Esther 1:5
Esther 1:5
When these days were over, the king gave a banquet, lasting seven days, in the enclosed garden of the king's palace, for all the people from the least to the greatest who were in the citadel of Susa.

When it was all over, the king gave a banquet for all the people, from the greatest to the least, who were in the fortress of Susa. It lasted for seven days and was held in the courtyard of the palace garden.

And when these days were completed, the king gave for all the people present in Susa the citadel, both great and small, a feast lasting for seven days in the court of the garden of the king’s palace.

When these days were completed, the king gave a banquet lasting seven days for all the people who were present at the citadel in Susa, from the greatest to the least, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

And when these days were expired, the king made a feast unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both unto great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;

At the end of this time, the king held a week-long banquet in the garden courtyard of the royal palace for all the people, from the greatest to the least, who were present in the fortress of Susa.

When those days were over, the king held a seven-day banquet in the courtyard of the garden of his palace for all the people who were present in Susa the capital, from the greatest to the least important.

When those days were completed, the king then provided a seven-day banquet for all the people who were present in Susa the citadel, for those of highest standing to the most lowly. It was held in the court located in the garden of the royal palace.

When those days were over, the king held a banquet lasting seven days. This banquet was held in the enclosed garden of the king's palace for all people in the fortress of Susa, whatever their rank.

And when these days were expired, the king made a banquet unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both unto great and small, for seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

And when these days were completed, the king made a feast unto all the people that were present in Shushan the citadel, both unto great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;

And when these days were expired, the king made a feast to all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both to great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;

And when these days were fulfilled, the king made a feast unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

And when the days of the feast were expired, he invited all the people that were found in Susan, from the greatest to the least: and commanded a feast to be made seven days in the court of the garden, and of the wood, which was planted by the care and the hand of the king.

And when these days were expired, the king made a feast to all the people that were present in Shushan the fortress, both to great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

And when these days were fulfilled, he king made a feast unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;

And when these days had expired, the king made a feast for all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both for great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;

When these days were fulfilled, the king made a seven day feast for all the people who were present in Shushan the palace, both great and small, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

And at the fulness of these days hath the king made to all the people who are found in Shushan the palace, from great even unto small, a banquet, seven days, in the court of the garden of the house of the king --

Ester 1:5
Mbasi kaluan këto ditë, mbreti shtroi një banket tjetër prej shtatë ditësh, në oborrin e kopshtit të pallatit mbretëror, për tërë popullin që ndodhej në kështjellën e Suzës, nga më i madhi deri te më i vogli.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 1:5
وعند انقضاء هذه الايام عمل الملك لجميع الشعب الموجودين في شوشن القصر من الكبير الى الصغير وليمة سبعة ايام في دار جنة قصر الملك.

D Öster 1:5
Wie dö Zeit umhin war, gaab dyr Künig yn allsand in dyr Burg Susy, von n Maistn hinst eyn n Minstn, sibn Täg lang in n Hofgartn ayn Föstmaal.

Естир 1:5
И когато се изминаха тия дни, царят направи седемдневно угощение на всичките люде, които се намериха в столицата Суса, от голям до малък, в двора на градината на царския палат,

以 斯 帖 記 1:5
這 日 子 滿 了 , 又 為 所 有 住 書 珊 城 的 大 小 人 民 在 御 園 的 院 子 裡 設 擺 筵 席 七 日 。

这 日 子 满 了 , 又 为 所 有 住 书 珊 城 的 大 小 人 民 在 御 园 的 院 子 里 设 摆 筵 席 七 日 。



Esther 1:5
Kad je prošlo to vrijeme, priredi kralj u vrtnom trijemu svoje palače sedmodnevnu gozbu za sav narod koji se nalazio u tvrđavi grada Suze, od najvišega pa do najnižega.

Ester 1:5
(A když se vyplnili dnové ti, učinil král všemu lidu, což ho koli bylo v Susan městě královském, od největšího až do nejmenšího, hody za sedm dní na paláci v zahradě při domě královském.)

Ester 1:5
Og da disse Dage var omme, gjorde Kongen for hele Folket i Borgen Susan, fra den højeste til den laveste, et syv Dages Gæstebud paa den aabne Plads foran Parken ved Kongeborgen.

