Exodus 22:9
Exodus 22:9
In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any other lost property about which somebody says, 'This is mine,' both parties are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare guilty must pay back double to the other.

"Suppose there is a dispute between two people who both claim to own a particular ox, donkey, sheep, article of clothing, or any lost property. Both parties must come before God, and the person whom God declares guilty must pay double compensation to the other.

For every breach of trust, whether it is for an ox, for a donkey, for a sheep, for a cloak, or for any kind of lost thing, of which one says, ‘This is it,’ the case of both parties shall come before God. The one whom God condemns shall pay double to his neighbor.

"For every breach of trust, whether it is for ox, for donkey, for sheep, for clothing, or for any lost thing about which one says, 'This is it,' the case of both parties shall come before the judges; he whom the judges condemn shall pay double to his neighbor.

For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour.

In any case of wrongdoing involving an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or anything else lost, and someone claims, 'That's mine,' the case between the two parties is to come before the judges. The one the judges condemn must repay double to his neighbor."

"In every ownership dispute involving an ox, donkey, sheep, garment, or anything that is lost where a person says, 'This is mine,' the case between the two of them is to come before the judges, and the one that the judges declare guilty is to repay double to his neighbor.

In all cases of illegal possessions, whether for an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any kind of lost item, about which someone says 'This belongs to me,' the matter of the two of them will come before the judges, and the one whom the judges declare guilty must repay double to his neighbor.

If there is a dispute over the ownership of a bull, a donkey, a sheep, an article of clothing, or any [other] lost property which two people claim as their own, both people must bring their case to God. The one whom God declares guilty must make up for his neighbor's loss with double the amount.

For all manner of fraud, whether it be for an ox, for an ass, for a sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challenges to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour.

For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for donkey, for sheep, for clothing, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challenges to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbor.

For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing which another challenges to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double to his neighbor.

For every matter of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, whereof one saith, This is it, the cause of both parties shall come before God; he whom God shall condemn shall pay double unto his neighbor.

To do any fraud, either in ox, or in ass, or sheep, or raiment, or any thing that may bring damage: the cause of both parties shall come to the gods: and if they give judgment, he shall restore double to his neighbour.

As to all manner of fraud, as to ox, as to ass, as to sheep, as to clothing, as to everything lost, of which a man saith, It is this the cause of both parties shall come before the judges: he whom the judges shall condemn shall restore double to his neighbour.

For every matter of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, whereof one saith, This is it, the cause of both parties shall come before God; he whom God shall condemn shall pay double unto his neighbour.

For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing which another challengeth to be his: the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and he whom the judges shall condemn, shall pay double to his neighbor.

For every matter of trespass, whether it be for ox, for donkey, for sheep, for clothing, or for any kind of lost thing, about which one says, 'This is mine,' the cause of both parties shall come before God. He whom God condemns shall pay double to his neighbor.

for every matter of transgression, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, for any lost thing of which it is said that it is his; unto God cometh the matter of them both; he whom God doth condemn, he repayeth double to his neighbour.

Eksodi 22:9
Për çfarëdo lloj krimi, fjala vjen qoftë edhe për një ka, një gomar, një dele, një veshje apo çfarëdo sendi të humbur që një tjetër thotë se është i tij, çështja e të dy palëve do të shtrohet para Perëndisë; ai që Perëndia do të dënojë, do t'i kthejë dyfishin fqinjit të tij.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 22:9
في كل دعوى جناية من جهة ثور او حمار او شاة او ثوب او مفقود ما يقال ان هذا هو تقدم الى الله دعواهما. فالذي يحكم الله بذنبه يعوّض صاحبه باثنين.

Dyr Auszug 22:9
Wenn öbbern öbbs abtreut wordn ist, ayn Rindvich, Ösl, Schaaf, Gwand older was dyrwöll, und er maint, er haat s gfunddn, sollt myn önn Herrgot richtn laassn. Wem dyr Herrgot schuldig spricht, der sollt s yn dönn Andern zwaifach ersötzn.

Изход 22:9
За всякакъв вид престъпление,- относно вол, осел, овца, дреха, или какво да било загубено нещо, за което би казал някой, че е негово,- делото между двамата ще дойде пред съдиите: и когото осъдят съдиите, той ще плати двойно на ближния си.

