Esther 9:31
Esther 9:31
to establish these days of Purim at their designated times, as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had decreed for them, and as they had established for themselves and their descendants in regard to their times of fasting and lamentation.

These letters established the Festival of Purim--an annual celebration of these days at the appointed time, decreed by both Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther. (The people decided to observe this festival, just as they had decided for themselves and their descendants to establish the times of fasting and mourning.)

that these days of Purim should be observed at their appointed seasons, as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther obligated them, and as they had obligated themselves and their offspring, with regard to their fasts and their lamenting.

to establish these days of Purim at their appointed times, just as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established for them, and just as they had established for themselves and for their descendants with instructions for their times of fasting and their lamentations.

To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

in order to confirm these days of Purim at their proper time just as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established them and just as they had committed themselves and their descendants to the practices of fasting and lamentation.

establishing these days of Purim at the prescribed time, just as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established, and just as the Jewish people had established for themselves and for their descendants. The letter included instructions for their fasting and lamentations.

to establish these days of Purim in their proper times, just as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established, and just as they had established both for themselves and their descendants, matters pertaining to fasting and lamentation.

He did this in order to establish these days of Purim at the appointed time. Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther established them for themselves, as they had established for themselves and their descendants the practices of fasting with sadness.

to confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai, the Jew, and Esther, the queen, had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the words of the fastings and their cry.

To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their descendants, concerning the matters of the fastings and their lamentations.

To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

to confirm these days of Purim in their appointed times, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had ordained for themselves and for their seed, in the matter of the fastings and their cry.

And observe the days of lots, and celebrate them with joy in their proper time: as Mardochai and Esther had appointed, and they undertook them to be observed by themselves and by their seed, fasts, and cries, and the days of lots,

to confirm these days of Purim in their fixed times, according as Mordecai the Jew and queen Esther had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, as to the matters of the fastings and their cry.

to confirm these days of Purim in their appointed times, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had ordained for themselves and for their seed, in the matter of the fastings and their cry.

To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

to confirm these days of Purim in their appointed times, as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had decreed, and as they had imposed upon themselves and their descendants, in the matter of the fastings and their cry.

to establish these days of Purim, in their seasons, as Mordecai the Jew hath established on them, and Esther the queen, and as they had established on themselves, and on their seed -- matters of the fastings, and of their cry.

Ester 9:31
për t'i vendosur ato ditë të Purimit në kohën e caktuar, siç i kishin vendosur atyre Judeu Mardoke dhe mbretëresha Ester ashtu si kishin vendosur ata vetë për vete dhe për pasardhësit e tyre me rastin e agjerimit të tyre dhe të britmës së tyre.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:31
لإيجاب يومي الفوريم هذين في اوقاتهما كما اوجب عليهم مردخاي اليهودي واستير الملكة وكما اوجبوا على انفسهم وعلى نسلهم امور الاصوام وصراخهم.

D Öster 9:31
und wisnd s nonmaal auf de bestimmtn Täg für s Loesserföst hin, wie s is angorddnet und yn de Naachkemmen auferlögt hietnd. Daa drinn war aau allss für d Fastn und d Weeklag föstglögt.

Естир 9:31
за да утвърди тия дни Пурим във времената им, според както юдеинът Мардохей и царица Естир им бяха заповядали, и както бяха постановили за себе си и за потомството си, в [спомен на] постите и плача си.

以 斯 帖 記 9:31
勸 他 們 按 時 守 這 「 普 珥 日 」 , 禁 食 呼 求 , 是 照 猶 大 人 末 底 改 和 王 后 以 斯 帖 所 囑 咐 的 , 也 照 猶 大 人 為 自 己 與 後 裔 所 應 承 的 。

劝 他 们 按 时 守 这 「 普 珥 日 」 , 禁 食 呼 求 , 是 照 犹 大 人 末 底 改 和 王 后 以 斯 帖 所 嘱 咐 的 , 也 照 犹 大 人 为 自 己 与 後 裔 所 应 承 的 。



Esther 9:31
da obdržavaju te dane Purima u njihovo određeno vrijeme, kako su to odredili Židov Mordokaj i kraljica Estera, i da drže post i molitve, onako kako su to oni obvezali sebe i svoje potomke.

