Exodus 1:14
Exodus 1:14
They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly.

They made their lives bitter, forcing them to mix mortar and make bricks and do all the work in the fields. They were ruthless in all their demands.

and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field. In all their work they ruthlessly made them work as slaves.

and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.

And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.

and made their lives bitter with difficult labor in brick and mortar and in all kinds of fieldwork. They ruthlessly imposed all this work on them.

making their lives bitter through hard labor with mortar, bricks, and all kinds of outdoor labor. They ruthlessly imposed all this work on them.

They made their lives bitter by hard service with mortar and bricks and by all kinds of service in the fields. Every kind of service the Israelites were required to give was rigorous.

They made their lives bitter with back-breaking work in mortar and bricks and every kind of work in the fields. All the jobs the Egyptians gave them were brutally hard.

and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, making mortar and brick and in all manner of service in the field; all their service, in which they made them serve, was with rigor.

And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, in which they made them serve, was with rigor.

And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigor.

and they made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field, all their service, wherein they made them serve with rigor.

And they made their life bitter with hard works in clay, and brick, and with all manner of service, wherewith they were overcharged in the works of the earth.

and they embittered their life with hard labour in clay and bricks, and in all manner of labour in the field: all their labour with which they made them serve was with harshness.

and they made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field, all their service, wherein they made them serve with rigour.

And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service in which they made them serve, was with rigor.

and they made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and in brick, and in all kinds of service in the field, all their service, in which they ruthlessly made them serve.

and make their lives bitter in hard service, in clay, and in brick, and in every kind of service in the field; all their service in which they have served is with rigour.

Eksodi 1:14
dhe ua nxinë jetën me një skllavëri të vrazhdë, duke i futur në punimin e argjilës dhe të tullave si dhe në çdo lloj pune në ara. I detyronin t'i bënin tërë këto punë me ashpërsi.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 1:14
ومرّروا حياتهم بعبودية قاسية في الطين واللبن وفي كل عمل في الحقل. كل عملهم الذي عملوه بواسطتهم عنفا

Dyr Auszug 1:14
S Löbn wurd ien gallhänddig gmacht durch Froonarecht mit Laim und Ziegln und auf de Felder. Yso wurdnd d Isryheeler voll eyn de Bsaessnarecht einhinlaassn.

Изход 1:14
огорчаваха живота им с тежка работа, [да правят] кал и кирпичи и да вършат всякакъв вид полска работа, всичките работи, с които ги караха да работят, бяха твърде тежки.

出 埃 及 記 1:14
使 他 們 因 做 苦 工 覺 得 命 苦 ; 無 論 是 和 泥 , 是 作 磚 , 是 作 田 間 各 樣 的 工 , 在 一 切 的 工 上 都 嚴 嚴 的 待 他 們 。

使 他 们 因 做 苦 工 觉 得 命 苦 ; 无 论 是 和 泥 , 是 作 砖 , 是 作 田 间 各 样 的 工 , 在 一 切 的 工 上 都 严 严 的 待 他 们 。



Exodus 1:14
Ogorčavali su im život teškim radovima: pravljenjem meljte i opeke, različitim poljskim poslovima i svakovrsnim naporima koje im nemilosrdno nametahu.

Exodus 1:14
A k hořkosti přivodili život jejich robotami těžkými, v hlině a cihlách a ve všelijakém díle na poli, mimo všelikou potřebu svou, k níž práce jejich užívali nenáležitě a bez lítosti.

2 Mosebog 1:14
og gjorde dem Livet bittert ved haardt Arbejde med Ler og Tegl og alle Haande Markarbejde, ved alt det Arbejde, de tvang dem til at udføre for sig.

Exodus 1:14
Zodat zij hun het leven bitter maakten met harden dienst, in leem en in tichelstenen, en met allen dienst op het veld, met al hun dienst, dien zij hen deden dienen met hardigheid.