出 埃 及 記 22:9
兩 個 人 的 案 件 , 無 論 是 為 甚 麼 過 犯 , 或 是 為 牛 , 為 驢 , 為 羊 , 為 衣 裳 , 或 是 為 甚 麼 失 掉 之 物 , 有 一 人 說 : 這 是 我 的 , 兩 造 就 要 將 案 件 稟 告 審 判 官 , 審 判 官 定 誰 有 罪 , 誰 就 要 加 倍 賠 還 。

两 个 人 的 案 件 , 无 论 是 为 甚 麽 过 犯 , 或 是 为 牛 , 为 驴 , 为 羊 , 为 衣 裳 , 或 是 为 甚 麽 失 掉 之 物 , 有 一 人 说 : 这 是 我 的 , 两 造 就 要 将 案 件 禀 告 审 判 官 , 审 判 官 定 谁 有 罪 , 谁 就 要 加 倍 赔 还 。



Exodus 22:9
Za svaki prekršaj pronevjere - radilo se o govečetu, magaretu, sitnoj stoci, odjeći ili bilo kojoj izgubljenoj stvari za koju se ustvrdi: to je ono! - treba spor iznijeti pred Boga. Onaj koga Bog proglasi krivim neka plati dvostruko drugome.

Exodus 22:9
O všelijakou věc, o niž by byla nesnáz, buď o vola neb osla, dobytče neb roucho, pro všelikou věc ztracenou, když by kdo pravil, že to jest: před soudce přijde pře obou dvou; ten, kohož oni vinného usoudí, dvojnásobně navrátí bližnímu svému.

2 Mosebog 22:9
I alle Tilfælde hvor det drejer sig om Uredelighed med en Okse, et Æsel, et Faar, en Klædning eller en hvilken som helst bortkommen Ting, hvorom der rejses Krav, skal de to Parters Sag bringes frem for Gud, og den, som Gud dømmer skyldig, skal give den anden dobbelt Erstatning.

Exodus 22:9
Over alle zaak van onrecht, over een os, over een ezel, over klein vee, over kleding, over al het verlorene, hetwelk iemand zegt, dat het zijn is, beider zaak zal voor de goden komen; wien goden verwijzen, die zal het aan zijn naaste dubbel wedergeven.

שמות 22:9
עַֽל־כָּל־דְּבַר־פֶּ֡שַׁע עַל־שֹׁ֡ור עַל־חֲ֠מֹור עַל־שֶׂ֨ה עַל־שַׂלְמָ֜ה עַל־כָּל־אֲבֵדָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר יֹאמַר֙ כִּי־ה֣וּא זֶ֔ה עַ֚ד הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים יָבֹ֖א דְּבַר־שְׁנֵיהֶ֑ם אֲשֶׁ֤ר יַרְשִׁיעֻן֙ אֱלֹהִ֔ים יְשַׁלֵּ֥ם שְׁנַ֖יִם לְרֵעֵֽהוּ׃ ס

ח על כל דבר פשע על שור על חמור על שה על שלמה על כל אבדה אשר יאמר כי הוא זה--עד האלהים יבא דבר שניהם  אשר ירשיען אלהים ישלם שנים לרעהו  {ס}

על־כל־דבר־פשע על־שור על־חמור על־שה על־שלמה על־כל־אבדה אשר יאמר כי־הוא זה עד האלהים יבא דבר־שניהם אשר ירשיען אלהים ישלם שנים לרעהו׃ ס

2 Mózes 22:9
Akármi bûn dolgában, akár ökör, akár szamár, akár juh, akár ruha, akármi elveszett jószág az, a mirõl azt mondja: ez az; mindkettõjük ügye a bírák eleibe menjen, és a kit a bírák bûnösnek mondanak, fizessen két annyit az õ felebarátjának.

Moseo 2: Eliro 22:9
Pri cxiu maljustajxo, cxu gxi estos pri bovo, cxu pri azeno, cxu pri sxafo, cxu pri vesto, pri cxiu perditajxo, pri kiu iu diros, ke gxi estas lia, la afero de ambaux devas esti prezentita al la potenculoj; kiun la potenculoj trovos kulpa, tiu kompensu duoble al sia proksimulo.

Kaiken väärän asian tähden härjästä eli aasista, taikka lampaasta, eli vaatteesta ja kaiken sen tähden kuin pois tullut on, josta joku sanoo: tämä se on, niin pitää heidän molempain asiansa tuleman tuomarien eteen; jonka tuomarit vikapääksi löytävät, sen pitää lähimmäisellensä kaksikertaisesti maksaman.

Exode 22:9
Dans toute affaire d'infidélité touchant un boeuf, touchant un âne, touchant un mouton, touchant un vêtement, touchant toute chose perdue dont on dira: C'est cela, -l'affaire des deux parties viendra devant les juges; celui que les juges condamneront fera compensation au double à son prochain.

Dans toute affaire frauduleuse concernant un boeuf, un âne, un agneau, un vêtement, ou un objet perdu, au sujet duquel on dira: C'est cela! -la cause des deux parties ira jusqu'à Dieu; celui que Dieu condamnera fera à son prochain une restitution au double.

