Exodus 17:3
Exodus 17:3
But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?"

But tormented by thirst, they continued to argue with Moses. "Why did you bring us out of Egypt? Are you trying to kill us, our children, and our livestock with thirst?"

But the people thirsted there for water, and the people grumbled against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?”

But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, "Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?"

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

But the people thirsted there for water, and grumbled against Moses. They said, "Why did you ever bring us out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?"

But the people were thirsty there for water, so they complained against Moses: "Why did you bring us up from Egypt to kill us, our children, and our livestock with thirst?"

But the people were very thirsty there for water, and they murmured against Moses and said, "Why in the world did you bring us up out of Egypt--to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?"

But the people were thirsty for water there. They complained to Moses and asked, "Why did you bring us out of Egypt? Was it to make us, our children, and our livestock die of thirst?"

So the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses and said, Why hast thou brought us up out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Why is this that you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Why is this that you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore hast thou brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

So the people were thirsty there for want of water, and murmured against Moses, saying: Why didst thou make us go forth out of Egypt, to kill us and our children, and our beasts with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Why is it that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore hast thou brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Why is this that thou hast brought us out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

The people were thirsty for water there; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us, our children, and our livestock with thirst?"

and the people thirst there for water, and the people murmur against Moses, and say, 'Why is this? -- thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to put us to death, also our sons and our cattle, with thirst.'

Eksodi 17:3
Atje populli pati etje për ujë dhe murmuriti kundër Moisiut, duke thënë: "Pse na bëre të ikim nga Egjipti që të vdesim nga etja ne, bijtë tanë dhe bagëtia jonë?".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 17:3
وعطش هناك الشعب الى الماء. وتذمّر الشعب على موسى وقالوا لماذا اصعدتنا من مصر لتميتنا واولادنا ومواشينا بالعطش.

Dyr Auszug 17:3
S Volk gadürstt närrisch und gmurmert gögn önn Mosenn: "Warum haast n üns überhaaupt aus Güptn aushergholt daa her? Däß mir, de Kinder und s Vih vor Durst verröckend?"

Изход 17:3
Но людете ожадняха там за вода; и людете роптаеха против Моисея, като думаха: Защо ни изведе из Египет да умориш с жажда и нас, и чадата ни, и добитъка ни?

出 埃 及 記 17:3
百 姓 在 那 裡 甚 渴 , 要 喝 水 , 就 向 摩 西 發 怨 言 , 說 : 你 為 甚 麼 將 我 們 從 埃 及 領 出 來 , 使 我 們 和 我 們 的 兒 女 並 牲 畜 都 渴 死 呢 ?

百 姓 在 那 里 甚 渴 , 要 喝 水 , 就 向 摩 西 发 怨 言 , 说 : 你 为 甚 麽 将 我 们 从 埃 及 领 出 来 , 使 我 们 和 我 们 的 儿 女 并 牲 畜 都 渴 死 呢 ?



Exodus 17:3
Ali je narod žeđao za vodom, pa je mrmljao na Mojsija i govorio: "Zašto si nas iz Egipta izveo? Zar da nas žeđom pomoriš, nas, našu djecu i našu stoku?"

Exodus 17:3
I žíznil tu lid pro nedostatek vod, a reptal na Mojžíše a mluvil: Proč jsi vyvedl nás z Egypta, abys mne s syny i dobytky mými žízní zmořil?

2 Mosebog 17:3
Og Folket tørstede der efter Vand og knurrede mod Moses og sagde: »Hvorfor har du ført os op fra Ægypten? Mon for at lade os og vore Børn og vore Hjorde dø af Tørst?«

Exodus 17:3
Toen nu het volk aldaar dorstte naar water, zo murmureerde het volk tegen Mozes, en het zeide: Waartoe hebt gij ons nu uit Egypte doen optrekken, opdat gij mij, en mijn kinderen, en mijn vee, van dorst deed sterven?

