Exodus 23:22
Exodus 23:22
If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.

But if you are careful to obey him, following all my instructions, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will oppose those who oppose you.

“But if you carefully obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

"But if you truly obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

But if you will carefully obey him and do everything I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes.

Indeed, if you carefully obey him and do everything that I say, then I'll be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries,

But if you diligently obey him and do all that I command, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will be an adversary to your adversaries.

But if you will listen to him and do everything I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an opponent to your opponents.

But if thou shalt indeed hear his voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies and an adversary unto those that afflict thee.

But if you shall indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries.

But if you shall indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and an adversary to your adversaries.

But if thou shalt indeed hearken unto his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will afflict them that afflict thee.

But if thou shalt diligently hearken unto his voice, and do all that I shall say, then I will be an enemy to thine enemies, and an adversary to thine adversaries.

But if thou shalt indeed hearken unto his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and an adversary to thy adversaries.

But if you indeed listen to his voice, and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and an adversary to your adversaries.

for, if thou diligently hearken to his voice, and hast done all that which I speak, then I have been at enmity with thine enemies, and have distressed those distressing thee.

Eksodi 23:22
Por në qoftë se i bindesh plotësisht zërit të tij dhe bën të gjitha ato që do të them, unë do të jem armiku i armiqve të tu dhe kundërshtari i kundërshtarëve të tu;

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 23:22
ولكن ان سمعت لصوته وفعلت كل ما اتكلم به اعادي اعداءك واضايق مضايقيك.

Dyr Auszug 23:22
Wennst auf sein Stimm hoerst und allss tuest, was i sag, aft gaa i dyr Feind von deine Feindd sein und allsand pfrengen, die wo di bedröngend.

Изход 23:22
Но ако слушаш внимателно гласа му, и вършиш всичко каквото говоря, тогава Аз ще бъда неприятел на твоите неприятели и противник на твоите противници.

出 埃 及 記 23:22
你 若 實 在 聽 從 他 的 話 , 照 著 我 一 切 所 說 的 去 行 , 我 就 向 你 的 仇 敵 作 仇 敵 , 向 你 的 敵 人 作 敵 人 。

你 若 实 在 听 从 他 的 话 , 照 着 我 一 切 所 说 的 去 行 , 我 就 向 你 的 仇 敌 作 仇 敌 , 向 你 的 敌 人 作 敌 人 。



Exodus 23:22
Ako mu se budeš vjerno pokoravao i budeš vršio sve što sam naredio, ja ću biti neprijatelj tvojim neprijateljima i protivnik tvojim protivnicima.

Exodus 23:22
Nebo budeš-li věrně poslouchati hlasu jeho, a činiti, cožť bych koli řekl: tedy nepřítelem budu nepřátel tvých, a trápiti budu ty, jenž tebe trápí.

2 Mosebog 23:22
Naar du adlyder ham og gør alt, hvad jeg siger, vil jeg være dine Fjenders Fjende og dine Modstanderes Modstander,

Exodus 23:22
Maar zo gij Zijner stem naarstiglijk gehoorzaamt, en doet al wat Ik spreken zal, zo zal Ik uwer vijanden vijand, en uwer wederpartijders wederpartij zijn.

שמות 23:22
כִּ֣י אִם־שָׁמֹ֤עַ תִּשְׁמַע֙ בְּקֹלֹ֔ו וְעָשִׂ֕יתָ כֹּ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲדַבֵּ֑ר וְאָֽיַבְתִּי֙ אֶת־אֹ֣יְבֶ֔יךָ וְצַרְתִּ֖י אֶת־צֹרְרֶֽיךָ׃

כב כי אם שמוע תשמע בקלו ועשית כל אשר אדבר--ואיבתי את איביך וצרתי את צרריך

כי אם־שמע תשמע בקלו ועשית כל אשר אדבר ואיבתי את־איביך וצרתי את־צרריך׃

2 Mózes 23:22
Mert ha hallgatándasz az õ szavára; és mindazt megcselekedénded, a mit mondok: akkor ellensége lészek a te ellenségeidnek, és szorongatom a te szorongatóidat.

Moseo 2: Eliro 23:22
Sed se vi auxskultos lian vocxon, kaj faros cxion, kion Mi diros, tiam Mi malamikos kontraux viaj malamikoj kaj premos viajn premantojn.

Vaan jos sinä ahkerasti kuulet hänen äänensä, ja teet kaikki mitä minä sinulle käsken, niin minä olen sinun vihollistes vihollinen, ja sinun vainoojais vainooja.

Exode 23:22
Mais si tu écoutes attentivement sa voix, et si tu fais tout ce que je dirai, je serai l'ennemi de tes ennemis et l'adversaire de tes adversaires.

Mais si tu écoutes sa voix, et si tu fais tout ce que je te dirai, je serai l'ennemi de tes ennemis et l'adversaire de tes adversaires.

Mais si tu écoutes attentivement sa voix, et si tu fais tout ce que je te dirai, je serai l'ennemi de tes ennemis, et j'affligerai ceux qui t'affligeront.

