Exodus 2:15
Exodus 2:15
When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.

And sure enough, Pharaoh heard what had happened, and he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in the land of Midian. When Moses arrived in Midian, he sat down beside a well.

When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian. And he sat down by a well.

When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the presence of Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian, and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

When Pharaoh heard about this, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in the land of Midian, and sat down by a well.

When Pharaoh heard about this matter, he tried to kill Moses. So Moses fled from Pharaoh, settled in the land of Midian, and sat down by a well.

When Pharaoh heard about this event, he sought to kill Moses. So Moses fled from Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian, and he settled by a certain well.

When Pharaoh heard what Moses had done, he tried to have him killed. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian. One day, while Moses was sitting by a well,

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelled in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

And Pharao heard of this word and sought to kill Moses: but he fled from his sight, and abode in the land of Madian, and he sat down by a well.

And Pharaoh heard of this matter, and sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from before Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian. And he sat by the well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and lived in the land of Midian, and he sat down by a well.

And Pharaoh heareth of this thing, and seeketh to slay Moses, and Moses fleeth from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelleth in the land of Midian, and dwelleth by the well.

Eksodi 2:15
Kur Faraoni dëgjoi të flitej për ngjarjen, kërkoi të vrasë Moisiun; por Moisiu iku nga prania e Faraonit dhe u vendos në vendin e Madianit; dhe u ul afër një pusi.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 2:15
فسمع فرعون هذا الامر فطلب ان يقتل موسى. فهرب موسى من وجه فرعون وسكن في ارض مديان وجلس عند البئر

Dyr Auszug 2:15
Dö Sach wurd yn n Färgn berichtt, und er gatrachtt yn n Mosenn naach n Löbn; aber der kaam iem aus und flooh auf Midjan. Dort gsitzt yr si an aynn Brunn nider.

Изход 2:15
А като чу това Фараон, търсеше [случай] да убие Моисея; но Моисей побягна от Фараоновото лице и се засели в Мадиамската земя. И седна до един кладенец.

出 埃 及 記 2:15
法 老 聽 見 這 事 , 就 想 殺 摩 西 , 但 摩 西 躲 避 法 老 , 逃 往 米 甸 地 居 住 。

法 老 听 见 这 事 , 就 想 杀 摩 西 , 但 摩 西 躲 避 法 老 , 逃 往 米 甸 地 居 住 。



Exodus 2:15
Kad je faraon to dočuo, htjede Mojsija pogubiti. Zato Mojsije pobjegne od faraona i skloni se u midjansku zemlju. Ondje sjedne kraj nekog studenca.

Exodus 2:15
Kníže pak Madianské mělo sedm dcer. Kteréžto přišedše, vážily vodu, a nalívaly do koryt, aby napájely dobytek otce svého.

2 Mosebog 2:15
Da Farao fik Nys derom, søgte han at komme Moses til Livs, men Moses flygtede for Farao og tyede til Midjans Land, og der satte han sig ved en Brønd.

Exodus 2:15
Als nu Farao deze zaak hoorde, zo zocht hij Mozes te doden; doch Mozes vlood voor Farao's aangezicht, en woonde in het land Midian, en hij zat bij een waterput.

שמות 2:15
וַיִּשְׁמַ֤ע פַּרְעֹה֙ אֶת־הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֔ה וַיְבַקֵּ֖שׁ לַהֲרֹ֣ג אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֑ה וַיִּבְרַ֤ח מֹשֶׁה֙ מִפְּנֵ֣י פַרְעֹ֔ה וַיֵּ֥שֶׁב בְּאֶֽרֶץ־מִדְיָ֖ן וַיֵּ֥שֶׁב עַֽל־הַבְּאֵֽר׃

טו וישמע פרעה את הדבר הזה ויבקש להרג את משה ויברח משה מפני פרעה וישב בארץ מדין וישב על הבאר

וישמע פרעה את־הדבר הזה ויבקש להרג את־משה ויברח משה מפני פרעה וישב בארץ־מדין וישב על־הבאר׃

2 Mózes 2:15
A Faraó is meghallá azt a dolgot és Mózest halálra keresteti vala: de elfuta Mózes a Faraó elõl és lakozék Midián földén; leûle pedig [egy] kútnál.

Moseo 2: Eliro 2:15
Kaj Faraono auxdis pri tiu afero kaj deziris mortigi Moseon. Sed Moseo forkuris de Faraono kaj eklogxis en la lando Midjana, kaj li logxis apud puto.

Ja se tuli Pharaon eteen, ja hän etsi Mosesta tappaaksensa. Mutta Moses pakeni Pharaon edestä, ja seisahtui Midianin maalla, ja istui kaivon tykönä.

Exode 2:15
Et le Pharaon apprit la chose, et chercha à tuer Moïse; mais Moïse s'enfuit de devant le Pharaon, et habita dans le pays de Madian.

Pharaon apprit ce qui s'était passé, et il cherchait à faire mourir Moïse. Mais Moïse s'enfuit de devant Pharaon, et il se retira dans le pays de Madian, où il s'arrêta près d'un puits.

Or Pharaon ayant appris ce fait-là, chercha de faire mourir Moïse, mais Moïse s'enfuit de devant Pharaon, et s'arrêta au pays de Madian, et s'assit près d'un puits.

2 Mose 2:15
Und es kam vor Pharao, der trachtete nach Mose, daß er ihn erwürgete. Aber Mose floh vor Pharao und hielt sich im Lande Midian und wohnete bei einem Brunnen.

