Esther 8:13
Esther 8:13
A copy of the text of the edict was to be issued as law in every province and made known to the people of every nationality so that the Jews would be ready on that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of this decree was to be issued as law in every province and proclaimed to all peoples, so that the Jews would be ready to take revenge on their enemies on the appointed day.

A copy of what was written was to be issued as a decree in every province, being publicly displayed to all peoples, and the Jews were to be ready on that day to take vengeance on their enemies.

A copy of the edict to be issued as law in each and every province was published to all the peoples, so that the Jews would be ready for this day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

The copy of the writing for a commandment to be given in every province was published unto all people, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of the text, issued as law throughout every province, was distributed to all the peoples so the Jews could be ready to avenge themselves against their enemies on that day.

A copy of the document was to be issued as law in each and every province and published for all people, indicating that the Jewish people were to be ready to take vengeance on their enemies on that day.

A copy of the edict was to be presented as law throughout each and every province and made known to all peoples, so that the Jews might be prepared on that day to avenge themselves from their enemies.

The copy of the document was made public in a decree to every province for all people. On that day the Jews were to be ready to take revenge on their enemies.

The copy of the writing which was to be given as law in each province was published unto all people and said that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves of their enemies.

The copy of the writing for a command to be given in every province was published unto all people, so that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

The copy of the writing for a commandment to be given in every province was published to all people, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of the writing, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published unto all the peoples, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

And this was the content of the letter, that it should be notified in all lands and peoples that were subject to the empire of king Assuerus, that the Jews were ready to be revenged of their enemies.

That the decree might be given in every province, a copy of the writing was published to all the peoples, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of the writing, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published unto all the peoples, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

The copy of the writing for a commandment, to be given in every province was published to all people, and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

A copy of the letter, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published to all the peoples, that the Jews should be ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

a copy of the writing to be made law in every province and province is revealed to all the peoples, and for the Jews being ready at this day to be avenged of their enemies.

Ester 8:13
Një kopje e dekretit, i shpallur si ligj në çdo krahinë, duhet të nxirrej për të gjithë popujt, me qëllim që Judejtë të ishin gati për atë ditë të hakmerreshin kundër armiqve të tyre.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 8:13
صورة الكتابة المعطاة سنّة في كل البلدان أشهرت على جميع الشعوب ان يكون اليهود مستعدين لهذا اليوم لينتقموا من اعدائهم.

D Öster 8:13
In ayner iedn Pfintz wurd der Erlaaß als Gsötz für allsand Dietn verkünddt, dyrmit d Judn pfrait seind, si seln Tag an ienerne Feindd z röchen.

Естир 8:13
Препис от писаното, чрез който щеше да се разнесе тая заповед по всяка област, се обнародва между всичките племена, за да бъдат готови юдеите за оня ден да въздадат на неприятелите си.

以 斯 帖 記 8:13
抄 錄 這 諭 旨 , 頒 行 各 省 , 宣 告 各 族 , 使 猶 大 人 預 備 等 候 那 日 , 在 仇 敵 身 上 報 仇 。

抄 录 这 谕 旨 , 颁 行 各 省 , 宣 告 各 族 , 使 犹 大 人 预 备 等 候 那 日 , 在 仇 敌 身 上 报 仇 。



Esther 8:13
Prijepis pisma, koje je imalo postati zakonom u svakoj pokrajini, bijaše objavljen među svim narodima, kako bi Židovi toga dana bili spremni osvetiti se svojim neprijateljima.

Ester 8:13
Summa toho psání: Aby vyhlášeno bylo v jedné každé krajině, a oznámeno všechněm národům, aby Židé byli hotovi ke dni tomu ku pomstě nad nepřátely svými.

Ester 8:13
En Afskrift af Skrivelsen, der skulde udgaa som Forordning i alle Rigets Dele, blev kundgjort for alle Folkene, for at Jøderne den Dag kunde være rede til at tage Hævn over deres Fjender.

Esther 8:13
De inhoud van dit schrift was: dat een wet zou gegeven worden in alle landschappen, openbaar aan alle volken; en dat de Joden gereed zouden zijn tegen dien dag, om zich te wreken aan hun vijanden.

