Esther 3:6
Esther 3:6
Yet having learned who Mordecai's people were, he scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai. Instead Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai's people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes.

He had learned of Mordecai's nationality, so he decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai alone. Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews throughout the entire empire of Xerxes.

But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone. So, as they had made known to him the people of Mordecai, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.

But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him who the people of Mordecai were; therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.

And he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had shewed him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

And when he learned of Mordecai's ethnic identity, Haman decided not to do away with Mordecai alone. He planned to destroy all of Mordecai's people, the Jews, throughout Ahasuerus's kingdom.

Because they had told him who the people of Mordecai were, Haman found it unacceptable to kill only Mordecai. So Haman sought to destroy all of Mordecai's people, the Jewish people, who were in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus.

But the thought of striking out against Mordecai alone was repugnant to him, for he had been informed of the identity of Mordecai's people. So Haman sought to destroy all the Jews (that is, the people of Mordecai) who were in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus.

Because the king's advisers had informed him about Mordecai's nationality, he thought it beneath himself to kill only Mordecai. So Haman planned to wipe out Mordecai's people-all the Jews in the entire kingdom of Xerxes.

And he thought it a small matter to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for now they had declared unto him the people of Mordecai; therefore, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, the people of Mordecai.

And he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had made known to him the people of Mordecai: therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

And he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had showed him the people of Mordecai: why Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

But he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had made known to him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

And he counted it nothing to lay his hands upon Mardochai alone: for he had heard that he was of the nation of the Jews, and he chose rather to destroy all the nation of the Jews that were in the kingdom of Assuerus.

But he scorned to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had made known to him the people of Mordecai; therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus the people of Mordecai.

But he thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had shewed him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

And he scorned to lay hands on Mordecai alone; for they had shown him the people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even the people of Mordecai.

But he scorned the thought of laying hands on Mordecai alone, for they had made known to him Mordecai's people. Therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus, even Mordecai's people.

and it is contemptible in his eyes to put forth a hand on Mordecai by himself, for they have declared to him the people of Mordecai, and Haman seeketh to destroy all the Jews who are in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus -- the people of Mordecai.

Ester 3:6
por nuk denjoi të shtrijë dorën e tij vetëm kundër Mardokeut, sepse e kishin njoftuar cilit popull i përkiste Mardokeu; kështu Hamani vendosi të shkatërrojë tërë Judejtë, popullin e Mardokeut, që gjendeshin në tërë mbretërinë e Asueros.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 3:6
وازدري في عينيه ان يمد يده الى مردخاي وحده لانهم اخبروه عن شعب مردخاي فطلب هامان ان يهلك جميع اليهود الذين في كل مملكة احشويروش شعب مردخاي

D Öster 3:6
Aber dösswögn grad önn Mordychäusn durchhinzputzn, wär iem z weenig gwösn. Weil myn s iem gsait hiet, von wölchern Volk däß dyr Mordychäus war, gwill dyr Hämän allsand Judn in n Xerxn seinn Reich vernichtn, also yn n Mordychäusn sein gantzs Volk.

Естир 3:6
Но мислеше, че да тури ръка само на Мардохея ще бъде нищожно нещо; затова, понеже му бяха явили от кои люде беше Мардохей, Аман искаше да изтреби Мардохеевите люде, [сиреч], всичките юдеи, които бяха в цялото царство на Асуира.

以 斯 帖 記 3:6
他 們 已 將 末 底 改 的 本 族 告 訴 哈 曼 ; 他 以 為 下 手 害 末 底 改 一 人 是 小 事 , 就 要 滅 絕 亞 哈 隨 魯 王 通 國 所 有 的 猶 大 人 , 就 是 末 底 改 的 本 族 。

他 们 已 将 末 底 改 的 本 族 告 诉 哈 曼 ; 他 以 为 下 手 害 末 底 改 一 人 是 小 事 , 就 要 灭 绝 亚 哈 随 鲁 王 通 国 所 有 的 犹 大 人 , 就 是 末 底 改 的 本 族 。



Esther 3:6
A kad dozna kojemu narodu pripada, učini mu se premalo podići ruke na samog Mordokaja nego naumi s njim pobiti i sve Židove koji su živjeli u svem kraljevstvu Ahasverovu.

