Exodus 11:7
Exodus 11:7
But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any person or animal.' Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.

But among the Israelites it will be so peaceful that not even a dog will bark. Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites.

But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.’

But against any of the sons of Israel a dog will not even bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against all the Israelites, whether man or beast, not even a dog will snarl, so that you may know that Yahweh makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.

But among the Israelis, from people to animals, not even a dog will bark, so you may know that the LORD is distinguishing between the Egyptians and the Israelis.'

But against any of the Israelites not even a dog will bark against either people or animals, so that you may know that the LORD distinguishes between Egypt and Israel.'

But where the Israelites are, not even a dog will be startled by any person or animal. This is how you will see that the LORD shows the distinction between Egypt and Israel.

But among all the sons of Israel, from man to beast, not a dog shall move his tongue, that ye may know that the LORD shall make a difference between the Egyptians and the Israelites.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that you may know that the LORD does put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that you may know how that the LORD does put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that Jehovah doth make a distinction between the Egyptians and Israel.

But with all the children of Israel there shall not a dog make the least noise, from man even to beast: that you may know how wonderful a difference the Lord maketh between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast; that ye may know that Jehovah distinguisheth between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

But against any of the children of Israel a dog won't even bark or move its tongue, against man or animal; that you may know that Yahweh makes a distinction between the Egyptians and Israel.

'And against all the sons of Israel a dog sharpeneth not its tongue, from man even unto beast, so that ye know that Jehovah doth make a separation between the Egyptians and Israel;

Eksodi 11:7
Por kundër asnjërit prej bijve të Izraelit, qofshin ata njerëz apo kafshë, asnjë qen s'ka për të lëvizur gjuhën, me qëllim që të dini se Zoti bën dallimin midis Egjiptasve dhe Izraelit.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 11:7
ولكن جميع بني اسرائيل لا يسنن كلب لسانه اليهم لا الى الناس ولا الى البهائم. لكي تعلموا ان الرب يميّز بين المصريين واسرائيل.

Dyr Auszug 11:7
Aber kainn Isryheeler költzt aau grad ayn Hund an, und seine Vicher aau nit; denn ös solltß wissn, däß dyr Trechtein zwischn Güptn und Isryheel darscheidt.'

Изход 11:7
А против израилтяните, против човек или животно, нито куче няма да поклати езика си, за да познаете, че Господ прави разлика между египтяните и израилтяните.

出 埃 及 記 11:7
至 於 以 色 列 中 , 無 論 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 連 狗 也 不 敢 向 他 們 搖 舌 , 好 叫 你 們 知 道 耶 和 華 是 將 埃 及 人 和 以 色 列 人 分 別 出 來 。

至 於 以 色 列 中 , 无 论 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 连 狗 也 不 敢 向 他 们 摇 舌 , 好 叫 你 们 知 道 耶 和 华 是 将 埃 及 人 和 以 色 列 人 分 别 出 来 。



Exodus 11:7
Među Izraelcima ni pas neće zalajati na živo stvorenje: ni na čovjeka ni na životinju.' Po tome ćete znati da Jahve luči Izraelca od Egipćanina.

Exodus 11:7
U synů pak Izraelských nikdež nehne pes jazykem svým, ovšem pak ani člověk ani hovado, abyste věděli, že rozdíl učinil Hospodin mezi Egyptskými a Izraelskými.

2 Mosebog 11:7
Men end ikke en Hund skal bjæffe ad nogen af Israeliterne, hverken ad Folk eller Fæ, for at du kan kende, at HERREN gør Skel mellem Ægypterne og Israel.

Exodus 11:7
Maar bij alle kinderen Israels zal niet een hond zijn tong verroeren, van de mensen af tot de beesten toe; opdat gijlieden weet, dat de HEERE tussen de Egyptenaren en tussen de Israelieten een afzondering maakt.

