Esther 8:1
Esther 8:1
That same day King Xerxes gave Queen Esther the estate of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. And Mordecai came into the presence of the king, for Esther had told how he was related to her.

On that same day King Xerxes gave the property of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther. Then Mordecai was brought before the king, for Esther had told the king how they were related.

On that day King Ahasuerus gave to Queen Esther the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told what he was to her.

On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther; and Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had disclosed what he was to her.

On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews' enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her.

That same day King Ahasuerus awarded Queen Esther the estate of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. Mordecai entered the king's presence because Esther had revealed her relationship to Mordecai.

That day King Ahasuerus gave Queen Esther the property of Haman, the enemy of the Jewish people, and Mordecai came into the king's presence because Esther had told him how Mordecai was related to her.

On that same day King Ahasuerus gave the estate of Haman, that adversary of the Jews, to Queen Esther. Now Mordecai had come before the king, for Esther had revealed how he was related to her.

On that same day King Xerxes gave the property of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther. Also, Mordecai came to the king because Esther had told him how Mordecai was related to her.

On that same day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the Jews' enemy, unto Esther, the queen. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told what he was unto her.

On that day did king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews' enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her.

On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews' enemy to Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was to her.

On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her.

On that day king Assuerus gave the house of Aman, the Jews' enemy, to queen Esther, and Mardochai came in before the king. For Esther had confessed to him that he was her uncle.

On that day did king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews' oppressor to Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was to her.

On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her.

On that day the king Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the Jews' enemy, to Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was to her.

On that day, King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the Jews' enemy, to Esther the queen. Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was to her.

On that day hath the king Ahasuerus given to Esther the queen the house of Haman, adversary of the Jews, and Mordecai hath come in before the king, for Esther hath declared what he is to her,

Ester 8:1
Po atë ditë mbreti Asuero i dha mbretëreshës Ester shtëpinë e Hamanit, armikut të Judejve; dhe Mardokeu erdhi para mbretit, të cilit Esteri i kishte shpjeguar se ç'ishte ai për të.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 8:1
في ذلك اليوم اعطى الملك احشويروش لاستير الملكة بيت هامان عدو اليهود. وأتى مردخاي الى امام الملك لان استير اخبرته بما هو لها.

D Öster 8:1
Non eyn n nömlichnen Tag gschenkt dyr Künig Xerx yn dyr Küniginn Öster s Haus von n Judnfeind Hämän. Dyr Mordychäus aber erhielt Zuetrit zo n Künig, denn d Öster hiet yn n Künig dös gsait, wie naahend däß dyr Mordychäus mit irer verwandt war.

Естир 8:1
В същия ден цар Асуир даде на царица Естир дома на неприятеля на юдеите Аман. И Мардохей дойде пред царя, защото Естир бе явила що й беше той.

以 斯 帖 記 8:1
當 日 , 亞 哈 隨 魯 王 把 猶 大 人 仇 敵 哈 曼 的 家 產 賜 給 王 后 以 斯 帖 。 末 底 改 也 來 到 王 面 前 , 因 為 以 斯 帖 已 經 告 訴 王 , 末 底 改 是 她 的 親 屬 。

当 日 , 亚 哈 随 鲁 王 把 犹 大 人 仇 敌 哈 曼 的 家 产 赐 给 王 后 以 斯 帖 。 末 底 改 也 来 到 王 面 前 , 因 为 以 斯 帖 已 经 告 诉 王 , 末 底 改 是 她 的 亲 属 。



Esther 8:1
Onoga istog dana kralj Ahasver preda kraljici Esteri kuću Hamana, progonitelja Židova, a Mordokaj je stupio pred kraljevo lice, jer je Estera objasnila kralju što joj je on.

Ester 8:1
Téhož dne dal král Asverus Ester královně dům Amana nepřítele Židovského, a Mardocheus přišel před krále, (nebo oznámila Ester, co by jí on byl).

Ester 8:1
Samme Dag gav Kong Ahasverus Dronning Ester Hamans, Jødernes Fjendes, Hus. Og Mordokaj fik Foretræde hos Kongen, thi Ester havde fortalt, hvad han havde været for hende.

Esther 8:1
Te dienzelfden dage gaf de koning Ahasveros aan de koningin Esther het huis van Haman, den vijand der Joden; en Mordechai kwam voor het aangezicht des konings, want Esther had te kennen gegeven, wat hij voor haar was.