Ester 9:31
Aby tuze drželi dny ty Purim v určité časy jich, jakž je nařídil jim Mardocheus Žid a Ester královna, a jakž to přijali na sebe a na símě své, na pamět postů a křiku jejich.

Ester 9:31
om at holde disse Purimsdage i Hævd paa den fastsatte Tid, saaledes som Jøden Mordokaj og Dronning Ester havde gjort det til Pligt for dem, og saaledes som de havde bundet sig selv og deres Efterkommere til de foreskrevne Faster og Klageraab.

Esther 9:31
Dat zij deze dagen van Purim bevestigen zouden op hun bestemde tijden, gelijk als Mordechai, de Jood, over hen bevestigd had, en Esther, de koningin, en gelijk als zij het bevestigd hadden voor zichzelven en voor hun zaad; de zaken van het vasten en hunlieder geroep.

אסתר 9:31
לְקַיֵּ֡ם אֵת־יְמֵי֩ הַפֻּרִ֨ים הָאֵ֜לֶּה בִּזְמַנֵּיהֶ֗ם כַּאֲשֶׁר֩ קִיַּ֨ם עֲלֵיהֶ֜ם מָרְדֳּכַ֤י הַיְּהוּדִי֙ וְאֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַמַּלְכָּ֔ה וְכַאֲשֶׁ֛ר קִיְּמ֥וּ עַל־נַפְשָׁ֖ם וְעַל־זַרְעָ֑ם דִּבְרֵ֥י הַצֹּמֹ֖ות וְזַעֲקָתָֽם׃

לא לקים את ימי הפרים האלה בזמניהם כאשר קים עליהם מרדכי היהודי ואסתר המלכה וכאשר קימו על נפשם ועל זרעם  דברי הצומות וזעקתם

לקים את־ימי הפרים האלה בזמניהם כאשר קים עליהם מרדכי היהודי ואסתר המלכה וכאשר קימו על־נפשם ועל־זרעם דברי הצמות וזעקתם׃

Eszter 9:31
Hogy megerõsíttessenek ezek a Púrim napjai, meghatározott idejökben, a miképen meghagyta nékik a zsidó Márdokeus és Eszter királyné, és a mint elrendelték magokra és ivadékaikra a bõjtölés és jajkiáltás dolgát.

Ester 9:31
ke ili festadu tiujn tagojn de Purim en ilia tempo, kiel decidis pri ili la Judo Mordehxaj kaj la regxino Ester, kaj kiel ili mem akceptis por si kaj por sia idaro koncerne la fastadon kaj pregxadon.

ESTER 9:31
Vahvistaaksensa näitä Purimin päiviä heidän määrätyillä ajoillansa, niinkuin Mordekai Juudalainen ja kuningatar Ester olivat heille säätäneet, niinkuin he olivat itse päällensä ottaneet ja siemenensä päälle, sen määrätyn paaston ja heidän huutonsa.

Esther 9:31
pour confirmer ces jours de Purim à leurs époques fixes, comme Mardochée, le Juif, et la reine Esther les avaient établis pour eux, et comme ils les avaient établis pour eux-mêmes et pour leur semence, à l'occasion de leurs jeûnes et de leur cri.

pour prescrire ces jours de Purim au temps fixé, comme le Juif Mardochée et la reine Esther les avaient établis pour eux, et comme ils les avaient établis pour eux-mêmes et pour leur postérité, à l'occasion de leur jeûne et de leurs cris.

Pour établir ces jours de Purim dans leur saison, comme Mardochée Juif, et la Reine Esther l'avaient établi; et comme ils les avaient établis pour eux-mêmes, et pour leur postérité, pour être des monuments de [leurs] jeûnes, et de leur cri.