שמות 11:7
וּלְכֹ֣ל ׀ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לֹ֤א יֶֽחֱרַץ־כֶּ֙לֶב֙ לְשֹׁנֹ֔ו לְמֵאִ֖ישׁ וְעַד־בְּהֵמָ֑ה לְמַ֙עַן֙ תֵּֽדְע֔וּן אֲשֶׁר֙ יַפְלֶ֣ה יְהוָ֔ה בֵּ֥ין מִצְרַ֖יִם וּבֵ֥ין יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

ז ולכל בני ישראל לא יחרץ כלב לשנו למאיש ועד בהמה--למען תדעון אשר יפלה יהוה בין מצרים ובין ישראל

ולכל ׀ בני ישראל לא יחרץ־כלב לשנו למאיש ועד־בהמה למען תדעון אשר יפלה יהוה בין מצרים ובין ישראל׃

2 Mózes 11:7
De Izráel fiai közûl az eb sem ölti ki nyelvét senkire, az embertõl kezdve a baromig; hogy megtudjátok, hogy különbséget tett az Úr Égyiptom között és Izráel között.

Moseo 2: Eliro 11:7
Sed cxe cxiuj Izraelidoj ne movos hundo sian langon, nek kontraux homon, nek kontraux bruton; por ke vi sciu, kiel la Eternulo faras apartigon inter la Egiptoj kaj la Izraelidoj.

Mutta kaikkein Israelin lasten seassa ei koirakaan kieltänsä värväyttämän pidä ihmisiä taikka eläimiä vastaan: että te tietäisitte, kuinka Herra eroittaa Egyptin ja Israelin.

Exode 11:7
Mais contre tous les fils d'Israël, depuis l'homme jusqu'aux bêtes, pas un chien ne remuera sa langue; afin que vous sachiez que l'Éternel distingue entre les Égyptiens et Israël.

Mais parmi tous les enfants d'Israël, depuis les hommes jusqu'aux animaux, pas même un chien ne remuera sa langue, afin que vous sachiez quelle différence l'Eternel fait entre l'Egypte et Israël.

Mais contre tous les enfants d'Israël un chien même ne remuera point sa langue, depuis l'homme jusques aux bêtes; afin que vous sachiez que Dieu aura mis de la différence entre les Egyptiens et les Israélites.

2 Mose 11:7
aber bei allen Kindern Israel soll nicht ein Hund mucken, beide unter Menschen und Vieh, auf daß ihr erfahret, wie der HERR Ägypten und Israel scheide.

aber bei allen Kindern Israel soll nicht ein Hund mucken, unter Menschen sowohl als unter Vieh, auf daß ihr erfahret, wie der HERR Ägypten und Israel scheide.

Aber gegen keinen Israeliten soll auch nur ein Hund mucksen, weder gegen Mensch noch Vieh, damit ihr erkennt, daß Jahwe zwischen den Ägyptern und Israeliten einen Unterschied macht.

Esodo 11:7
Ma fra tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, tanto fra gli uomini quanto fra gli animali, neppure un cane moverà la lingua, affinché conosciate la distinzione che l’Eterno fa tra gli Egiziani e Israele.

Ma appresso tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, così fra gli uomini, come fra gli animali, non pure un cane moverà la lingua; acciocchè voi sappiate che il Signore avrà messa separazione fra gli Egizj e gl’Israeliti.

tetapi di antara segala bani Israel seekor anjingpun tiada akan bergerak lidahnya dan tiada akan binasa, baik manusia baik binatang, maka ia itu supaya diketahui olehmu, bahwa Tuhan memperbedakan antara orang Mesir dengan orang Israel.

출애굽기 11:7
그러나 이스라엘 자손에게는 사람에게나 짐승에게나 개도 그 혀를 움직이지 않으리니 여호와가 애굽 사람과 이스라엘 사이에 구별하는 줄을 너희가 알리라' 하셨나니

Exodus 11:7
apud omnes autem filios Israhel non muttiet canis ab homine usque ad pecus ut sciatis quanto miraculo dividat Dominus Aegyptios et Israhel

Iðëjimo knyga 11:7
Bet prieš nė vieną izraelitą, ar jo gyvulį nė šuo nesulos, kad žinotumėte, jog Viešpats daro skirtumą tarp egiptiečių ir izraelitų’.