אסתר 8:1
בַּיֹּ֣ום הַה֗וּא נָתַ֞ן הַמֶּ֤לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹושׁ֙ לְאֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַמַּלְכָּ֔ה אֶת־בֵּ֥ית הָמָ֖ן צֹרֵ֣ר [הַיְּהוּדִיִּים כ] (הַיְּהוּדִ֑ים ק) וּמָרְדֳּכַ֗י בָּ֚א לִפְנֵ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ כִּֽי־הִגִּ֥ידָה אֶסְתֵּ֖ר מַ֥ה הוּא־לָֽהּ׃

א ביום ההוא נתן המלך אחשורוש לאסתר המלכה את בית המן צרר היהודיים (היהודים) ומרדכי בא לפני המלך--כי הגידה אסתר מה הוא לה

ביום ההוא נתן המלך אחשורוש לאסתר המלכה את־בית המן צרר [היהודיים כ] (היהודים ק) ומרדכי בא לפני המלך כי־הגידה אסתר מה הוא־לה׃

Eszter 8:1
Azon a napon adá Ahasvérus király Eszter királynénak Hámánnak, a zsidók ellenségének házát, és Márdokeus beméne a király elébe, mert elmondotta Eszter, micsodája õ néki.

Ester 8:1
En tiu tago la regxo Ahxasxverosx transdonis al la regxino Ester la domon de Haman, la malamiko de la Judoj; kaj Mordehxaj venis antaux la regxon, cxar Ester diris, kio li estas por sxi.

Sinä päivänä antoi kuningas Ahasverus kuningatar Esterille Hamanin Juudalaisten vihollisen huoneen. Ja Mordekai tuli kuninkaan eteen; sillä Ester ilmoitti, mikä hän hänelle oli.

Esther 8:1
Ce jour-là, le roi Assuérus donna à la reine Esther la maison d'Haman, l'oppresseur des Juifs. Et Mardochée entra devant le roi, car Esther avait déclaré ce qu'il lui était.

En ce même jour, le roi Assuérus donna à la reine Esther la maison d'Haman, l'ennemi des Juifs; et Mardochée parut devant le roi, car Esther avait fait connaître la parenté qui l'unissait à elle.

Ce même jour-là le Roi Assuérus donna à la Reine Esther la maison d'Haman l'oppresseur des Juifs. Et Mardochée se présenta devant le Roi; car Esther avait déclaré ce qu'il lui était.

Ester 8:1
An dem Tage gab der König Ahasveros der Königin Esther das Haus Hamans, des Judenfeindes. Und Mardachai kam vor den König; denn Esther sagte an, wie er ihr zugehörete.

An dem Tage gab der König Ahasveros der Königin Esther das Haus Hamans, des Judenfeindes. Und Mardochai kam vor den König; denn Esther sagte an, wie er ihr zugehörte.

Jenes Tags schenkte der König Ahasveros der Königin Esther das Haus Hamans, des Widersachers der Juden. Mardachai aber erhielt Zutritt zum Könige, denn Esther hatte diesem mitgeteilt, was er ihr sei.

Ester 8:1
In quello stesso giorno il re Assuero donò alla regina Ester la casa di Haman, il nemico dei Giudei. E Mardocheo si presentò al re, al quale Ester avea dichiarato la parentela che l’univa a lui.

In quello stesso giorno il re Assuero donò alla regina Ester la casa di Haman, nemico de’ Giudei. E Mardocheo venne davanti al re; perciocchè Ester gli avea dichiarato ciò ch’egli le era.

Arakian, maka pada hari itu juga dikaruniakan baginda raja Ahasyweros rumah Haman, seteru orang Yahudi itu, kepada permaisuri Ester, maka Mordekhaipun lalu menghadap hadirat baginda, karena sudah diberitahu Ester kepada baginda apa Mordekhai itu kepadanya.

에스더 8:1
당일에 아하수에로왕이 유다인의 대적 하만의 집을 왕후 에스더에게 주니라 에스더가 모르드개는 자기에게 어떻게 관계됨을 왕께 고한고로 모르드개가 왕의 앞에 나아오니

Esther 8:1
die illo dedit rex Asuerus Hester reginae domum Aman adversarii Iudaeorum et Mardocheus ingressus est ante faciem regis confessa est enim ei Hester quod esset patruus suus

Esteros knyga 8:1
Tą dieną karalius Ahasveras atidavė žydų priešo Hamano namus karalienei Esterai. Mordechajas buvo pakviestas pas karalių, nes Estera pasisakė, kad jis yra jos giminaitis.