Ester 9:31
daß sie bestätigten diese Tage Purim auf ihre bestimmte Zeit, wie Mardachai, der Jude, über sie bestätiget hatte, und die Königin Esther; wie sie auf ihre Seele und auf ihren Samen bestätiget hatten die Geschichte der Fasten und ihres Schreiens.

daß sie annähmen die Tage Purim auf die bestimmte Zeit, wie Mardochai, der Jude, über sie bestätigt hatte und die Königin Esther, und wie sie für sich selbst und ihre Nachkommen bestätigt hatten die Geschichte der Fasten und ihres Schreiens.

um diese Purimtage zu ihren bestimmten Zeiten zum Gesetze zu erheben, gleichwie sie der Jude Mardachai und die Königin Esther für sie zum Gesetze gemacht und gleichwie sie die Vorschriften in betreff der Fasten und ihrer Wehklage für sich selbst und für ihre Nachkommen zum Gesetze gemacht hatten.

Ester 9:31
per fissar bene que’ giorni di Purim nelle loro date precise, come li aveano ordinati il Giudeo Mardocheo e la regina Ester, e com’essi stessi li aveano stabiliti per sé e per i loro discendenti, in occasione del loro digiuno e del loro grido.

Per fermar l’osservanza di que’ giorni di Purim a’ lor tempi; siccome Mardocheo Giudeo, e le regina Ester, aveano loro ordinato; e come eglino stessi aveano preso sopra sè, e sopra la lor posterità; insieme co’ digiuni e con le grida che vi si devono usare.

ESTER 9:31
Supaya dipegangnya hari Purim itu pada masa yang tertentu, seperti yang sudah ditentukan baginya oleh Mordekhai, orang Yahudi itu, dan oleh permaisuri Ester, dan seperti yang sudah ditentukannya bagi dirinya dan bagi segala anak cucunya akan hal puasa dan sembahyang itu.

에스더 9:31
정한 기한에 이 부림일을 지키게 하였으니 이는 유다인 모르드개와 왕후 에스더의 명한 바와 유다인이 금식하며 부르짖은 것을 인하여 자기와 자기 자손을 위하여 정한 바가 있음이더라

Esther 9:31
observantes dies Sortium et suo tempore cum gaudio celebrarent sicut constituerat Mardocheus et Hester et illi observanda susceperant a se et a semine suo ieiunia atque clamores et Sortium dies

Esteros knyga 9:31
kad paragintų švęsti Purimo dienas nustatytu laiku, kurį nurodė žydas Mordechajas ir karalienė Estera. Ir jie patys paskyrė sau pasninkus ir verksmo dienas.

Esther 9:31
Kia whakapumautia enei ra o Purimi i nga wa e tika ai, kia pera me ta Mororekai Hurai raua ko Kuini Ehetere i whakatakoto ai ma ratou; me ta ratou ano i whakatakoto ai hei tikanga ma ratou, ma o ratou uri, ara nga nohopuku, me ta ratou tangi.

Esters 9:31
for å slå fast som lov at de skulde holde disse purim-dager på de for dem fastsatte tider, således som jøden Mordekai og dronning Ester hadde foreskrevet om dem, og således som de hadde vedtatt det for sig selv og sine efterkommere om fastene og klageropene på dem.

Ester 9:31
para establecer estos días de Purim en sus tiempos señalados, tal como habían establecido para ellos el judío Mardoqueo y la reina Ester, según habían fijado para ellos y sus descendientes, con instrucciones para sus tiempos de ayuno y de lamentaciones.

para establecer estos días de Purim en sus tiempos señalados, tal como habían establecido para ellos el Judío Mardoqueo y la reina Ester, según habían fijado para ellos y sus descendientes, con instrucciones para sus tiempos de ayuno y de lamentaciones.

para confirmar estos días de Purim en sus tiempos señalados, según les había constituido Mardoqueo el judío y la reina Esther, según ellos habían tomado sobre sí y sobre su simiente, para conmemorar el fin de los ayunos y de su clamor.

