Ecclesiastes 9:3
Ecclesiastes 9:3
This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead.

It seems so tragic that everyone under the sun suffers the same fate. That is why people are not more careful to be good. Instead, they choose their own mad course, for they have no hope. There is nothing ahead but death anyway.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that the same event happens to all. Also, the hearts of the children of man are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one fate for all men. Furthermore, the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterwards they go to the dead.

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun: there is one fate for everyone. In addition, the hearts of people are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live--after that they go to the dead.

There is a tragedy that infects everything that happens on earth: a common event happens to everyone. In fact, the hearts of human beings are full of evil. Madness remains in their hearts while they live, and afterwards they join the dead.

This is the unfortunate fact about everything that happens on earth: the same fate awaits everyone. In addition to this, the hearts of all people are full of evil, and there is folly in their hearts during their lives--then they die.

This is the tragedy of everything that happens under the sun: Everyone shares the same destiny. Moreover, the hearts of mortals are full of evil. Madness is in their hearts while they are still alive. After that, they join the dead.

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all; and also that the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event to all: yes, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea also, the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men: whereby also the hearts of the children of men are filled with evil, and with contempt while they live, and afterwards they shall be brought down to hell.

This is an evil among all that is done under the sun, that one thing befalleth all: yea, also the heart of the children of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live; and after that, they have to go to the dead.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea also, the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event to all: yes, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one event to all: yes also, the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

This is an evil among all that hath been done under the sun, that one event is to all, and also the heart of the sons of man is full of evil, and madness is in their heart during their life, and after it -- unto the dead.

Predikuesi 9:3
Kjo është një e keqe që bëhet nën diell; të gjithë kanë të njëjtin fat, dhe përveç kësaj zemra e bijve të njerëzve është plot ligësi dhe marrëzia qëndron në zemrën e tyre për deri sa jetojnë; pastaj shkojnë te të vdekurit.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 9:3
هذا اشر كل ما عمل تحت الشمس ان حادثة واحدة للجميع وايضا قلب بني البشر ملآن من الشر والحماقة في قلبهم وهم احياء وبعد ذلك يذهبون الى الاموات.

Dyr Prödiger 9:3
Dös ist y dös Elend in derer Welt, däß allsand dös Gleiche dyrwischt! Drum +seind aau d Leut so boes und löbnd wie Narrn; und auf d Lösst müessnd s eyn de Gruebn einhin.

Еклесиаст 9:3
Това е злото между всичко, което става под слънцето, Че една е участта на всичките, И най-вече, че сърцето на човешките чада е пълно със зло, И лудост е в сърцето им, докато са живи, И че после [слизат] при мъртвите.

傳 道 書 9:3
在 日 光 之 下 所 行 的 一 切 事 上 有 一 件 禍 患 , 就 是 眾 人 所 遭 遇 的 都 是 一 樣 , 並 且 世 人 的 心 充 滿 了 惡 ; 活 著 的 時 候 心 裡 狂 妄 , 後 來 就 歸 死 人 那 裡 去 了 。

在 日 光 之 下 所 行 的 一 切 事 上 有 一 件 祸 患 , 就 是 众 人 所 遭 遇 的 都 是 一 样 , 并 且 世 人 的 心 充 满 了 恶 ; 活 着 的 时 候 心 里 狂 妄 , 後 来 就 归 死 人 那 里 去 了 。



Ecclesiastes 9:3
Najgore je od svega što biva pod suncem ovo: ista je kob svima, ljudsko je srce puno zla, ludost je u srcima ljudi dok žive, a potom se pridružuju mrtvima.

Kazatel 9:3
A toť jest přebídná věc mezi vším tím, což se děje pod sluncem, že případnost jednostejná jest všechněch, ovšem pak že srdce synů lidských plné jest zlého, a že bláznovství přídrží se srdce jejich, pokudž živi jsou, potom pak umírají,

Prædikeren 9:3
Det er det, der er Fejlen ved alt, hvad der sker under Solen, at alle faar en og samme Skæbne; derfor er ogsaa Menneskebørnenes Hjerte fuldt af ondt, og der er Daarskab i deres Hjerte Livet igennem, og til sidst maa de ned til de døde.

Prediker 9:3
Dit is een kwaad onder alles, wat onder de zon geschiedt, dat enerlei ding allen wedervaart, en dat ook het hart der mensenkinderen vol boosheid is, en dat er in hun leven onzinnigheden zijn in hun hart; en daarna moeten zij naar de doden toe.