Und es kam vor Pharao; der trachtete nach Mose, daß er ihn erwürgte. Aber Mose floh vor Pharao und blieb im Lande Midian und wohnte bei einem Brunnen.

Aber auch der Pharao hörte von der Sache; da trachtete er darnach, Mose umbringen zu lassen. Mose jedoch ergriff die Flucht vor dem Pharao und begab sich nach dem Lande der Midianiter. Dort setzte er sich an den Brunnen.

Esodo 2:15
E quando Faraone udì il fatto, cercò di uccidere Mosè; ma Mosè fuggì dal cospetto di Faraone, e si fermò nel paese di Madian; e si mise a sedere presso ad un pozzo.

E Faraone udì questa cosa, e cercò Mosè per ucciderlo; ma Mosè se ne fuggì dal cospetto di Faraone, e si fermò nel paese di Madian, ove si pose a sedere presso ad un pozzo.

Maka kedengaranlah perkara ini kepada Firaunpun, lalu dicarinya jalan hendak membunuh Musa; tetapi larilah Musa dari hadapan Firaun, sampai ke negeri Midian, lalu duduklah di sana hampir dengan sebuah perigi.

출애굽기 2:15
바로가 이 일을 듣고 모세를 죽이고자 하여 찾은지라 모세가 바로의 낯을 피하여 미디안 땅에 머물며 하루는 우물 곁에 앉았더라

Exodus 2:15
audivitque Pharao sermonem hunc et quaerebat occidere Mosen qui fugiens de conspectu eius moratus est in terra Madian et sedit iuxta puteum

Iðëjimo knyga 2:15
Faraonas, išgirdęs apie tą įvykį, norėjo Mozę nužudyti. Bet Mozė pabėgo nuo faraono ir apsigyveno Midjano šalyje. Vieną dieną, sėdint jam prie šulinio,

Exodus 2:15
A ka rongo a Parao i taua mea, na ka whai kia patua a Mohi. Otiia i rere a Mohi i te aroaro o Parao, a noho ana i te whenua o Miriana: na kua noho ia ki te puna.

2 Mosebok 2:15
Da Farao fikk høre det, søkte han å slå Moses ihjel; men Moses flyktet for Farao, og han tok bolig i landet Midian og bodde ved en brønn.

Éxodo 2:15
Cuando Faraón se enteró del asunto, trató de matar a Moisés; pero Moisés huyó de la presencia de Faraón y se fue a vivir a la tierra de Madián, y allí se sentó junto a un pozo.

Al enterarse Faraón de lo que había pasado, trató de matar a Moisés. Pero Moisés huyó de la presencia de Faraón y se fue a vivir a la tierra de Madián, y allí se sentó junto a un pozo.

Y cuando Faraón escuchó esto, procuró matar a Moisés; pero Moisés huyó de delante de Faraón, y habitó en la tierra de Madián; y se sentó junto a un pozo.

Y oyendo Faraón este negocio, procuró matar á Moisés: mas Moisés huyó de delante de Faraón, y habitó en la tierra de Madián; y sentóse junto á un pozo.

Y oyendo el Faraón este negocio, procuró matar a Moisés; mas Moisés huyó de delante del Faraón, y habitó en la tierra de Madián; y se sentó junto a un pozo.

Éxodo 2:15
O Faraó, tendo notícia do caso, procurou matar Moisés. Mas este, fugindo da vista de todos, foi morar na terra de Midiã. Ali se assentou à beira de um poço.

E quando Faraó soube disso, procurou matar a Moisés. Este, porém, fugiu da presença de Faraó, e foi habitar na terra de Midiã; e sentou-se junto a um poço.   

Exod 2:15
Faraon a aflat ce se petrecuse, şi căuta să omoare pe Moise. Dar Moise a fugit dinaintea lui Faraon, şi a locuit în ţara Madian. A şezut lîngă o fîntînă.

Исход 2:15
И услышал фараон об этом деле и хотел убить Моисея; но Моисей убежал от фараона и остановился в земле Мадиамской, и сел у колодезя.

И услышал фараон об этом деле и хотел убить Моисея; но Моисей убежал от фараона и остановился в земле Мадиамской, и сел у колодезя.[]

2 Mosebok 2:15
Också fick Farao höra om denna sak och ville dräpa Mose. Men Mose flydde bort undan Farao; och han stannade i Midjans land; där satte han sig vid en brunn.

Exodus 2:15
Nang mabalitaan nga ni Faraon ang bagay na ito, ay minithi niyang patayin si Moises. Datapuwa't si Moises ay tumakas sa harapan ni Faraon, at tumahan sa lupain ng Madian: at siya'y umupo sa tabi ng isang balon.

อพยพ 2:15
เมื่อฟาโรห์ทรงได้ยินถึงเรื่องนี้ก็หาช่องที่จะประหารชีวิตโมเสสเสีย แต่โมเสสหนีจากพระพักตร์ของฟาโรห์ไปอาศัยอยู่ในแผ่นดินมีเดียน ท่านจึงนั่งลงที่ริมบ่อน้ำแห่งหนึ่ง

Mısır'dan Çıkış 2:15
Firavun olayı duyunca Musayı öldürtmek istedi. Ancak Musa ondan kaçıp Midyan yöresine gitti. Bir kuyunun başında otururken[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 2:15
Pha-ra-ôn hay việc đó, thì tìm giết Môi-se; nhưng người trốn đi khỏi mặt Pha-ra-ôn, dừng chân tại xứ Ma-đi-an, và ngồi gần bên một cái giếng.

Exodus 2:14
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