Esther 3:7
Esther 3:7
In the twelfth year of King Xerxes, in the first month, the month of Nisan, the pur (that is, the lot) was cast in the presence of Haman to select a day and month. And the lot fell on the twelfth month, the month of Adar.

So in the month of April, during the twelfth year of King Xerxes' reign, lots were cast in Haman's presence (the lots were called [purim]) to determine the best day and month to take action. And the day selected was March 7, nearly a year later.

In the first month, which is the month of Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur (that is, they cast lots) before Haman day after day; and they cast it month after month till the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar.

In the first month, which is the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, Pur, that is the lot, was cast before Haman from day to day and from month to month, until the twelfth month, that is the month Adar.

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

In the first month, the month of Nisan, in King Ahasuerus's twelfth year, Pur (that is, the lot) was cast before Haman for each day in each month, and it fell on the twelfth month, the month Adar.

In the twelfth year of the reign of King Ahasuerus, in the first month (the month Nisan), the pur (that is, the lot) was cast in Haman's presence to determine the best day and month to carry out his plot. The lot indicated the twelfth month, the month Adar.

In the first month (that is, the month of Nisan), in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus' reign, pur (that is, the lot) was cast before Haman in order to determine a day and a month. It turned out to be the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar).

In Xerxes' twelfth year as king, [Pur] (which means [the lot]) was thrown in front of Haman for every day of every month, from Nisan, the first month, until Adar, the twelfth month.

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day and from month to month, and the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar was taken.

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

In the first month, which is the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month , which is the month Adar.

In the first month (which is called Nisan) in the twelfth year of the reign of Assuerus, the lot was cast into an urn, which in Hebrew is called Phur, before Aman, on what day and what month the nation of the Jews should be destroyed: and there came out the twelfth month, which is called Adar.

In the first month, that is, the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman for each day and for each month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

In the first month, which is the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, which is the month Adar.

In the first month, (that is, the month Nisan,) in the twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar.

In the first month, which is the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is, the lot, before Haman from day to day, and from month to month, and chose the twelfth month, which is the month Adar.

In the first month -- it is the month of Nisan -- in the twelfth year of the king Ahasuerus, hath one caused to fall Pur (that is the lot) before Haman, from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth, it is the month of Adar.

Ester 3:7
Në muajin e parë, që është muaji i Nisanit, në vitin e dymbëdhjetë të mbretit Asuero, në prani të Hamanit, u hodh Puri (domethënë u hodh shorti), për të vendosur ditën dhe muajin; dhe shorti ra mbi

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 3:7
في الشهر الاول اي شهر نيسان في السنة الثانية عشرة للملك احشويروش كانوا يلقون فورا اي قرعة امام هامان من يوم الى يوم ومن شهر الى شهر الى الثاني عشر اي شهر اذار.

D Öster 3:7
Eyn n eerstn Maanet, also eyn n Nissän, in n zwölftn Jaar von n Künig Xerx, warf myn vor n Hämän s Looß über de ainzlnen Täg und Maaneter; und ausher kaam dyr dreuzönte Tag von n zwölftn Maanet, von n Ädär.

Естир 3:7
В първия месец, който е месец Нисан, в дванадесетата година на цар Асуира, хвърлиха пур (сиреч, жребие) пред Амана последователно за всеки ден от всеки месец, дори до дванадесетия [месец], който е месец Адар.

以 斯 帖 記 3:7
亞 哈 隨 魯 王 十 二 年 正 月 , 就 是 尼 散 月 , 人 在 哈 曼 面 前 , 按 日 日 月 月 掣 普 珥 , 就 是 掣 籤 , 要 定 何 月 何 日 為 吉 , 擇 定 了 十 二 月 , 就 是 亞 達 月 。

亚 哈 随 鲁 王 十 二 年 正 月 , 就 是 尼 散 月 , 人 在 哈 曼 面 前 , 按 日 日 月 月 掣 普 珥 , 就 是 掣 签 , 要 定 何 月 何 日 为 吉 , 择 定 了 十 二 月 , 就 是 亚 达 月 。



Esther 3:7
U prvom mjesecu, to jest u mjesecu Nisanu, dvanaeste godine Ahasverova kraljevanja u nazočnosti Hamana baciše "Pur", to jest ždrijeb, da utvrde dan i mjesec. Ždrijeb pade na trinaesti dan dvanaestoga mjeseca, to jest na mjeseca Adara.

Ester 3:7
Takž měsíce prvního, totiž měsíce Nísan, léta dvanáctého kralování Asverova, rozkázal uvrci pur, totiž los, před sebou ode dne ke dni, a od měsíce až do měsíce dvanáctého, jenž jest měsíc Adar.

Ester 3:7
I den første Maaned, det er Nisan Maaned, i Kong Ahasverus's tolvte Regeringsaar kastede man i Hamans Paasyn Pur, det er Lod, om hver enkelt Dag og hver enkelt Maaned, og Loddet traf den trettende Dag i den tolvte Maaned, det er Adar Maaned.