קהלת 9:3
זֶ֣ה ׀ רָ֗ע בְּכֹ֤ל אֲשֶֽׁר־נַעֲשָׂה֙ תַּ֣חַת הַשֶּׁ֔מֶשׁ כִּֽי־מִקְרֶ֥ה אֶחָ֖ד לַכֹּ֑ל וְגַ֣ם לֵ֣ב בְּֽנֵי־הָ֠אָדָם מָלֵא־רָ֨ע וְהֹולֵלֹ֤ות בִּלְבָבָם֙ בְּחַיֵּיהֶ֔ם וְאַחֲרָ֖יו אֶל־הַמֵּתִֽים׃

ג זה רע בכל אשר נעשה תחת השמש--כי מקרה אחד לכל וגם לב בני האדם מלא רע והוללות בלבבם בחייהם ואחריו אל המתים

זה ׀ רע בכל אשר־נעשה תחת השמש כי־מקרה אחד לכל וגם לב בני־האדם מלא־רע והוללות בלבבם בחייהם ואחריו אל־המתים׃

Prédikátor 9:3
Mert mindezt szívemre vettem, és pedig azért, hogy megvizsgáljam mindezt: hogy az igazak és bölcsek és azoknak minden cselekedetei Isten kezében vannak; szeretet is, gyûlölet is, nem tudják az emberek, mind ez elõttük van.

La predikanto 9:3
CXi tio estas malbona en cxio, kio farigxas sub la suno, ke la sama sorto ekzistas por cxiuj, kaj la koro de la homidoj estas plena de malbono, kaj sensencajxo estas en ilia koro dum ilia vivado, kaj poste ili transiras al la mortintoj.

Se on onnettomuus kaikessa, mitä tapahtuu auringon alla, että kaikilla on sama kohtalo, ja myös se, että ihmislasten sydän on täynnä pahaa ja että mielettömyys on heillä sydämessä heidän elinaikansa; ja senjälkeen - vainajien tykö!

Ecclésiaste 9:3
C'est un mal dans tout ce qui se fait sous le soleil, qu'un même événement arrive à tous; et aussi le coeur des fils des hommes est plein de mal, et la folie est dans leur coeur pendant qu'ils vivent; et après cela ils vont vers les morts.

Ceci est un mal parmi tout ce qui se fait sous le soleil, c'est qu'il y a pour tous un même sort; aussi le coeur des fils de l'homme est-il plein de méchanceté, et la folie est dans leur coeur pendant leur vie; après quoi, ils vont chez les morts. Car, qui est excepté?

C'est ici une chose fâcheuse entre toutes celles qui se font sous le soleil, qu'un même accident arrive à tous, et qu'aussi le cœur des hommes est plein de maux, et que des folies occupent leurs cœurs durant leur vie, et après cela ils vont vers les morts.

Prediger 9:3
Das ist ein böses Ding unter allem, das unter der Sonne geschieht, daß es einem gehet wie dem andern; daher auch das Herz der Menschen voll Arges wird, und Torheit ist in ihrem Herzen, dieweil sie leben; danach müssen sie sterben.

Das ist ein böses Ding unter allem, was unter der Sonne geschieht, daß es einem geht wie dem andern; daher auch das Herz der Menschen voll Arges wird, und Torheit ist in ihrem Herzen, dieweil sie leben; darnach müssen sie sterben.

Das ist ein Übel bei allem, was unter der Sonne geschieht, daß allen einerlei Geschick widerfährt, und so wird auch das Herz der Menschenkinder voll des Bösen, und Tollheit ist in ihrem Herzen ihr Leben lang; darnach aber - geht's zu den Toten.

Ecclesiaste 9:3
Questo è un male fra tutto quello che si fa sotto il sole: che tutti abbiano una medesima sorte; e così il cuore dei figliuoli degli uomini è pieno di malvagità e hanno la follia nel cuore mentre vivono; poi, se ne vanno ai morti.

Quest’è una cosa molesta, fra tutte quelle che si fanno sotto il sole, che un medesimo avvenimento avviene a tutti; ed anche, che mentre i figliuoli degli uomini sono in vita, il cuor loro è pien di male, ed hanno delle follie al cuore; e dopo ciò, vanno a’ morti.

Maka inilah jahat yang besar dari pada segala sesuatu yang jadi di bawah langit, yaitu sama juga untung berlaku atas sekaliannya; tambahan pula hati segala anak Adam penuhlah dengan kejahatan dan seumur hidupnya adalah segala macam sasaran di dalam hatinya, kesudahannya mereka itu sekalian menuju tempat orang mati.

전도서 9:3
모든 사람의 결국이 일반인 그것은 해 아래서 모든 일 중에 악한 것이니 곧 인생의 마음에 악이 가득하여 평생에 미친 마음을 품 다가 후에는 죽은 자에게로 돌아가는 것이라

Ecclesiastes 9:3
hoc est pessimum inter omnia quae sub sole fiunt quia eadem cunctis eveniunt unde et corda filiorum hominum implentur malitia et contemptu in vita sua et post haec ad inferos deducentur

Koheleto knyga 9:3
Tai yra pasaulio blogybė­tas pats likimas visiems. Visų širdys yra pilnos piktybių, ir beprotybė pasilieka žmonių širdyse, kol jie gyvena, o po to­pas mirusiuosius.