Esther 1:5
Toen nu die dagen vervuld waren, maakte de koning een maaltijd al den volke, dat gevonden werd op den burg Susan, van den grootste tot den kleinste, zeven dagen lang, in het voorhof van den hof van het koninklijk paleis.

אסתר 1:5
וּבִמְלֹ֣ואת ׀ הַיָּמִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה עָשָׂ֣ה הַמֶּ֡לֶךְ לְכָל־הָעָ֣ם הַנִּמְצְאִים֩ בְּשׁוּשַׁ֨ן הַבִּירָ֜ה לְמִגָּ֧דֹול וְעַד־קָטָ֛ן מִשְׁתֶּ֖ה שִׁבְעַ֣ת יָמִ֑ים בַּחֲצַ֕ר גִּנַּ֥ת בִּיתַ֖ן הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

ה ובמלואת הימים האלה עשה המלך לכל העם הנמצאים בשושן הבירה למגדול ועד קטן משתה--שבעת ימים  בחצר גנת ביתן המלך

ובמלואת ׀ הימים האלה עשה המלך לכל־העם הנמצאים בשושן הבירה למגדול ועד־קטן משתה שבעת ימים בחצר גנת ביתן המלך׃

Eszter 1:5
És mikor elmultak ezek a napok, tõn a király az egész népnek, mely Susán várában találtaték, kicsinytõl nagyig, hét napig tartó lakomát, a király palotája kertjének udvarán.

Ester 1:5
Kiam finigxis tiuj tagoj, la regxo faris por la tuta popolo, kiu trovigxis en la kastelurbo SXusxan, de la grandaj gxis la malgrandaj, festenon septagan sur la gxardena korto de la regxa palaco.

Ja kuin ne päivät olivat täytetyt, teki kuningas kaikelle kansalle, joka Susanin linnassa oli, sekä suurille että pienille pidot seitsemäksi päiväksi, kuninkaallisen huoneen yrttitarhan salissa.

Esther 1:5
Et quand ces jours furent accomplis, le roi fit à tout le peuple qui se trouvait à Suse, la capitale, depuis le grand jusqu'au petit, un festin de sept jours, dans la cour du jardin du palais du roi:

Lorsque ces jours furent écoulés, le roi fit pour tout le peuple qui se trouvait à Suse, la capitale, depuis le plus grand jusqu'au plus petit, un festin qui dura sept jours, dans la cour du jardin de la maison royale.

Et au bout de ces jours-là, le Roi fît un festin pendant sept jours, dans le parvis du jardin du palais Royal, à tout le peuple qui se trouva dans Susan, la ville capitale, depuis le plus grand jusqu'au plus petit.

Ester 1:5
Und da die Tage aus waren, machte der König ein Mahl allem Volk, das zu Schloß Susan war, beide Großen und Kleinen, sieben Tage lang im Hofe des Gartens am Hause des Königs.

Und da die Tage aus waren, machte der König ein Mahl allem Volk, das zu Schloß Susan war, Großen und Kleinen, sieben Tage lang im Hofe des Gartens am Hause des Königs.

Und als diese Tage zu Ende gegangen waren, da veranstaltete der König für alles Volk, das in der Burg Susa zugegen war, vom Größten bis zum Kleinsten, ein Gastmahl sieben Tage lang, in dem Gehege des Gartens am königlichen Palaste:

Ester 1:5
Scorsi che furon questi giorni, il re fece un altro convito di sette giorni, nel cortile del giardino del palazzo reale, per tutto il popolo che si trovava a Susa, la residenza reale dal più grande al più piccolo.

E in capo di que’ giorni, il re fece un altro convito, per sette giorni, nel cortile dell’orto del palazzo reale, a tutto il popolo che si ritrovò in Susan, stanza reale, dal maggiore al minore.

Setelah genaplah segala hari itu maka diperbuat baginda suatu perjamuan pula akan segala orang yang terdapat di dalam kota Susan, baik besar baik kecil, tujuh hari lamanya, di dalam penghadapan taman istana baginda.