אסתר 8:13
פַּתְשֶׁ֣גֶן הַכְּתָ֗ב לְהִנָּ֤תֵֽן דָּת֙ בְּכָל־מְדִינָ֣ה וּמְדִינָ֔ה גָּל֖וּי לְכָל־הָעַמִּ֑ים וְלִהְיֹ֨ות [הַיְּהוּדִיִּים כ] (הַיְּהוּדִ֤ים ק) [עֲתוּדִים כ] (עֲתִידִים֙ ק) לַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֔ה לְהִנָּקֵ֖ם מֵאֹיְבֵיהֶֽם׃

יג פתשגן הכתב להנתן דת בכל מדינה ומדינה גלוי לכל העמים ולהיות היהודיים (היהודים) עתודים (עתידים) ליום הזה להנקם מאיביהם

פתשגן הכתב להנתן דת בכל־מדינה ומדינה גלוי לכל־העמים ולהיות [היהודיים כ] (היהודים ק) [עתודים כ] (עתידים ק) ליום הזה להנקם מאיביהם׃

Eszter 8:13
Az írásnak mássa, hogy adassék törvény minden egyes tartományban, meghirdettetett minden népnek, hogy a zsidók készen legyenek azon a napon, hogy megbosszulják magokat ellenségeiken.

Ester 8:13
ke oni donu kopion de cxi tiu ordonletero kiel legxon, proklamotan al cxiuj popoloj, kaj ke la Judoj estu pretaj por tiu tago, por vengxi al siaj malamikoj.

ESTER 8:13
Ja kirjoissa oli, että käsky oli annettu kaikkiin maakuntiin julistettaa kaikille kansoille, että Juudalaiset olisivat sinä päivänä valmiit kostamaan vihollisillensa.

Esther 8:13
Pour que l'édit fût rendu public dans chaque province, une copie de l'écrit fut portée à la connaissance de tous les peuples, afin que les Juifs fussent prêts pour ce jour-là, pour se venger de leurs ennemis.

Ces lettres renfermaient une copie de l'édit qui devait être publié dans chaque province, et informaient tous les peuples que les Juifs se tiendraient prêts pour ce jour-là à se venger de leurs ennemis.

Les patentes qui furent écrites portaient, que cette ordonnance serait publiée dans chaque province, et proposée publiquement à tous les peuples, afin que les Juifs fussent prêts en ce jour-là pour se venger de leurs ennemis.

Ester 8:13
Der Inhalt aber der Schrift war, daß ein Gebot gegeben wäre in allen Landen, zu öffnen allen Völkern, daß die Juden auf den Tag geschickt sein sollten, sich zu rächen an ihren Feinden.

Der Inhalt aber der Schrift war, daß ein Gebot gegeben wäre in allen Landen, zu eröffnen allen Völkern, daß die Juden bereit sein sollten, sich zu rächen an ihren Feinden. {~} {~}

Der Wortlaut des Schreibens sollte in allen einzelnen Provinzen als Gesetz erlassen werden, damit es allen Völkern kund würde, und die Juden am genannten Tage bereit wären, sich an ihren Feinden zu rächen.

Ester 8:13
Queste lettere contenevano una copia dell’editto che doveva esser bandito in ogni provincia e pubblicato fra tutti i popoli, perché i Giudei si tenessero pronti per quel giorno a vendicarsi dei loro nemici.

In quelle lettere si conteneva ancora, che si bandisse un decreto per ciascuna provincia, sì che fosse palese a tutti i popoli: Che i Giudei stessero presti per quel giorno, per vendicarsi de’ lor nemici.

ESTER 8:13
Adapun bunyi surat itu demikian: Bahwa dalam segala negeri diberi perintah yang nyata kepada segala bangsa, supaya sedialah segala orang Yahudi pada hari itu akan menuntut bela kepada segala seterunya.

에스더 8:13
이 조서 초본을 각 도에 전하고 각 민족에게 반포하고 유다인으로 예비하였다가 그 날에 대적에게 원수를 갚게 한지라

Esther 8:13
summaque epistulae fuit ut in omnibus terris ac populis qui regis Asueri imperio subiacebant notum fieret paratos esse Iudaeos ad capiendam vindictam de hostibus suis

Esteros knyga 8:13
Rašto su įsakymu nuorašai buvo pasiųsti į visus kraštus ir paskelbti visoms tautoms, kad žydai pasiruoštų ir tą dieną atkeršytų savo priešams.