Ecclesiastes 9:3
He he tenei i roto i nga mea katoa e meatia ana i raro i te ra, kotahi tonu te mea e pa ana ki te katoa; ko te ngakau ano hoki o nga tama a te tangata ki tonu i te kino; kei roto hoki te haurangi i o ratou ngakau i a ratou e ora ana; a muri iho k a riro ratou ki nga tupapaku.

Predikerens 9:3
Det er en ond ting ved alt det som hender under solen, at det går alle likedan, og så er også menneskenes hjerte fullt av det som ondt er, og det er uforstand i deres hjerte, så lenge de lever, og siden går det avsted til de døde;

Eclesiastés 9:3
Este mal hay en todo lo que se hace bajo el sol: que hay una misma suerte para todos. Además, el corazón de los hijos de los hombres está lleno de maldad y hay locura en su corazón toda su vida. Después se van a los muertos.

Este mal hay en todo lo que se hace bajo el sol: que hay una misma suerte para todos. Además, el corazón de los hijos de los hombres está lleno de maldad y hay locura en su corazón toda su vida. Después se van a los muertos.

Este mal hay entre todo lo que se hace debajo del sol, que todos tengan un mismo suceso, y también que el corazón de los hijos de los hombres esté lleno de mal y de enloquecimiento en su corazón durante su vida; y después, se van a los muertos.

Este mal hay entre todo lo que se hace debajo del sol, que todos tengan un mismo suceso, y también que el corazón de los hijos de los hombres esté lleno de mal, y de enloquecimiento en su corazón durante su vida: y después, á los muertos.

Este mal hay entre todo lo que se hace debajo del sol, que todos tengan un mismo suceso, y también que el corazón de los hijos de los hombres esté lleno de mal, y de enloquecimiento en su corazón durante su vida; y después, a los muertos.

Eclesiastes 9:3
Este é o mal que paira sobre tudo o que se realiza debaixo do sol: todos nós estamos expostos ao mesmo destino. Além de tudo, o coração do ser humano está repleto de malignidade e de insensatez, mal que o acompanha durante toda a vida. Finalmente todo homem se juntará aos mortos.

Este é o mal que há em tudo quanto se faz debaixo do sol: que a todos sucede o mesmo. Também o coração dos filhos dos homens está cheio de maldade; há desvarios no seu coração durante a sua vida, e depois se vão aos mortos.   

Ecclesiast 9:3
Iată cel mai mare rău în tot ce se face supt soare: anume că aceeaş soartă au toţi. De aceea şi este plină inima oamenilor de răutate, şi deaceea este atîta nebunie în inima lor tot timpul cît trăiesc. Şi după aceea? Se duc la cei morţi.

Екклесиаст 9:3
Это-то и худо во всем, что делается под солнцем, что одна участь всем, и сердце сынов человеческих исполнено зла, и безумие в сердце их, в жизни их; а после того они отходят к умершим.

Это-то и худо во всем, что делается под солнцем, что одна участь всем, и сердце сынов человеческих исполнено зла, и безумие в сердце их, в жизни их; а после того они [отходят] к умершим.[]

Predikaren 9:3
Ett elände vid allt som händer under solen är detta, att det går alla lika. Därför äro ock människornas hjärtan fulla med ondska, och oförnuft är i deras hjärtan, så länge de leva; och sedan måste de ned bland de döda.

Ecclesiastes 9:3
Ito'y isang kasamaan sa lahat na nalikha sa ilalim ng araw, na may isang pangyayari sa lahat: oo, gayon din, ang puso ng mga anak ng mga tao ay puspos ng kasamaan, at kaululan ang nasa kanilang puso habang sila'y nangabubuhay, at pagkatapos niyaon ay napatutungo sa pagkamatay.

ปัญญาจารย์ 9:3
นี่แหละเป็นสิ่งสามานย์ที่มีอยู่ในบรรดาการที่บังเกิดขึ้นภายใต้ดวงอาทิตย์ คือว่ามีเหตุการณ์อันเดียวกันที่ตกแก่คนทั้งปวง เออ จิตใจของบุตรทั้งหลายของมนุษย์ก็เต็มไปด้วยความชั่ว และความบ้าบออยู่ในใจของเขาเมื่อมีชีวิตและต่อจากนั้นเขาก็ไปอยู่กับคนตาย

Vaiz 9:3
Güneşin altında yapılan işlerin tümünün kötü yanı şu ki, herkesin başına aynı şey geliyor. Üstelik insanların içi kötülük doludur, yaşadıkları sürece içlerinde delilik vardır. Ardından ölüp gidiyorlar.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 9:3
Tai nạn lớn hơn dưới mặt trời, ấy là mọi người đồng gặp một số phận, lòng loài người đầy dẫy sự hung ác, và sự điên cuồng choán trong lòng họ đương khi sống, rồi họ đi về cùng kẻ chết.

Ecclesiastes 9:2
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