Quand il sera question de quelque chose où il y ait prévarication, touchant un bœuf, ou un âne, ou une brebis, ou une chèvre, ou un vêtement, même touchant toute chose perdue, dont [quelqu'un] dira qu'elle lui appartient, la cause des deux [parties] viendra devant les Juges; et celui que les Juges auront condamné, rendra le double à son prochain.

2 Mose 22:9
Wo einer den andern schuldiget um einigerlei Unrecht, es sei um Ochsen oder Esel oder Schaf oder Kleider oder allerlei, das verloren ist, so sollen beider Sachen vor die Götter kommen. Welchen die Götter verdammen, der soll's zwiefältig seinem Nächsten wiedergeben.

22:8 Wo einer den andern beschuldigt um irgend ein Unrecht, es sei um Ochsen oder Esel oder Schaf oder Kleider oder allerlei, das verloren ist, so soll beider Sache vor die "Götter" kommen. Welchen die "Götter" verdammen, der soll's zwiefältig seinem Nächsten wiedergeben.

Bei irgend einem Eigentumsverbrechen, mag es sich nun um ein Rind handeln oder um einen Esel, ein Schaf, ein Obergewand oder überhaupt etwas abhanden Gekommenes, von dem einer behauptet: das ist es! soll die Angelegenheit beider vor Gott gebracht werden, und wenn ihn Gott für schuldig erklärt, soll er dem anderen als Ersatz das Doppelte entrichten.

Esodo 22:9
In ogni caso di delitto, sia che si tratti d’un bue o d’un asino o d’una pecora o d’un vestito o di qualunque oggetto perduto del quale uno dica: "E’ questo qui!" la causa d’ambedue le parti verrà davanti a Dio; colui che Dio condannerà, restituirà il doppio al suo prossimo.

In ogni causa di misfatto intorno a bue, asino, pecora, capra, vestimento, o a qualunque altra cosa perduta, della quale uno dica: Questa è dessa; venga la causa d’amendue le parti davanti a’ rettori; e colui che i rettori avranno condannato, paghi il doppio al suo prossimo.

Adapun segala perselisihan yang jahat sengajanya, baik dari sebab seekor lembu, atau seekor keledai, atau seekor binatang kecil, atau sehelai pakaian, atau segala barang yang hilang, yang dikatakan orang dia punya, perkara kedua pihak itu hendaklah dibawa ke hadapan hakim; mana yang dipersalahkan oleh hakim itu, tak akan jangan diberinya akan kawannya dua kali banyaknya akan gantinya.

출애굽기 22:9
어떠한 과실에든지, 소에든지, 나귀에든지, 양에든지, 의복에든지, 또는 아무 잃은 물건에든지, 그것에 대하여 혹이 이르기를 이것이 그것이라 하면 두 편이 재판장 앞에 나아갈 것이요 재판장이 죄 있다고 하는 자가 그 상대편에게 갑절을 배상할지니라 !

Exodus 22:9
ad perpetrandam fraudem tam in bove quam in asino et ove ac vestimento et quicquid damnum inferre potest ad deos utriusque causa perveniet et si illi iudicaverint duplum restituet proximo suo

Iðëjimo knyga 22:9
Kai kyla ginčas dėl nuosavybės: jaučio, asilo, avies, apsiausto ar dėl bet kokio kito pamesto daikto, apie kurį kitas tvirtina, kad tai jo,­abu privalo ateiti pas teisėjus. Kuris kaltas, privalo dvigubai atlyginti savo artimui.

Exodus 22:9
I nga whakawakanga hara katoa mo te kau, kaihe, hipi, kakahu, mo te ngaromanga o tetahi mea e kiia ana e tetahi nona, me haere te korero a te tokorua ki te Atua; ko te tangata kua whakataua te he ki a ia e te Atua, kia rua nga utu e homai e ia ki tona hoa.

2 Mosebok 22:9
Hver gang det gjelder svikefull adferd med gods, enten det er en okse eller et asen eller et får eller klær eller i det hele noget som er kommet bort, og så en sier: her er det, da skal saken mellem de to komme frem for Gud*; den som Gud dømmer skyldig, han skal gi sin næste dobbelt igjen.

Éxodo 22:9
En toda clase de fraude, ya se trate de buey, de asno, de oveja, de ropa, o de cualquier cosa perdida, de la cual se pueda decir: ``Esto es, la causa de ambos se llevará ante los jueces; y aquel a quien los jueces declaren culpable pagará el doble a su vecino.