שמות 1:14
וַיְמָרְר֨וּ אֶת־חַיֵּיהֶ֜ם בַּעֲבֹדָ֣ה קָשָׁ֗ה בְּחֹ֙מֶר֙ וּבִלְבֵנִ֔ים וּבְכָל־עֲבֹדָ֖ה בַּשָּׂדֶ֑ה אֵ֚ת כָּל־עֲבֹ֣דָתָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־עָבְד֥וּ בָהֶ֖ם בְּפָֽרֶךְ׃

יד וימררו את חייהם בעבדה קשה בחמר ובלבנים ובכל עבדה בשדה--את כל עבדתם אשר עבדו בהם בפרך

וימררו את־חייהם בעבדה קשה בחמר ובלבנים ובכל־עבדה בשדה את כל־עבדתם אשר־עבדו בהם בפרך׃

2 Mózes 1:14
És kemény munkával keseríték életöket, sárcsinálással, téglavetéssel és mindenféle mezei munkával, minden munkájokkal, melyeket kegyetlenûl dolgoztatnak vala velök.

Moseo 2: Eliro 1:14
Kaj ili maldolcxigis al ili la vivon per malfacila laboro super argilo kaj brikoj, kaj per cxia laboro sur la kampo, per cxiaj laboroj, kiujn ili kruele metis sur ilin.

Ja saattivat heidän elämänsä katkeraksi raskaalla saven ja tiilein työllä, ja kaikkinaisella rasituksella kedolla, ja kaikkinaisella työllä, kuin he taisivat heidän päällensä panna, armaitsemata.

Exode 1:14
et ils leur rendirent la vie amère par un dur service, en argile, et en briques, et par toute sorte de service aux champs: tout le service dans lequel on les faisait servir était avec dureté.

Ils leur rendirent la vie amère par de rudes travaux en argile et en briques, et par tous les ouvrages des champs: et c'était avec cruauté qu'ils leur imposaient toutes ces charges.

Tellement qu'ils leur rendirent la vie amère par une rude servitude, [en les employant] à faire du mortier, des briques, et toute sorte d'ouvrage qui se fait aux champs; tout le service qu'on tirait d'eux [était] avec rigueur.

2 Mose 1:14
und machten ihnen ihr Leben sauer mit schwerer Arbeit im Ton und Ziegeln und mit allerlei Frönen auf dem Felde und mit allerlei Arbeit, die sie ihnen auflegten mit Unbarmherzigkeit.

und machten ihnen ihr Leben sauer mit schwerer Arbeit in Ton und Ziegeln und mit allerlei Frönen auf dem Felde und mit allerlei Arbeit, die sie ihnen auflegten mit Unbarmherzigkeit.

und verbitterten ihnen das Leben mit harter Arbeit in Lehm und Ziegeln und allerlei Feldarbeiten, lauter Arbeiten, die sie mit Zwang durch sie ausführen ließen.

Esodo 1:14
e amareggiaron loro la vita con una dura servitù, adoprandoli nei lavori d’argilla e di mattoni, e in ogni sorta di lavori nei campi. E imponevano loro tutti questi lavori, con asprezza.

E li facevano vivere in amaritudine, con dura servitù, adoperandoli intorno all’argilla, e a’ mattoni, e ad ogni servigio de’ campi; tutta la servitù, nella quale li adoperavano, era con asprezza.

dan disukarkannya kehidupan mereka itu dengan pekerjaan yang payah dari pada membuat gala dan batu bakar dan pekerjaan dengan kekerasan di padang serta segala pekerjaan negeri yang lain-lain, dengan bengisnya disuruhnya mereka itu membuat dia.

출애굽기 1:14
애굽 왕이 히브리 산파 십브라라 하는 자와 부아라 하는 자에게 일러

Exodus 1:14
atque ad amaritudinem perducebant vitam eorum operibus duris luti et lateris omnique famulatu quo in terrae operibus premebantur

Iðëjimo knyga 1:14
apkartino jų gyvenimą sunkia vergyste prie molio, plytų bei visokių ūkio darbų ir juos negailestingai spaudė.

