Esther 2:18
Esther 2:18
And the king gave a great banquet, Esther's banquet, for all his nobles and officials. He proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts with royal liberality.

To celebrate the occasion, he gave a great banquet in Esther's honor for all his nobles and officials, declaring a public holiday for the provinces and giving generous gifts to everyone.

Then the king gave a great feast for all his officials and servants; it was Esther’s feast. He also granted a remission of taxes to the provinces and gave gifts with royal generosity.

Then the king gave a great banquet, Esther's banquet, for all his princes and his servants; he also made a holiday for the provinces and gave gifts according to the king's bounty.

Then the king made a great feast unto all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the state of the king.

The king held a great banquet for all his officials and staff. It was Esther's banquet. He freed his provinces from tax payments and gave gifts worthy of the king's bounty.

The king put on a great banquet for all his officials and ministers to honor Esther. He declared a holiday for the provinces and gave generous gifts.

Then the king prepared a large banquet for all his officials and his servants--it was actually Esther's banquet. He also set aside a holiday for the provinces, and he provided for offerings at the king's expense.

Then the king held a great banquet for Esther. He invited all his officials and his advisers. He also declared that day a holiday in the provinces, and he handed out gifts from his royal generosity.

Then the king made a great banquet unto all his princes and his slaves, the banquet of Esther; and he made a release to the provinces of their taxes and gave gifts according to the power of the king.

Then the king made a great feast unto all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a holiday in all the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the liberality of the king.

Then the king made a great feast to all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the state of the king.

Then the king made a great feast unto all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the bounty of the king.

And he commanded a magnificent feast to be prepared for all the princes, and for his servants, for the marriage and wedding of Esther. And he gave rest to all the provinces, and bestowed gifts according to princely magnificence.

And the king made a great feast to all his princes and his servants, Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave presents according to the king's bounty.

Then the king made a great feast unto all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the bounty of the king.

Then the king made a great feast to all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the state of the king.

Then the king made a great feast for all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he proclaimed a holiday in the provinces, and gave gifts according to the king's bounty.

and the king maketh a great banquet to all his heads and his servants -- the banquet of Esther -- and a release to the provinces hath made, and giveth gifts as a memorial of the king.

Ester 2:18
Pastaj mbreti shtroi një banket të madh për tërë princat dhe shërbëtorët e tij, banketin e Esterit; përveç kësaj ai u dha një ditë pushimi krahinave dhe bëri dhurata me bujari mbretërore.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 2:18
وعمل الملك وليمة عظيمة لجميع رؤسائه وعبيده وليمة استير. وعمل راحة للبلاد واعطى عطايا حسب كرم الملك.

D Öster 2:18
Dös wurd aft grooß gfeiert, und dyr Künig lued zo dyr Öster irer Eer alle seine Höfling und Fürstn zo aynn Föstmaal ein. Yn de Pfintzn wurdnd Steuern naachlaassn, und aau mit seine Gschenker war yr närrisch freigibig.

Естир 2:18
Тогава царят направи голямо угощение на всичките си първенци и на слугите си, угощение [в чест] на Естир; и определи [деня] за празник на областите, и даде подаръци, както подобаваше на царя.

以 斯 帖 記 2:18
王 因 以 斯 帖 的 緣 故 給 眾 首 領 和 臣 僕 設 擺 大 筵 席 , 又 豁 免 各 省 的 租 稅 , 並 照 王 的 厚 意 大 頒 賞 賜 。

王 因 以 斯 帖 的 缘 故 给 众 首 领 和 臣 仆 设 摆 大 筵 席 , 又 豁 免 各 省 的 租 税 , 并 照 王 的 厚 意 大 颁 赏 赐 。



Esther 2:18
Nakon toga priredi kralj u čast Estere veliku gozbu za svoje knezove i službenike; svim pokrajinama odredi odmor i razda darove kraljevski darežljivo.

Ester 2:18
K tomu také učinil král hody veliké všechněm knížatům svým a služebníkům svým, totiž hody Estery, a dal odpočinutí krajinám, a daroval je tak, jakž slušelo na krále.

Ester 2:18
Derpaa gjorde Kongen et stort Gæstebud for alle sine Fyrster og Folk til Ære for Ester, og han eftergav Straf i sine Lande og uddelte Gaver, som det sømmede sig en Konge.

