Ecclesiastes 9:2
Ecclesiastes 9:2
All share a common destiny--the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good, so with the sinful; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them.

The same destiny ultimately awaits everyone, whether righteous or wicked, good or bad, ceremonially clean or unclean, religious or irreligious. Good people receive the same treatment as sinners, and people who make promises to God are treated like people who don't.

It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath.

It is the same for all. There is one fate for the righteous and for the wicked; for the good, for the clean and for the unclean; for the man who offers a sacrifice and for the one who does not sacrifice. As the good man is, so is the sinner; as the swearer is, so is the one who is afraid to swear.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

Everything is the same for everyone: there is one fate for the righteous and the wicked, for the good and the bad, for the clean and the unclean, for the one who sacrifices and the one who does not sacrifice. As it is for the good, so it is for the sinner; as for the one who takes an oath, so for the one who fears an oath.

Everyone shares the same experience: a single event affects the righteous, the wicked, the good, the clean, the unclean, whoever sacrifices, and whoever does not sacrifice. As it is with the good person, so also it is with the sinner; as it is with someone who takes an oath, so also it is with someone who fears taking an oath.

Everyone shares the same fate--the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the ceremonially clean and unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. What happens to the good person, also happens to the sinner; what happens to those who make vows, also happens to those who are afraid to make vows.

Everything turns out the same way for everyone. All people will share the same destiny, whether they are righteous, wicked, or good, clean or unclean, whether they offer sacrifices or don't offer sacrifices. Good people are treated like sinners. People who take oaths are treated like those who are afraid to take oaths.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices and to him that does not sacrifice: as unto the good so unto the sinner; and unto him that swears as unto him that fears the oath.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices, and to him that sacrifices not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears an oath.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrifices, and to him that sacrifices not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that swears, as he that fears an oath.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not; as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

But all things are kept uncertain for the time to come, because all things equally happen to the just and to the wicked, to the good and to the evil, to the clean and to the unclean, to him that offereth victims, and to him that despiseth sacrifices. As the good is, so also is the sinner: as the perjured, so he also that sweareth truth.

All things come alike to all: one event to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good, and to the clean, and to the unclean, to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

All things come alike to all. There is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good, to the clean, to the unclean, to him who sacrifices, and to him who doesn't sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; he who takes an oath, as he who fears an oath.

The whole is as to the whole; one event is to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good, and to the clean, and to the unclean, and to him who is sacrificing, and to him who is not sacrificing; as is the good, so is the sinner, he who is swearing as he who is fearing an oath.

Predikuesi 9:2
Çdo gjë u ndodh në mënyrë të njëllojtë të gjithëve: i njëjti fat pret të drejtin dhe të pabesin, të mirin, të pastrin dhe të papastrin, atë që ofron flijime dhe atë që nuk i ofron. Si i miri është edhe mëkatari, dhe ai që betohet si ai që ka frikë të betohet.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 9:2
الكل على ما للكل. حادثة واحدة للصديق وللشرير للصالح وللطاهر وللنجس. للذابح وللذي لا يذبح. كالصالح الخاطئ. الحالف كالذي يخاف الحلف.

Dyr Prödiger 9:2
Es trifft aynn Iedn gleich, önn Rechtförtignen wie önn Gotloosn, önn Guetn und Rainen wie önn Unrainen, ob ains opfert older nity. Yn n Guetn geet s netty yso wie yn n Sünder, older ob ietz ainer leichtsinnig schwört older si Sünddn färcht.

Еклесиаст 9:2
Всичко постига всичките еднакво; Една е участта на праведния и на нечестивия, На добрия и на нечестивия, на чистия и на нечистия, На онзи, който жертвува, и на онзи, който не жертвува; Както е добрият, така е и грешният, И оня, който се кълне, както оня, който се бои да се кълне.