Esther 8:1
No taua ra ka homai e Kingi Ahahueruha ki a Kuini Ehetere te whare o Hamana, hoariri o nga Hurai. A ka haere a Mororekai ki te aroaro o te kingi, na Ehetere hoki i whakaatu he whanaunga ia nona.

Esters 8:1
Samme dag gav kong Ahasverus dronning Ester det hus som hadde tilhørt Haman, jødenes fiende; og Mordekai fikk komme inn for kongen, for Ester hadde fortalt hvad han var for henne.

Ester 8:1
Aquel mismo día el rey Asuero dio a la reina Ester la casa de Amán, enemigo de los judíos; y Mardoqueo vino delante del rey, porque Ester le había revelado lo que era él para ella.

Aquel mismo día el rey Asuero dio a la reina Ester la casa de Amán, enemigo de los Judíos; y Mardoqueo vino delante del rey, porque Ester le había revelado lo que era él para ella.

Ese mismo día el rey Asuero dio a la reina Esther la casa de Amán enemigo de los judíos; y Mardoqueo vino delante del rey, porque Esther le declaró lo que él era respecto de ella.

EL MISMO día dió el rey Assuero á la reina Esther la casa de Amán enemigo de los Judíos; y Mardochêo vino delante del rey, porque Esther le declaró lo que era respecto de ella.

El mismo día dio el rey Asuero a la reina Ester la casa de Amán enemigo de los judíos; y Mardoqueo vino delante del rey, porque Ester le declaró lo que era respecto de ella .

Ester 8:1
Naquele mesmo dia o rei transferiu para a rainha a casa e todos os bens de Hamã, o inimigo dos judeus. E Mardoqueu apresentou-se diante do rei, pois Ester tinha revelado quem ele era.

Naquele mesmo dia deu o rei Assuero à rainha Ester a casa de Hamã, o inimigo dos judeus. E Mardoqueu apresentou-se perante o rei, pois Ester tinha declarado o que ele era.    

Estera 8:1
În aceeaşi zi, împăratul Ahaşveroş a dat împărătesei Estera casa lui Haman, vrăjmaşul Iudeilor. Şi Mardoheu a venit înaintea împăratului, căci Estera arătase legătura ei de rudenie cu el.

Есфирь 8:1
В тот день царь Артаксеркс отдал царице Есфири дом Амана, врага Иудеев; а Мардохей вошел пред лице царя, ибо Есфирь объявила, что он для нее.

В тот день царь Артаксеркс отдал царице Есфири дом Амана, врага Иудеев; а Мардохей вошел пред лице царя, ибо Есфирь объявила, что он для нее.[]

Ester 8:1
Samma dag gav konung Ahasveros åt drottning Ester Hamans, judarnas oväns, hus. Och Mordokai fick tillträde till konungen, ty Ester hade nu omtalat, vad han var för henne.

Esther 8:1
Nang araw na yaon ay ibinigay ng haring Assuero ang bahay ni Aman na kaaway ng mga Judio kay Esther na reina. At si Mardocheo ay naparoon sa harap ng hari; sapagka't isinaysay ni Esther kung ano niya siya.

เอสเธอร์ 8:1
ในวันนั้นกษัตริย์อาหสุเอรัสพระราชทานวงศ์วานของฮามานศัตรูของพวกยิวแก่พระราชินีเอสเธอร์ โมรเดคัยก็เข้าเฝ้ากษัตริย์ เพราะพระนางเอสเธอร์ได้ทูลว่าท่านเป็นอะไรกับพระนาง

Ester 8:1
O gün Kral Ahaşveroş Yahudi düşmanı Hamanın malını mülkünü Kraliçe Estere verdi. Esterin Mordekaya yakınlığını açıklaması üzerine Mordekay kralın huzuruna kabul edildi.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 8:1
Ngày đó, vua A-suê-ru ban cho hoàng hậu Ê-xơ-tê cái nhà của Ha-man, kẻ ức hiếp dân Giu-đa. Còn Mạc-đô-chê đi vào trước mặt vua; vì bà Ê-xơ-tê đã bày tỏ người là thân thuộc mình.

Esther 7:10
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