Exodus 11:8
Exodus 11:8
All these officials of yours will come to me, bowing down before me and saying, 'Go, you and all the people who follow you!' After that I will leave." Then Moses, hot with anger, left Pharaoh.

All the officials of Egypt will run to me and fall to the ground before me. 'Please leave!' they will beg. 'Hurry! And take all your followers with you.' Only then will I go!" Then, burning with anger, Moses left Pharaoh.

And all these your servants shall come down to me and bow down to me, saying, ‘Get out, you and all the people who follow you.’ And after that I will go out.” And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

"All these your servants will come down to me and bow themselves before me, saying, 'Go out, you and all the people who follow you,' and after that I will go out." And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

All these officials of yours will come down to me and bow before me, saying: Leave, you and all the people who follow you. After that, I will leave.'" And he left Pharaoh's presence in fierce anger.

All these officials of yours will come down to me, prostrate themselves to me, and say, 'Get out, you and all the people following you!' After that I'll go out." Then Moses angrily left Pharaoh.

All these your servants will come down to me and bow down to me, saying, 'Go, you and all the people who follow you,' and after that I will go out." Then Moses went out from Pharaoh in great anger.

Then all these officials of yours will come, bow down to me, and say, 'You and all the people who follow you, get out!' After that I will leave." Burning with anger, Moses left Pharaoh.

And all these thy slaves shall come down unto me and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Go out, and all the people that follow thee; and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

And all these your servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get out, and all the people that follow you: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in great anger.

And all these your servants shall come down to me, and bow down themselves to me, saying, Get you out, and all the people that follow you: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

And all these thy servants shall come down to me, and shall worship me, saying: Go forth thou, and all the people that is under thee: after that we will go out.

And all these thy bondmen shall come down unto me, and bow down to me, saying, Go out, thou, and all the people that follow thee; and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a glowing anger.

And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

And all these thy servants shall come down to me, and bow down themselves to me, saying, Depart thou, and all the people that follow thee; and after that I will depart: and he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

All these your servants shall come down to me, and bow down themselves to me, saying, "Get out, with all the people who follow you;" and after that I will go out.'" He went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

and all these thy servants have come down unto me, and bowed themselves to me, saying, Go out, thou and all the people who are at thy feet; and afterwards I do go out;' -- and he goeth out from Pharaoh in the heat of anger.

Eksodi 11:8
Dhe tërë këta shërbëtorët e tu do të zbresin tek unë dhe do të përkulen para meje, duke thënë: "Nisu, ti dhe populli yt që të ndjek nga pas!". Mbas kësaj unë do të nisem"". Dhe Moisiu u largua nga Faraoni tërë zemërim.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 11:8
فينزل اليّ جميع عبيدك هؤلاء ويسجدون لي قائلين اخرج انت وجميع الشعب الذين في اثرك. وبعد ذلك اخرج. ثم خرج من لدن فرعون في حموّ الغضب

Dyr Auszug 11:8
Aft steignd alle deine Amptsleut daader zo mir abher, spraittnd si und sagnd zo mir: 'Bittschoen geetß, du und dös gantze Volk, wost anfüerst!' Aft gaa i zieghn." Wuetig grennt dyr Mosen von n Färgn wögg.

Изход 11:8
И всички тия твои слуги ще дойдат при мене и ще ми припаднат и рекат: Излез ти с всичките люде, които те следват. И подир това ще изляза. И [Моисей] излезе от Фараоновото присъствие с голям гняв.

出 埃 及 記 11:8
你 這 一 切 臣 僕 都 要 俯 伏 來 見 我 , 說 : 求 你 和 跟 從 你 的 百 姓 都 出 去 , 然 後 我 要 出 去 。 於 是 , 摩 西 氣 忿 忿 的 離 開 法 老 , 出 去 了 。

你 这 一 切 臣 仆 都 要 俯 伏 来 见 我 , 说 : 求 你 和 跟 从 你 的 百 姓 都 出 去 , 然 後 我 要 出 去 。 於 是 , 摩 西 气 忿 忿 的 离 开 法 老 , 出 去 了 。



Exodus 11:8
Onda će svi ovi tvoji dvorani k meni doći, preda me se baciti i vikati: Nosi se i ti i sav puk koji za tobom ide! Poslije toga ću otići." I gnjevan ode od faraona.

Exodus 11:8
I sstoupí všickni tito služebníci tvoji ke mně, a skláněti mi se budou, řkouce: Vyjdi, ty i všecken lid, kterýž jest pod správou tvou; a potom vyjdu. A vyšel od Faraona s velikým hněvem.

2 Mosebog 11:8
Da skal alle dine Tjenere der komme ned til mig og kaste sig til Jorden for mig og sige: Drag dog bort med alt det Folk, der følger dig! Og saa vil jeg drage bort!« Og han gik ud fra Farao med fnysende Vrede.