Esther 3:7
In de eerste maand (deze is de maand Nisan) in het twaalfde jaar van den koning Ahasveros, wierp men het Pur, dat is, het lot, voor Hamans aangezicht, van dag tot dag, en van maand tot maand, tot de twaalfde maand toe; deze is de maand Adar.

אסתר 3:7
בַּחֹ֤דֶשׁ הָרִאשֹׁון֙ הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ נִיסָ֔ן בִּשְׁנַת֙ שְׁתֵּ֣ים עֶשְׂרֵ֔ה לַמֶּ֖לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹ֑ושׁ הִפִּ֣יל פּוּר֩ ה֨וּא הַגֹּורָ֜ל לִפְנֵ֣י הָמָ֗ן מִיֹּ֧ום ׀ לְיֹ֛ום וּמֵחֹ֛דֶשׁ לְחֹ֥דֶשׁ שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר הוּא־חֹ֥דֶשׁ אֲדָֽר׃ ס

ז בחדש הראשון הוא חדש ניסן בשנת שתים עשרה למלך אחשורוש  הפיל פור הוא הגורל לפני המן מיום ליום ומחדש לחדש שנים עשר--הוא חדש אדר  {ס}

בחדש הראשון הוא־חדש ניסן בשנת שתים עשרה למלך אחשורוש הפיל פור הוא הגורל לפני המן מיום ׀ ליום ומחדש לחדש שנים־עשר הוא־חדש אדר׃ ס

Eszter 3:7
Az elsõ hónapban, ez Nisán hónapja, Ahasvérus királyságának tizenkettedik évében, Púrt, azaz sorsot vetének Hámán elõtt napról-napra és hónapról-hónapra a tizenkettedikig, s ez Adár hónapja.

Ester 3:7
En la unua monato, tio estas en la monato Nisan, en la dek-dua jaro de la regxado de Ahxasxverosx, oni jxetadis pur�on, tio estas loton, antaux Haman, de tago al tago kaj de monato al monato, gxis la dek-dua, tio estas gxis la monato Adar.

Ensimäisellä kuulla, se on Nisan kuu, kuningas Ahasveruksen toisena vuonna toistakymmentä, heitettiin Pur, se on arpa, Hamanin edessä, päivä päivältä, ja kuukaudelta niin toiseen kuuhun toistakymmentä, se on kuu Adar.

Esther 3:7
Au premier mois, qui est le mois de Nisan, la douzième année du roi Assuérus, on jeta le pur, c'est-à-dire le sort, devant Haman, pour chaque jour et pour chaque mois jusqu'au douzième mois, qui est le mois d'Adar.

Au premier mois, qui est le mois de Nisan, la douzième année du roi Assuérus, on jeta le pur, c'est-à-dire le sort, devant Haman, pour chaque jour et pour chaque mois, jusqu'au douzième mois, qui est le mois d'Adar.

Et au premier mois, qui est le mois de Nisan, la douzième année du Roi Assuérus, on jeta Pur, c'est-à-dire le sort, devant Haman, pour chaque jour, et pour chaque mois, [et le sort tomba sur] le douzième mois, qui est le mois d'Adar.

Ester 3:7
Im ersten Monden, das ist der Mond Nisan, im zwölften Jahr des Königs Ahasveros, ward das Los geworfen vor Haman, von einem Tage auf den andern und vom Monden bis auf den zwölften Monden, das ist der Mond Adar.

Im ersten Monat, das ist der Monat Nisan, im zwölften Jahr des Königs Ahasveros, ward das Pur, das ist das Los, geworfen vor Haman, von einem Tage auf den andern und von Monat zu Monat bis auf den zwölften, das ist der Monat Adar.

Im ersten Monate - das ist der Monat Nisan -, im zwölften Jahre des Königs Ahasveros, warf man das Pur - das ist das Los - vor Haman, von einem Tage zum andern und von einem Monate zum andern, und es fiel das Los auf den 13. Tag des zwölften Monats - das ist der Monat Adar.

Ester 3:7
Il primo mese, ch’è il mese di Nisan, il dodicesimo anno del re Assuero, si tirò il Pur, vale a dire si tirò a sorte, in presenza di Haman, un giorno dopo l’altro e un mese dopo l’altro, finché sortì designato il dodicesimo mese, ch’è il mese di Adar.

E nel primo mese, che è il mese di Nisan, nell’anno duodecimo del re Assuero, fu tirata Pur, cioè la sorte, davanti ad Haman, per ciascun giorno, e per ciascun mese; e la sorte cadde sul duodecimo mese che è il mese di Adar.

Maka pada bulan yang pertama, yaitu bulan Nisan, tahun yang kedua belas dari pada kerajaan Ahasyweros, ditentukannya bulan yang kedua belas, yaitu bulan Adar, oleh Pur, yaitu undi, yang dibuang oranglah di hadapan Haman dari pada sehari datang kepada sehari dan dari pada sebulan datang kepada sebulan.