2 Mose 23:22
Wirst du aber seine Stimme hören und tun alles, was ich dir sagen werde, so will ich deiner Feinde Feind und deiner Widerwärtigen Widerwärtiger sein.

Wirst du aber seiner Stimme hören und tun alles, was ich dir sagen werde, so will ich deiner Feinde Feind und deiner Widersacher Widersacher sein. {~}

Wenn du aber seinen Worten gehorchen und alles thun willst, was ich befehle, so will ich befeinden, die dir feind sind, und bedrängen, die dich bedrängen.

Esodo 23:22
Ma se ubbidisci fedelmente alla sua voce e fai tutto quello che ti dirò, io sarò il nemico de’ tuoi nemici, l’avversario de’ tuoi avversari;

Ma se pure tu ubbidisci alla sua voce, e fai tutto quello che io ti dirò, io sarò nemico de’ tuoi nemici, e avversario dei tuoi avversari.

Tetapi jikalau selalu kamu menurut katanya dan kamu membuat segala sesuatu yang firman-Ku, maka Aku akan menjadi seterunya segala seterumu dan lawannya segala pelawanmu.

출애굽기 23:22
네가 그 목소리를 잘 청종하고 나의 모든 말대로 행하면 내가 네 원수에게 원수가 되고 네 대적에게 대적이 될지라

Exodus 23:22
quod si audieris vocem eius et feceris omnia quae loquor inimicus ero inimicis tuis et adfligam adfligentes te

Iðëjimo knyga 23:22
Bet jei tu iš tiesų paklusi jo balsui ir vykdysi visa, ką kalbu, tai Aš būsiu priešas tavo priešams ir prispaudėjas tavo prispaudėjams.

Exodus 23:22
Ki te ata whakarongo i a koe ki tona reo, ki te mea hoki i nga mea katoa e korero ai ahau; na, ko ahau hei hoariri mo ou hoariri, hei hoa whawhai hoki ki ou hoa whawhai.

2 Mosebok 23:22
Men dersom du lyder hans røst og gjør alt det jeg sier, da vil jeg være en fiende av dine fiender og en motstander av dine motstandere.

Éxodo 23:22
Pero si en verdad obedeces su voz y haces todo lo que yo digo, entonces seré enemigo de tus enemigos y adversario de tus adversarios.

"Pero si en verdad obedeces su voz y haces todo lo que Yo digo, entonces seré enemigo de tus enemigos y adversario de tus adversarios.

Pero si en verdad oyeres su voz, e hicieres todo lo que yo te dijere, seré enemigo a tus enemigos, y afligiré a los que te afligieren.

Pero si en verdad oyeres su voz, é hicieres todo lo que yo te dijere, seré enemigo á tus enemigos, y afligiré á los que te afligieren.

Pero si en verdad oyeres su voz, e hicieres todo lo que yo te dijere, seré enemigo a tus enemigos, y afligiré a los que te afligieren.

Éxodo 23:22
Mas se escutares fielmente a sua voz e fizeres o que te disser, então serei inimigo dos teus inimigos e adversário dos teus adversários.

Mas se, na verdade, ouvires a sua voz, e fizeres tudo o que eu disser, então serei inimigo dos teus inimigos, e adversário dos teus adversários.   

Exod 23:22
Dar dacă vei asculta glasul Lui, şi dacă vei face tot ce-ţi voi spune, Eu voi fi vrăjmaşul vrăjmaşilor tăi şi protivnicul protivnicilor tăi.

Исход 23:22
Если ты будешь слушать гласа Его и исполнять все, что скажу, то врагом буду врагов твоих и противником противников твоих.

Если ты будешь слушать гласа Его и исполнять все, что скажу, то врагом буду врагов твоих и противником противников твоих.[]

2 Mosebok 23:22
Men om du hör hans röst och gör allt vad jag säger, så skall jag bliva en fiende till dina fiender och en ovän till dina ovänner.

Exodus 23:22
Datapuwa't kung didinggin mong lubos ang kaniyang tinig, at gagawin mo ang lahat ng aking sinasalita; ay magiging kaaway nga ako ng iyong mga kaaway, kaalit ng iyong mga kaalit.

อพยพ 23:22
ถ้าเจ้าทั้งหลายเชื่อฟังเสียงของเขาจริงๆ และทำทุกสิ่งตามที่เราสั่งไว้ เราจะเป็นศัตรูต่อศัตรูของพวกเจ้า และจะเป็นปฏิปักษ์ต่อปฏิปักษ์ของพวกเจ้า

Mısır'dan Çıkış 23:22
Ama onun sözünü dikkatle dinler, bütün söylediklerimi yerine getirirseniz, düşmanlarınıza düşman, hasımlarınıza hasım olacağım.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 23:22
Nhưng nếu ngươi chăm chỉ nghe lời người, cùng làm theo mọi lời ta sẽ phán, ta sẽ thù nghịch cùng kẻ thù nghịch ngươi, và đối địch với kẻ đối địch ngươi.

Exodus 23:21
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