Exodus 11:8
Dan zullen al deze uw knechten tot mij afkomen, en zich voor mij neigen, zeggende: Trek uit, gij en al het volk, dat uw voetstappen volgt; en daarna zal ik uitgaan. En hij ging uit van Farao in hitte des toorns.

שמות 11:8
וְיָרְד֣וּ כָל־עֲבָדֶיךָ֩ אֵ֨לֶּה אֵלַ֜י וְהִשְׁתַּֽחֲוּוּ־לִ֣י לֵאמֹ֗ר צֵ֤א אַתָּה֙ וְכָל־הָעָ֣ם אֲשֶׁר־בְּרַגְלֶ֔יךָ וְאַחֲרֵי־כֵ֖ן אֵצֵ֑א וַיֵּצֵ֥א מֵֽעִם־פַּרְעֹ֖ה בָּחֳרִי־אָֽף׃ ס

ח וירדו כל עבדיך אלה אלי והשתחוו לי לאמר צא אתה וכל העם אשר ברגליך ואחרי כן אצא ויצא מעם פרעה בחרי אף  {ס}

וירדו כל־עבדיך אלה אלי והשתחוו־לי לאמר צא אתה וכל־העם אשר־ברגליך ואחרי־כן אצא ויצא מעם־פרעה בחרי־אף׃ ס

2 Mózes 11:8
És mindezek a te szolgáid lejönnek hozzám és leborulnak elõttem, mondván: Eredj ki te és mind a nép, a mely téged követ, és csak azután megyek el. És nagy haraggal méne ki a Faraó elõl.

Moseo 2: Eliro 11:8
Kaj venos cxiuj viaj sklavoj al mi kaj terjxetigxos antaux mi, dirante:Eliru vi kaj la tuta popolo, kiu vin sekvas. Post tio mi eliros. Kaj li eliris for de Faraono kun granda kolero.

Silloin kaikki nämät sinun palvelias pitää tuleman minun tyköni, ja kumartaman minua, sanoen: lähde ulos, sinä ja kaikki kansa, jotka sinun allas ovat, ja sitte minä lähden. Ja hän läksi Pharaon tyköä sangen vihoissansa.

Exode 11:8
Et tous ces tiens serviteurs descendront vers moi, et se prosterneront devant moi, disant: Sors, toi, et tout le peuple qui est à tes pieds. Et après cela je sortirai. Et Moïse sortit d'auprès du Pharaon dans une ardente colère.

Alors tous tes serviteurs que voici descendront vers moi et se prosterneront devant moi, en disant: Sors, toi et tout le peuple qui s'attache à tes pas! Après cela, je sortirai. Moïse sortit de chez Pharaon, dans une ardente colère.

Et tous ces tiens serviteurs viendront vers moi, et se prosterneront devant moi, en disant : sors, toi, et tout le peuple qui [est] avec toi; et puis je sortirai. Ainsi Moïse sortit d'auprès de Pharaon dans une ardente colère.

2 Mose 11:8
Dann werden zu mir herabkommen alle diese deine Knechte und mir zu Fuße fallen und sagen: Zeuch aus, du und alles Volk, das unter dir ist. Danach will ich ausziehen, und er ging von Pharao mit grimmigem Zorn.

Dann werden zu mir herabkommen alle diese deine Knechte und mir zu Füßen fallen und sagen: Zieh aus, du und alles Volk, das unter dir ist. Darnach will ich ausziehen. Und er ging von Pharao mit grimmigem Zorn.

Dann sollen alle diese deine Höflinge zu mir kommen, sich vor mir niederwerfen und mich bitten: Zieh doch weg samt allen deinen Leuten, die dir anhängen! und hernach werde ich wegziehen. Hierauf verließ er den Pharao in großem Zorn.

Esodo 11:8
E tutti questi tuoi servitori scenderanno da me, e s’inchineranno davanti a me, dicendo: Parti, tu e tutto il popolo ch’è al tuo séguito! E, dopo questo, io partirò". E Mosè uscì dalla presenza di Faraone, acceso d’ira.

Allora tutti questi tuoi servitori scenderanno a me, e s’inchineranno davanti a me, dicendo: Partiti, tu, e il popolo che è al tuo seguito; e, dopo quello, io me ne partirò. E Mosè se ne uscì d’appresso a Faraone, acceso d’ira.

Maka pada masa itu segala hambamu ini akan datang turun mendapatkan aku serta menundukkan dirinya di hadapanku sambil katanya: Pergilah engkau serta dengan segala orang yang turut akan kesan kakimu, maka pada masa itu akupun akan pergi. Maka keluarlah Musa dari hadapan Firaun dengan bernyala-nyala amarahnya.

