Exodus 1:17
Exodus 1:17
The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.

But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king's orders. They allowed the boys to live, too.

But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.

But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

The Hebrew midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live.

But the midwives feared God and didn't do what the king of Egypt told them. Instead, they let the boys live.

But the midwives feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live.

However, the midwives feared God and didn't obey the king of Egypt's orders. They let the boys live.

But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them but gave the men children their lives.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men-children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt had said to them, but saved the male children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male-children alive.

But the midwives feared God, and didn't do what the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the baby boys alive.

And the midwives fear God, and have not done as the king of Egypt hath spoken unto them, and keep the lads alive;

Eksodi 1:17
Por mamitë patën frikë nga Perëndia dhe nuk bënë ashtu siç i kishte urdhëruar mbreti i Egjiptit, por i lanë gjallë fëmijët meshkuj.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 1:17
ولكن القابلتين خافتا الله ولم تفعلا كما كلمهما ملك مصر. بل استحيتا الاولاد.

Dyr Auszug 1:17
Aber d Höfangenn farchtnd önn Herrgot und taatnd nit dös, was ien angschafft war von n Färgn, sundern liessnd de Büebleynn eyn n Löbn.

Изход 1:17
Но бабите се бояха от Бога, та не правеха каквото им заръча египетският цар, а оставяха живи мъжките деца.

出 埃 及 記 1:17
但 是 收 生 婆 敬 畏   神 , 不 照 埃 及 王 的 吩 咐 行 , 竟 存 留 男 孩 的 性 命 。

但 是 收 生 婆 敬 畏   神 , 不 照 埃 及 王 的 吩 咐 行 , 竟 存 留 男 孩 的 性 命 。



Exodus 1:17
Ali su se babice bojale Boga i nisu činile kako im je naredio egipatski kralj, nego su ostavljale na životu mušku djecu.

Exodus 1:17
Bály se pak ty baby Boha, a nečinily tak, jakž jim poručil král Egyptský, ale živých nechávaly pacholíků.

2 Mosebog 1:17
Men Jordemødrene frygtede Gud og gjorde ikke, som Ægypterkongen havde befalet dem, men lod Drengebørnene leve.

Exodus 1:17
Doch de vroedvrouwen vreesden God, en deden niet, gelijk als de koning van Egypte tot haar gesproken had, maar zij behielden de knechtjes in het leven.

שמות 1:17
וַתִּירֶ֤אןָ הַֽמְיַלְּדֹת֙ אֶת־הָ֣אֱלֹהִ֔ים וְלֹ֣א עָשׂ֔וּ כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר דִּבֶּ֥ר אֲלֵיהֶ֖ן מֶ֣לֶךְ מִצְרָ֑יִם וַתְּחַיֶּ֖יןָ אֶת־הַיְלָדִֽים׃

יז ותיראן המילדת את האלהים ולא עשו כאשר דבר אליהן מלך מצרים ותחיין את הילדים

ותיראן המילדת את־האלהים ולא עשו כאשר דבר אליהן מלך מצרים ותחיין את־הילדים׃

2 Mózes 1:17
De a bábák félék az Istent és nem cselekedének úgy a mint Égyiptom királya parancsolta vala nékik, hanem életben hagyják vala a gyermekeket.

Moseo 2: Eliro 1:17
Sed la akusxistinoj timis Dion, kaj ili ne faris, kiel diris al ili la regxo de Egiptujo; kaj ili lasis la vivon al la virseksaj infanoj.

Mutta lastenämmät pelkäsivät Jumalaa, ja ei tehneet niinkuin Egyptin kuningas oli heille sanonut; mutta antoivat poikaiset elää.

Exode 1:17
Mais les sages-femmes craignirent Dieu, et ne firent pas comme le roi d'Égypte leur avait dit; et elles laissèrent vivre les enfants mâles.

Mais les sages-femmes craignirent Dieu, et ne firent point ce que leur avait dit le roi d'Egypte; elles laissèrent vivre les enfants.

Mais les sages-femmes craignirent Dieu, et ne firent pas ainsi que le Roi d'Egypte leur avait dit; car elles laissèrent vivre les fils.

2 Mose 1:17
Aber die Wehmütter fürchteten Gott und taten nicht, wie der König in Ägypten zu ihnen gesagt hatte, sondern ließen die Kinder leben.