Ester 3:6
Ale za malou věc sobě položil, vztáhnouti ruku na Mardochea samého, (nebo byli oznámili jemu, z kterého by lidu byl Mardocheus). Protož smýšlel Aman, aby zahubil národ Mardocheův, totiž všecky Židy, kteříž byli ve všem království Asverovu.

Ester 3:6
Og da det blev fortalt ham, hvilket Folk Mordokaj tilhørte, var han ikke tilfreds med kun at lægge Haand paa Mordokaj, men satte sig til Maal at faa alle Jøderne i hele Ahasverus's Rige udryddet, fordi det var Mordokajs Folk.

Esther 3:6
Doch hij verachtte in zijn ogen, dat hij aan Mordechai alleen de hand zou slaan (want men had hem het volk van Mordechai aangewezen); maar Haman zocht al de Joden, die in het ganse koninkrijk van Ahasveros waren, namelijk het volk van Mordechai, te verdelgen.

אסתר 3:6
וַיִּ֣בֶז בְּעֵינָ֗יו לִשְׁלֹ֤ח יָד֙ בְּמָרְדֳּכַ֣י לְבַדֹּ֔ו כִּֽי־הִגִּ֥ידוּ לֹ֖ו אֶת־עַ֣ם מָרְדֳּכָ֑י וַיְבַקֵּ֣שׁ הָמָ֗ן לְהַשְׁמִ֧יד אֶת־כָּל־הַיְּהוּדִ֛ים אֲשֶׁ֛ר בְּכָל־מַלְכ֥וּת אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹ֖ושׁ עַ֥ם מָרְדֳּכָֽי׃

ו ויבז בעיניו לשלח יד במרדכי לבדו--כי הגידו לו את עם מרדכי ויבקש המן להשמיד את כל היהודים אשר בכל מלכות אחשורוש--עם מרדכי

ויבז בעיניו לשלח יד במרדכי לבדו כי־הגידו לו את־עם מרדכי ויבקש המן להשמיד את־כל־היהודים אשר בכל־מלכות אחשורוש עם מרדכי׃

Eszter 3:6
De kevés volt elõtte, hogy csakis Márdokeusra magára vesse rá kezét, (mert megmondták néki Márdokeus nemzetségét) azért igyekezett Hámán elveszteni minden zsidót, a ki Ahasvérus egész országában vala, a Márdokeus nemzetét.

Ester 3:6
Sed li trovis nesuficxa meti la manon sur Mordehxajon; cxar oni diris al li, el kiu popolo Mordehxaj estas, tial Haman ekintencis ekstermi cxiujn Judojn, kiuj estis en la tuta regno de Ahxasxverosx, la popolon de Mordehxaj.

Ja hän luki vähäksi laskea ainoastansa Mordekain päälle kättänsä; sillä he olivat hänelle tiettäväksi tehneet Mordekain kansan; mutta Haman pyysi teloittaa kaikkea Mordekain kansaa, Juudalaisia, jotka olivat koko kuningas Ahasveruksen valtakunassa.

Esther 3:6
Mais c'eût été une chose méprisable à ses yeux que de mettre la main sur Mardochée seul, car on lui avait appris quel était le peuple de Mardochée, et Haman chercha à détruire tous les Juifs qui étaient dans tout le royaume d'Assuérus, le peuple de Mardochée.

mais il dédaigna de porter la main sur Mardochée seul, car on lui avait dit de quel peuple était Mardochée, et il voulut détruire le peuple de Mardochée, tous les Juifs qui se trouvaient dans tout le royaume d'Assuérus.