Exodus 11:7
Otira e kore e oraora te arero o tetahi kuri ki tetahi o nga tama a Iharaira, ki te tangata, ki te kararehe; kia mohio ai koutou e titore ana a Ihowa i waenga o nga Ihipiana, o Iharaira.

2 Mosebok 11:7
Men ikke en hund skal gjø mot nogen av Israels barn, hverken mot folk eller fe, så I skal kjenne at Herren gjør forskjell på egypterne og Israel.

Éxodo 11:7
``Pero a ninguno de los hijos de Israel ni siquiera un perro le ladrará, ni a hombre ni a animal, para que entendáis cómo el SEÑOR hace distinción entre Egipto e Israel.

'Pero a ninguno de los Israelitas ni siquiera un perro le ladrará, ni a hombre ni a animal, para que ustedes entiendan cómo el SEÑOR hace distinción entre Egipto e Israel.'

Mas entre todos los hijos de Israel, desde el hombre hasta la bestia, ni un perro moverá su lengua: para que sepáis que Jehová hará diferencia entre los egipcios y los israelitas.

Mas entre todos los hijos de Israel, desde el hombre hasta la bestia, ni un perro moverá su lengua: para que sepáis que hará diferencia Jehová entre los Egipcios y los Israelitas.

Mas entre todos los hijos de Israel, desde el hombre hasta la bestia, ni un perro moverá su lengua: para que sepáis que hará diferencial el SEÑOR entre los egipcios y los israelitas.

Éxodo 11:7
Contudo, entre todos os filhos de Israel, desde os homens até os animais, não se ouvirá o rosnar de um cão sequer, para que saibas que Yahweh fez uma distinção entre os egípcios e os israelitas.

Mas contra os filhos de Israel nem mesmo um cão moverá a sua língua, nem contra homem nem contra animal; para que saibais que o Senhor faz distinção entre os egípcios e os filhos de Israel.   

Exod 11:7
Dar dintre toţi copiii lui Israel, dela oameni pînă la dobitoace, nici măcar un cîne nu va chelălăi cu limba lui, ca să ştiţi ce deosebire face Domnul între Egipteni şi Israel.

Исход 11:7
у всех же сынов Израилевых ни на человека, ни на скот не пошевелит пес языком своим, дабы вы знали, какое различие делает Господь междуЕгиптянами и между Израильтянами.

у всех же сынов Израилевых ни на человека, ни на скот не пошевелит пес языком своим, дабы вы знали, какое различие делает Господь между Египтянами и между Израильтянами.[]

2 Mosebok 11:7
Men icke en hund skall gläfsa mot någon av Israels barn, varken mot människor eller mot boskap. Så skolen I förnimma att HERREN gör en åtskillnad mellan Egypten och Israel.

Exodus 11:7
Datapuwa't sa lahat ng anak ng Israel mula sa tao hanggang sa hayop, ay walang maggagalaw kahit isang aso ng kaniyang dila laban sa tao o sa hayop: upang inyong makilala kung paano ang pagkakalagay ng pagkakaiba ng Panginoon sa mga Egipcio at sa Israel.

อพยพ 11:7
ฝ่ายคนหรือสัตว์ของชนชาติอิสราเอลทั้งปวงจะไม่มีแม้แต่เสียงสุนัขขู่ เพื่อให้ทราบว่าพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงกระทำต่อชาวอียิปต์ต่างกับชนชาติอิสราเอล

Mısır'dan Çıkış 11:7
İsraillilere ya da hayvanlarına bir köpek bile havlamayacak.› O zaman RABbin İsraillilerle Mısırlılara nasıl farklı davrandığını anlayacaksınız.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 11:7
Nhưng, trong cả dân Y-sơ-ra-ên dầu đến một con chó cũng sẽ chẳng sủa hoặc người, hoặc vật; hầu cho các ngươi biết rằng Ðức Giê-hô-va phân biệt dân Y-sơ-ra-ên cùng người Ê-díp-tô là dường nào.

Exodus 11:6
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