Esther 2:18
Toen maakte de koning een groten maaltijd al zijn vorsten en zijn knechten, den maaltijd van Esther; en hij gaf den landschappen rust, en hij gaf geschenken naar des konings vermogen.

אסתר 2:18
וַיַּ֨עַשׂ הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ מִשְׁתֶּ֣ה גָדֹ֗ול לְכָל־שָׂרָיו֙ וַעֲבָדָ֔יו אֵ֖ת מִשְׁתֵּ֣ה אֶסְתֵּ֑ר וַהֲנָחָ֤ה לַמְּדִינֹות֙ עָשָׂ֔ה וַיִּתֵּ֥ן מַשְׂאֵ֖ת כְּיַ֥ד הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

יח ויעש המלך משתה גדול לכל שריו ועבדיו--את משתה אסתר והנחה למדינות עשה ויתן משאת כיד המלך

ויעש המלך משתה גדול לכל־שריו ועבדיו את משתה אסתר והנחה למדינות עשה ויתן משאת כיד המלך׃

Eszter 2:18
És nagy lakomát adott a király minden õ fejedelmének és szolgáinak, az Eszter lakomáját, és a tartományoknak nyugalmat adott, és ajándékokat osztogata király módjára.

Ester 2:18
Kaj la regxo faris grandan festenon por cxiuj siaj princoj kaj servantoj, festenon je la honoro de Ester; kaj li donis ripozon al la landoj kaj disdonis regxajn donacojn.

ESTER 2:18
Ja kuningas teki kaikille päämiehillensä ja palvelioillensa suuret pidot, ja ne pidot olivat Esterin tähden; ja hän teki maakunnille levon, ja antoi lahjoja kuninkaan varan jälkeen.

Esther 2:18
Et le roi fit un grand festin à tous ses princes et ses serviteurs, le festin d'Esther; et il octroya un dégrèvement aux provinces et fit des dons selon la puissance du roi.

Le roi donna un grand festin à tous ses princes et à ses serviteurs, un festin en l'honneur d'Esther; il accorda du repos aux provinces, et fit des présents avec une libéralité royale.

Alors le Roi fit un grand festin à tous les principaux Seigneurs de ses pays, et à ses serviteurs, [savoir] le festin d'Esther; et il soulagea les provinces, et fit des présents selon l'opulence royale.

Ester 2:18
Und der König machte ein groß Mahl allen seinen Fürsten und Knechten (das war ein Mahl um Esthers willen) und ließ die Länder ruhen und gab königliche Geschenke aus.

Und der König machte ein großes Mahl allen seinen Fürsten und Knechten, das war ein Mahl um Esthers willen, und ließ die Länder ruhen und gab königliche Geschenke aus.

Sodann veranstaltete der König ein großes Gastmahl für alle seine Fürsten und Diener, das Gastmahl zu Ehren Esthers, und auch für die Provinzen veranstaltete er eine Lustbarkeit und bewilligte dazu eine Spende mit königlicher Freigebigkeit.

Ester 2:18
E il re fece un gran convito a tutti i suoi principi ed ai suoi servi, che fu il convito d’Ester; concedette sgravi alle province, e fece doni con munificenza di re.

E il re fece un gran convito a tutti i suoi baroni e servitori, cioè, il convito delle nozze di Ester; e sgravò le provincie, e fece presenti secondo il poter reale.

ESTER 2:18
Maka bagindapun membuat suatu perjamuan yang besar akan segala penghulu dan pegawainya, yaitu perjamuan karena Ester, maka diringankan baginda upeti yang dibayar oleh segala negeri itu, dan dikaruniakan baginda anugerah sekadar kebesarannya.

에스더 2:18
왕이 크게 잔치를 베푸니 이는 에스더를 위한 잔치라 모든 방백과 신복을 향응하고 또 각 도의 세금을 면제하고 왕의 풍부함을 따라 크게 상 주니라

Esther 2:18
et iussit convivium praeparari permagnificum cunctis principibus et servis suis pro coniunctione et nuptiis Hester et dedit requiem in universis provinciis ac dona largitus est iuxta magnificentiam principalem

Esteros knyga 2:18
Karalius iškėlė didelę puotą savo kunigaikščiams ir tarnams; tai buvo Esteros puota. Jis sumažino mokesčius savo karalystėje ir davė karališkų dovanų.

