Ecclesiastes 5:19
Ecclesiastes 5:19
Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil--this is a gift of God.

And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--this is indeed a gift from God.

Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil—this is the gift of God.

Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.

God has also given riches and wealth to every man, and He has allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labor. This is a gift of God,

Furthermore, for every person to whom God has given wealth, riches, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept this allotment, and to rejoice in his work—this is a gift from God.

To every man whom God has given wealth, and possessions, he has also given him the ability to eat from them, to receive his reward and to find enjoyment in his toil; these things are the gift of God.

It is a gift from God when God gives some people wealth and possessions, the power to enjoy them, [the ability] to accept their lot in life, and [the ability] to rejoice in their own hard work.

Likewise, unto every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, he has also given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it, and to accept his lot, and to rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor-this is the gift of God.

And every man to whom God hath given riches, and substance, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to enjoy his portion, and to rejoice of his labour: this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and power to eat thereof, and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour: that is a gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat of it, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor--this is the gift of God.

Every man also to whom God hath given wealth and riches, and hath given him power to eat of it, and to accept his portion, and to rejoice in his labour, this is a gift of God.

Predikuesi 5:19
Çdo njeriu të cilit Perëndia i jep pasuri dhe të mira dhe të cilit i jep gjithashtu mundësinë t'i gëzojë ato, të marrë pjesën e vet dhe të gëzojë mundin e tij, kjo është një dhuratë e Perëndisë.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 5:19
ايضا كل انسان اعطاه الله غنى ومالا وسلّطه عليه حتى ياكل منه وياخذ نصيبه ويفرح بتعبه فهذا هو عطية الله.

Dyr Prödiger 5:19
Dyr Herrgot gibt yn n Menschn Reichtuem und Bsiz und laasst n dös gniessn. Er laasst iem seinn Tail zuekemmen und sein Arecht mit Freud tuen; ja, dös ist ayn Gotsgaab.

Еклесиаст 5:19
И на който човек е дал Бог богатство и имот, И му е дал власт да яде от тях, И да взема дяла си, и да се весели с труда си,- Това е дар от Бога.

傳 道 書 5:19
  神 賜 人 資 財 豐 富 , 使 他 能 以 吃 用 , 能 取 自 己 的 分 , 在 他 勞 碌 中 喜 樂 , 這 乃 是   神 的 恩 賜 。

  神 赐 人 资 财 丰 富 , 使 他 能 以 吃 用 , 能 取 自 己 的 分 , 在 他 劳 碌 中 喜 乐 , 这 乃 是   神 的 恩 赐 。



Ecclesiastes 5:19
Pa ako je čovjeku Bog dao bogatstvo i imanje da ih uživa i bude zadovoljan svojim djelom - i to je dar od Boga.

Kazatel 5:19
A že kterémukoli člověku dal Bůh bohatství a zboží, a dopustil, aby užíval jich, a bral díl svůj, a veselil se z práce své, to jest dar Boží.

Prædikeren 5:19
og hver Gang Gud giver et Menneske Rigdom og Gods og sætter ham i Stand til at nyde det, og tage sin Del og glæde sig under sin Flid, da er det en Guds Gave;

Prediker 5:19
Want hij zal niet veel gedenken aan de dagen zijns levens, dewijl hem God hem verhoort in de blijdschap zijns harten.

קהלת 5:19
גַּ֣ם כָּֽל־הָאָדָ֡ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר נָֽתַן־לֹ֣ו הָאֱלֹהִים֩ עֹ֨שֶׁר וּנְכָסִ֜ים וְהִשְׁלִיטֹ֨ו לֶאֱכֹ֤ל מִמֶּ֙נּוּ֙ וְלָשֵׂ֣את אֶת־חֶלְקֹ֔ו וְלִשְׂמֹ֖חַ בַּעֲמָלֹ֑ו זֹ֕ה מַתַּ֥ת אֱלֹהִ֖ים הִֽיא׃

