Vent paa os her, til vi kommer tilbage til eder. Se, Aron og Hur er hos eder; er der nogen, der har en Retstrætte, kan han henvende sig til dem!«

Exodus 24:14
En hij zeide tot de oudsten: Blijft gij ons hier, totdat wij weder tot u komen; en ziet, Aaron en Hur zijn bij u; wie enige zaken heeft, zal tot dezelve komen.

שמות 24:14
וְאֶל־הַזְּקֵנִ֤ים אָמַר֙ שְׁבוּ־לָ֣נוּ בָזֶ֔ה עַ֥ד אֲשֶׁר־נָשׁ֖וּב אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם וְהִנֵּ֨ה אַהֲרֹ֤ן וְחוּר֙ עִמָּכֶ֔ם מִי־בַ֥עַל דְּבָרִ֖ים יִגַּ֥שׁ אֲלֵהֶֽם׃

יד ואל הזקנים אמר שבו לנו בזה עד אשר נשוב אליכם והנה אהרן וחור עמכם מי בעל דברים יגש אלהם

ואל־הזקנים אמר שבו־לנו בזה עד אשר־נשוב אליכם והנה אהרן וחור עמכם מי־בעל דברים יגש אלהם׃

2 Mózes 24:14
A véneknek pedig monda: Várjatok itt reánk, míg visszatérünk hozzátok: Ímé Áron és Húr veletek [vannak]; a kinek valami ügye van, õ hozzájok menjen.

Moseo 2: Eliro 24:14
Kaj al la cxefoj li diris:Restu cxi tie, gxis ni revenos al vi; kaj jen Aaron kaj HXur estas kun vi; kiu havas ian aferon, tiu venu al ili.

Ja sanoi vanhimmille: olkaat tässä siihen asti, kuin me palajamme teidän tykönne: katso, Aaron ja Hur ovat teidän tykönänne: jolla joku asia on, se tulkaan heidän eteensä.

Exode 24:14
et il dit aux anciens: Attendez-nous ici jusqu'à ce que nous revenions à vous; et voici, Aaron et Hur sont avec vous: quiconque aura quelque affaire, qu'il aille à eux.

Il dit aux anciens: Attendez-nous ici, jusqu'à ce que nous revenions auprès de vous. Voici, Aaron et Hur resteront avec vous; si quelqu'un a un différend, c'est à eux qu'il s'adressera.

Et il dit aux Anciens d'Israël : Demeurez ici en nous attendant; jusqu'à ce que nous retournions vers vous; et voici, Aaron et Hur seront avec vous; quiconque aura quelque affaire, qu'il s'adresse à eux.

2 Mose 24:14
Und sprach zu den Ältesten: Bleibet hie, bis wir wieder zu euch kommen. Siehe, Aaron und Hur sind bei euch; hat jemand eine Sache, der komme vor dieselben.

und sprach zu den Ältesten: Bleibet hier, bis wir wieder zu euch kommen. Siehe, Aaron und Hur sind bei euch; hat jemand eine Sache, der komme vor dieselben.

Jenen Vornehmen aber befahl er: Wartet hier auf uns, bis wir wieder zu euch kommen; Aaron und Hur sind ja bei euch. Wer eine Rechtssache hat, mag vor sie hintreten.

Esodo 24:14
E disse agli anziani: "Aspettateci qui, finché torniamo a voi. Ecco, Aaronne e Hur sono con voi; chiunque abbia qualche affare si rivolga a loro".

E disse agli Anziani d’Israele: Rimanete qui, aspettandoci, finchè noi ritorniamo a voi; ecco, Aaronne ed Hur sono con voi; chiunque avrà qualche affare, vada a loro.

Maka katanya kepada segala tua-tua itu: Tinggallah kamu di sini sampai kami kembali kepadamu; bahwa sesungguhnya Harun dan Hur adalah serta dengan kamu; barangsiapa yang ada perkara, biarlah dibawanya kepada mereka itulah.