Esther 8:13
I whakapuakina ki nga iwi katoa nga kupu i tuhituhia mo te ture kia whakatakotoria i nga kawanatanga katoa, kia mataara ai nga Hurai i taua ra ki te rapu utu i o ratou hoariri.

Esters 8:13
Forat befalingen skulde bli kjent i hvert landskap, blev en avskrift av skrivelsen kunngjort for alle folkene, så jødene kunde holde sig rede til den dag og hevne sig på sine fiender.

Ester 8:13
Una copia del edicto que había de promulgarse como ley en cada provincia fue publicado a todos los pueblos, para que los judíos estuvieran listos para ese día a fin de vengarse de sus enemigos.

Una copia del edicto que había de promulgarse como ley en cada provincia fue publicado a todos los pueblos, para que los Judíos estuvieran listos para ese día a fin de vengarse de sus enemigos.

La copia de la escritura que había de darse por ordenanza en cada provincia, para que fuese manifiesta a todos los pueblos, decía que los judíos estuviesen apercibidos para aquel día, para vengarse de sus enemigos.

La copia de la escritura que había de darse por ordenanza en cada provincia, para que fuese manifiesta á todos los pueblos, decía que los Judíos estuviesen apercibidos para aquel día, para vengarse de sus enemigos.

La copia de la escritura que había de darse por ley en cada provincia, para que fuese manifiesta a todos los pueblos, decía que los judíos estuviesen apercibidos para aquel día, para vengarse de sus enemigos.

Ester 8:13
Uma cópia desse decreto foi publicada como lei em cada província e levada ao conhecimento do povo de cada nação, a fim de que naquele dia os judeus estivessem prontos para vingar-se de todos os seus inimigos.

E uma cópia da carta, que seria divulgada como decreto em todas as províncias, foi publicada entre todos os povos, para que os judeus estivessem preparados para aquele dia, a fim de se vingarem de seus inimigos.    

Estera 8:13
Aceste scrisori cuprindeau hotărîrea care trebuia vestită în fiecare ţinut, şi dădeau de ştire tuturor popoarelor că Iudeii stau gata pentru ziua aceea ca să se răzbune pe vrăjmaşii lor.

Есфирь 8:13
Список с сего указа отдать в каждую область, как закон, объявляемый для всех народов, чтоб Иудеи готовы были к тому дню мстить врагам своим.

Список с сего указа отдать в каждую область, [как] закон, объявляемый для всех народов, чтоб Иудеи готовы были к тому дню мстить врагам своим.[]

Ester 8:13
I skrivelsen stod, att i vart särskilt hövdingdöme ett påbud, öppet för alla folk, skulle utfärdas, som innehöll, att judarna skulle vara redo till den dagen att hämnas på sina fiender.

Esther 8:13
Isang salin ng sulat na ang pasiya'y ihayag sa bawa't lalawigan, ay nahayag sa lahat ng mga bayan, at upang ang mga Judio ay magsihanda sa araw na yaon na magsipanghiganti sa kanilang mga kaaway.

เอสเธอร์ 8:13
สำเนาของหนังสือที่เขียนนั้นจะต้องเป็นกฤษฎีกาในทุกมณฑล และออกโดยการป่าวร้องแก่ชนชาติทั้งปวง พวกยิวจะต้องพร้อมกันในวันนั้นแก้แค้นศัตรูของตน

Ester 8:13
Bütün halklara duyurulan bu fermanın metni her ilde yasa yerine geçecekti. Böylece Yahudiler belirlenen gün düşmanlarından öç almaya hazır olacaklardı.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 8:13
Ðể cho chiếu chỉ được công bố trong mỗi tỉnh, một tờ sao lục chiếu đem rao cho các dân tộc biết, hầu cho người Giu-đa sẵn sàng về ngày đó, mà trả thù các cừu địch mình.

Esther 8:12
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