יח גם כל האדם אשר נתן לו האלהים עשר ונכסים והשליטו לאכל ממנו ולשאת את חלקו ולשמח בעמלו--זה מתת אלהים היא

גם כל־האדם אשר נתן־לו האלהים עשר ונכסים והשליטו לאכל ממנו ולשאת את־חלקו ולשמח בעמלו זה מתת אלהים היא׃

Prédikátor 5:19
És a mely embernek adott Isten gazdagságot és kincseket, és a kinek megengedte, hogy egyék abból és az õ részét elvegye, és örvendezzen az õ munkájának: ez az Istennek ajándéka!

La predikanto 5:19
Kaj se al iu homo Dio donis ricxecon kaj havon, kaj donis al li la povon konsumi ilin kaj preni sian parton kaj gxui plezuron de siaj laboroj, cxi tio estas dono de Dio.

Sekin on Jumalan lahja, jos Jumala kenelle ihmiselle antaa rikkautta ja tavaraa ja sallii hänen syödä siitä ja saada osansa ja iloita vaivannäkönsä ohessa.

Ecclésiaste 5:19
Et encore tout homme auquel Dieu donne de la richesse et des biens, et le pouvoir d'en manger et d'en prendre sa part, et de se réjouir en son travail,... c'est là un don de Dieu;

Mais, si Dieu a donné à un homme des richesses et des biens, s'il l'a rendu maître d'en manger, d'en prendre sa part, et de se réjouir au milieu de son travail, c'est là un don de Dieu.

Aussi ce que Dieu donne de richesses et de biens à un homme, quel qu'il soit, [et] dont il le fait maître, pour en manger, et pour en prendre sa part, et pour se réjouir de son travail, c'est là un don de Dieu.

Prediger 5:19
Denn welchem Menschen Gott Reichtum und Güter und Gewalt gibt, daß er davon isset und trinket für sein Teil und fröhlich ist in seiner Arbeit, das ist eine Gottesgabe.

Denn welchem Menschen Gott Reichtum und Güter gibt und die Gewalt, daß er davon ißt und trinkt für sein Teil und fröhlich ist in seiner Arbeit, das ist eine Gottesgabe.

Auch wenn Gott irgend einem Menschen Reichtum und Schätze verliehen und in stand gesetzt hat, davon zu genießen und sein Teil dahinzunehmen, und sich an seiner Arbeit zu erfreuen: das ist eine Gabe Gottes.

Ecclesiaste 5:19
E ancora se Dio ha dato a un uomo delle ricchezze e dei tesori, e gli ha dato potere di goderne, di prenderne la sua parte e di gioire della sua fatica, è questo un dono di Dio;

Ed anche quando Iddio, avendo date a chi che sia ricchezze e facoltà, gli dà ancora il potere di mangiarne, e di prenderne la sua parte, e di rallegrarsi della sua fatica: ciò è un dono di Dio.

Demikianpun barangsiapa yang dikaruniai Allah dengan kekayaan dan banyak harta, jikalau dianugerahkannya lagi kepadanya kuasa akan makan dari padanya, dan akan mengambil bahagiannya, dan akan menyukakan dirinya dengan usahanya, maka ia itu lagi suatu karunia Allah adanya.

전도서 5:19
저는 그 생명의 날을 깊이 관념치 아니하리니 이는 하나님이 저의 마음의 기뻐하는 것으로 응하심이라

Ecclesiastes 5:19
(5-18) et omni homini cui dedit Deus divitias atque substantiam potestatemque ei tribuit ut comedat ex eis et fruatur parte sua et laetetur de labore suo hoc est donum Dei

Koheleto knyga 5:19
Kiekvienam žmogui, kuriam Dievas suteikė turto ir lobių ir leido jam valgyti, imti savo dalį ir džiaugtis savo darbu, tai yra Dievo dovana.