에스더 3:7
아하수에로왕 십 이년 정월 곧 니산월에 무리가 하만 앞에서 날과 달에 대하여 부르 곧 제비를 뽑아 십이월 곧 아달월을 얻은지라

Esther 3:7
mense primo cuius vocabulum est nisan anno duodecimo regni Asueri missa est sors in urnam quae hebraice dicitur phur coram Aman quo die et quo mense gens Iudaeorum deberet interfici et exivit mensis duodecimus qui vocatur adar

Esteros knyga 3:7
Dvyliktaisiais karaliaus Ahasvero metais, pirmą mėnesį, vadinamą nisanu, buvo metamas Pur, tai yra burtas, Hamano akivaizdoje kiekvienai dienai ir kiekvienam mėnesiui iki dvylikto mėnesio adaro.

Esther 3:7
I te marama tuatahi, ara i te marama Nihana, i te tekau ma rua o nga tau o Kingi Ahahueruha, ka maka te Puri, ara te rota ki te aroaro o Hamana i tenei ra, i tenei ra, i tenei marama, i tenei marama a te tekau ma rua ra ano, ara te marama Arara.

Esters 3:7
I den første måned, det er måneden nisan, i kong Ahasverus' tolvte år blev det kastet pur, det er lodd, i Hamans påsyn om hver enkelt dag og hver enkelt måned like til den tolvte måned, det er måneden adar.

Ester 3:7
En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, el año doce del rey Asuero, se echó el Pur, es decir la suerte, delante de Amán para cada día y cada mes hasta el mes doce, que es el mes de Adar.

En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, el año doce del rey Asuero, se echó el Pur, es decir la suerte, delante de Amán para cada día y cada mes hasta el mes doce, que es el mes de Adar.

En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, en el año duodécimo del rey Asuero, fue echada Pur, esto es, la suerte, delante de Amán, de día en día y de mes en mes; y salió el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de Adar.

En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, en el año duodécimo del rey Assuero, fué echada Pur, esto es, la suerte, delante de Amán, de día en día y de mes en mes; y salió el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de Adar.

En el mes primero, que es el mes de Nisán, en el año duodécimo del rey Asuero, fue echada Pur, esto es, la suerte, delante de Amán, de día en día y de mes en mes; y salió el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de Adar.

Ester 3:7
No primeiro mês do décimo segundo ano do reinado do rei Assuero, Xerxes, no mês de Nissanou Abibe, aproximadamente entre março e abril, lançaram Pur, isto é, Sorte, diante de Hamã, com o objetivo de escolher um dia e um mês propício para executar o plano do extermínio. E o Purindicou o décimo segundo mês, o mês de Adar, entre fevereiro e março.

No primeiro mês, que é o mês de nisã, no ano duodécimo do rei Assuero, se lançou Pur, isto é, a sorte, perante Hamã, para cada dia e para mês, até o duodécimo, que é o mês de adar.    

Estera 3:7
În luna întîi, adică luna Nisan, în al doisprezecelea an al împăratului Ahaşveroş, au aruncat Pur, adică sorţul, înaintea lui Haman, pentru fiecare zi şi pentru fiecare lună, pînă în luna a douăsprezecea, adică luna Adar.

Есфирь 3:7
в первый месяц, который есть месяц Нисан, в двенадцатый год царя Артаксеркса, и бросали пур, то есть жребий, пред лицем Амана изо дня в день и из месяца в месяц, и пал жребий на двенадцатый месяц , то есть на месяцАдар.

в первый месяц, который есть месяц Нисан, в двенадцатый год царя Артаксеркса, и бросали пур, то есть жребий, пред лицем Амана изо дня в день и из месяца в месяц, [и пал жребий] на двенадцатый [месяц], то есть на месяц Адар.[]

Ester 3:7
I första månaden, det är månaden Nisan, i Ahasveros' tolfte regeringsår, kastades pur, det är lott, inför Haman om var särskild dag och var särskild månad intill tolfte månaden, det är månaden Adar.

Esther 3:7
Nang unang buwan, na siyang buwan ng Nisan, nang ikalabing dalawang taon ng haring Assuero, kanilang pinagsapalaran nga ang Pur sa harap ni Aman sa araw-araw, at sa buwan-buwan, hanggang sa ikalabing dalawang buwan, na siyang buwan ng Adar.

เอสเธอร์ 3:7
ในเดือนแรกซึ่งเป็นเดือนนิสานปีที่สิบสองแห่งรัชกาลกษัตริย์อาหสุเอรัส เขาพากันทอดเปอร์ คือสลาก ต่อหน้าฮามานเพื่อหาวัน และเพื่อหาเดือน ได้เดือนที่สิบสอง คือเป็นเดือนอาดาร์

Ester 3:7
Bu işe en uygun ayı ve günü belirlemek için Ahaşveroşun krallığının on ikinci yılında, birinci ay olan Nisanfç ayında Hamanın önünde pur, yani kura çekildi. Kura, on ikinci ay olan Adar ayına düştü. kapsardı.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 3:7
Tháng Giêng là tháng Ni-san, năm thứ mười hai đời vua A-suê-ru, người ta bỏ Phu-rơ, tức là bỏ thăm, mỗi ngày mỗi tháng, tại trước mặt Ha-man, cho đến tháng mười hai, là tháng A-đa.

Esther 3:6
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