Aber die Wehmütter fürchteten Gott und taten nicht, wie der König von Ägypten ihnen gesagt hatte, sondern ließen die Kinder leben.

Die Hebammen jedoch waren gottesfürchtig und führten nicht aus, was der König von Ägypten ihnen geboten hatte, sondern ließen die Knäblein am Leben.

Esodo 1:17
Ma le levatrici temettero Iddio, e non fecero quello che il re d’Egitto aveva ordinato loro; lasciarono vivere i maschi.

Ma quelle levatrici temettero Iddio, e non fecero secondo che il re di Egitto avea loro detto; anzi lasciarono vivere i fanciulli.

Tetapi takutlah bidan itu akan Allah, tiada dibuatnya seperti titah raja Mesir itu kepadanya, melainkan dihidupinya segala anak laki-lakipun.

출애굽기 1:17
애굽 왕이 산파를 불러서 그들에게 이르되 `너희가 어찌 이같이 하여 남자를 살렸느냐 ?'

Exodus 1:17
timuerunt autem obsetrices Deum et non fecerunt iuxta praeceptum regis Aegypti sed conservabant mares

Iðëjimo knyga 1:17
Tačiau pribuvėjos bijojo Dievo ir nevykdė Egipto karaliaus įsakymo, bet palikdavo berniukus gyvus.

Exodus 1:17
Otira i wehi nga kaiwhakawhanau ki te Atua, kihai hoki i mea i ta te kingi o Ihipa i mea ai ki a raua, a whakaorangia ana e raua nga tamariki tane.

2 Mosebok 1:17
Men jordmødrene fryktet Gud og gjorde ikke som kongen i Egypten bød dem, men lot guttebarna leve.

Éxodo 1:17
Pero las parteras temían a Dios, y no hicieron como el rey de Egipto les había mandado, sino que dejaron con vida a los niños.

Pero las parteras temían (reverenciaban) a Dios, y no hicieron como el rey de Egipto les había mandado, sino que dejaron con vida a los niños.

Mas las parteras temieron a Dios, y no hicieron como les mandó el rey de Egipto, sino que preservaban la vida a los niños.

Mas las parteras temieron á Dios, y no hicieron como les mandó el rey de Egipto, sino que reservaban la vida á los niños.

Mas las parteras temieron a Dios, y no hicieron como les mandó el rey de Egipto, y daban la vida a los niños.

Éxodo 1:17
As parteiras, porém, temeram a Deus e não fizeram o que o rei do Egito lhes havia mandado. Pelo contrário, deixaram que os meninos vivessem.

As parteiras, porém, temeram a Deus e não fizeram como o rei do Egito lhes ordenara, antes conservavam os meninos com vida.   

Exod 1:17
Dar moaşele s'au temut de Dumnezeu, şi n'au făcut ce le poruncise împăratul Egiptului: ci au lăsat pe copiii de parte bărbătească să trăiască.

Исход 1:17
Но повивальные бабки боялись Бога и не делали так, как говорил им царь Египетский, и оставляли детей вживых.

Но повивальные бабки боялись Бога и не делали так, как говорил им царь Египетский, и оставляли детей в живых.[]

2 Mosebok 1:17
Men hjälpkvinnorna fruktade Gud och gjorde icke såsom konungen i Egypten hade sagt till dem, utan läto barnen leva.

Exodus 1:17
Datapuwa't ang mga hilot ay nangatakot sa Dios at hindi ginawa ang gaya ng iniutos sa kanila ng hari sa Egipto, kundi iniligtas na buhay ang mga batang lalake.

อพยพ 1:17
แต่นางผดุงครรภ์ยำเกรงพระเจ้า จึงมิได้ทำตามที่กษัตริย์อียิปต์สั่งเขานั้น แต่ปล่อยให้บุตรชายรอดชีวิต

Mısır'dan Çıkış 1:17
Ama ebeler Tanrıdan korkan kimselerdi, Mısır Kralının buyruğuna uymayarak erkek çocukları sağ bıraktılar.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 1:17
Nhưng các bà mụ kính sợ Ðức Chúa Trời, chẳng làm theo lời vua Ê-díp-tô phán dặn, đều để cho các con trai sống hết.

Exodus 1:16
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