Or il ne daignait pas mettre la main sur Mardochée seul; mais parce qu'on lui avait rapporté de quelle nation était Mardochée, il cherchait d'exterminer tous les Juifs qui étaient par tout le Royaume d'Assuérus, comme étant la nation de Mardochée.

Ester 3:6
Und verachtete es, daß er an Mardachai allein sollte die Hand legen, denn sie hatten ihm das Volk Mardachais angesagt; sondern er trachtete, das Volk Mardachais, alle Juden, so im ganzen Königreich Ahasveros waren, zu vertilgen.

Und verachtete es, daß er an Mardochai allein sollte die Hand legen, denn sie hatten ihm das Volk Mardochais angesagt; sondern er trachtete, das Volk Mardochais, alle Juden, so im ganzen Königreich des Ahasveros waren, zu vertilgen.

Aber es erschien ihm verächtlich, an Mardachai allein Hand zu legen; denn man hatte ihm mitgeteilt, welchem Volke Mardachai angehöre, und so trachtete Haman darnach, alle Juden im ganzen Königreiche des Ahasveros, die Volksgenossen Mardachais, zu vernichten.

Ester 3:6
ma sdegnò di metter le mani addosso a Mardocheo soltanto, giacché gli avean detto a qual popolo Mardocheo apparteneva; e cercò di distruggere il popolo di Mardocheo, tutti i Giudei che si trovavano in tutto il regno d’Assuero.

Ma egli sdegnava di metter la mano sopra Mardocheo solo; anzi, perchè gli era stato dichiarato il popolo di Mardocheo, cercava di distruggere tutti i Giudei, popolo di Mardocheo, ch’erano in tutto il regno di Assuero.

Tetapi suatu kehinaan kepada pemandangannya membunuh Mordekhai seorang orang jua, tegal sudah dinyatakan oranglah kepadanya bangsa Mordekhai itu, melainkan Haman mencahari jalan hendak membinasakan segala orang Yahudipun yang di dalam seluruh kerajaan Ahasyweros, sebab mereka itu bangsa Mordekhai.

에스더 3:6
저희가 모르드개의 민족을 하만에게 고한고로 하만이 `모르드개만 죽이는 것이 경하다' 하고 아하수에로의 온 나라에 있는 유다인 곧 모르드개의 민족을 다 멸하고자 하더라

Esther 3:6
et pro nihilo duxit in unum Mardocheum mittere manus suas audierat enim quod esset gentis iudaeae magisque voluit omnem Iudaeorum qui erant in regno Asueri perdere nationem

Esteros knyga 3:6
Jis manė, kad neverta kelti rankos prieš vieną Mordechają, nes jie pasakė jam Mordechajo tautybę. Todėl Hamanas nusprendė išžudyti visus žydus visoje Ahasvero karalystėje.

Esther 3:6
Otiia i whakahawea tona whakaaro ki te whakapa ringa ki a Mororekai anake, kua oti hoki te korero ki a ia te iwi o Mororekai; na reira i whai ai a Hamana kia whakangaromia nga Hurai katoa i te kingitanga katoa o Ahahueruha, ara te iwi o Mororekai.

Esters 3:6
Men det syntes ham alt for lite å legge hånd bare på Mordekai; for han hadde fått vite hvilket folk Mordekai hørte til; derfor søkte han å få utryddet alle de jøder som fantes i hele Ahasverus' rike, fordi det var Mordekais folk.

Ester 3:6
Y él no se contentó con echar mano sólo a Mardoqueo, pues le habían informado cuál era el pueblo de Mardoqueo; por tanto Amán procuró destruir a todos los judíos, el pueblo de Mardoqueo, que estaban por todo el reino de Asuero.

Y él no se contentó con echar mano sólo a Mardoqueo, pues le habían informado cuál era el pueblo de Mardoqueo. Por tanto Amán procuró destruir a todos los Judíos, el pueblo de Mardoqueo, que estaban por todo el reino de Asuero.