출애굽기 11:8
왕이 이 모든 신하가 내게 내려와서 내게 절하며 이르기를 `너와 너를 좇는 온 백성은 나가라 한 후에야 내가 나가리라' 하고 심히 노하여 바로에게서 나오니라

Exodus 11:8
descendentque omnes servi tui isti ad me et adorabunt me dicentes egredere tu et omnis populus qui subiectus est tibi post haec egrediemur

Iðëjimo knyga 11:8
Tada tavo tarnai ateis ir, nusilenkę prieš mane, sakys: ‘Išeik tu ir visi tavo žinioje esantys žmonės!’ Ir tada aš išeisiu”. Mozė išėjo iš faraono degdamas pykčiu.

Exodus 11:8
A e haere ake enei tangata katoa au ki ahau, e piko ki ahau, e mea, Haere koe me te iwi katoa e haere ana i raro i ou waewae; a, muri iho ka haere ahau. A puta ana ia i a Parao, he nui hoki tona riri.

2 Mosebok 11:8
Da skal alle disse dine tjenere komme ned til mig og bøie sig for mig og si: Dra ut, både du og hele det folk som følger dig! Og så skal jeg dra ut. Og han gikk bort fra Farao i brennende harme.

Éxodo 11:8
Y descenderán a mí todos estos tus siervos y se inclinarán ante mí, diciendo: ``Sal, tú y todo el pueblo que te sigue; y después de esto yo saldré. Y Moisés salió ardiendo en ira de la presencia de Faraón.

"Todos estos sus siervos descenderán a mí y se inclinarán ante mí, diciendo: 'Sal, tú y todo el pueblo que te sigue'; y después de esto yo saldré." Y Moisés salió ardiendo en ira de la presencia de Faraón.

Y descenderán a mí todos estos tus siervos, e inclinados delante de mí dirán: Sal tú, y todo el pueblo que está bajo de ti; y después de esto yo saldré. Y salió muy enojado de delante de Faraón.

Y descenderán á mí todos estos tus siervos, é inclinados delante de mí dirán: Sal tú, y todo el pueblo que está bajo de ti; y después de esto yo saldré. Y salióse muy enojado de con Faraón.

Y descenderán a mí todos estos tus siervos, e inclinados delante de mí dirán: Sal tú, y todo el pueblo que está debajo de ti; y después de esto yo saldré. Y salió muy enojado de la presencia del Faraón.

Éxodo 11:8
Então, todos estes teus conselheiros descerão a mim, e se prostrarão diante de mim, suplicando: ‘Sai, tu e todo o povo que te segue!’ Só depois desses acontecimentos sairei!” E, ardendo em ira, saiu Moisés da presença do Faraó.

Então todos estes teus servos descerão a mim, e se inclinarão diante de mim, dizendo: Sai tu, e todo o povo que te segue as pisadas. Depois disso eu sairei. E Moisés saiu da presença de Faraó ardendo em ira.   

Exod 11:8
Atunci toţi aceşti slujitori ai tăi se vor pogorî la mine şi se vor închina pînă la pămînt înaintea mea, zicînd: ,,Ieşi, tu şi tot poporul care te urmează!`` După aceea, voi ieşi. Moise a ieşit dela Faraon, aprins de mînie.

Исход 11:8
И придут все рабы твои сии ко мне и поклонятся мне, говоря: выйди ты и весь народ, которым ты предводительствуешь. После сего я и выйду. И вышел Моисей от фараона с гневом.

И придут все рабы твои сии ко мне и поклонятся мне, говоря: выйди ты и весь народ, которым ты предводительствуешь. После сего я и выйду. И вышел [Моисей] от фараона с гневом.[]

2 Mosebok 11:8
Då skola alla dina tjänare här komma ned till mig och buga sig för mig och säga: 'Drag ut, du själv med allt folket som följer dig.' Och sedan skall jag draga ut.» Därefter gick han bort ifrån Farao i vredesmod.

Exodus 11:8
At bababain ako nitong lahat na iyong lingkod, at magsisiyukod sa akin, na magsasabi, Umalis ka, at ang buong bayan na sumusunod sa iyo: at pagkatapos niyaon ay aalis ako. At siya'y umalis sa harap ni Faraon na may maalab na galit.

อพยพ 11:8
ข้าราชการของพระองค์จะลงมาหาเรากราบลงต่อหน้าเรากล่าวว่า "ขอท่านกับพรรคพวกไปเสียจากที่นี่เถิด" หลังจากนั้นเราก็จะออกไป'" โมเสสทูลลาฟาโรห์ไปด้วยความโกรธยิ่งนัก

Mısır'dan Çıkış 11:8
Bu görevlilerinin hepsi gelip önümde eğilecek, ‹Sen ve seni izleyenler, gidin!› diyecekler. Ondan sonra gideceğim.›› Musa firavunun yanından büyük bir öfkeyle ayrıldı.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 11:8
Nầy, quần thần của bệ hạ sẽ xuống cùng tôi, sấp mình trước mặt tôi mà rằng: Ngươi và cả dân sự theo ngươi hãy đi đi! Ðoạn, tôi sẽ đi ra. Môi-se bèn lui ra khỏi Pha-ra-ôn lấy làm giận lắm.

Exodus 11:7
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