에스더 1:5
이 날이 다하매 왕이 또 도성 수산 대소 인민을 위하여 왕궁 후원 뜰에서 칠일 동안 잔치를 베풀새

Esther 1:5
cumque implerentur dies convivii invitavit omnem populum qui inventus est Susis a maximo usque ad minimum et septem diebus iussit convivium praeparari in vestibulo horti et nemoris quod regio cultu et manu consitum erat

Esteros knyga 1:5
Po to karalius suruošė septynių dienų puotą visiems sostinės gyventojams Sūzuose, karaliaus rūmų sodo kieme.

Esther 1:5
Na, ka taka aua ra, ka tukua e te kingi he hakari ma te iwi katoa i reira i Huhana, i te whare kingi, ma te rahi, ma te iti, e whitu nga ra, i te marae i te kari te whare o te kingi;

Esters 1:5
Da de dager var til ende, gjorde kongen et gjestebud i syv dager for alt folket som fantes i borgen Susan, både store og små, i forgården til haven ved kongens slott.

Ester 1:5
Cuando se cumplieron estos días, el rey ofreció un banquete de siete días para todo el pueblo que se encontraba en la fortaleza de Susa, desde el mayor hasta el menor, en el atrio del jardín del palacio del rey.

Cuando se cumplieron estos días, el rey ofreció un banquete de siete días para todo el pueblo que se encontraba en la fortaleza de Susa, desde el mayor hasta el menor, en el atrio del jardín del palacio del rey.

Y cumplidos estos días, el rey hizo un banquete por siete días en el patio del huerto del palacio real para todo el pueblo, desde el mayor hasta el menor que se hallaba en Susán capital del reino.

Y cumplidos estos días, hizo el rey banquete por siete días en el patio del huerto del palacio real á todo el pueblo, desde el mayor hasta el menor que se halló en Susán capital del reino.

Y cumplidos estos días, hizo el rey banquete por siete días en el patio del huerto del palacio real a todo el pueblo, desde el mayor hasta el menor que se halló en Susa capital del reino.

Ester 1:5
Passados aqueles dias festivos, o rei deu um outro banquete no pátio do jardim do palácio real durante sete dias a todo povo que estava na cidadela de Susã, e desta vez a festa foi destinada tanto aos ricos quanto aos pobres.

E, acabado aqueles dias, deu o rei um banquete a todo povo que se achava em Susã, a capital, tanto a grandes como a pequenos, por sete dias, no pátio do jardim do palácio real.   

Estera 1:5
După ce au trecut aceste zile, împăratul a dat întregului popor care se afla în capitala Susa, dela cel mai mare pînă la cel mai mic, un ospăţ, care a ţinut şapte zile, în curtea grădinii casei împărăteşti.

Есфирь 1:5
По окончании сих дней, сделал царь для народа своего, находившегося в престольном городе Сузах, от большого до малого, пир семидневный на садовом дворе дома царского.

По окончании сих дней, сделал царь для народа своего, находившегося в престольном городе Сузах, от большого до малого, пир семидневный на садовом дворе дома царского.[]

Ester 1:5
Och när dessa dagar hade gått till ända, gjorde konungen ett sju dagars gästabud för allt det folk som fanns i Susans borg, både stora och små, i den inhägnade trädgård som hörde till konungapalatset.

Esther 1:5
At nang maganap ang mga kaarawang ito, ang hari ay nagdaos ng isang kapistahan sa buong bayan na nangasa Susan na bahay-hari sa mataas at gayon din sa mababa, na pitong araw, sa looban ng halamanan ng bahay ng hari;

เอสเธอร์ 1:5
เมื่อวันเหล่านี้ผ่านพ้นไปแล้ว กษัตริย์ทรงจัดการเลี้ยงแก่บรรดาประชาชนผู้อยู่ในสุสาปราสาท ทั้งผู้ใหญ่ผู้น้อย

Ester 1:5
Bunun ardından, sarayının avlusunda küçük büyük ayırmadan, Sus Kalesinde bulunan bütün halka yedi gün süren bir şölen verdi.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 1:5
Khi các ngày đó đã qua rồi, vua bày đãi hết dân sự đương có ở tại kinh đô Su-sơ, hoặc lớn hay nhỏ, một cuộc yến tiệc bảy ngày, tại nơi hành lang của thượng uyển.

Esther 1:4
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