Esther 8:15
Esther 8:15
When Mordecai left the king's presence, he was wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration.

Then Mordecai left the king's presence, wearing the royal robe of blue and white, the great crown of gold, and an outer cloak of fine linen and purple. And the people of Susa celebrated the new decree.

Then Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal robes of blue and white, with a great golden crown and a robe of fine linen and purple, and the city of Susa shouted and rejoiced.

Then Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal robes of blue and white, with a large crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple; and the city of Susa shouted and rejoiced.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.

Mordecai went from the king's presence clothed in royal purple and white, with a great gold crown and a purple robe of fine linen. The city of Susa shouted and rejoiced,

Mordecai left the king's presence in royal robes of blue and white, wearing a large golden crown and a purple robe made of fine linen; and the city of Susa shouted with joy.

Now Mordecai went out from the king's presence in purple and white royal attire, with a large golden crown and a purple linen mantle. The city of Susa shouted with joy.

Mordecai went out from the presence of the king wearing the royal violet and white robe, a large gold crown, and a purple outer robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa cheered and rejoiced.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white and with a great crown of gold and with a mantel of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad.

And Mordecai went forth from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a robe of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan shouted and was glad.

And Mardochai going forth out of the palace, and from the king's presence, shone in royal apparel, to wit, of violet and sky colour, wearing a golden crown on his head, and clothed with a cloak of silk and purple. And all the city rejoiced and was glad.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a mantle of byssus and purple; and the city of Shushan shouted and was glad.

And Mordecai went forth front the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a robe of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan shouted and was glad.

And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced, and was glad:

Mordecai went out of the presence of the king in royal clothing of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a robe of fine linen and purple; and the city of Susa shouted and was glad.

And Mordecai went out from before the king, in royal clothing of blue and white, and a great crown of gold, and a garment of fine linen and purple, and the city of Shushan hath rejoiced and been glad;

Ester 8:15
Mardokeu doli nga prania e mbretit me një rrobe mbretërore të purpurt dhe prej liri të bardhë, me një kurorë të madhe prej ari dhe një mantel prej pëlhure liri në ngjyrë të kuqe flakë; në qytetin

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 8:15
وخرج مردخاي من امام الملك بلباس ملكي اسمانجوني وابيض وتاج عظيم من ذهب وحلة من بزّ وارجوان. وكانت مدينة شوشن متهللة وفرحة

D Öster 8:15
Wie dyr Mordychäus bei n Künig ausherkaam, trueg yr ayn küniglichs Gwand aus Auerkrapp und weisser Leinwyt, ayn groosse golderne Kroon und aynn kostbaren härbern Mantl mit rootn Krapp dran; und allss in dyr Stat Susy gjublt und gafreut si.

Естир 8:15
А Мардохей излезе от присъствието на царя в царски дрехи, сини и бели, и с голяма златна корона, и с висонена и морава мантия; и град Суса се радваше и се веселеше.

以 斯 帖 記 8:15
末 底 改 穿 著 藍 色 白 色 的 朝 服 , 頭 戴 大 金 冠 冕 , 又 穿 紫 色 細 麻 布 的 外 袍 , 從 王 面 前 出 來 ; 書 珊 城 的 人 民 都 歡 呼 快 樂 。

末 底 改 穿 着 蓝 色 白 色 的 朝 服 , 头 戴 大 金 冠 冕 , 又 穿 紫 色 细 麻 布 的 外 袍 , 从 王 面 前 出 来 ; 书 珊 城 的 人 民 都 欢 呼 快 乐 。



Esther 8:15
Mordokaj izađe od kralja odjeven u grimiznu i lanenu kraljevsku haljinu, s velikom zlatnom krunom i s ogrtačem od fine tkanine i crvena skrleta. Grad je Suza klicao i veselio se.

Ester 8:15
Mardocheus pak vycházel od oblíčeje královského v rouše královském z postavce modrého a bílého, v koruně zlaté veliké a v plášti kmentovém a šarlatovém, a město Susan plésalo a veselilo se.

Ester 8:15
Men Mordokaj gik fra Kongen i en kongelig Klædning af violet Purpur og hvidt Linned, med et stort Gulddiadem og en Kappe af fint Linned og rødt Purpur, medens Byen Susan jublede og glædede sig.

Esther 8:15
En Mordechai ging uit van voor het aangezicht des konings in een hemelsblauw en wit koninklijk kleed, en met een grote gouden kroon, en met een opperkleed van fijn linnen en purper; en de stad Susan juichte en was vrolijk.