שמות 17:3
וַיִּצְמָ֨א שָׁ֤ם הָעָם֙ לַמַּ֔יִם וַיָּ֥לֶן הָעָ֖ם עַל־מֹשֶׁ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר לָ֤מָּה זֶּה֙ הֶעֱלִיתָ֣נוּ מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם לְהָמִ֥ית אֹתִ֛י וְאֶת־בָּנַ֥י וְאֶת־מִקְנַ֖י בַּצָּמָֽא׃

ג ויצמא שם העם למים וילן העם על משה ויאמר למה זה העליתנו ממצרים להמית אתי ואת בני ואת מקני בצמא

ויצמא שם העם למים וילן העם על־משה ויאמר למה זה העליתנו ממצרים להמית אתי ואת־בני ואת־מקני בצמא׃

2 Mózes 17:3
És szomjúhozik vala ott a nép a vízre és zúgolódék a nép Mózes ellen és monda: Miért hoztál ki minket Égyiptomból? hogy szomjúsággal ölj meg minket, gyermekeinket és barmainkat?

Moseo 2: Eliro 17:3
Sed la popolo tie suferis pro manko de akvo, kaj la popolo murmuris kontraux Moseo, kaj diris:Kial vi elkondukis nin el Egiptujo, por mortigi nin kaj niajn infanojn kaj niajn brutojn per soifo?

Ja kansa janosi juoda siellä vettä, ja he napisivat Mosesta vastaan, ja sanoivat: mitä vasten sinä olet meidät johdattanut Egyptistä tänne kuolettaakses minua ja minun lapsiani, ja minun eläimiäni janolla?

Exode 17:3
Et là, le peuple eut soif d'eau; et le peuple murmura contre Moïse, et dit: Pourquoi nous as-tu fait monter d'Égypte, pour nous faire mourir de soif, moi, et mes enfants, et mon bétail?

Le peuple était là, pressé par la soif, et murmurait contre Moïse. Il disait: Pourquoi nous as-tu fait monter hors d'Egypte, pour me faire mourir de soif avec mes enfants et mes troupeaux?

Le peuple donc eut soif en ce lieu-là, par faute d'eau; et ainsi le peuple murmura contre Moïse, en disant : pourquoi nous as-tu fait monter hors d'Egypte, pour nous faire mourir de soif, nous, et nos enfants, et nos troupeaux?

2 Mose 17:3
Da aber das Volk daselbst dürstete nach Wasser, murreten sie wider Mose und sprachen: Warum hast du uns lassen aus Ägypten ziehen, daß du uns, unsere Kinder und Vieh Durst sterben ließest?

Da aber das Volk daselbst dürstete nach Wasser, murrten sie wider Mose und sprachen: Warum hast du uns lassen aus Ägypten ziehen, daß du uns, unsre Kinder und unser Vieh Durstes sterben ließest?

Und das Volk litt daselbst Durst, daher murrte das Volk wider Mose, indem sie sprachen: Wozu hast du uns denn aus Ägypten fortgeführt? Etwa um uns, unsere Kinder und unser Vieh vor Durst umkommen zu lassen?

Esodo 17:3
Il popolo dunque patì quivi la sete, e mormorò contro Mosè, dicendo: "Perché ci hai fatti salire dall’Egitto per farci morire di sete noi, i nostri figliuoli e il nostro bestiame?"

Avendo adunque il popolo quivi sete di acqua, mormorò contro a Mosè, e disse: Perchè ci hai fatti salire fuor di Egitto, per far morir di sete, noi, i nostri figliuoli, e i nostri bestiami?

Maka di sana orang banyak berdahaga hendak minum air, sebab itu besungut-sungutlah mereka itu akan Musa, katanya: Mengapa engkau telah membawa akan kami keluar dari Mesir, entah ia itu sebab hendak membunuh kami dan anak-anak kami dan segala binatang kami dengan dahaga?

출애굽기 17:3
거기서 백성이 물에 갈하매 그들이 모세를 대하여 원망하여 가로되 당신이 어찌하여 우리를 애굽에서 인도하여 내어서 우리와 우리 자녀와 우리 생축으로 목말라 죽게 하느냐 ?

Exodus 17:3
sitivit ergo populus ibi pro aquae penuria et murmuravit contra Mosen dicens cur nos exire fecisti de Aegypto ut occideres et nos et liberos nostros ac iumenta siti

Iðëjimo knyga 17:3
Žmonės, ištroškę vandens, murmėjo prieš Mozę: “Kodėl mus išvedei iš Egipto, kad mus, mūsų vaikus ir gyvulius numarintum troškuliu?”