Pero tuvo en poco meter mano sólo en Mardoqueo; pues ya le habían declarado el pueblo de Mardoqueo; y procuró Amán destruir a todos los judíos que había en el reino de Asuero, al pueblo de Mardoqueo.

Mas tuvo en poco meter mano en solo Mardochêo; que ya le había declarado el pueblo de Mardochêo: y procuró Amán destruir á todos los Judíos que había en el reino de Assuero, al pueblo de Mardochêo.

Mas tuvo en poco meter mano en solo Mardoqueo; que ya le había declarado el pueblo de Mardoqueo; y procuró Amán destruir a todos los judíos que había en el reino de Asuero; al pueblo de Mardoqueo.

Ester 3:6
Todavia, assim que soube a que povo Mardoqueu pertencia, achou que não bastaria tirar a vida apenas de um judeu. Por esse motivo, Hamã procurou uma maneira de matar todos os judeus, o povo de Mardoqueu, em todo o império de Xerxes.

Mas, achou pouco tirar a vida somente a Mardoqueu; porque lhe haviam declarado o povo de Mardoqueu. Por esse motivo Hamã procurou destruir todos os judeus, o povo de Mardoqueu, que havia em todo o reino de Assuero.   

Estera 3:6
dar a crezut prea puţin pentru el să pună mîna numai pe Mardoheu, căci i se spusese din ce popor era Mardoheu, şi a voit să nimicească pe poporul lui Mardoheu, pe toţi Iudeii cari se aflau în toată împărăţia lui Ahaşveroş.

Есфирь 3:6
И показалось ему ничтожным наложить руку на одного Мардохея; но так как сказали ему, из какого народа Мардохей, то задумал Аман истребить всех Иудеев, которые были во всем царстве Артаксеркса, как народ Мардохеев.

И показалось ему ничтожным наложить руку на одного Мардохея; но так как сказали ему, из какого народа Мардохей, то задумал Аман истребить всех Иудеев, которые [были] во всем царстве Артаксеркса, [как] народ Мардохеев.[]

Ester 3:6
Men det syntes honom för ringa att bära hand allenast på Mordokai, sedan man berättat för honom av vilket folk Mordokai var, utan Haman sökte tillfälle att utrota alla judar som funnos i Ahasveros' hela rike, därför att de voro Mordokais landsmän.

Esther 3:6
Nguni't inakala niyang walang kabuluhan na pagbuhatan ng kamay si Mardocheo na magisa; sapagka't ipinakilala nila sa kaniya ang bayan ni Mardocheo: kaya't inisip ni Aman na lipulin ang lahat na Judio na nangasa buong kaharian ni Assuero, sa makatuwid baga'y ang bayan ni Mardocheo.

เอสเธอร์ 3:6
แต่ท่านเห็นว่าเป็นการเสียเกียรติที่จะจับกุมโมรเดคัยคนเดียว เพราะมีคนเรียนท่านให้ทราบถึงชนชาติของโมรเดคัย ฮามานจึงหาช่องที่จะทำลายยิวทั้งหมด คือชนชาติของโมรเดคัยทั่วราชอาณาจักรของอาหสุเอรัส

Ester 3:6
Yalnız onu öldürmeyi düşünmekle kalmadı, onun hangi halktan geldiğini bildiği için bütün halkını, Ahaşveroşun egemenliğinde yaşayan bütün Yahudileri ortadan kaldırmaya karar verdi.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 3:6
Người ta đã học cho Ha-man biết Mạc-đô-chê là người Giu-đa, nên người cho sự tra tay trên một mình Mạc-đô-chê là một sự nhỏ mọn, người bèn tìm mưu giết hết thảy dân Giu-đa, là tông tộc của Mạc-đô-chê, ở trong toàn nước A-suê-ru.

Esther 3:5
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