Para confirmar estos días de Purim en sus tiempos señalados, según les había constituído Mardochêo Judío y la reina Esther, y como habían ellos tomado sobre sí y sobre su simiente, para conmemorar el fin de los ayunos y de su clamor.

para confirmar estos días del Purim en sus tiempos señalados , según les había constituído Mardoqueo judío y la reina Ester, y como habían ellos tomado sobre sí y sobre su simiente las palabras de los ayunos y de su clamor.

Ester 9:31
e confirmando que os dias dos Purimdeveriam ser comemorados nas datas exatas e determinadas, conforme o judeu Mardoqueu e a rainha Ester haviam estabelecido e decretado para si mesmos, para todos os judeus e para os seus descendentes de todas as gerações, e acrescentou observações sobre tempos de jejum, lamentação e preparação.

para confirmar esses dias de Purim nos seus tempos determinados, como o judeu Mardoqueu e a rainha Ester lhes tinham ordenado, e como eles se haviam obrigado por si e pela sua descendência no tocante a seus jejuns e suas lamentações.    

Estera 9:31
întărind ţinerea acestor zile Purim, la vremea hotărîtă, cum le rînduiseră Iudeul Mardoheu şi împărăteasa Estera pentru ei, şi cum şi le rînduiseră şi pentru ei înşişi şi pentru sămînţa lor, cu prilejul postului lor şi ţipetelor lor.

Есфирь 9:31
чтобы они твердо наблюдали эти дни Пурим в свое время, какое уставил о них Мардохей Иудеянин и царица Есфирь, и как они сами назначали их для себя и для детей своих в дни пощения и воплей.

чтобы они твердо наблюдали эти дни Пурим в свое время, какое уставил о них Мардохей Иудеянин и царица Есфирь, и как они сами назначали их для себя и для детей своих в дни пощения и воплей.[]

Ester 9:31
för att stadga såsom lag, att de skulle fira dessa purimsdagar på deras bestämda tider så, som juden Mordokai och drottning Ester stadgade för dem, och så, som de stadgade för sig själva och sina efterkommande, nämligen med föreskrivna fastor och övliga klagorop.

Esther 9:31
Upang pagtibayin ang mga araw na ito ng Purim, sa kanilang mga takdang panahon, ayon sa ibinilin sa kanila ni Mardocheo na Judio at ni Esther na reina, at ayon sa kanilang ipinasiya sa kanilang sarili at sa kanilang binhi, sa bagay ng pag-aayuno at ng kanilang pagdaing.

เอสเธอร์ 9:31
และให้ถือวันเทศกาลปูริมเหล่านี้ตามกำหนดฤดูกาล ดังที่โมรเดคัยคนยิวและพระราชินีเอสเธอร์มีพระเสาวนีย์สั่งพวกยิว และตามที่เขาตั้งไว้สำหรับตนเองและสำหรับเชื้อสายของเขา เกี่ยวกับการอดอาหารและการร้องทุกข์ของเขา

Ester 9:31
Kraliçe Esterle birlikte daha önce kararlaştırdıkları gibi, Purim günlerini belirlenen tarihte kutlamalarını buyuruyordu. Bu kutlamalara kendilerinin de, soylarından gelenlerin de katılmalarını, oruç tutmada ve ağıt yakmada belirlenen kurallara uymalarını istedi.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:31
đặng làm chứng quyết định các ngày Phu-rim ấy theo thì tiết nhứt định, y như Mạc-đô-chê, người Giu-đa, và hoàng hậu Ê-xơ-tê đã dạy biểu chúng, và y như chúng đã lập lấy cho mình và cho dòng dõi mình, về kỳ kiêng ăn và ai khóc.

Esther 9:30
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