Esther 2:18
Katahi ka tukua e te kingi he hakari nui ma ana rangatira katoa ratou ko ana tangata, ara te hakari o Ehetere; whakangawaritia ano hoki e ia nga mea ki nga kawanatanga, a hoatu ana etahi hakari e ia, he mea i rite ki ta te kingi tikanga.

Esters 2:18
Og kongen gjorde et stort gjestebud for alle sine fyrster og tjenere til ære for Ester, og han tilstod landskapene eftergivelse av skatter og delte ut gaver, som det høvde for en konge.

Ester 2:18
Entonces el rey hizo un gran banquete para todos sus príncipes y siervos, el banquete de Ester. También concedió un día de descanso para las provincias y dio presentes conforme a la liberalidad del rey.

Entonces el rey hizo un gran banquete para todos sus príncipes y siervos, el banquete de Ester. También concedió un día de descanso para las provincias y dio presentes conforme a la liberalidad del rey.

Hizo luego el rey gran banquete a todos sus príncipes y siervos, el banquete de Esther; y alivió de impuestos a las provincias, e hizo y dio mercedes conforme a la generosidad del rey.

Hizo luego el rey gran banquete á todos sus príncipes y siervos, el banquete de Esther; y alivió á las provincias, é hizo y dió mercedes conforme á la facultad real.

Hizo luego el rey un gran banquete a todos sus príncipes y siervos, el banquete de Ester; y reposó a las provincias de sus impuestos , e hizo y dio mercedes conforme a la facultad real.

Ester 2:18
Em seguida o rei ofereceu um grande banquete a todos os seus príncipes e aos que o serviam, em homenagem a Ester. Determinou que este fosse um dia de celebração, livre de qualquer trabalho, e promulgou um indulto geral em todas as províncias e presenteou a muita gente como expressão da sua felicidade e generosidade real.

Então o rei deu um grande banquete a todos os seus príncipes e aos seus servos; era um banquete em honra de Ester; e concedeu alívio às províncias, e fez presentes com régia liberalidade.   

Estera 2:18
Împăratul a dat un mare ospăţ tuturor domnitorilor şi slujitorilor lui, un ospăţ în cinstea Esterei. Cu prilejul acesta a uşurat sarcinile ţinuturilor, şi a împărţit daruri cu o dărnicie împărătească.

Есфирь 2:18
И сделал царь большой пир для всех князей своих и для служащих при нем, – пир ради Есфири, и сделал льготу областям и роздал дары с царственною щедростью.

И сделал царь большой пир для всех князей своих и для служащих при нем, --пир ради Есфири, и сделал льготу областям и роздал дары с царственною щедростью.[]

Ester 2:18
Och konungen gjorde ett stort gästabud för alla sina furstar och tjänare, ett gästabud till Esters ära; och han beviljade skattelindring åt sina hövdingdömen och delade ut skänker, såsom det hövdes en konung.

Esther 2:18
Nang magkagayo'y gumawa ang hari ng malaking kapistahan sa kaniyang lahat na prinsipe at kaniyang mga lingkod, sa makatuwid baga'y kapistahan ni Esther; at siya'y gumawa ng pagpapatawad ng sala sa mga lalawigan, at nagbigay ng mga kaloob, ayon sa kalooban ng hari.

เอสเธอร์ 2:18
แล้วกษัตริย์พระราชทานการเลี้ยงใหญ่แก่เจ้านายและข้าราชการทั้งปวงของพระองค์ เป็นการเลี้ยงของพระนางเอสเธอร์ พระองค์ทรงอนุมัติให้งดส่วยแก่มณฑลทั้งปวง และพระราชทานของกำนัล ด้วยพระทัยกว้างขวางของกษัตริย์

Ester 2:18
Ardından Esterin onuruna büyük bir şölen verdi. Bu şölende bütün önderler ve görevliler hazır bulundu. Kral bütün illerde bayram ilan etti ve krallara yaraşır cömertlikle armağanlar dağıttı.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 2:18
Ðoạn, vua bày một tiệc lớn đãi các quan trưởng và thần bộc mình, tức tiệc yến của bà Ê-xơ-tê; vua rộng tha thuế cho các tỉnh, và ban thưởng xứng đáng theo bực giàu sang của vua.

Esther 2:17
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