傳 道 書 9:2
凡 臨 到 眾 人 的 事 都 是 一 樣 : 義 人 和 惡 人 都 遭 遇 一 樣 的 事 ; 好 人 , 潔 淨 人 和 不 潔 淨 人 , 獻 祭 的 與 不 獻 祭 的 , 也 是 一 樣 。 好 人 如 何 , 罪 人 也 如 何 ; 起 誓 的 如 何 , 怕 起 誓 的 也 如 何 。

凡 临 到 众 人 的 事 都 是 一 样 : 义 人 和 恶 人 都 遭 遇 一 样 的 事 ; 好 人 , 洁 净 人 和 不 洁 净 人 , 献 祭 的 与 不 献 祭 的 , 也 是 一 样 。 好 人 如 何 , 罪 人 也 如 何 ; 起 誓 的 如 何 , 怕 起 誓 的 也 如 何 。



Ecclesiastes 9:2
Svima je ista kob, pravednomu kao i opakom, čistomu i nečistomu, onomu koji žrtvuje kao i onomu koji ne žrtvuje; jednako dobru kao i grešniku, onomu koji se zaklinje kao i onomu koji se boji zakletve.

Kazatel 9:2
Všecko se děje jednostejně při všech; jedna a táž případnost jest spravedlivého jako bezbožného, dobrého a čistého jako nečistého, obětujícího jako toho, kterýž neobětuje, tak dobrého jako hříšníka, přisahajícího jako toho, kterýž se přísahy bojí.

Prædikeren 9:2
Thi alle faar en og samme Skæbne, retfærdig og gudløs, god og ond, ren og uren, den, som ofrer, og den, som ikke ofrer; det gaar den gode som Synderen, den sværgende som den, der skyr at sværge.

Prediker 9:2
Alle ding wedervaart hun, gelijk aan alle anderen; enerlei wedervaart den rechtvaardige en den goddeloze, den goede en den reine, als den onreine; zo dien, die offert, als dien, die niet offert; gelijk den goede, alzo ook den zondaar, dien, die zweert, gelijk dien, die den eed vreest.

קהלת 9:2
הַכֹּ֞ל כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר לַכֹּ֗ל מִקְרֶ֨ה אֶחָ֜ד לַצַּדִּ֤יק וְלָרָשָׁע֙ לַטֹּוב֙ וְלַטָּהֹ֣ור וְלַטָּמֵ֔א וְלַזֹּבֵ֔חַ וְלַאֲשֶׁ֖ר אֵינֶ֣נּוּ זֹבֵ֑חַ כַּטֹּוב֙ כַּֽחֹטֶ֔א הַנִּשְׁבָּ֕ע כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר שְׁבוּעָ֥ה יָרֵֽא׃

ב הכל כאשר לכל מקרה אחד לצדיק ולרשע לטוב ולטהור ולטמא ולזבח ולאשר איננו זבח  כטוב כחטא--הנשבע כאשר שבועה ירא

הכל כאשר לכל מקרה אחד לצדיק ולרשע לטוב ולטהור ולטמא ולזבח ולאשר איננו זבח כטוב כחטא הנשבע כאשר שבועה ירא׃

Prédikátor 9:2
Akkor eszembe vevém az Istennek minden dolgát, hogy az ember nem mehet végére a dolognak, a mely a nap alatt történik; mert fáradozik az ember, hogy annak végére menjen, de nem mehet végére: sõt ha azt mondja is a bölcs ember, hogy tudja, nem mehet végére.

La predikanto 9:2
Al cxiuj estas la sama sorto:al la virtulo kaj al la malvirtulo, al la bona kaj pura kaj al la malpura, al la oferfaranto kaj al tiu, kiu ne oferfaras, al la bonulo kaj al la pekulo, al la jxuranto kaj al tiu, kiu timas jxuron.

Kaikkea voi tapahtua kaikille. Sama kohtalo on vanhurskaalla ja jumalattomalla, hyvällä, puhtaalla ja saastaisella, uhraajalla ja uhraamattomalla; hyvän käy niinkuin syntisenkin, vannojan niinkuin valaa pelkäävänkin.

Ecclésiaste 9:2
Tout arrive également à tous: un même événement au juste et au méchant, au bon et au pur, et à l'impur, à celui qui sacrifie et à celui qui ne sacrifie pas; comme l'homme de bien, ainsi le pécheur; celui qui jure, comme celui qui craint le serment.

Tout arrive également à tous; même sort pour le juste et pour le méchant, pour celui qui est bon et pur et pour celui qui est impur, pour celui qui sacrifie et pour celui qui ne sacrifie pas; il en est du bon comme du pécheur, de celui qui jure comme de celui qui craint de jurer.

Tout arrive également à tous; un même accident arrive au juste et au méchant; au bon, au net, et au souillé; à celui qui sacrifie, et à celui qui ne sacrifie point; le pécheur est comme l'homme de bien; celui qui jure, comme celui qui craint de jurer.