אסתר 8:15
וּמָרְדֳּכַ֞י יָצָ֣א ׀ מִלִּפְנֵ֣י הַמֶּ֗לֶךְ בִּלְב֤וּשׁ מַלְכוּת֙ תְּכֵ֣לֶת וָח֔וּר וַעֲטֶ֤רֶת זָהָב֙ גְּדֹולָ֔ה וְתַכְרִ֥יךְ בּ֖וּץ וְאַרְגָּמָ֑ן וְהָעִ֣יר שׁוּשָׁ֔ן צָהֲלָ֖ה וְשָׂמֵֽחָה׃

טו ומרדכי יצא מלפני המלך בלבוש מלכות תכלת וחור ועטרת זהב גדולה ותכריך בוץ וארגמן והעיר שושן צהלה ושמחה

ומרדכי יצא ׀ מלפני המלך בלבוש מלכות תכלת וחור ועטרת זהב גדולה ותכריך בוץ וארגמן והעיר שושן צהלה ושמחה׃

Eszter 8:15
Márdokeus pedig kiméne a király elõl kék bíbor és fehér királyi ruhában, és nagy arany koronával, és bíborbársony palástban, és Susán városa vígada és örvendeze.

Ester 8:15
Mordehxaj eliris de la regxo en regxa vesto el blua kaj blanka sxtofo, kun granda ora krono, kaj en mantelo bisina kaj purpura. Kaj la urbo SXusxan gxojkriis kaj estis gaja.

ESTER 8:15
Ja Mordekai läksi kuninkaan tyköä kuninkaallisissa vaatteissa, sinisissä ja valkeissa, ja suurella kultakruunulla, ja kalliilla liinaisella hameella ja purpuralla. Ja Susanin kaupunki iloitsi ja riemuitsi.

Esther 8:15
Mardochée sortit de devant le roi, avec un vêtement royal bleu et blanc, une grande couronne d'or, et un manteau de byssus et de pourpre; et la ville de Suse poussait des cris de joie et se réjouissait.

Mardochée sortit de chez le roi, avec un vêtement royal bleu et blanc, une grande couronne d'or, et un manteau de byssus et de pourpre. La ville de Suse poussait des cris et se réjouissait.

Et Mardochée sortait de devant le Roi en vêtement Royal de couleur de pourpre et de blanc, avec une grande couronne d'or, et une robe de fin lin, et d'écarlate; et la ville de Susan jetait des cris de réjouissance, et elle fut dans la joie.

Ester 8:15
Mardachai aber ging aus, von dem Könige in königlichen Kleidern, gelb und weiß, und mit einer großen güldenen Krone, angetan mit einem Leinen- und Purpurmantel; und die Stadt Susan jauchzete und war fröhlich.

Mardochai aber ging aus von dem König in königlichen Kleidern, blau und weiß, und mit einer großen goldenen Krone, angetan mit einem Leinen-und Purpur-mantel; und die Stadt Susan jauchzte und war fröhlich.

Mardachai aber ging von dem Könige hinaus in einem königlichen Gewande, purpurblau und weiß, und mit einer großen goldenen Krone, bekleidet mit einem Mantel von Byssus und Purpur, und die Stadt Susa jauchzte und freute sich.

Ester 8:15
Mardocheo uscì dalla presenza del re con una veste reale di porpora e di lino bianco, con una grande corona d’oro, e un manto di bisso e di scarlatto; la città di Susa mandava gridi di gioia, ed era in festa.

E Mardocheo uscì d’innanzi al re, con un vestimento reale di color violato e bianco, e con una gran corona d’oro, e con un ammanto di bisso e di scarlatto; e la città di Susan ne giubilò, e se ne rallegrò.

ESTER 8:15
Maka Mordekhaipun keluarlah di hadapan hadirat baginda dengan berpakaikan pakaian kerajaan, warna biru laut dan putih, dan dengan kopiah keemasan dan serban kain khasah berselang ungu, maka segala orang isi negeri Susanpun bertempiksoraklah dan bersuka-sukaanlah.

에스더 8:15
모르드개가 푸르고 흰 조복을 입고 큰 금면류관을 쓰고 자색 가는 베 겉옷을 입고 왕의 앞에서 나오니 수산성이 즐거이 부르며 기뻐하고

Esther 8:15
Mardocheus autem de palatio et de conspectu regis egrediens fulgebat vestibus regiis hyacinthinis videlicet et aerinis coronam auream portans capite et amictus pallio serico atque purpureo omnisque civitas exultavit atque laetata est

Esteros knyga 8:15
Tą dieną Mordechajas, pasipuošęs karališkais mėlynais ir baltais rūbais, plonos drobės purpuro apsiaustu ir su aukso karūna ant galvos, išėjo iš karaliaus akivaizdos. Sūzų miesto gyventojai džiūgavo.