출애굽기 24:14
장로들에게 이르되 `너희는 여기서 우리가 너희에게로 돌아오기까지 기다리라 아론과 훌이 너희와 함께하리니 무릇 일이 있는 자는 그들에게로 나아갈지니라' 하고

Exodus 24:14
senioribus ait expectate hic donec revertamur ad vos habetis Aaron et Hur vobiscum si quid natum fuerit quaestionis referetis ad eos

Iðëjimo knyga 24:14
Mozė tarė vyresniesiems: “Palaukite čia mūsų, kol sugrįšime. Aaronas ir Hūras yra su jumis; kas turi kokią bylą, kreipkitės į juos”.

Exodus 24:14
I mea ano ia ki nga kaumatua, Taria ake maua i konei, kia hoki mai ra ano maua ki a koutou: na, ko Arona raua ko Huru tena hei hoa mo koutou: ki te whai take tetahi tangata, me haere ia ki a raua.

2 Mosebok 24:14
Og han sa til de eldste: Bli her til vi kommer tilbake til eder; Aron og Hur er jo hos eder; den som har en rettssak, kan gå til dem!

Éxodo 24:14
y dijo a los ancianos: Esperadnos aquí hasta que volvamos a vosotros. Y he aquí, Aarón y Hur están con vosotros; el que tenga algún asunto legal, acuda a ellos.

y dijo a los ancianos: "Espérennos aquí hasta que volvamos a ustedes. Aarón y Hur estarán con ustedes. El que tenga algún asunto legal, acuda a ellos."

Y dijo a los ancianos: Esperadnos aquí hasta que volvamos a vosotros: y he aquí Aarón y Hur están con vosotros: el que tuviere asuntos, venga a ellos.

Y dijo á los ancianos: Esperadnos aquí hasta que volvamos á vosotros: y he aquí Aarón y Hur están con vosotros: el que tuviere negocios, lléguese á ellos.

Y dijo a los ancianos: Esperadnos aquí hasta que volvamos a vosotros; y he aquí Aarón y Hur están con vosotros; el que tuviere negocios, lléguese a ellos.

Éxodo 24:14
Ele orientou os anciãos: “Esperai aqui até a nossa volta; tendes convosco Arão e Hur; quem tiver alguma questão, dirija-se a eles!”

tendo dito aos anciãos: Esperai-nos aqui, até que tornemos a vós; eis que Arão e Hur ficam convosco; quem tiver alguma questão, se chegará a eles.   

Exod 24:14
El a zis bătrînilor: ,,Aşteptaţi-ne aici, pînă ne vom întoarce la voi. Iată, Aaron şi Hur vor rămînea cu voi; dacă va avea cineva vreo neînţelegere, să meargă la ei.``

Исход 24:14
а старейшинам сказал: оставайтесь здесь, доколе мы не возвратимсяк вам; вот Аарон и Ор с вами; кто будет иметь дело, пусть приходит к ним.

а старейшинам сказал: оставайтесь здесь, доколе мы не возвратимся к вам; вот Аарон и Ор с вами; кто будет иметь дело, пусть приходит к ним.[]

2 Mosebok 24:14
Men till de äldste sade han: »Vänten här på oss, till dess att vi komma tillbaka till eder. Se, Aron och Hur äro hos eder; den som har något att andraga, han må vända sig till dem.»

Exodus 24:14
At kaniyang sinabi sa mga matanda, Hintayin ninyo kami rito hanggang sa kami ay bumalik sa inyo: at, narito si Aaron at si Hur ay kasama ninyo: sinomang magkaroon ng usap ay lumapit sa kanila.

อพยพ 24:14
และกล่าวแก่พวกผู้ใหญ่เหล่านั้นว่า "คอยเราอยู่ที่นี่จนกว่าเราจะกลับมาหาพวกท่านอีก ดูเถิด อาโรนและเฮอร์อยู่กับพวกท่าน ใครมีเรื่องราวอะไรก็จงมาหาท่านทั้งสองนี้เถิด"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 24:14
İsrail ileri gelenlerine, ‹‹Geri dönünceye kadar bizi burada bekleyin›› dedi, ‹‹Harunla Hur aranızda; kimin sorunu olursa onlara başvursun.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 24:14
Người bèn nói cùng các trưởng lão rằng: Hãy đợi chúng tôi tại đây cho đến chừng nào trở về cùng các ngươi. Nầy, A-rôn và Hu-rơ ở lại cùng các ngươi, ai có việc chi hãy hỏi hai người đó.

Exodus 24:13
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