Prediger 9:2
Es begegnet einem wie dem andern, dem Gerechten wie dem Gottlosen, dem Guten und Reinen wie dem Unreinen, dem der opfert, wie dem, der nicht opfert. Wie es dem Guten gehet, so gehet es auch dem Sünder. Wie es dem Meineidigen gehet, so gehet es auch dem, der den Eid fürchtet.

Es begegnet dasselbe einem wie dem andern: dem Gerechten wie dem Gottlosen, dem Guten und Reinen wie dem Unreinen, dem, der opfert, wie dem, der nicht opfert; wie es dem Guten geht, so geht's auch dem Sünder; wie es dem, der schwört, geht, so geht's auch dem, der den Eid fürchtet.

Alles kann allen begegnen: einerlei Geschick widerfährt dem Frommen und dem Gottlosen, dem Guten und Reinen und dem Unreinen, dem Opfernden und dem, der nicht opfert; wie der Gute, so der Sünder, der Schwörende, wie wer den Schwur scheut.

Ecclesiaste 9:2
Tutto succede ugualmente a tutti; la medesima sorte attende il giusto e l’empio, il buono e puro e l’impuro, chi offre sacrifizi e chi non li offre; tanto è il buono quanto il peccatore, tanto è colui che giura quanto chi teme di giurare.

Tutte le cose avvengono simigliantemente a tutti; un medesimo avvenimento avviene al giusto, ed all’empio; al buono e puro, ed all’immondo; a chi sacrifica, ed a chi non sacrifica; quale è il buono, tale è il peccatore; tal chi giura, qual chi teme di giurare.

Segala perkara berlaku atas orang sekalian dengan sama perinya! Sama juga untung berlaku atas orang yang benar dan orang yang jahat, atas orang yang suci dan orang yang najis, atas orang yang mempersembahkan korban dan yang tiada mempersembahkan korban; sebagaimana orang yang baik, begitulah orang yang berdosa; seperti orang yang bersumpah, begitulah orang yang takut akan bersumpah.

전도서 9:2
모든 사람에게 임하는 모든 것이 일반이라 의인과 악인이며 선하고 깨끗한 자와 깨끗지 않은 자며 제사를 드리는 자와 제사를 드리지 아니하는 자의 결국이 일반이니 선인과 죄인이며 맹세하는 자와 맹세하기를 무서워하는 자가 일반이로다

Ecclesiastes 9:2
sed omnia in futuro servantur incerta eo quod universa aeque eveniant iusto et impio bono et malo mundo et inmundo immolanti victimas et sacrificia contemnenti sicut bonus sic et peccator ut periurus ita et ille qui verum deierat

Koheleto knyga 9:2
Visiems yra vienodas likimas: teisiajam ir nedorėliui, geram ir blogam, švariam ir nešvariam, aukojančiam aukas ir neaukojančiam, doram ir nusidėjėliui, prisiekiančiam ir nedrįstančiam prisiekti.

Ecclesiastes 9:2
He rite tonu te panga mai o nga mea katoa ki nga tangata katoa; kotahi tonu te mea e pa ana ki te tangata tika, ki te tangata kino; ki te pai, ki te ma, ki te poke; ki te tangata i te patunga tapu, ki te tangata kahore nei ana patunga tapu: ko te tangata pai rite tonu ki te tangata hara, ko te tangata e oati ana, ki te tangata e wehi ana i te oati.

Predikerens 9:2
Det går dem* i alt likesom alle andre; det samme hender den rettferdige og den ugudelige, den gode og rene og den urene, den som ofrer og den som ikke ofrer; den gode går det som synderen, den som sverger, går det som den som er redd for å sverge.

Eclesiastés 9:2
A todos les sucede lo mismo: Hay una misma suerte para el justo y para el impío; para el bueno, para el limpio y para el inmundo; para el que ofrece sacrificio y para el que no sacrifica. Como el bueno, así es el pecador; como el que jura, así es el que teme jurar.

A todos les sucede lo mismo: Hay una misma suerte para el justo y para el impío; Para el bueno, para el limpio y para el inmundo; Para el que ofrece sacrificio y para el que no sacrifica. Como el bueno, así es el pecador; Como el que jura, así es el que teme jurar.