Esther 8:15
Na haere ana a Mororekai i te aroaro o te kingi, ko tona kakahu he kakahu kingi, he puru, he ma, me te karauna koura nui, me tetahi kakahu hoki he rinena pai, he papura. Na hamama ana, hari ana te pa, a Huhana.

Esters 8:15
Mordekai gikk ut fra kongen i kongelig klædning av blått purpur og hvitt linnet og med en stor gullkrone og en kåpe av hvitt bomullstøi og rødt purpur; og byen Susan jublet høit og gledet sig.

Ester 8:15
Entonces Mardoqueo salió de la presencia del rey en vestiduras reales de azul y blanco, con una gran corona de oro y un manto de lino fino y púrpura; y la ciudad de Susa dio vivas y se regocijó.

Entonces Mardoqueo salió de la presencia del rey en vestiduras reales de azul y blanco, con una gran corona de oro y un manto de lino fino y púrpura. La ciudad de Susa dio vivas y se regocijó.

Y Mardoqueo salió de delante del rey con una vestidura real de azul y blanco, y una gran corona de oro y un manto de lino fino y púrpura; y la ciudad de Susán se alegró y regocijó.

Y salió Mardochêo de delante del rey con vestido real de cárdeno y blanco, y una gran corona de oro, y un manto de lino y púrpura: y la ciudad de Susán se alegró y regocijó.

Y salió Mardoqueo de delante del rey con vestido real de cárdeno y blanco, y una gran corona de oro, y un manto de lino y púrpura; y la ciudad de Susa se alegró y regocijó.

Ester 8:15
Então Mardoqueu saiu da presença do rei, vestido de um traje real azul celeste e branco, trazendo uma grande coroa de ouro e coberto por um manto de linho fino, vermelho púrpura. E toda a capital, Susã, exultava de júbilo.

Então Mardoqueu saiu da presença do rei, vestido de um traje real azul celeste e branco, trazendo uma grande coroa de ouro, e um manto de linho fino e de púrpura, e a cidade de Susã exultou e se alegrou.    

Estera 8:15
Mardoheu a ieşit dela împărat, cu o haină împărătească albastră şi albă, cu o mare cunună de aur, şi cu o mantie de in subţire şi de purpură. Cetatea Susa striga şi se bucura.

Есфирь 8:15
И Мардохей вышел от царя в царском одеянии яхонтового и белогоцвета и в большом золотом венце, и в мантии виссонной и пурпуровой. И город Сузы возвеселился и возрадовался.

И Мардохей вышел от царя в царском одеянии яхонтового и белого цвета и в большом золотом венце, и в мантии виссонной и пурпуровой. И город Сузы возвеселился и возрадовался.[]

Ester 8:15
Men Mordokai gick ut från konungen i konungslig klädnad av mörkblått och vitt tyg och med en stor gyllene krona och en mantel av vitt och purpurrött tyg, under det att staden Susan jublade och var glad.

Esther 8:15
At si Mardocheo ay lumabas mula sa harapan ng hari na nakapanamit hari na bughaw, at puti, at may dakilang putong na ginto, at may balabal na mainam na lino at kulay ube: at ang bayan ng Susan ay humiyaw at natuwa.

เอสเธอร์ 8:15
เมื่อโมรเดคัยออกไปพ้นพระพักตร์กษัตริย์ สวมฉลองพระองค์สีฟ้าและสีขาว พร้อมกับมงกุฎทองคำใหญ่และเสื้อคลุมผ้าป่านเนื้อละเอียดสีม่วง ฝ่ายชาวนครสุสาก็โห่ร้องเปรมปรีดิ์

Ester 8:15
Mordekay, lacivert ve beyaz bir krallık giysisiyle, başında büyük bir altın taç ve sırtında ince ketenden mor bir pelerinle kralın huzurundan ayrıldı. Sus Kenti sevinç çığlıklarıyla yankılandı.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 8:15
Mạc-đô-chê từ trước mặt vua trở ra, mặc đồ triều phục xanh và trắng, đội một các mão triều thiên lớn bằng vàng, và mặc một cái áo dài bằng bố gai mịn màu tím; thành Su-sơ cất tiếng reo mừng và hớn hở.

Esther 8:14
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