Exodus 17:3
Na ka mate te iwi i te wai i reira; a amuamu ana te iwi ki a Mohi, a ka mea, He aha matou i kawea mai ai e koe i Ihipa kia kohurutia ai matou, me a matou tamariki, me a matou kararehe ki te matewai?

2 Mosebok 17:3
Men folket tørstet efter vann og knurret mot Moses og sa: Hvorfor har du ført oss op fra Egypten for å la oss og våre barn og vår buskap dø av tørst?

Éxodo 17:3
Pero el pueblo tuvo allí sed, y murmuró el pueblo contra Moisés, y dijo: ¿Por qué nos has hecho subir de Egipto para matarnos de sed a nosotros, a nuestros hijos y a nuestros ganados?

Pero el pueblo tuvo sed allí, y murmuró el pueblo contra Moisés, y dijo: "¿Por qué nos has hecho subir de Egipto para matarnos de sed a nosotros, a nuestros hijos y a nuestros ganados?"

Así que el pueblo tuvo allí sed de agua, y murmuró contra Moisés, y dijo: ¿Por qué nos hiciste subir de Egipto para matarnos de sed a nosotros, y a nuestros hijos y a nuestros ganados?

Así que el pueblo tuvo allí sed de agua, y murmuró contra Moisés, y dijo: ¿Por qué nos hiciste subir de Egipto para matarnos de sed á nosotros, y á nuestros hijos y á nuestros ganados?

Así que el pueblo tuvo allí sed de agua, y murmuró contra Moisés, y dijo: ¿Por qué nos hiciste subir de Egipto para matarnos de sed a nosotros, y a nuestros hijos y a nuestros ganados?

Éxodo 17:3
Ali o povo teve muita sede e protestou contra Moisés, exclamando: “Por que nos fizeste subir do Egito, para nos matar de sede a nós, a nossos filhos, e a nossos animais?”

Mas o povo, tendo sede ali, murmurou contra Moisés, dizendo: Por que nos fizeste subir do Egito, para nos matares de sede, a nós e aos nossos filhos, e ao nosso gado?   

Exod 17:3
Poporul stătea acolo, chinuit de sete, şi cîrtea împotriva lui Moise. El zicea: ,,Pentruce ne-ai scos din Egipt, ca să ne faci să murim de sete aici cu copiii şi turmele noastre?``

Исход 17:3
И жаждал там народ воды, и роптал народ на Моисея, говоря: зачем ты вывел нас из Египта, уморить жаждою нас и детей наших и стада наши?

И жаждал там народ воды, и роптал народ на Моисея, говоря: зачем ты вывел нас из Египта, уморить жаждою нас и детей наших и стада наши?[]

2 Mosebok 17:3
Men eftersom folket där törstade efter vatten, knorrade de ytterligare emot Mose och sade: »Varför har du fört oss upp ur Egypten, så att vi, våra barn och vår boskap nu måste dö av törst?»

Exodus 17:3
At ang bayan ay nauhaw at inupasala ng bayan si Moises, at sinabi, Bakit mo kami isinampa rito mula sa Egipto, upang patayin mo kami sa uhaw, at ang aming mga anak, at ang aming kawan?

อพยพ 17:3
พลไพร่กระหายน้ำที่ตำบลนั้น จึงบ่นต่อโมเสสว่า "ทำไมท่านจึงพาพวกข้า ทั้งบุตรและฝูงสัตว์ของข้า ออกมาจากประเทศอียิปต์ให้อดน้ำตาย"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 17:3
Ama halk susamıştı. ‹‹Niçin bizi Mısırdan çıkardın?›› diye Musaya söylendiler, ‹‹Bizi, çocuklarımızı, hayvanlarımızı susuzluktan öldürmek için mi?››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 17:3
Dân sự ở đó không có nước, bị khát, nên oán trách Môi-se mà rằng: Sao người khiến chúng tôi ra xứ Ê-díp-tô, hầu cho chúng tôi, con và các bầy súc vật phải chịu chết khát thế nầy?

Exodus 17:2
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