Exodus 1:14
A meatia ana e ratou kia kawa ake ratou ki te ora, i te nui o te mahi, i te paru pokepoke, i te pereki, i nga mahi katoa o te mara, a ratou mahi katoa, i whakawhiua ai ratou ki te mahi.

2 Mosebok 1:14
og de forbitret livet for dem med hårdt trælarbeid i ler og tegl og med alle slags trælarbeid på marken, alt det trælarbeid som de tvang dem til å gjøre.

Éxodo 1:14
y les amargaron la vida con dura servidumbre en hacer barro y ladrillos y en toda clase de trabajo del campo; todos sus trabajos se los imponían con rigor.

y les amargaron la vida con dura servidumbre en hacer barro y ladrillos y en toda clase de trabajo del campo. Todos sus trabajos se los imponían con rigor.

y amargaron su vida con dura servidumbre, en hacer barro y ladrillo, y en toda labor del campo, y en todo su servicio, al cual los obligaban con rigor.

Y amargaron su vida con dura servidumbre, en hacer barro y ladrillo, y en toda labor del campo, y en todo su servicio, al cual los obligaban con rigorismo.

y amargaron su vida con dura servidumbre, en hacer barro y ladrillo, y en toda labor del campo, y en todo su servicio, al cual los obligaban con dureza.

Éxodo 1:14
e tornavam-lhes extenuante e amarga a vida, com duros serviços: a preparação da argila, a fabricação de tijolos, vários trabalhos nos campos, e toda espécie de tarefas que os obrigavam a realizar.

assim lhes amarguravam a vida com pesados serviços em barro e em tijolos, e com toda sorte de trabalho no campo, enfim com todo o seu serviço, em que os faziam servir com dureza.   

Exod 1:14
Le-au făcut viaţa amară prin lucrări grele de lut şi cărămizi, şi prin tot felul de lucrări depe cîmp: în toate muncile acestea pe cari -i sileau să le facă, erau fără nici un pic de milă.

Исход 1:14
и делали жизнь их горькою от тяжкой работы над глиною и кирпичами и от всякой работы полевой, от всякой работы, к которой принуждали их с жестокостью.

и делали жизнь их горькою от тяжкой работы над глиною и кирпичами и от всякой работы полевой, от всякой работы, к которой принуждали их с жестокостью.[]

2 Mosebok 1:14
och förbittrade deras liv med hårt arbete på murbruk och tegel och med alla slags arbeten på marken korteligen, med tvångsarbeten av alla slag, som de läto dem utföra

Exodus 1:14
At kanilang pinapamuhay sila ng masaklap sa pamamagitan ng mahirap na paglilingkod, sa argamasa at sa laryo, at sa lahat ng sarisaring paglilingkod sa bukid, at sa lahat ng paglilingkod nila na ipinapaglingkod sa kanila, na may kabagsikan.

อพยพ 1:14
และทำให้ชีวิตของเขาขมขื่นเพราะงานหนักที่เขากระทำนั้น เช่นทำปูนสอ ทำอิฐและทำงานต่างๆที่ทุ่งนา เขาถูกบังคับให้ทำงานหนักทุกชนิด

Mısır'dan Çıkış 1:14
Her türlü tarla işi, harç ve kerpiç yapımı gibi ağır işlerle yaşamı onlara zehir ettiler. Bütün işlerinde onları amansızca kullandılar.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 1:14
gây cho đời dân ấy nên cay đắng, vì nỗi khổ sở nhồi đất, làm gạch và mọi việc khác ở ngoài đồng. Các công việc nầy người Ê-díp-tô bắt dân Y-sơ-ra-ên làm nhọc nhằn lắm.

Exodus 1:13
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