"En toda clase de fraude, ya se trate de buey, de asno, de oveja, de ropa, o de cualquier cosa perdida, de la cual se pueda decir: 'Esto es mío,' la causa de ambos se llevará ante los jueces; y aquél a quien los jueces declaren culpable pagará el doble a su vecino.

Sobre todo asunto de fraude, sobre buey, sobre asno, sobre oveja, sobre vestido o sobre cualquier cosa perdida, cuando uno dijere: Esto es mío, la causa de ambos será traída ante los jueces; y aquel a quien los jueces condenaren, pagará el doble a su prójimo.

Sobre todo negocio de fraude, sobre buey, sobre asno, sobre oveja, sobre vestido, sobre toda cosa perdida, cuando uno dijere: Esto es mío, la causa de ambos vendrá delante de los jueces; y el que los jueces condenaren, pagará el doble á su prójimo.

Sobre todo negocio de fraude, sobre buey, sobre asno, sobre oveja, sobre vestido, sobre toda cosa perdida, cuando uno dijere: Esto es mío , la causa de ambos vendrá delante de los jueces; y el que los jueces condenaren, pagará el doble a su prójimo.

Éxodo 22:9
Em toda causa litigiosa relativa a um boi, a um jumento, a uma ovelha, a uma vestimenta ou a qualquer objeto perdido do qual se diz: “Isto me pertence!”, as duas partes envolvidas deverão levar a causa diante dos juízes. Aquele a quem Deus declarar culpado restituirá o dobro a seu próximo.

Em todo caso de transgressão, seja a respeito de boi, ou de jumento, ou de ovelhas, ou de vestidos, ou de qualquer coisa perdida de que alguém disser que é sua, a causa de ambas as partes será levada perante os juízes; aquele a quem os juízes condenarem pagará o dobro ao seu próximo.   

Exod 22:9
În orice pricină de înşelăciune cu privire la un bou, un măgar, o oaie, o haină, sau un lucru pierdut, despre care se va zice: ,Uite -l!` -pricina amîndoror părţilor să meargă pînă la Dumnezeu; acela, pe care -l va osîndi Dumnezeu, trebuie să întoarcă îndoit aproapelui său.

Исход 22:9
О всякой вещи спорной, о воле, об осле, об овце, об одежде, о всякой вещи потерянной, о которой кто-нибудь скажет, что она его, дело обоих должно бытьдоведено до судей: кого обвинят судьи, тот заплатит ближнему своему вдвое.

О всякой вещи спорной, о воле, об осле, об овце, об одежде, о всякой вещи потерянной, о которой кто-нибудь скажет, что она его, дело обоих должно быть доведено до судей: кого обвинят судьи, тот заплатит ближнему своему вдвое.[]

2 Mosebok 22:9
Om fråga uppstår angående orättrådigt tillgrepp -- det må gälla oxe eller åsna eller får eller kläder eller något annat som har förlorats -- och någon påstår att en orättrådighet verkligen har ägt rum, så skall båda parternas sak komma inför Gud. Den som Gud dömer skyldig, han skall ersätta den andre dubbelt.

Exodus 22:9
Sapagka't lahat ng bagay na pagsalangsang, maging sa baka, sa asno, sa tupa, sa damit, o sa anomang bagay na nawala, na may magsabi, Ito nga ay akin; ay dadalhin sa harap ng Dios ang usap ng dalawa; yaong parurusahan ng Dios ay magbabayad ng ibayo sa kaniyang kapuwa.

อพยพ 22:9
ในคดีฟ้องร้องทุกอย่าง จะเป็นเรื่องวัว ลา แกะ หรือเสื้อผ้า หรือเรื่องสิ่งของใดๆที่หายไป ถ้ามีคนมาอ้างว่าสิ่งนี้สิ่งนั้นเป็นของตน จงนำคดีของคู่ความนั้นไปถึงพวกผู้พิพากษา พวกผู้พิพากษานั้นจะตัดสินว่าผู้ใดผิด ผู้นั้นจะต้องใช้ค่าชดใช้เป็นสองเท่า

Mısır'dan Çıkış 22:9
Emanete ihanet edilen konularda, öküz, eşek, koyun, giysi, herhangi bir kayıp eşya için ‹Bu benimdir› diyen her iki taraf sorunu yargıcın huzuruna getirmelidir. Yargıcın suçlu bulduğu kişi komşusuna iki kat ödeyecektir.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 22:9
Trong mọi việc gian lận nào, hoặc về một con bò, một con lừa, một con chiên, áo xống hay là một vật chi bị mất, mà có người nói rằng: "quả thật là đồ đó", thì phải đem duyên cớ hai đàng đến trước mặt Ðức Chúa Trời; kẻ nào bị Ngài xử phạt phải thường bồi cho kẻ lân cận mình gấp hai.

Exodus 22:8
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