Esther 9:6
Esther 9:6
In the citadel of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.

In the fortress of Susa itself, the Jews killed 500 men.

In Susa the citadel itself the Jews killed and destroyed 500 men,

At the citadel in Susa the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men,

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

In the fortress of Susa the Jews killed and destroyed 500 men,

In Susa the capital the Jewish people killed and destroyed 500 people.

In Susa the citadel the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.

In the fortress of Susa the Jews killed and wiped out 500 men.

And in Shushan, the palace, the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

And in Shushan the citadel the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

Insomuch that even in Susan they killed five hundred men, besides the ten sons of Aman the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews: whose names are these:

And in Shushan the fortress the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

In the citadel of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.

and in Shushan the palace have the Jews slain and destroyed five hundred men;

Ester 9:6
Në qytetin e Suzës Judejtë vranë dhe shfarosën pesëqind njerëz;

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:6
وقتل اليهود في شوشن القصر واهلكوا خمس مئة رجل.

D Öster 9:6
In dyr Burg Susy brangend d Judn fümfhundert Mänder um,

Естир 9:6
И в столицата Суса юдеите, избиха и погубиха петстотин мъже.

以 斯 帖 記 9:6
在 書 珊 城 , 猶 大 人 殺 滅 了 五 百 人 ;

在 书 珊 城 , 犹 大 人 杀 灭 了 五 百 人 ;



Esther 9:6
Samo u tvrđavi Suzi smakoše i zatrše Židovi pet stotina ljudi;

Ester 9:6
Ano i v Susan městě královském zmordovali Židé a vyhladili pět set mužů.

Ester 9:6
I Borgen Susan dræbte og tilintetgjorde Jøderne 500 Mand;

Esther 9:6
En in den burg Susan hebben de Joden gedood en omgebracht vijfhonderd mannen.

אסתר 9:6
וּבְשׁוּשַׁ֣ן הַבִּירָ֗ה הָרְג֤וּ הַיְּהוּדִים֙ וְאַבֵּ֔ד חֲמֵ֥שׁ מֵאֹ֖ות אִֽישׁ׃

ו ובשושן הבירה הרגו היהודים ואבד--חמש מאות  {ר} איש  {ס}

ובשושן הבירה הרגו היהודים ואבד חמש מאות איש׃

Eszter 9:6
És Susán várában megölének és megsemmisítének a zsidók ötszáz férfiút.

Ester 9:6
En la kastelurbo SXusxan la Judoj mortigis kaj pereigis kvincent homojn;

Ja susanin linnassa löivät Juudalaiset viisisataa miestä kuoliaaksi, ja hukuttivat heidät.

Esther 9:6
Et à Suse, la capitale, les Juifs tuèrent et firent périr cinq cents hommes,

Dans Suse, la capitale, les Juifs tuèrent et firent périr cinq cents hommes,

Et même dans Susan, la ville capitale, les Juifs tuèrent et firent périr cinq cents hommes.

Ester 9:6
Und zu Schloß Susan erwürgeten die Juden und brachten um fünfhundert Mann.

Und zu Schloß Susan erwürgten die Juden und brachten um fünfhundert Mann;

Und in der Burg Susa töteten die Juden und brachten um fünfhundert Mann.

Ester 9:6
Alla residenza reale di Susa i Giudei uccisero e sterminarono cinquecento uomini,

Ed in Susan, stanza reale, i Giudei uccisero e distrussero cinquecent’uomini;

Maka di dalam kota Susan dipalu dan dibunuh orang Yahudi akan lima ratus orang laki-laki,

에스더 9:6
유다인이 또 도성 수산에서 오백인을 죽이고 멸하고

Esther 9:6
in tantum ut etiam in Susis quingentos viros interficerent et decem extra filios Aman Agagitae hostis Iudaeorum quorum ista sunt nomina

Esteros knyga 9:6
Sostinėje Sūzuose žydai nužudė ir sunaikino penkis šimtus žmonių

Esther 9:6
I Huhana ano, i te whare kingi, e rima rau nga tangata i patua, i whakangaromia e nga Hurai.

Esters 9:6
I borgen Susan drepte og ødela jødene fem hundre mann.

Ester 9:6
En la fortaleza de Susa los judíos mataron y destruyeron a quinientos hombres,

En la fortaleza de Susa los Judíos mataron y destruyeron a 500 hombres,

Y en Susán capital del reino, los judíos mataron y destruyeron a quinientos hombres.

Y en Susán capital del reino, mataron y destruyeron los Judíos á quinientos hombres.

Y en Susa capital del reino, mataron y destruyeron los judíos a quinientos hombres.

Ester 9:6
E os judeus mataram e eliminaram quinhentos homens da capital, Susã.

E em Susã, a capital, os judeus mataram e destruíram quinhentos homens;   

Estera 9:6
În capitala Susa, Iudeii au ucis şi au prăpădit cinci sute de oameni,

Есфирь 9:6
В Сузах, городе престольном, умертвили Иудеи и погубили пятьсот человек;

В Сузах, городе престольном, умертвили Иудеи и погубили пятьсот человек;[]

Ester 9:6
I Susans borg dräpte och förgjorde judarna fem hundra män.

Esther 9:6
At sa Susan na bahay-hari ay nagsipatay ang mga Judio at nagsilipol ng limang daang lalake.

เอสเธอร์ 9:6

Ester 9:6
Sus Kalesinde beş yüz kişiyi öldürüp yok ettiler.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:6
Tại kinh đô Su-sơ, dân Giu-đa đánh giết năm trăm người,

Esther 9:5
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