Ecclesiastes 5:19
Ko nga tangata katoa hoki i homai ai e te Atua he taonga, he rawa, i tukua mai ai ki a ratou te tikanga mo te kai i tetahi wahi o aua mea, mo te tango i te wahi ma ratou, a kia koa ratou i to ratou mauiui; he mea homai tenei na te Atua.

Predikerens 5:19
Og når Gud gir et menneske rikdom og skatter og setter ham i stand til å nyte godt av det og ta det som blir ham til del, og glede sig i sitt strev, så er det en Guds gave;

Eclesiastés 5:19
Igualmente, a todo hombre a quien Dios ha dado riquezas y bienes, lo ha capacitado también para comer de ellos, para recibir su recompensa y regocijarse en su trabajo: esto es don de Dios.

Igualmente, a todo hombre a quien Dios ha dado riquezas y bienes, lo ha capacitado también para comer de ellos, para recibir su recompensa y regocijarse en su trabajo: esto es don de Dios.

Igualmente, a todo hombre a quien Dios le da riquezas y bienes, y le da también facultad para que coma de ellos y tome su porción y goce de su trabajo. Esto es don de Dios.

Asimismo, á todo hombre á quien Dios dió riquezas y hacienda, y le dió también facultad para que coma de ellas, y tome su parte, y goce su trabajo; esto es don de Dios.

Asimismo, a todo hombre a quien Dios dio riquezas y hacienda, también le dio facultad para que coma de ellas, y tome su parte, y goce su trabajo; esto es don de Dios.

Eclesiastes 5:19
Todo homem a quem Deus concede riquezas e recursos que o tornam capaz de sustentar-se, de receber a sua porção e desfrutar das recompensas do seu trabalho, isso é presente de Deus.

E quanto ao homem a quem Deus deu riquezas e bens, e poder para desfrutá-los, receber o seu quinhão, e se regozijar no seu trabalho, isso é dom de Deus.   

Ecclesiast 5:19
Dar dacă a dat Dumnezeu cuiva avere şi bogăţii, şi i -a îngăduit să mănînce din ele, să-şi ia partea lui din ele, şi să se bucure în mijlocul muncii lui, acesta este un dar dela Dumnezeu.

Екклесиаст 5:19
(5:18) И если какому человеку Бог дал богатство и имущество, и дал ему власть пользоваться от них и брать свою долю и наслаждаться от трудов своих, то это дар Божий.

(5-18) И если какому человеку Бог дал богатство и имущество, и дал ему власть пользоваться от них и брать свою долю и наслаждаться от трудов своих, то это дар Божий.[]

Predikaren 5:19
Och om Gud åt någon har givit rikedom och skatter, och därtill förunnat honom makt att njuta härav och att göra sig till godo sin del och att vara glad under sin möda, så är också detta en Guds gåva.

Ecclesiastes 5:19
Bawa't tao rin naman na binigyan ng Dios ng mga kayamanan at mga pag-aari, at binigyan ng kapangyarihan na kumain niyaon, at kumuha ng kaniyang bahagi, at magalak sa kaniyang gawa, ito'y kaloob ng Dios.

ปัญญาจารย์ 5:19
อนึ่งทุกๆคนที่พระเจ้าทรงประทานทรัพย์สมบัติและความมั่งคั่งให้ ก็ได้ทรงโปรดให้มีอำนาจรับประทานของเหล่านั้น ได้รับส่วนของตน และยินดีปรีดาในการงานของตนได้ นี่แหละเป็นของประทานจากพระเจ้า

Vaiz 5:19
Üstelik Tanrı bir insana mal mülk veriyor, onu yemesi, ödülünü alması, yaptığı işten mutluluk duyması için ona güç veriyorsa, bu bir Tanrı armağanıdır.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 5:19
Hễ Ðức Chúa Trời ban cho người nào giàu có, của cải, làm cho người có thế ăn lấy, nhận lãnh kỷ phần, và vui vẻ trong công lao của mình, ấy là một sự ban cho của Ðức Chúa Trời;

Ecclesiastes 5:18
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