Todo acontece de la misma manera a todos; un mismo suceso acontece al justo y al impío; al bueno, al limpio y al no limpio; al que sacrifica, y al que no sacrifica; como el bueno, así el que peca; el que jura, como el que teme el juramento.

Todo acontece de la misma manera á todos: un mismo suceso ocurre al justo y al impío; al bueno y al limpio y al no limpio; al que sacrifica, y al que no sacrifica: como el bueno, así el que peca; el que jura, como el que teme el juramento.

Todo acontece de la misma manera a todos; un mismo suceso tiene el justo y el impío; el bueno y el limpio y el no limpio; el que sacrifica, y el que no sacrifica; como el bueno, así el que peca; el que jura, como el que teme el juramento.

Eclesiastes 9:2
Assim, todos caminham rumo a um mesmo destino, tanto o justo quanto o ímpio, o bom e o mau, o puro e o impuro, o que consagra sacrifícios e louvores e o que não os oferece. O que acontece com o homem bom, ocorre também ao pecador; e o que faz juramentos passa pelas mesmas circunstâncias que aquele que evita jurar.

Tudo sucede igualmente a todos: o mesmo sucede ao justo e ao ímpio, ao bom e ao mau, ao puro e ao impuro; assim ao que sacrifica como ao que não sacrifica; assim ao bom como ao pecador; ao que jura como ao que teme o juramento.   

Ecclesiast 9:2
Tuturor li se întîmplă toate deopotrivă: aceeaş soartă are cel neprihănit şi cel rău, cel bun şi curat ca şi cel necurat, cel ce aduce jertfă, ca şi cel ce n'aduce jertfă; cel bun ca şi cel păcătos, cel ce jură ca şi cel ce se teme să jure!

Екклесиаст 9:2
Всему и всем – одно: одна участь праведнику и нечестивому, доброму и злому , чистому и нечистому, приносящему жертву и не приносящему жертвы; как добродетельному, так и грешнику; как клянущемуся, так и боящемуся клятвы.

Всему и всем--одно: одна участь праведнику и нечестивому, доброму и [злому], чистому и нечистому, приносящему жертву и не приносящему жертвы; как добродетельному, так и грешнику; как клянущемуся, так и боящемуся клятвы.[]

Predikaren 9:2
Ja, allt kan vederfaras alla; det går den rättfärdige såsom den ogudaktige, den gode och rene såsom den orene, den som offrar såsom den vilken icke offrar; den gode räknas lika med syndaren, den som svär bliver lik den som har försyn för att svärja.

Ecclesiastes 9:2
Lahat ng mga bagay ay nagsisidating na parapara sa lahat: may isang pangyayari sa matuwid at sa masama; sa mabuti, at sa malinis, at sa marumi; sa kaniyang naghahain at sa kaniyang hindi naghahain: kung paano ang mabuti, gayon ang makasalanan; at ang sumusumpa, gaya ng natatakot sa sumpa.

ปัญญาจารย์ 9:2
สิ่งสารพัดตกแก่คนทั้งปวงเหมือนกันหมด คือเหตุการณ์อันเดียวกันตกแก่คนชอบธรรมและคนชั่ว ตกแก่คนดี ตกแก่คนสะอาดและคนที่มีมลทิน ตกแก่ผู้ที่ถวายสัตวบูชา และแก่ผู้ที่ไม่ถวายสัตวบูชา ตกแก่คนดีอย่างไรก็ตกแก่คนบาปอย่างนั้น ตกแก่คนปฏิญาณอย่างไรก็ตกแก่คนไม่กล้าปฏิญาณอย่างนั้น

Vaiz 9:2
Herkesin başına aynı şey geliyor. Doğrunun, iyinin, kötünün, temizin, kirlinin, kurban sunanla sunmayanın başına gelen şey aynı. İyi insana ne oluyorsa, günahlıya da oluyor;
Ant içene ne oluyorsa, ant içmekten korkana da aynısı oluyor.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 9:2
Mọi sự xảy đến cho mọi người như nhau: người công bình hay là kẻ hung ác, người hiền lành, thanh sạch, người dâng của tế lễ hay là người không dâng, người thiện hay là kẻ có tội, kẻ phát thề hay là người sợ lời thề, cả thảy đều đồng hưởng một số phận.

Ecclesiastes 9:1
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